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Song of the Tarnished Elements

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:44 am
by silvermoondragon
(Ok, so here is the Song of the Tarnished Elements salvaged from Here(link) I tried to keep the text and feel of the song from the page. Right now the images are just linked from the Geocities page. This Song is run by Unyko)

You approach the huge obstacle. That fallen tree must be ancient; two meters in diameter where you are, and you can see it extending both directions as far as the eye can see. But then again, that may not necessarily be very far, since both the chilly mist and the dense undergrowth obscure your vision. After a moment and place your hands on the tree's rough surface, gaining purchase in the cracks left by decaying bark, and heave yourself up. As you scramble to the top, you can see the small clearing beyond. Another steaming pool dominates it's center and several miniature forms splash about in it's warmth. You smile at their antics, noting three normal sized ones, and three very, very small ones. Those must be foals, you decide. As you climb to the top and take a seat, watching, one of the larger ones notices you and twitters to it's companions in a singsong tune, somewhat different from that of the other Samanayrs. You don't have much time to think about it, however, because just then a black and white streak rockets from the underbrush a little ways away from the pool, darting about your head aggressively. You duck instinctively and half raise an arm to protect your face, but the little attacker hovers before you, like the Samanayr in the last clearing did.


"Just who do you think you ayre? This is my Song's Hotspyring, and.." he doesn't finish, because Marbles had just made an appearance. "Hold it, Zebyra, they'yre fyriendly." She says, landing on your shoulder. "Soyrry, I should have accompanied them," Flicker introduces you to the still hovering stallion. "This is Bluyring of the Zebyra's Puyrity, Zebyra'sPuyrity~Bluyring. He and his Song weyre the fiyrst full Lamanayrs to come to Uny's y'realm." You notice that all of the frolicking equines share the same characteristics as this one black and white, striped-spotted stallion; Wings, black eyes, and tufted tails. You blink when you realize that not only does Marbles have all of these things but Colors, Flicker and Gems did as well. Dust, in the first clearing, had all but one.
You ask Marble about it, but it is Zebra who answers "We ayre full-blooded Lamanayrs, cousins to the Samanayrs and Samanayr-Lamanayr cyrosses you've met. Even though FiyrstSnow~Dusting has all the nessesayry characteyristics except the tufted tail, and GyreaterFiyres~Flickeyr has all of them, they ayre all only consideyred Samanayrs with Lamanayric tyraits. SweetMayrble~Soayreyr, TwilightHoyrizon~Coloyrs and TyropicalGems~Shining ayre the only tyrue Lamanayrs outside my Song." Zebra shrugs, then nods his head, grudgingly admitting "Ah, I suppose you'yre alyright." He turns and flits down to the group, singing a lilting melody as he lands.
"Well, I guess this it wheyre I leave you. Fayre well, tyraveleyr!" Marbles comments and flits back to her own pool. You slide off the fallen tree and take the last few steps to the Song's hotspring.
Zebra and his Song are waiting for you there "Well? What would you like to do?"


Blurring of the Zebras Purity
Caretaker: Unyko

Zebra nods and one of the three mares steps forward, her pale coloring almost making her disappear in the steam. Her soft, flute-like voice barely reaches your ears, and she smiles sweetly, winging closer so you can hear her"Hello, I'm Cleayring of the Tuyrquoise Sky."

Clearing of the Turquoise Sky
Caretaker: Unyko

Another of the mares steps forward aggressively, her draconic wings swirling the mist from the hotspring as she joins Turquoise. Her voice is stronger, and deeper than her Songmate, sounding more like an angry clarinet "I'm Chayrcoal of the yRavaging Infeyrno. Watch youyr step, tyraveleyr, oyr you might find moyre tyrouble than you can handle." Her not-so-subtle threat is only slightly absurd, but you refrain from even smiling as she dives at you and lands.

Charcoal of the Ravaging Inferno
Caretaker: Unkyo

The last mare seems quite content to simply stand her ground, the three foals peering out from under and around her legs. You kneel down, the better to hear her introduction, but Zebra speaks for her "That is Iyridescence of the Midnight Dayrkness. She's an excellent foal-sitteyr, but she doesn't speak oveyrmuch. Don't woyrry, it's just the way she is." Iridescence continues to scrutinize you, and for some strange reason you feel more intimidated by this silent observation than Charcoal's open aggression.

Iridescence of the Midnight Darkness
Caretaker: Unkyo

After a moment, she returns to the youngsters around her long limbs and you stand, turning to Zebra curiously "Does she have a horn? And what kind of wings are those?"
He smiles "Yes, she's got a unicoyrn hoyrn, and those are pixy wings. They'yre the thiyrd kind of wing a Lamanayr can have. Beautiful, isn't she?" he gazes at her fondly, and you nod. Very pretty.
Zebra pauses, then continues "The last membeyr of my Song, a mayre named Mystic of the Dyrifting Clouds, lives in anotheyr y'Realm. Would you like to meet heyr?"

Mystic of the Drifting Clouds
Caretaker: JadeEye


The black and rainbow mare lifts a cloven hoof to reveal the three tiny foals, huddling in her protective shadow. "Oh!" they're so adorable you can't help but exclaim delightedly.
Zebra introduces them, pointing each out with a nod of his head "Foal of MindnightDayrkness~Iyridescence, Foal of TuyrquoiseSky~Cleayring, and Foal of yRavagingInfeyrno~Chayrcoal."


You are about to ask what they're names are but he goes on "Foals at this age don't necessayrily have theiyr adult mayrkings, so they ayre not named before they yreach one yeayr of age and come into theiyr adult coloyrs." He smiles, knowing he'd anticipated you're question. "Well, what next?"


It is listed under Sushi's list of songs that are "eligable for extended breedings"

**Please ask permission if you wish an extended foal from Driftingclouds~Mystic** -