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Can I draw your pet again?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 12:37 pm
by Sushidragon
I have a craft fair coming up in a couple of weeks and I'm thinking of offering commissions for miniature pet portraits, art card-sized rather than the teeny tiny pet charms I did before. So, I need some examples! If you have a pet you'd like me to draw please post a photo or three of them here :D Any species is welcome!

Re: Can I draw your pet again?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:01 pm
by Echos
Here's one of my girls! The other won't post for pictures :P


Re: Can I draw your pet again?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:32 pm
by Esperanza
Here's some pictures of my lovely Autumn! Photogenic when she wants to be.. Keyword WANTS. Thanks for this, Sushi, even though we are all happy to help (and also gets to secretly see everyone's cute pets). UwU
I'll put most of mine in links so I don't flood the forum.

Image 2
Image 3
Image 4

Re: Can I draw your pet again?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:58 pm
by ElvenArcher
Ooo fun :D. I have lots of pets :twisted: hahaha
I won't post pictures of all of them though, probably just the indoors pets. That's only the two dogs and the bird. :D

I'll post them later, it's my brother's Birthday today so we are going to have dinner and play the Nintendo (the old one). :D

Re: Can I draw your pet again?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:26 pm
by tierasa


This is Tai. Retta's and my chow chow. He has the cutest bear face, and he's SOOOOOOO fluff

EDIT: LOL. I promise both of his eyes are the same size. I just seem to catch his head at angles. XD

Re: Can I draw your pet again?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 6:08 pm
by amazondreamer
This is Pumpernickel (yes like the bread), my sweet loaf-kitty




Re: Can I draw your pet again?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:40 pm
by silvermoondragon
Here, have a photo of my package opener:
Guaranteed to shred anything whether you want it shredded or not.
Image <-- This photo is not rotated, the parrot is... Also, her beak is dirty...

EDIT: oh by the way, this is Rio, my yellow crowned amazon parrot. Did I mention that she likes to chew things?

Re: Can I draw your pet again?

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 8:10 am
by ElvenArcher
Ok. I am going to post more than one pet because I want to show off our cute doggies and our bird :D

First here is my beautiful dog Jade. She is a Beagle/Brittany Spaniel cross. Her manners have gone out the window since we moved but I love her to death.

I'll Link the rest :D because I just want to show them off ;)

This is Merlin. He is the family dog that passed away last November at 16 years old. He was a hyper goofball that ate rocks but we loved him dearly. It being November makes me miss him more. ... r0fmfq.jpg

This adorable cheeseball is Kenai. He loves to smile. He looks ferocious but he isn't. We got him last December. Why so soon after we lost Merlin you might ask. My brother that hasn't ever known life without Merlin and was getting very depressed. My parents were getting worried about him. So when my sister asked if she could get a puppy. They told her yes. ... ilhpv.jpeg ... 1v5hy.jpeg

This is BokBok (I named her when we got her 25 years ago. She made sounds that were chicken like so I called her BokBok). Our 26 year old Goffins Cockatoo. She doesn't look the best in this picture, she has just finished a molt and is getting the rest of her feathers back. ... shy8qn.jpg

Ok other than the turtle and my grandma's two dogs that is all the indoor pets. We also have 2 horses, 2 bunnies, 3 chickens, 1 duck, and we've recently been adopted by a stray cat. :D
We love animals.

Re: Can I draw your pet again?

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:39 pm
by Orasteele

This is my precious girl DS Little Lady Godiva. My special needs child, which has suffered from seizures since she was 6months old. The photo was taken in her youth as she is now mostly grey in her old age and completely blind.

Re: Can I draw your pet again?

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:51 am
by Codress
I have just lost my little cat MJ. She lived to be 8.5 years old and I would LOVE for you to draw her. It would mean the world to me and maybe bring me peace. She just passed on Thanksgiving (yestorday). *tears* I'm trying my best but this is very hard. I'm not trying to do a guilt trip just wold be great. I loved this cat more than just about anything...she used to play fetch and chace her own tail and prrr so loud you could hear her in the next room. Also she loved yellow. I will miss you MJ!! Hope you having fun in catnip heaven.

Re: Can I draw your pet again?

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:45 pm
by Bighorns
Sorry for your loss Codress.

Re: Can I draw your pet again?

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 1:23 pm
by Sushidragon
Well, as you've noticed, I haven't gotten around to drawing any pets yet.. but as I've just signed up for a local pet fair in May I'm definitely going to need some examples now :D Will be doing a couple after VancouFur is open at the beginning of March!

Re: Can I draw your pet again?

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 10:09 am
by Codress
Would TOTALLY be up for you drawing MJ. If you need a few more pics let me know from above. She just pasted this past Thanksgiving so would be a great embodiment of her in your GREAT art style. Hugs and good luck to all. ^_^