Name: Guardian of the Treasured Home
ID Number: 0937
Gender: Mare
Species: Samanayr
Age: Young Adult
Physical description:
Guardian has a gray, wiry coat and a short "beard" of fur around her muzzle, just like a Standard Schnauzer. Her feet are paws, but they're covered in so much fur it's hard to tell. She often holds her head high as she trots around, certain in her ability to keep safe whatever she holds dear. Her teeth may not be sharp, like a true canine's, but anyone she bites will remember it. Unfortunately, her show of pride can make her appear as if she's looking down her nose at others when she really isn't. Her chocolate brown eyes are usually warm and friendly, and she cares little for pretenses. In fact, she often looks quite silly whenever she lets her tongue loll out to pant. As a canine mimic, she also has tail wagging down pat. However, insults will rile her up to the point that she may hold a grudge over it.
Guardian is loyal and protective towards those she cares about, to the point of being overbearing at times. Once she decides to be friends, it would be hard to convince her otherwise. She's very sociable, seeming ignorant of both personal space and a need for temporary solitude. As such, she has a notable stubborn streak, bred of ignorance, but her intentions are usually good. She is optimistic and enthusiastic, as long as she's with those she cares about and doing what she loves. Faced with adversity, she'll stand her ground to the bitter end, unless she loses all hope. She's not stupid, just overly determined and somewhat co-dependent. Guardian is very territorial, but not aggressive, and she's always happy to share with friends. She has a strong desire to please others, sometimes to her detriment. Usually she has more sense than to harm herself in the process, but she's young and naive, unable to recognize certain issues through inexperience.
Abilities (magical and otherwise):
Her sense of smell is very good and she's an adequate digger. She is also capable of barking, howling, and growling, or sounds that are close enough to be called such. Her swimming skills are good and she can put up a decent fight, if necessary, but she has no training of any sort. Guardian is much better at protecting things in her mind than in reality. She should get better, as time goes on. Perhaps Leaf, Sunshine, and Flurry can help her.
Guardian's canine mimicry probably came about due to human tampering in her lineage, but this was well before her time. She was born somewhere in the area, not far from the Sharians' Hot Springs, and introduced as a young foal. She hasn't had many adventures, since she was quite obedient towards her parents, so determined to be their pride and joy. Now that she's grown up and moved out, into a stallion's territory that she can call home, she's much more excited about making her entire Song proud. She adores Leaf, Sunshine, and Flurry, though she may get on their nerves sometimes.
Song: Song of the Summer Solstice
Likes and dislikes:
Guardian enjoys races, hide and seek, swimming in the summer months, and any excuse to dig. Two of her favorite foods are wild raspberries and grapes. Guardian also likes howling at the moon. It's pointless, but she loves listening for a response. While other animals have responded before, never the bright glowing thing.
She dislikes loud, sudden noises and is very afraid of thunder and lightening. Flies are one of her major pet peeves; she goes out of her way to get rid of them. Bees and hornets are even more annoying, but she's afraid of them. She was stung many times as a stubborn filly. Now, although she loves honey, she won't bother beehives, and runs at the slightest hint of anything small, buzzing, and yellow.
Aspirations and goals:
Guardian has recently begun trying various plant tubers that she has dug up, but the dirt isn't as pleasant to the palate. She is still trying to find a happy medium there. She has also figured out that plants can be uprooted and reburied, but she doesn't yet know how to tend to them, so that they'll survive the ordeal and prosper afterwards. The way seeds work is currently beyond her.
Guardian is eager to have foals of her own, believing that she'd make a great mother. There's really no telling if she will or not, but she'll certainly muddle through, like she does with everything else. She would also love to train for an actual job some day, preferably a Guard.
Fears: To be completely alone in the world, because she's somehow burned all of her bridges. Bring shame to her Song or otherwise let them down. Get stuck in a really bad thunderstorm, with no cover, or upset a whole hornet's nest/beehive on top of her. End up lost and unable to find her way home.
Favorite color: Green
Odd fact: I won her in the Ustream semi-custom canine mimic draw in 2012.
Vice: Wrath, even though it would seem to be Pride. She is proud, but without the necessary aggrandizement to make her look down on others and hold her interests above them. That said, she isn't going to immediately fly off the handle with violence. She mostly breeds discontent before sowing injury. Guardian is very friendly, so this shouldn't be the sort of thing to cause major strife outside of a planned story line/planned interaction.
Virtue: Charity; in the more traditional sense, which would include generosity and self-sacrifice.
In other words, she's helpful and mostly benevolent, but she doesn't have a lot of patience, especially when she feels wronged, and she doesn't forgive easily. Consider it like barking incessantly, long after the slight was made, or barking at nothing important. She is also more willing to fight for what she believes in, but she won't let it go without some hurt feelings all around.
The Grudge List:
Blossom - On multiple occasions, he was rude, and then he got visibly agitated with her. Sure, he was nervous, but she was trying to help him get over that! Some Sams are so ungrateful.
Please contact me if you'd like to have an entertaining feud with Guardian!
A cute little dragonet that found Guardian, and tried to protect her from a crab, during a Sharian expedition. Lock has a fondness for seafood, but she made the adjustment to fresh water fish, after following Guardian home. She also chases and eats bugs, as well as some vegetables. Guardian likes playing catch with them.