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Guest artist breeding draw! Foals are grown, see p4!
Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 2:08 pm
by Sushidragon
Hooray, it's time for the guest artist breeding draw

Each foal will be drawn by a different guest artist! Winners will be randomly selected so success rate doesn't apply, so bring on those Misery-filled Songs!
The participating guest artists are:
That means there will be 8 successful pairs

You can read all of the breeding information and rules here:
There's also an additional restriction for this draw - Please no pairs where both parents are full Elementals, and no Modiem combinations to make the foal an Elemental. One Elemental parent is fine.
If you don't have your own Samanayr - you can still apply for a breeding using Samanayrs from an open Song! When a Song is open, it means that anyone can apply for a breeding from the Song without needing permission from the owners.
You can search the database for open Songs:
If you need permission to use someone's Samanayr - it's up to you to get that permission, and there's no permission form to send in. However, if you apply for a breeding from a closed Song and
don't ask permission from the Samanayr's owners, your foal will be repossessed and you will be banned from Samanayrs for a time. If you're worried about getting permission in time, there's lots of open Songs to choose from!
To enter the draw, just apply to this post with the following form filled out:
Song name:
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name:
Sire's ID or image URL:
Dam's name:
Dam's ID or image URL:
Modiems (if any):
One-use items (if any):
Do you have all applicable permissions?
If a Samanayr doesn't have an ID number, just provide a link to its image.
The draw will be open until
March 28, 7pm PDT - good luck

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 3:50 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
Username: Bluestarwolf12
Song name: Song of the Tarnished Elements
Song URL (if applicable): ... ts&Status=
Sire's name: Blurring of the Zebra's Purity
Sire's ID or image URL: o446
Dam's name: Clearing of the Turquoise Sky
Dam's ID or image URL: o448
Modiems (if any): Trait & Breeding Modiem (Random Trait, any rarity)
One-use items (if any): None
Do you have all applicable permissions? Semi-Open Song (neither of these two require permission)

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:11 pm
by tierasa
Username: tierasa
Song name: Song of the Plentiful Plume
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Plenty of the Feathered Pelt
Sire's ID or image URL: 859
Dam's name: Longing of the Empty Skies
Dam's ID or image URL: 827
Modiems (if any): None
One-use items (if any): None
Do you have all applicable permissions? Open Song

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:29 pm
by HybridSiren
Username: HybridSiren
Song name: Song of the Interchanging Pieces
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Mystic of the Stricken Sands
Sire's ID or image URL:

Dam's name: Doubt of the Elusive Silver
Dam's ID or image URL:

Modiems (if any): Breeding + Rarity
One-use items (if any): N/a
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes c:
Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:54 pm
by Cameron
Username: Cameron
Song name: Song of the Searing Ire
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Rage of the Racing Inferno
Sire's ID or image URL:
Dam's name: Poison of the Blazing Viper
Dam's ID or image URL:
Modiems (if any): 2x Breeding Modiem (from Pristine)
One-use items (if any):
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:59 pm
by Seren
Username: Seren
Song Name:Song of the Thunderous Waves
Song URL: 336
Sire's name: Seeker of the Rushing Sanctuary
Sire's ID or image URL:
Dam's name: Gale of the Tempestuous Seas
Dam's ID or image URL:
Modiems: Breeding x2- Seeker's also got a rarity, but I'm not sure if that applies or not? XD
One-use items: N/A
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes, Open Song!
If the owners of either of these were planning to go with them, please just PM me!
Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:15 pm
by SilverDapples
Username: SilverDapples
Song name: Song of the Lazy Afternoon
Song URL (if applicable): 282
Sire's name: Gaze of the Hypnotic Skies
Sire's ID or image URL: 546
Dam's name: Twilight of the Tropical Tides
Dam's ID or image URL: 714
Modiems: Breeding x2
One-use items: A Dinosaur Cookie
Do you have all applicable permissions? Open song, so I think so!
ehehehhehehehe leg wings I'm in love XD
Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:32 pm
by RikkuGirl
OMG im so excited for this!!

good luck everyone!
Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 9:18 pm
by Echos
Username: Echos
Song name: Song of the Selkies Kiss
Song URL (if applicable): ... e's%20Kiss
Sire's name: Lift of Eternal Dawn
Sire's ID or image URL:

Dam's name: Burble of the Deep's Embrace
Dam's ID or image URL:

Modiems (if any): none
One-use items (if any): none
Do you have all applicable permissions? yep
Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:10 am
by AsaraDragon
Ohh yeah

I've been waiting for this one!!
Username: AsaraDragon
Song name: Song of the Summer Solstice
Song URL (if applicable): ... 50&start=0
Sire's name: Leaf of the Edging Frost
Sire's ID or image URL: 0242
Dam's name: Sunshine of Eternal Summer
Dam's ID or image URL: 0304
Modiems (if any): Breeding x2
One-use items (if any): Cupcake
Do you have all applicable permissions? You betcha!

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 5:02 am
by PookaWitch
Username: PookaWitch
Song name: Song of the Primeval Inheritance
Song URL (if applicable): ... nheritance
Sire's name: Sunset of the Ancient Canyon
Sire's ID or image URL:
Dam's name: Pinnacle of the Towering Inferno
Dam's ID or image URL:
Modiems (if any): breeding x2 (for twins, one to go to NF)
One-use items (if any): heart chocolate. <3
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yep, mares don't need to ask permission in that song. ^_^
Man, I love breeding these two! Dino and/or feathered, vicious offspring.

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:36 am
by Tasmen
Username: Tasmen
Song name: Song of the Changing Tides
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Gleam of the Peridot Eve
Sire's ID or image URL:
Dam's name: Forecast of the Inevitable Storm
Dam's ID or image URL:
Modiems (if any):
One-use items (if any): cupcake

Do you have all applicable permissions? yep

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:41 pm
by hardwired
Username: hardwired
Song name: Song of the Motley Spirit
Song URL (if applicable): ... y%20Spirit
Sire's name: Pinion of the Motley Dapple
Sire's ID or image URL:

Dam's name: Cheer of the Vernal Sunrise
Dam's ID or image URL:

Modiems (if any):
One-use items (if any):
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes I do.
Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:32 pm
by RikkuGirl
Yay! Thank you Sushi!
Username: RikkuGirl
Song name:Song of the Exuberant Mayhem
Song URL (if applicable): ... t%20Mayhem
Sire's name:Joy of the Anguished Screams
Sire's ID or image URL:666
Dam's name:Crack of the Twining Twist
Dam's ID or image URL: 814
Modiems (if any): Species Modium x2 - Mystic (1 owned by RikkuGirl and the other 1 by AsaraDragon) Thanks Asara!

One-use items (if any):
Do you have all applicable permissions? :3 yessssssssureeeeBob!

I have posted in the To-Do the equipment of a Batclip To crack. :3 So please do not forget! ^^ Thank you! <3
Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:35 pm
by SunBlind
Username: SunBlind
Song name: Song of the Resonant Echo
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Mystic of the Echoing Jungle
Sire's ID or image URL: 0175

Dam's name: Pulsing of the Volcanic Shores
Dam's ID or image URL: o012

Modiems (if any): NA
One-use items (if any): NA
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yep
Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:54 pm
by zelda324
I have not gotten involved in these in such a long time. Yay for internet!
Username: zelda324
Song name: Song of the Bright Horizon
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Puddle of Reflective Sky
Sire's ID or image URL:

Dam's name: Heat of the Jungle Ablaze
Dam's ID or image URL:

Modiems (if any):
One-use items (if any):
Do you have all applicable permissions? Open song
Hopefully everything is right ha
Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:06 pm
by Janalee
Username: Janalee
Song name: Song of the Renewed Woodlands
Song URL (if applicable): Here
Sire's name: Peace of the Ancient Forest
Sire's ID or image URL: 150
Dam's name: Peace of the Innocent Dove
Dam's ID or image URL: 441
Modiems (if any): n/a
One-use items (if any): Heart Chocolates
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yep! XD
As long as guest artists are allowed to enter as well...

Thanks for the chance!
Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 8:14 pm
by Aranea
Username: Aranea
Song name: Song of the Blue Lotus
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Eye of the Verdant Forest
Sire's ID or image URL: ... 00/196.png
Dam's name: Hunter of the Burning Savanna
Dam's ID or image URL: ... 00/067.png
Modiems (if any): Nope
One-use items (if any): Nope, but there is a gold medal
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes
Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 2:41 pm
by Orasteele
Username: Orasteele
Song name: Song of the Rainbow Carbonation
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Fizz of the Rainbow Bubble
Sire's ID or image URL: 539
Dam's name: Splendor of the Ultraviolet Flux
Dam's ID or image URL: 545
Modiems (if any): Nope
One-use items (if any): Nope
Do you have all applicable permissions? YES!

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 3:52 pm
by Chao
Username: Chao
Song name: Song of the Fading Aurora
Song URL (if applicable): ... urora.html
Sire's name: Hush of Winter Snowfall
Sire's ID or image URL: ID: o151
Dam's name: Ice of the Fallen Morning
Dam's ID or image URL: ID: o097
Modiems (if any): N/A
One-use items (if any): N.A
Do you have all applicable permissions? Open

I really hope I did that right.
Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:12 pm
by Nighthenge
Username: Nighthenge
Song name: Song of the Warrior Soul
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Might of the Chosen Warrior
Sire's ID or image URL: 0305
Dam's name: Pride of Ancient Honor
Dam's ID or image URL: 0229
Modiems (if any): 1 breeding modiem (male foal)
One-use items (if any): n/a
Do you have all applicable permissions? yes
Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:45 pm
by Origami_Dragon
Decided to change things up this draw and use this lovely and intriguing pair! I've always loved Cant, and dinos are lovely, and they could make such pretty foals!
Username: Origami_Dragon
Song name: Song of the Flickering Bolt
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Charge of the Tumbling Mountain
Sire's ID or image URL: 723
Dam's name: Cant of the Serpent's Tongue
Dam's ID or image URL: 858
Modiems (if any): N/A
One-use items (if any): N/A
Do you have all applicable permissions? Open Song

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:19 pm
by cassiadawn
Username: CassiaDawn
Song name: Song of the Wanderer's Heart
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Journey of Distant Winds
Sire's ID or image URL: 171
Dam's name: Amity of the Peaceful Copse
Dam's ID or image URL: 373
Modiems (if any):
One-use items (if any):
Do you have all applicable permissions? yep

Edit, because I missed the elemental rules on the first attempt

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:50 am
by Puuka
So excite!

Love the guest artist events!
Username: Puuka
Song name: Song of the Passionate Tear
Song URL (if applicable): Right Here!
Sire's name: Passion of the Radiant Depths
Sire's ID or image URL: 1125
Dam's name: Jewel of the Distant Sands
Dam's ID or image URL: 1122
Modiems (if any): Nope
One-use items (if any): Nope
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yep!

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!
Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:46 am
by ssassoo
Username: Ssassoo
Song name: Song of the Sapphire Skies
Song URL (if applicable): ... re%20Skies
Sire's name: Cobalt of the Faceted Sapphire
Sire's ID or image URL: 874
Dam's name: Vanilla of the Melting Skies
Dam's ID or image URL: 731
Modiems (if any): None
One-use items (if any): None
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes; Semi-Open Song. The mare is owned by me and gladly I gave myself my permission! ^^