He'd probably never know what exactly had happened to his parents, and right now it was far from his mind to try. Let them be comfortable in some lonely little canyon in the middle of the dusty desert; Gyre had the entire world in front of him and was determined to make the most of it! He set out at the trot for a little place on the edge of the desert that they had visited a time or two, whistling to call Moonlight, his catgryph, down to race with him. With an eager whistle she shot past and he leaped into a gallop after her.
And after the scrubland oasis with it's unexpected bounty of sweet fruit? Where next? Gyre's mind hummed with possibilities. Perhaps he could go visit his father's Mystic friends on the coast? Or back to the Rainbow Hotsprings to see his aunt again? He hadn't seen her since they'd attended those odd races.
On the young stallion raced, kicking up a dustcloud behind him as he headed for the marginal lands around the desert, in particular for one seemingly baren cliff that hid a secret bounty on it's flat top.
((For more info about the place he's heading for see this RP. Soarer and Searing are at the cliffs that Gyre is now headed for.))