Character profiles - info and profile sheet

The place for more detailed information about your RP characters.
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Samanayr Wrangler
Samanayr Wrangler
Posts: 5392
Joined: Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:55 am
Location: The Great Wet North

Character profiles - info and profile sheet

Post by Sushidragon »

Welcome to the character profiles board! This is the place to flesh out your Samanayr characters for RPs and stories. Character profiles may be required in the future for the more extended moderated RPs, but for now they're just for fun and for your own reference.

Please just make one thread for your characters - each different character can have a different post in your thread. Your characters also don't need to be Samanayrs that actually exist yet, although that's not an invitation to come in with super-powerful Mystery characters or anything like that XD

Here's a form that you can fill out for your characters. You're welcome to add or remove information as you'd like, and if your character is a Sam that already exists, please include their image!

Samanayr name:
Age (foal, yearling, young adult, adult):
Physical description:
Abilities (magical and otherwise):
Likes and dislikes:
Aspirations and goals:
Favorite color:
Odd fact:
Image Image

Current icon by Plaguedog
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