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Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event! [ENDED]

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:21 pm
by RikkuGirl
***BEWARE! THIS EVENT IS READING AND WRITING INTENSIVE! You do not have to be a great writer to join in, just creative!***

Waltz has a big imagination and through her mini adventures she finds herself getting lost and scared all the time! That on top of her horrible memory leads her to become completely oblivious all together! Wild adventures always await her! Even now during the chilly holidays. Just the other day Waltz went on an adventure into the woods and found herself lost but she has issues remembering the whole story… Now is your time to help fill in some blanks!

Below is her story and she needs some help remembering what happened!

Event starts NOW! Ends Dec. 12th at 12:00 pm EST (9:00 am PST)(That’s the end of my birthday vacation!! :D)

1.Please read the whole story FIRST before you insert your additions. This helps you to think first and helps it to “fit in” to the story! :D
2.Please keep your entries semi short. (1 sentence min or 2 paragraph max *If you go over 2 because you are putting in describing detail that is fine*
3.Please don’t lead the story elsewhere. Describe what is asked to help keep the story on target.
4. One entry per person! Please post your entry on this thread or in the PI thread NOT BOTH
5.You may post the entire story with your additions in it OR just your additions alone. It is your choice though I would prefer you just post your additions since it will save space. If you are posting just the additions to PLEASE put the corresponding number so I know where it fits in :)
6.Have fun! Be creative and go nuts! I tell you what should be in the space…you make it come to life! Imagine and have fun! Don’t be scared to make a scary bologna sandwich behind the bush! Or the lights are glow bugs in a jar around the neck of a duck on stilts who has razor sharp fangs and a wolfs tail! :D
7.Please wait to read others entries AFTER you have posted your own. I do not mind if ideas and entries are similar… just not exact! Once you have finished your story and (if you chose to) read the others, you CAN edit your post to change your story away from another’s if you feel yours is too similar.
8. You may answer any or all of the prompts! I SUGGEST answering them all because its just fun along with it will give you more of a chance of winning a prize!
9.Please have all edits done before the ending date listed above.

This will be judged based mainly on Creativity, Hilarity and Spookiness.

Prizes:No one will win more than one prize to help let more people win something. Prizes are to be announced but I can promise you they are worth the time to write a little ;) ONE PRIZE WILL BE RANDOMLY GIVEN TO ANYONE WHO POSTS AN ENTRY

Now on to the story!

Waltz had enough. She was tired, cranky and of course…hungry. With those factors in mind she plopped down in the snow, her posterior wings making small snow angels. Her face showed a classic annoyed expression and her nose snorted in agreement. A tiny expression crossed her face, emerging slowly into existence, a smirk. She was smirking. What about this dark, snow ridden forest was worth smirking at? Fate would have it, it was…

1. (What caused Waltz to smirk? What did she see, find, smell, etc.? She can move around but needs to stay in the general area.)

After dealing with her find Waltz decided to try and find her way to where she was going, Something which she conveniently forgot already. Slowly plodding along, Waltz made her way past tree after tree. Before long she started to feel this odd feeling, as if someone was watching her. Peering over her shoulder she sees lights, brightly colored lights (red, green, yellow are just a few of the colors) that shine dimly. “What ayre you?” She called out to the lights, scared they could be attached to a big monster …

2. (Please Describe the SCARY monster those lights could be attached to. This is Waltz’s imagination so please go nuts with a scary and seemingly glowy monster!! *It does not have to be a sam, it can be anything!* )

Such a monster indeed! Waltz got shivers just thinking about it, in such detail too! “I need to stop tyricking myself” She mumbled, assuming the lights are in her very likely imagination. So she turned forward once more and continued to walk, ignoring the now MOVING lights behind her. A shiver went past her wings and up to her head. Boy was it cold… and dark…. And SCARY! Waltz swallowed hard as she stopped abruptly. The moons rays fell through the trees which swayed as the wind howled through their trunks; making an eerie backdrop. Suddenly she heard a twig crack! She knows she did! To her right! What is over there?! Waltz brain starts to imagine again! Maybe its not a monster… maybe its something funny, maybe it’s her brain trying to lighten the stress on her small and simple mind, brains are funny like that. Waltz walked to her right, imagining the funny thing that had cracked a twig behind a bush…

3. (Describe the funny THING that Waltz imagines behind the bush. Be as creative as you’d like! It’s her imagination ;D *It does not have to be a sam, it can be anything!* Example: She IMAGINED peering over the bush to find a robot trying to open a pistachio?!)

With a giggle and a snort Waltz dismissed her hilarious thought, it was nice to laugh. Since she was so scared, that laugh was just what she needed to see what was behind that bush for real. Poking her head, quite courageously, through the bush she came face to face with a large antlered mare. She hissed loudly with large fangs, extending her tined wings and stomped the ground loudly at the sight of the pudgy mare. SHE was the lights?! Her antlers were covered with Christmas lights some of which that didn’t even light! She was quite scary looking with Fangs, ram horns, bobbed tail, antlers, glacies, tines and full tufts. She seemed cold, her coat white with touches of gray and blue. Icicles of glacies hung from her tined wings. She blended in to the backdrop really well since her legs had tree like designs. Waltz just stared in horror as the antlered mare took a deep breath and spoke. I am…

4. (Please give us her name and story! The name should be in this form “Something of the something something”. Give Waltz some answers! Maybe… Why she is following her? Or why she hissed? Why does she have glacies growing from her? Be creative! It could become her permanent background! Feel free to kind of go crazy here if you want to put a lot of detail but keep it on track as its just her talking to Waltz)

After hearing her speak, Waltz stared at the mare unsure of how to react. Waltz just continued to stand there staring until finally she said her one last thought…

5. (Give Waltz’s final thought! She has something to say to the mare as a final word of farewell? Funny sentence? What does she say to end their encounter? Remember Waltz is pudgy, forgetful, simple, happy and confused. :) please try to adhere to one form of her personality)


Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:22 pm
by RikkuGirl
Prizes Announced!:
1. Amazondreamer - Waltz didnt find anything to eat after walking away from those squirels but she did find this for you!...Image

2.CosmicDragon - Such a scary monster, throw this to distract it! Image

3. NightFeathers - Piggy!!!! :D I think they like to eat these Image

4. Seren - Sushi and I decided this was the most fitting name for Eve of the Moon’s Chill Image

5.Origami_Dragon - your quote "Do you have anything to eat? I'm stayrving." was perfect! !Maybe you can share this with her... though I doubt its edible...Image

Random Prize
Echos - 1 Random Modium!

Congrats guys!!! & Thank you so much for your entries! They were all SOoooo much fun to read! You all have great imaginations and I love imagining your answers! :D. And it seems everyone who entered won something! :D

Waltz: Thank you foyr helping me yremembeyr my adventuyre!

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:02 pm
by amazondreamer
Question, are we answering all five prompts or just choosing one? Or does the first person answer prompt one, the second answer prompt two etc. ?

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:12 pm
by RikkuGirl
^_^ Good question! Sorry I didnt put that. I edited #8.

I would LIKE for you to answer them all just because I would LOVE to see everyones answers but you can answer a few if you want. You are not obligated to answer them all.

Its your choice if youd like to answer some or all. No one will win more than one prize. So answering them all will only help you have more of a chance to win! :D

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:53 pm
by Origami_Dragon
Ooh, new sort of game to play! are how I would fill in the blanks.

1. ...just so perfectly dreary it was funny. Dark forest, dripping snow, cold and icey, everything was just so perfectly suited to darken her mood that it was hard not to suddenly be amused by it all instead. It was hard to stay too cranky when everything was just so ironically suited to inspire crankiness. It was just delicious. Speaking of no food on top of the snow to turn that hunger around. Waltz sighed. Well, it couldn't be perfect.

2. ...or worse yet, a whole flock of scary monsters! Or not monsters, but ghosts! Hungry, Sam eating ghosts just swarming after her, each of them glowing with hunger and ready to gobble her up whole!

3. ...unless of course it wasn't a twig. Maybe it was frost spirits, getting ready to go out and paint their ferny swirls on all the ponds and leaves! Ice cracked when you broke it, didn't it? These frost spirits would be made out of ice too then, maybe. And they were over there, stretching as they prepared to fly all around the forest to do their work! Stretching and cracking and popping as icy joints loosened up. Or maybe they were snapping off branches to use as brushes.

What would they look like she wondered? Sams? Dragonets? The Sharian folk? Only all icy, with icicles hanging from their nose and their toes and everywhere inbetween! It was too much to resist, that image was just too funny.

4. ...Wayrmth of Winter's Light, guayrdian of this foyrest," the mare intoned. Her voice seemed to echo off the trees, and for a moment as the light caught her fur and made her glow she seemed almost Elemental before fading back to a normal, frostily aloof mare. "What byrings you heyre, to cyross my lands and distuyrb the seyrene beauty of winteyr's fiyrst snow?" Her name didn't quite seem to fit her personality, and her eyes were cold as she looked down upon the pudgy mare who had crashed in upon her solitude.

As Waltz just stared at her, jaw hanging open slightly, the mare seemed to soften slightly and continued in a less frosty tone. "The celebyration of the season is not slated until next week, you woyrried and stayrtled me coming so eayrly. Theyre have been...otheyrs in past yeayrs who wished to steal my gifts and tyrinkets that the Kind Ones pyrovide foyr me to distyribute to make life easieyr duyring winteyr's chill. I see now that you ayre not anotheyr of that soyrt. Peyrhaps you came to help me pyrepayre?" She tilted her head slightly, rustling her wings to create a soft chiming sound from the glacies growing there as she waited for Waltz's reply.

5. "Do you have anything to eat? I'm stayrving."

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:01 am
by amazondreamer
1: the tantalizing aroma of food. Waltz’s round belly gave an audible gurgle and Waltz clambered to her feet, shaking the snow from her rump and began nosing around looking for the source of the aroma. At last she found it, a small pile of round shiny nuts, cached in the hollow of a tree root. As Waltz bent close to inspect the nuts the owner of the cache made an appearance, a red squirrel scampered down the trunk of a tree chittering angrily at Waltz and lashing its bushy tail back and forth. Waltz beat a hasty retreat, her stomach grumbling in defeat.

2: or a bug! A whole swarm of giant, evil fireflies glowing in a multitude of colors and each one intent on biting or stinging poor little Waltz.

3:Waltz giggled at the thought of a large flying fish (how a fish could fly Waltz certainly didn’t know, but she wasn’t going to argue with it), and the colorful lights were its bright and shiny scales reflecting a rainbow of light.

4: Shaft of the Winter Chill,” the mare whispered, enunciating each word very carefully to be understood around her fangs , “You must foyrgive me, I do not get many visitoyrs to my foyrest. I saw you sitting alone and I wanted to come say hello… but then I got tangled in these silly things.” Shaft gave an irritated toss of her head to indicate the string of lights. “I… I don’t suppose you could give me a hand untangling myself?” The mare smiled hopefully, showing far too much fang for Waltz’s comfort.

5: “Of couyrse,” Waltz agreed happily, and approached the strange mare, “Just… don’t bite me, okay?”

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:52 am
by RikkuGirl
*Gigglesnort* Waltz is so funny! You guys are awesome!

Waltz: What ayre we doing again? >.O *Waddles around aimlessly wondering if she will find some food*

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:21 am
by Sushidragon
This is from Nightfeathers on PI since she's having trouble logging in :D


1: her favorite bells! A couple of small silver ones she had misplaced so long ago she'd forgotten all about it until now! Of course that could have been yesterday, but really what did it matter? She had her favorite toys back now. That explained why she'd always felt so sad whenever anyone sang the song too. Wow, she'd solved a mystery already!

2: fish! Yes the thing floating before her was a gigantic glowing fish with a big glowey light on it's head! The light was reflected on it's shining scales, and that was why there seemed to be so many. It's teeth were enormous, and the fins waving at it's side had huge claws on them!
At first she wasn't sure how it managed to move about on land but when she looked underneath she realized it had eight skinny little legs! They were all hairy and one of them was reaching out to grab her! She quickly jumped back to escape it only to realize it was just her imagination, whew!

3: When her eyes cleared the bush she realized it was no in fact a twig at all! It was really a tiny little piggy! The little piggy unfolded a pair of not very piggy like wings and started flying around which made her giggle. When it started neighing like a horse she fell to the ground laughing while it tickled her with it's feathers.

4: "I am Chamomile of the Falling Stones." She introduced herself with a thick accent. "Hiss means to be goink away. Vhy are you not doink ze running? I am very scary mare with antlers of unusual size!" She smirked proudly.

5: " can I have a donut first? You can play with my bells!" She offered, thrusting them out in offering. [/Quote]

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:40 am
by Seren
1. …her size! All of those skinny little mares would have their teeth chattering and their knees clacking, but look at her! Her status as a… connoisseur of edible delights gave her an advantage over other mares! She was warmer than any of them with her cushion of pudginess, like a polar bear! She gloated as she smirked and patted her round tummy with a slate colored hoof, cooing to it.
Her marshmallow belly suddenly rumbled, and she snuffled loudly to herself. She may be warmer than most, but she wanted food! She couldn’t just live off of body fat like a hibernating bear! She wanted yummy-tummy-filling-treats!

2. ...a monstrous beast scarier than anything ANY Samanayr had ever seen! Twisting dead branches grew from its head, where the tips of the flexible spines found on Illiayrs hung from bits of string, glowing dimly despite having lost their host. She could practically hear the shrieks of the tortured Sams that had become the saw-blade toothed creature’s meal. Its poison tail whipped and lashed, flicking acid all over, and she knew that this monster would love to gobble up a roly-poly Samanayr with a winged butt!

3. ...A little Minayr had toppled to earth, unable to lift the giant chocolate chip cookie he was hauling any longer, cracking the twig that he had landed on. His warm cinnamon coloring with bright red and purple accents made him look oddly like a gingerbread cookie, as he waggled his little ears at his companions, a bunch of other Minayrs all hefting little colored lanterns on their fan tails, their coats in warm swirled colors; blue and white, green and red, silver and gold… Waltz couldn’t help but hum along with the tune they were singing in her head, as they lofted up offerings of donuts, cookies, cupcakes, candy canes, giant mugs of cocoa topped with whipped cream and marshmallows… Oh my. She was starting to drool!

4. …”Eve of the Moon’s Chill.” Her voice was icy cold, causing Waltz to shiver a bit, despite her protective layer. Her pale eyes were narrowed as she eyed Waltz distastefully, and snarled out again. “This is my land! Go away!” Waltz was stunned, and stuttered out quickly. “I… cocoa… mayrshmallow tummies… buttwings… I just got lost and was tyrying to find my way back to my Song!” Eve snorted and tosses her antlers, the glowing lights tinkling softly like bells, as she stomped a tufted foot down with a crunch of snow. “Did I ask foyr youyr life stoyry?” She responded rather cruelly, curling her lip to expose her fangs. Waltz was rather stunned at the coldness in her tone, and for once, the little simple mare stood up and responded back instead of stuttering. “Why not tell me youyrs, and how you got to be such a gyrumpy-lumpkin!”
Eve looked taken aback, and she looked like she might actually bite at Waltz’s short muzzle, but slowly said. “F-Fine then!” She seemed rather nervous all of the sudden, and Waltz felt a bit of curiosity stir, as she looked around frantically for some popcorn to show up. Popcorn always showed up for interesting back stories in the tales! She huffed when she found nothing, and started chewing on a branch absentmindedly as she focused on the mare. The mare looked a bit ruffled and almost… shy? She spoke with a low gruff tone, and muttered unwillingly. “My siyre was a snow Elemental. He found a lost Deseyrt mayre in his tundyra lands and took heyr in, and had a foal with heyr. But… the myare didn’t like Noyrtherns or the cold land… so… she left his Song afteyr the biyrth of the foal. And since the foal looked so much like heyr siyre, she didn’t want heyr… and left heyr theyre, alone.” The mare looked down and scuffed her foot, looking so lost and foal-like for a moment that Waltz actually stopped thinking about her next meal and instead thought about how sad she would be all alone… to eat alone… to sleep alone… She gave the mare a pitying look, and when Eve glanced up and saw her look, she almost… dare Waltz think it?- blushed, if that was possible, and snapped out. “So I don’t need anybody. No stallions, no Song, no fyriends, I don’t want anyone. So get out!” She said darkly, looking sullen like a foal who hadn’t gotten her way. She flicked her bob tail and started to turn away.

5. “If you ate moyre, you’d be wayrmer, you know! Maybe if you become pudgy, youyr icy heayrt will melt!”

(Oh, how I wanted to write so much more. *bangs head on desk* I still think I went too long... Urgh. This was simply too much fun, I came up with so much to say but had to cute everything down!)

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:59 am
by CosmicDragon
1. The unmistakable thick black branches of her favourite sweet-berry bush. At any other time of year, it's boughs would be heavy with the juicy purple spheres, glistening with dew in the half-light at the forest's edge. But noooo… It was winter, and the bitter, all-consuming cold had striped them bear of leaf and fruit. It was almost as bad as that time she had moulted as a foal; seeing those branches without tasty treats was much like seeing her own little wings without their characteristic black and green feathers! A grouchy disappointment prodded at her with every moment she stared at the bush, so she immediately decided that she wouldn't look at it at all.

2. It would be big. Twice the size of a Sam, with big slimy slavering fangs; six of them, at least! And it's eyes would bit little squinty things, black with malice in complete opposition to the bright, deceiving lights that it had hanging off it's thorny, spike-covered reptilian body. The lights would draw in unwary Samanayr, all innocent and naive, then WHAM. The big hungry monster would strike, seven-talon'd paws sinking into the unwary victim. Waltz shuddered, really really not wanting to think about what would happen next… Because then, THEN the great beast would stick out it's giant purple warty tongue and lick the poor Sam from head to toe, covering them in gross, slimy drool. Oh the horror of it all!

3. In her minds eye the mare saw herself peer over the bush to find, not a monster, but a foal! And not even a scary sa'krien or misery or spiky-covered foal either, but a MINI foal. All covered in fluffy fur and feathers, with big blue eyes that gazed up at her with a goofy smile even as it gurgled something indeterminate. How could she possibly be afraid of something so small and thoughtless? Heck, it couldn't even walk faster than an adorable waddle! Where was the threat in that?

4. "Cyrack of the Foyrest's Sopyrano," The mare's voice seemed in complete contrast to her form, enough almost to make Waltz snort. No smooth, cold tones, no, rather an almost ridiculously high squeak like the sound of rubber on ice. "And this is MY foyrest! What ayre you doing sneaking ayround? Ayre you a thief?" Hissing again in a way much more threatening than any threat she could have voiced, the antlered mare stepped back. "You want my lights, don't you!" Her already nasally high voice cracked as it strove higher in outrage, bared fangs slurring her words and making the mare even harder to understand. "Get awaaaay, get away get away! They ayre MINE." The mare stomped her distressed anger, obviously working herself into a frenzy over the dingy string of christmas lights wrapped around her branching antlers.

5. "Y'know, I thought you'd sound a lot scarier… But no, I don't want your lights, I'm just lost is all."

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:00 am
by Echos
1. A wonderful smell. A smell that could only mean one thing for the hungry mare; soon her plump belly would be full again. Getting to her feet Waltz shook the snow that clung to her rump off and scrambled through the snow following her nose. It was only three snowbanks later than her nose led her to her goal. A small apple tree, most of its trunk buried in the drift, and the smell of fermenting cider wafting from some of the older fruit. The apples that remained were small and some a little shriveled from the cold but there were still plenty left for her to gorge on.

2. Or not one single monster but a whole bunch of them. A giant swarm waiting to ambush her in the dark with their buzzing wings and slavering jaws. Or maybe it was only one monster but with multiple heads! Imagine all those head trying to get a bite out of her - there was no way there would be enough for all of them. They'd probably be so busy arguing over whole got to eat her first she could slip away.

3. It had to be small to hide behind such a tiny bush. But that crack had been so loud.....maybe it was a sprite. Her mother used to tell her about little creatures that liked to play tricks on foals. It was probably just one of those trying to give her a scare.

4. "I am Warmth of the Winters Night" the mare said, looking just as startled as Waltz felt. Perhaps she wasn't as scary as her appearance made out. "I hope I didn't scare you. It's these blasted lights. I swear I just wanted to look at them. They were so pretty strung up in the trees like that, I never thought I'd get them all tangled in my antlers. And now I can't get them out. I've been trying and trying but they get keep getting more tangled. Oh I hope whoever they belong to isn't mad. I really didn't mean to take them," she cried looking mournfully up at the glowing lights.

5. Stunned Waltz just stood there staring for a moment. Finally finding her tongue she said hurriedly, "I'm sure they won't be mad. After all, they look rather pretty wrapped like that."

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:04 am
by Origami_Dragon
Whoo-hoo, yay for last minute entries! All sorts of neat takes on the story... Surprised that there weren't more entries though... Good luck everyone!

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:18 am
by Echos
Wrote mine in about 20 mins this morning. First time I've had to sit down since I got home. I'd forgotten how much a busy-body my mother was. I swear she's been planning jobs for me to do ever since I left for college.

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:38 am
by RikkuGirl
Event is over! Thanks everyone for entering! I will be judging with sushi, I should have winners and prizes posted by later tonight

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:55 am
by Seren
I LOVE everyone's takes, the monsters were creepy, the funny things were cute/random, and Cosmic's take on our mystery mare had me cracking up.

I can't wait to see the prizes and who won! There's so many fantastic entries... It's going to be hard for RG and Sushi... good luck guys! XD

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:29 am
by Janalee
*looks at the end time, and kicks herself* Well, maybe it's just as well; I probably should have been focusing on finishing all my school projects anyway. ^^ It was fun to see where the tines/glacies combination came up though! Good luck to all who entered!

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:22 pm
by Zephyr
"Dec. 12th at 12:00 pm EST"

Doesn't that mean there's still a few more hours left? o_O It's still the 12th...?

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:48 pm
by Origami_Dragon
12 pm was noon. Noon and midnight are confusing times...and I think I've seen pm on either, but the 9:00 am PST also listed for the end time helped to clarify which was meant here.

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:58 pm
by Zephyr
Oh :( I don't know the other time zones....I just thought it was the 12th at midnight, which seems to make more sense :S

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:32 pm
by RikkuGirl
I'm sorry zephyr. I tried to make it at a time that I would be on to end it and make a note that it was ending. I was originally going to end it on my birthday the 11th at midnight but decided to end it the next day to give a little more time :/

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:42 am
by RikkuGirl
Prizes announced please see second post.

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:55 am
by Origami_Dragon
I had a feeling that the mare Waltz met just might be making an appearance here. Congrats Seren! She looks sweet. Love the tail and antlers on this lady!

No...don't think I'll try feeding Waltz my feather. She might just absently try eating it before discovering that feathers aren't really...edible.

Thank you for hosting the game, I do enjoy writing events and this one was new. Sort of related to madlibs...but not quite. Was fun to try and figure out what Waltz might have done.

Congrats everyone on your items!

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:59 am
by Seren
*Blinks slowly and squeaks*


So was not expecting that. At all.

But thank you so much! :D *tries to cuddle Eve but backs up quickly* Okay, we'll save cuddles for later... I love her glowing lights and the icicles on her tines, along with those amazing leg patterns! ^___^

I just love her! This was so much fun! :D

Congrats to everyone on your items!

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:09 am
by amazondreamer
*clutches Gleamstone* Shiiiiny :D

Grats Seren, Eve is a lovely lady. Great job with the art Rikku, she's elegant while still being somewhat creepy lol. Congratulations everyone, this was a fun and creative event.

Re: Hilariously Spooky Imagination Event!

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:17 am
by RikkuGirl
Thanks so much amazon! I took ALOT of time in planning how she would come out, along with some help from the forum in general. I was hoping to make her spooky yet elegant? if thats logical. lol

Lots of input from people! Im quite fond of how she came out and her lights/antlers are probly my fav part! :D Along with the leg patterns... I do love wood/trees ^^

I LOVED this event! You all did so well! I hope to do it again in the future! It def was alot like mad libs Origami but with a simple twist! :D