[Song of the Flickering Muses]
Muse is a happy stallion and loves all his mares dearly, each of them represents something that inspires him, something that he enjoys. For example Race's pretty tine wings, Lush's tiny beauty or Sear's firey mane.
Some of the mares require permission, some don't and Muse is always available.
If you get a baby from this song please let me know! We're all nosey ;D
Status: Semi-Open
No Permission Required:
Muse of the Soaring Soul
Race of the Forest Walker
Requiring Permission:
Sear of the Freezing Flame - PM HybridSiren for permission.
Lush of the Silken Eggnog - PM Rikku for permission.
Precision of the Scarlet Strike - PM Jaes for permission.
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Equipped - Gold Medal | Gives a 25% chance of twins
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[Lead Mare]
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[Other Mares]
Muse is a happy stallion and loves all his mares dearly, each of them represents something that inspires him, something that he enjoys. For example Race's pretty tine wings, Lush's tiny beauty or Sear's firey mane.
Some of the mares require permission, some don't and Muse is always available.
If you get a baby from this song please let me know! We're all nosey ;D
Status: Semi-Open
No Permission Required:
Muse of the Soaring Soul
Race of the Forest Walker
Requiring Permission:
Sear of the Freezing Flame - PM HybridSiren for permission.
Lush of the Silken Eggnog - PM Rikku for permission.
Precision of the Scarlet Strike - PM Jaes for permission.
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Equipped - Gold Medal | Gives a 25% chance of twins
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[Lead Mare]
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[Other Mares]