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12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering - winners!

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:12 am
by Sushidragon
The points winners have been figured out :D Again, a big thank you to CosmicDragon, Perf, and RikkuGirl for running all of these fun games!

Janalee is first place with 13 points!
Nighthenge is second place with 11 points!
Origami_Dragon and Echos were tied for third place with 10 points each, so I used as a tie-breaker. Third place goes to Origami_Dragon!

Although Echos didn't win a Samanayr, she does win the very first semi-custom token:


I also decided to give two additional semi-custom pet tokens to two random people out of everyone who earned at least one point. Congrats to Kendarath and AmazonDreamer!

Janalee gets first pick of Lady, Expectation, and Unyko, Nighthenge gets second pick, and Origami_Dragon will receive the remaining Sam. Just post your choice in the thread!


My wonderful helpers Perf, CosmicDragon, and RikkuGirl will be running various games on the PI thread and on the Samanayr forums, things like pick-a-number or LOL cat caption contests. Winners will be given a point or two, and the three people with the most points will each win a Samanayr!

Here's the three Samanayrs available:

Image Image Image

9 Ladies Dancing, 6 Geese A'laying, and 2 Turtle Doves!

The person with the most points will get first pick of the Sams, the person with the second-most points will get second pick, and the person with the third-most points will receive the remaining Sam. In the event of a tie, I'll randomly select a winner.

Games can happen at any time, on PI or the Sam forums, but they'll all be over at December 17, 11am PST! The winners will be determined then.

Points list - updated Dec 4













Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 1:14 pm
by RikkuGirl
RikkuGirl Game Post

Game 1 - OVER
News report Mini Game for Points! Starts: Now! Ends: 23:00:00 PI/ 6:00 pm EST Tomorrow the 9th!
1st Place - 2 Points!
2nd Place - 1 Point!


Game 2 Start : NOW End : Finished!

1. Janalee - a Fireblanket! Glint chose this because Fires seem to break out with her alot
2. Silvermoondragon - a Squirrel! Enough said
3. Sera - Coat with matching Scarf! Glint liked the thought of matching scarf AND coat
4. Yuiven - Rainbow Bright Glint enjoys rainbows and thought the doll would fit perfectly
5. Silvermoon Dragon - Pretty Ribbon! Glint got so wound up in the ribbon himself he decided to give it early and play too!

^_^ Congrats guys! Good job and thank you all for trying! Each slot is awarded 1 point. :D

Game 3 Starts NOW! Ends : Finished!

Depths Decision!:
Asara Dragon is given 2 points.
Origami_Dragon given 1 point
Echos - 1 Point
Janalee - 1 Point

Random point *drum roll* - Echos! 1 point! :D Congrats guys


Points Gifting!
Game 4 Starts : Now! Ends: 12/17/2009 @ 2:00 pm. EST or when they are all claimed!


Depths, Waltz and Chilling had such a great time here in the Christmas thread that they decided to make some presents for you all! Since this is the time of sharing and caring, they wanted to implement that on these presents as well.

You may NOT claim one for yourself! These are to be given to someone you feel deserves a present or who you would just like to gift to! This is batch is for Forums only. So please if your on PI as well, please stick to one or the other, I will be looking! O.O!!

How to claim:
Since I dont like MASS amounts of PM's I thought Id do this a little more fun. XD To claim 1 present please post the following in this thread:

Present #:
4 Names of people you would LIKE to gift to:

These are FIRST COME FIRST SERVED and all of the presents contain points (1-3), How much depends on which one you get :3. Each is pre picked as to how many points they contain. Once that has been posted and you see your name in the slot for it, I will use a random generator to RANDOMLY pick one of the 4 people you chose! If someone is picked twice in two random rolls I will redo it to pick another person in the list. YOU MAY ONLY GET ONE GIFT GIFTED TO YOU!
Everyone who Gifts a gift will receive 1 point!

1.Echos - 2 Points - Math
2.Origami_Dragon - 1 Point - silvermoondragon
3.AsaraDragon - 3 Points - red_uni387
4. SushiDragon - 3 Points - Kracken2020
5.silvermoondragon 1 Point - LBPheonix
6.Jennalyn - 2 Points - Harroway
7.Kendarath - 2 Points - RikkuGirl
8.Janalee - 1 Point - Yuiven
9.LvSoulFriend - 2 Points - Ogre

1-Point for gifting:

BTW: For all those slots that are not taken I will put sushi in those slots and I will pick randomly from the list of people who want any gift :3

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 1:56 pm
by Perf
LOL Cat Caption Contest

This will be a game for points. I have 2 photos a friend took of a very photogenic kitten at our local shelter, and it's your job to think up a great LOL caption!


-You may only post a caption for one photo, not both, so choose your photo wisely.
-Please enter only once, so enter either here or on the PI fourms.
-You can do the LOL right on the photo or submit it as a bolded caption underneath the photo.
-Please repost the picture so I know you're entering.

Please submit your entries by Wed. December 16th, 2:00 PM Pacific Standard Time! Entries posted after this will not be counted.


LOL Cat 1 -
1st place: 2 points
2nd place: 1 point

LOL Cat 2 -
1st place: 2 points
2nd place: 1 point

And here are your LOL Cat photos!

LOL Cat 1:

LOL Cat 2:

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 2:16 pm
by Jennalyn

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 3:30 pm
by LvSoulFriend

Hee hee, I blame Straight No Chaser for the inspiration XD

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:10 pm
by Perf
Points Game

Since this was so fun last time I thought I would give it another go. The first person to correctly tell me this Samanayr's full name will win one point!

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:17 pm
by Orasteele
Dart of the Winter Ember

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:26 pm
by Perf
Yup! Orasteele gets a point.

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:53 pm
by Janalee
Man Harnesses the Power of Snow
-By Chilling of the Glacial Skies

(The forests hide a heretofore unknown scientific experiment, as well as a really nice pair of boots.
Photo by Chilling of the Glacial Skies)

Maniacal laughter coming from the woods- really, it's amazing how many of my stories start off this way. It's almost always a sign of breaking news though, and I was sure this time would be no different.
As I flew down to the source of the sound, I managed to snap this picture; naturally, I had assumed I had stumbled across the long awaited diplomatic meeting between the snow-horses and the humans, and the laughter had been from the snow-horse's amusement at how ill suited the humans were for life at the North Pole (Mr. and Mrs. Claus excluded, of course). It was then that I noticed the halter though, along with a lack of other reporters, and knew something far more secretive must be afoot. Not one to turn away from a story, particularly when the subject in question was clearly smiling directly and a bit wildly at me, I got out my notebook and asked him what he was so excited about; and was I surprised by what I learned!
Apparently the humans have been using water power for electricity for quite some time, but in the winter the water would freeze and they had to find another source...and this man thought snow would be the perfect option. Using a technique similar to the integrated magic used on some Samanayrs, he was able to produce snow creatures that he could control to produce energy for him; his first successes involved snow hamsters, which could run on their wheels well enough to light a single light bulb each. Today was his greatest achievement thus far, with the creation of a horse that should be able to pull a millstone heavy enough to grind wheat into flour. When asked what his final goal was, he said he was hoping to eventually have a snow dragon which he could use for transportation; he wasn't yet sure how to contain his body heat well enough to not melt the creatures while riding though, let alone if he could make something that large. To that I say, good luck Sir, and I hope to see these snow machines soon!

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:41 pm
by Yuiven
Frosty the...Snowhorse?
By Chilling of the Glacial Skies

Artist Christian Touchet posing with his creation "Frosty"
Photo by Chilling of the Glacial Skies
Dec 09, 2009 – Bickworth – Clippity clop clop, clippity clop clop, look at Frosty go! Clippity clop clop, clippity clop clop, over the hills of snow. "Frosty" the Snowhorse is running here and there all around the outskirts of this charming village while I flew by with my gifts in tow. But it wasn't some magic in an old silk hat that brought the snowhorse to life- it was the unbridled imagination and skilled hands of a local artist. So, I made a pit stop in my holiday rush to see Frosty and speak with his "owner," with a notebook and a pencil in my cloven hooves.

Packing on the pounds, this enchanted equine snow sculpture weighs in at 166. Not just any type of snow was used to make the most of him. You see, he was made out of a very special kind of snow. For it was Christmas snow, and as any child can tell you, there's a certain magic that comes with Christmas snow. It took an hour of ingenuity, backbreaking work, and laughter out in the cold to build this snowhorse. From what I can see, the end result was worth every minute and every second of that hour. Now don't you cry about Frosty having to hurry on his way out fear he will melt away. I'm told he is going to be donated to the park at the children's hospital, where he will never melt, and everybody who visits can laugh and play with him.

Christian Touchet is the artist who originally created Frosty the Snowhorse. A sculptor with formal art training from the Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, he carves and moulds statues not only of horses, but of humans and other animals as well. He uses a wide variety of mediums, but he has never tried snow until now. Christian tells me that he'd simply gotten into the Holiday spirit. I can see that he's got plenty of talent. His work is simply amazing! Christian has numerous pieces on display at the Guggenheim Art Museum. He's definitely an artist you want to check out!

What are you waiting for?! Go see for yourself before Christmas is over!

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:47 pm
by Perf
Points Game:

Write a Summery Haiku! So for those of us in the Northern hemisphere we're well into our Winter and it's been quite chilly! Here's the contest: Make a Summery haiku. So think of hot days, lemonade, suntan lotion, and Summer thoughts. Just write a quick haiku and post it here. (A haiku is a poem made of 3 lines, and the lines have 5-7-5 syllables respectively).

Please post by 12-10-2009 at 4:00 PI time
(So for reference, as of this moment the time on PI is currently 00:52)


My favorite haiku will win 2 points, then I will put the rest into and the random winner of that will win 1 point.

Please enter here or on the PI forums, not both. Have fun!

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:02 pm
by Origami_Dragon
Tropical sun heats,
Lazy sea green waves come and go,
Perfect summer day.

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:08 pm
by silvermoondragon
meh... haikus always seem so random to me, but here's mine:

Lazy Summer Days,
The Sun Beats Down Upon You,
Sailing On The Sea.

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:54 pm
by Janalee
Sunlit, warm earth smell,
I lay in the grass, waiting
for the fireflies.

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 7:25 pm
by Jennalyn
Trapped in summer heat.
Why did Mom get leather seats?
Thighs stuck to the seat!

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:35 pm
by sera

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:24 pm
by Perf

Janalee wins 2 points. I have only ever seen fireflies twice in my life but they just seem so magical! winner (1 point): Jennalyn

Thanks all for participating, I love Haikus! :P For some reason I never tire of reading them.

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:35 pm
by Janalee
*dances happily* I would definitely say 'magical' describes fireflies well; I always loved trying to stalk them at night, and seeing how well you could guess where they'd be when they'd light up next... *smiles nostalgically*
And I agree with the fun nature of Haikus too. ^^ Thanks for running the event!

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:49 am
by CosmicDragon
Points Game:

What I want from you here is a simple (or not so simple!) acrostic poem! It can be as short as a single word for each letter, or as long as you can imagine, as long as it follows the general rules for an Acrostic poem. I'm nice though, I'm going to give you two words to choose from... There will be a separate winner for each one, so choose wisely. Be creative!

Word #1:

Word #2:

Please post by 12-10-2009 1pm Forum Time

My favourite for each word will win a point each, and the rest will be entered into random for the chance to win another point. :3
Please one enter either here or on the PI Forums, not on both. Good luck!

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:59 am
by Origami_Dragon
*tilts head* What is this 'forum time' you speak of? The forum lets you show the time in your local time zone. Do you mean Sushi's time, which would be PST? Either way, here's a poem.

Wild and fierce the first snow flies
Into dark December skies.
Now a flurry, now a mist,
Tumbling downward, winter kissed.
Enchanting and white,
Returned delight.

Not that snow is always delightful...but it is pretty to watch fall and pile up. Right up until you have to go out and drive in the stuff...

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 8:30 am
by silvermoondragon
Well, here's my lolcat:
I got the idea after I attempted to let the cat out in the snow XD

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:33 am
by Janalee
Hunting for color,
Over snowdrifts we came-
Little Arctic explorers
Looking eagerly for
Your green and red.

*does not want to admit how long it took her to come up with anything for most of these letters...* XD

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:47 am
by silvermoondragon
Watching snow fall,
In the street I walk.
Night time underneath a lamppost,
The way it floats and swirls so gracefully.
Even the cold cannot bother me,
Returning home on Christmas eve.

So... many... poems... *twitches*

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:43 pm
by RikkuGirl
Since only two people entered on the sam site we have two winners! :D My boyfriend picked the winners *as he is not on PI nor Sams ^_^*

2-points -1st- Yuiven
1-point - 2nd -Janalee

Congrats you two!!

Re: 12 Days of Christmas - Points Gathering!

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:53 pm
by Jennalyn
I'm not really sure what's meant by 'forum time' either. If forum time = PST then hopefully this has scooted in.

Hey, are we aimed for the parking lot?
Oh gosh, Mister, we're so sorry!
Let us make it up to you, please?
Laughing isn't a good idea after you smack into a police car with your sled.
Yeah... we're in big trouble.