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By the pricking of my thumbs
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:37 pm
by Sarnah
[Note: Anyone can hop in; I have no goal for this other than to meet you guys. My roleplay style is more about interaction between characters than drawn-out, descriptive stories, so this should be fun and quick!]
It's been a long time since Twist visited the hot springs, and he's a little a rusty. The gate blocking the path's entrance had proven to be a significant hurdle for him, as he hadn't encountered so much as a door in countless years. The frustration that built up as he struggled prompted loud cursing; he left the bloody thing open when he finally got through it. It probably wouldn't be much easier to get back out later and he wasn't going to put himself through the ordeal again if he could help it.
But now, finally, the demon is on his way to some peace and quiet, sharp hoofs skittering quickly across the small dirt forest path. He purposefully bypasses the first few paths, figuring the springs they lead to are more likely to be occupied, and treks on to the last few clearings. When he's finally traveled an acceptable distance, he veers off toward where he knows the warm water waits, breath escaping in a relieved hiss. Even if there are others here, he no longer cares. At least they won't be those annoying runts from back home.
Re: By the pricking of my thumbs
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:46 pm
by Seren
Pride of the Misguided Arrow streaked through the woods as his wings creaked with the movements, breathing heavily with excitement at the thrill of the chase, snorting as he cleared a log, churning up some sod as he landed and continued with his run. What exactly he was chasing was unclear, whether it was a harmless woodland critter, a ferocious beast, or merely a shadow of his imagination was unclear, however, he was on the run, and wouldn't stop until the hunt was at the end.
He leaped out of the cover to thunder onto a trampled down path to a reclusive spring, sliding to a stop and, not noticing the figure a bit of a ways away, stared furtively about and growled, stomping a scarlet hoof.
"Blast. It hath escaped! Cuyrses, now I'll neveyr get to see what exactly such a beast is like to engage in combat!" He snorted, flicking his dual-colored tail and biting his lip in concentration, a quiver of arrows and a bow hanging from his branch-like wings.
(Pride's a funny character, rather..odd. anyway, I love roleplaying, and would love to get you know you! ^__^)
Re: By the pricking of my thumbs
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:24 pm
by Sarnah
Twist is not so focused on his goal that he'll lose situational awareness, and the sound of something approaching--loud and fast!--gives him pause before he even places his first hoof in the clearing. Sure enough, a blurred flash of color darts across the grass in front of him.
"What the--"
He tilts his little green head in the direction of... well... whatever that was, now nothing more than a few stirred leaves floating back to the forest floor in the critter's wake. A dragonet, perhaps? He doesn't have too much time to think about it.
"Blast. It hath escaped! Cuyrses, now I'll neveyr get to see what exactly such a beast is like to engage in combat!"
The sound of Pride's distraught voice causes Twist to snap back to attention. He takes a moment to size up the other samanayr before clearing his throat.
"Did it owe you money?" he asks jovially. "Or were you looking for ssome dinner?"
[Odd characters are my favorite! ;D]
Re: By the pricking of my thumbs
Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:53 pm
by Seren
Pride's ears pricked as he slowly turns to blink violet eyes at the spiky figure on the path. He looked completely lost for a long silent moment, then pipes up, looking completely serious as he speaks.
"It's a thief! Of the most seyrious kind! Woyrse than any foal snatcheyr!" He starts pacing, nodding to himself, thinking over his predicament.
He whirled around suddenly, eyeing Twist, snorting suddenly. "Did you see it? Did it have my most pyrecious possession?"
(One, Pride REALLY needs a mare. He spends far too much time alone hunting.
Also, I wanted to ask you. I've noticed some people don't use the "y" before the "r" thing. Is that new? or just preference? also, is the writing of names like "MisguidedArrow~Pride" an older practice as well? I've just gotten into Sams last August
Curious! :3)
Re: By the pricking of my thumbs
Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:21 pm
by Sarnah
Pride's vacant expression doesn't faze the little demon too much. He returns the stallion's gaze with one of his own, crimson eyes slitted at an average angle, mouth turned in a neutral sneer. Well, for him, anyway. A casual flick of his dagger-like tail is the only move that betrays his awareness of passing time. When Pride finally speaks, Twist tilts his head attentively.
"Worssse than a foal ssnatcher," he gasps, attention turning thoughtfully skyward. "Why, I can't imagine what that might be! Not that I have any foalss of my own, of courssse."
He drops his gaze back to the stallion and flashes a smile. "If I did, though, I would guesss that they'd be very preciousss to me."
He doesn't answer Pride's question right away, now having his turn at taking his sweet little time. He walks casually over to the hot spring, flicks off a leaf that he'd managed to stab with one of his sharp little hoofs, and leans over to delicately sniff he water. Ooh, steam!
Now, about this thief. He doesn't turn around completely, but he does look back over his shoulder at Pride. "Perhapss I have sseen your mosst preciouss possession," he muses. "Perhapss not! I would firsst have to know what it lookss like."
[I love helping people! I'd be thrilled to answer any questions you have that an oldbie like me would have experience with. I have a couple un-Songed mares, if you'd like me to bring one in, though I have to say I'm not a collector/in it for breeding so it'd have to be a roleplay-based romance. ;] Some people don't type out 'yr' because they find it annoying to type. There are some characters, Twist being one of them, who don't have the accent for whatever reason. Generally the accent is understood, even if the author doesn't type it out. MisguidedArrow~Pride would be an alternate way of writing the names, yes. I'm kind of surprised that's fallen out of favor since it's pretty unique to samanayrs.]
Re: By the pricking of my thumbs
Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:03 pm
by Seren
Pride's mind hadn't been sharpened lately, he had been too busy using his own body instead of dwelling over conversation, not that he usually engaged in such things. He felt a fine bit of fire stir as the green spiky form of Twist continued to speak, like the beginnings of offense, but he ignores them immediately.
"I have no foals. I wait." He snorts, turning to gaze over his shoulder with a thoughtful expression, saying calmly and almost level-headed. "My last ayrrow that was given to me by a Shayrian. I have lost my otheyrs in expeditions and hunts of past. It was a gestuyre of kindness, and since I owe that Shayrian much, I wish not to lose it." He spoke with a kind of calm sensibility, showing a bit of his more thoughtful side, before plunging back to his rather odd speaking. "It flies veyry tyrue! I have neveyr missed using it!"
(Ah I see! and it is a unique way of writing names, I was confused when I saw Jennalyn and some others using it, thats all. and aw, thank you for the offer! Pride actually has a lovely mare that is to be his (we havent roleplayed them meeting yet.) I like to roleplay my Samanayrs forming songs. :3 Pride and Rustle also want to be a pair song most likely, few mares would put up with his headstrong hunt-crazy attitude anyway. XD
I'd love to work on another song, but I only have one stallion, and two mares, one of which is already destined for another song. :/ maybe in the future! x3)
Re: By the pricking of my thumbs
Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:49 pm
by Sarnah
"If you have no foalss," Twist muses as he steps into the water, "Then how can you fathom the losss of having your baby sssnatched up by an evil-doer? I've heard it's devasstating, downright misserable."
The stallion submerges down to his neck with a pleased "ahh", turning in the water so that he may continue to address the other clearing occupant. "I would ssay that if thiss thief nabbed your arrow, then he iss probably long gone by now, unfortunately. But!
"I would alsso ssay that if you sshot thiss thief, then perhapss he desservess to keep your arrow. That's asssuming, of coursse, that he issn't mortally wounded and diess a sslow, painful death ssomewhere in thesse woods." He rests his tiny head on the stones of the hot spring. "If you didn't sshoot him, though, you could alwayss try to lure him back."
Re: By the pricking of my thumbs
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:07 am
by Seren
Pride was thinking, hard, over what to do about the loss of such a special arrow, it had, after all, helped him find a stash of Rainbow Lamanayr Feathers in an expedition, an impressive find for his first time. But he slowly cocked his head to one side.
"I was snatched." He shrugs his shoulders, making the leaves on his branches rustle with soft whispers.
Twist was a rather odd fellow to a rather hermit-like Samanayr like Pride. He was used to it just being him and the forest creatures, and his tongue was rather slow to speak at times. He hated towns and cities, avoiding them at all costs, and festivals were anything but merry and fun for him.
He cocks his head as the spiky green stallion spoke, and his brow crinkles some as he thinks, before his head shoots up and he stomps a ruby-red hoof. "Shoot?! I do not shoot what I do not know! What if it was a little waywayrd dyragonet hatch, oyr anotheyr Samanayr?" He looked horrified at the mere idea of such a thing happening. "I will fiyre a wayrning shot neayrby to scayre it out so I can get a look at it, but I only shoot creatuyres that ayre dangeyrous." His skin twitches as he thinks of the horrors of a bow-samanayr who is loose with his string. "I pyrefeyr combat with my hooves."
(Another question, say I use the word "arrow", would I have to write "ayryrow" or just "ayrrow"? XD)
Re: By the pricking of my thumbs
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:08 pm
by CosmicDragon
Not far above the hotspring where the leafy-winged archer and long-clawed stallion spoke, a very oddly shaped bundle of striped fur and splotched scale flew -quite awkwardly- above the treeline. Though Odyssey was very enamoured of her Sharian-given wings, and had been eager to use them, no-one had mentioned to her that an innate knowledge of the workings of flight was not included. Indeed, she was as ungainly in the air as a new-sprung foal! It did not help, of course, that she could not leave faithful Leer on the earth where a wingless dragonet belonged. No, he had outright refused and climbed to perch himself haunches. And it was there now that he clung for dear life, his extra weight and a size almost equal to her own making it difficult to stay in the air at all, let alone fly with any kind of grace.
So, when the warm updraft of the hotspring lifted some of the pressure from her weary wings, it made immediate sense to drop down and soak her all-too-tense shoulders. Unfortunately,
landing was a whole other experience in itself... She had no one to teach her these things, of course, and made it up mostly as she went along. Dropping faster than was probably wise, she attempted a wing-flared halt above the water as she had seen so many other samanayr do with such apparent ease. No such luck for a beginner though... Instead of stopping her flight, it straightened out her flight to zoom straight into the damp earth near the trees surrounding the spring with a thump.
'Aaaaaah... That's going to hurt tomorrow...' Her passenger jumped off immediately, with a procession of angry hisses and clicks, and the mare got to her hooves with a vigorous shake. Ah well. Couldn't be the worst landing in history, right? Completely oblivious to the two other samanayrs in the area, Odyssey straightened and wandered over to the water, clicking and whistling in conversation with her irritated dragonet.