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Zephyr's Cast of Crazies :-P

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:10 am
by Zephyr

Samanayr name: Warmth of Cinnamon Cocoa
Gender: female
Species: Northern
Age: young adult/adult
Physical description: thick coat of swirled brown, with cream leg bands and face, pudgy body and paws (talons). She wears beads in warm autumn colors and has brown eyes.
Personality: Warmth is like her name: warm, friendly, open to anyone, ready with a friendly word, advice, help if needed. Clever with words, she has her flaws; sums make her weep, she can't resist sweets, and she has a habit of forgetting things - the more she's trying to do at once, the more apt she is to forget something or get confused. Alas, her organisational skills are lacking! She is passionate about things, some enough to fight for; she loathes bullying of any kind (and woe betide the Sam who wounds another before her eyes), and is distinctly unimpressed with popularity or name games. She believes everyone deserves a chance (and a second chance, if it comes to that), and that every Sam has a way in which to shine. Her quaint conceit is her vocabulary, which she constantly tries to improve by learning at least one new word a day (and if most are promptly forgotten, well....that's fine and dandy, and none the wiser, right?). But if you need her to define a word, or just simplify herself for you, she'll do that too, in a heartbeat. She's not a snob, after all. She just loves words, and longs to share that love with others.....preferably over a mug of hot, sweet, cinnamon cocoa!
Abilities (magical and otherwise): she doesn't have any 'official' abilities, unless her ability to get lost anywhere is an actual *ability*. XD Good with words, bad with remembering where things are.
History: New and hasn't been RPed, so doesn't really have one yet >_<
Song: n/a (looking for one!)
Likes and dislikes: Likes words, hates sums. Likes small animals, scared of really big ones (esp. those of canine nature). Likes friends, hates bullies. Loves cocoa, hates tea.
Aspirations and goals: to become famous for a story. To make a lot of friends. To overcome a fear. To make a difference.
Fears: Canines. Tight, crowded places. Heights. Forgetting something important. Being forgotten. Letting a friend down.
Favorite color: orange
Odd fact: The only type of tea she can stand is ginger. And she likes obsolete or archaic words, they're like candy to her.

Re: Zephyr's Cast of Crazies :-P

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:18 pm
by Zephyr
Image Image
Samanayr name: Flight of Wistful Earth
Gender: female
Species: Samanayr
Age: adult
Physical description: rusty brown with cream markings, stockings on all four feet, and wing barring
Personality: Flight is my nature-girl; she loves the outdoors, especially in fall when she blends in! She hates being cooped indoors, and would live in a tree if she could. She's friendly and outgoing, though she dislikes show-offs and know-it-alls. She doesn't like being studious or sitting still for long, and though she's not a prankster she has a lively sense of humor, so long as it's not at someone's expense. She's quick to laugh at herself. She's quite comfortable being solitary for long stretches of time, accompanied only by her mage construct pet, Zea.
Abilities (magical and otherwise): Flight, and maybe the ability to recognise all mundane poisonous plants by experience XD
History: haven't really made one >_<
Song: n/a
Likes and dislikes: Likes apples, sweet-corn, most autumn vegetables, music (dancing), being outside, sunshine and blue skies. Dislikes sitting still, being kept inside, deep snow, thunderstorms, arogant or stuffy Sams
Aspirations and goals: to have a treehouse and her own apple orchard. >_<
Fears: Deep water, Deep snow, claustrophobia
Favorite color: red
Odd fact: She named her construct pet 'Zea', which is the scientific name for Corn, mainly because it's impossible to keep Zea from nibbling on the baby ears of corn.

Re: Zephyr's Cast of Crazies :-P

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:22 pm
by Zephyr
Samanayr name: Shard of the Emerald Reborn
Gender: male
Species: Sa'grisayr
Age: Young adult
Physical description: A very feathery dude! Feather creat and wings, peacock feather tail (but not a full peacock tail), beak and taloned paws. Emerald green, swirling with a brighter yellow-green, and blue-green shaows.
Personality: He's young, and hasn't found his niche yet. As such, he's prone to attempt more than he can manage, especially with aerial feats. He spends most of his time in the air, largely because he's clumsy on the ground, though he'll deny it, even when sprawled at your feet. He acts arrogant at times, but he really is a softy at heart. He has a hot temper, though, and sometimes speaks before he thinks, especially when he's embarassed.
Abilities (magical and otherwise): A quite decent flier, though instead of focusing on what he CAN do, he tends to try for more and more spectacular feats, usually ending up with some degree of failure.
History: n/a
Song: n/a
Likes and dislikes: Likes flying, pretty samanayr females, good food (he likes the savory foods), taking dares, low clouds. Dislikes rain and thunder (hard to fly in), dancing, being on the ground, being laughed at, being turned down, bland foods like porridge.
Aspirations and goals: To get his own song started, with a preference for brightly colored and winged Samanayr mares. Yes, he's that humble. XD
Fears: being unable to fly, never starting a song, being hit by lightning
Favorite color: yellow
Odd fact: He claims to dislike sweets because they're not 'masculine', but he secretly likes sweets almost as much as savories.