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Elemental Mare Looking for a Man! ;)

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:35 pm
by Harroway

While this lady isn't "lovely" by conventional standards, she's been alone for quite some time and I'm looking for a stallion for her! Her name is Shiver and she comes with her pet, Dread. She's a mare of few words and what words she does utter can be quite frightening.

Anyone have a stallion interested in her~?

Re: Elemental Mare Looking for a Man! ;)

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 9:26 pm
by RikkuGirl
I can tell you that Mystic of the Quixotic Rapture would LOVE to have her as his lead mare if she were interested. Looks mean nothing to him...just take a look at his parents ;) His stitches aren't the prettiest either but he is a caring provider and a loving stallion.

Let us know! :D


Re: Elemental Mare Looking for a Man! ;)

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:24 pm
by Harroway
RikkuGirl wrote:



That man? HE FAB

If Mr. Mystic of Amazing would like Shiver to be his leading lady, consider it done. ;) I have never seen a more impressive stallion! Hubba hubba! o^o

Re: Elemental Mare Looking for a Man! ;)

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 4:08 pm
by RikkuGirl
-Wiggles madly- I KNOW! Isn't he just the bee's knees?! And HER.. ^o^ She gives she chills!!!! I am so excited about this pair you have NO IDEA!!! ^o^ Yay! im so excited.

Should we wait for the next match up event to make it official? :3

Re: Elemental Mare Looking for a Man! ;)

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 6:15 pm
by Harroway
RikkuGirl wrote:-Wiggles madly- I KNOW! Isn't he just the bee's knees?! And HER.. ^o^ She gives she chills!!!! I am so excited about this pair you have NO IDEA!!! ^o^ Yay! im so excited.

Should we wait for the next match up event to make it official? :3
I think that would be a wonderful idea! <3