Samanayr name: Reflection of Sunlit Rain
Gender: Mare
Species: Samanayr
Age (foal, yearling, young adult, adult): Young adult
Physical description:
Personality: Reflection is a very gregarious mare, always happy to talk and make friends. She shows her relative youth in her occasional naivete, spats of daydreaming, and giggling fits. She can be a bit vain from time to time as well.
Abilities (magical and otherwise): Flight (limited)
History: Reflection was born into the Song of the Willful Spirit, daughter to Scatter and Beat. Her mother quietly taught her right from wrong, and the importance of a Song. Thusly, as soon as she was considered an adult, Reflection set out in search of her ideal stallion. She found him not long after, in the person of Tyger of the Dark Night.
Song of the Loyal Heart
Likes and dislikes: She likes pretty, sparkly things, flowers, talking, making new friends, and sweet berries (whenever she can get them). She doesn't like
Aspirations and goals: She is content to exist in her Song, living happily from day to day, but she dreams of someday doing something heroic and great, so that if she ever has foals, she can tell them stories about it and how brave she was.
Fears: Reflection is not very fond of thunderstorms.
Favorite color: Blue
Odd fact: