Could it be?!

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Could it be?!

Post by Xenon »

Yes, yes, it could. Xenon is hunting out mens AND womens! One of each, as chance would have it, and for a lovely father-daughter pair!

Here we have Memory of the Dulled Weapon, a sweet little creature that's finally getting out from under the wing of her rather overbearingly protective father. Scythe went to great extents to keep her from ever experiencing any real harm - an amusing fact, because she now fails to recognize harm when she sees it, something which will certainly not help her out any now that she's out in the world!

But the fact remains, Memory is an absolute doll-face of a Sam. She's very shy and extraordinarily naive, trusting of others to a terrible extreme. A side effect of this mindset combined with her home life means that she has little idea of what is "safe", and she actually views those who resemble her father (which is to say, of course, Sa'krien) more highly than she does members of any other species.

Next up, we have... Er, her father, actually. o_O

What is there I can say about Scythe that you don't all know already? He's an utter creeper, totally unbalanced in the mind, and dangerous in a way that most of his species isn't. Scythe has managed to get himself a Song together, with Regrets as his lead mare and the beautiful Cresting as second-potato. But don't tell him I said that - he loves everyone equally, or so he claims while staring at me with one eye open slightly wider than the other.

There are some plots afoot with him right now, and so as a result, he has ~one slot~ left in his Song and he'd very much like to have that spot occupied! Scythe tends to be drawn to mares who aren't overly colorful, and he doesn't usually go for winged mares unless they are somehow grounded.

So. Any takers? >3
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Re: Could it be?!

Post by CosmicDragon »

Aaaaah, most magnificent Scythe, and the lovely little... Memory? How apt! ;)
I have a pair of boy's who would be honoured to be in her presence.
This handsome fella is the strong-but-silent type, and he enjoys nothing more than playing beautifully tragic love songs on his precious bagpipes... Nothing, that is, except the company of the fair sex. Dark and mysterious, he tends to fall for those who don't fall for him. Hence the inherent sadness in his songs. He also has a small amount of Sa'krien blood, from his great grandfather's side, which leads to him swinging into tempestuous moods every now and then for no reason.

Ill-tempered and generally stand-offish, Poison is very much like his namesake. Having his heart broken as a youth by his first love turned his view of the world dark, and allowed anger to flourish freely in his heart. Without realising it himself, love could be resurrected in his heart by innocence, if only he could open his eyes and see it in another.

.... And I have a lady (well, she's female at least... though there is very little 'lady-like' about her) who is quite intrigued by Scythe. She's a tree-hugger who accepts all Sams for who they are, not what they are, and is forever attaching herself to things (animals mainly) that grow and leave her in the end. This has left her somewhat damaged, and easily tipped into fits of depression and frustration. She will always continue on the peaceful course, even when it is idiotic to do so.
Her closest friend is a dragonette she raised herself, who brings her numerous little trinkets to keep in her bags.

"The universe is big. It's vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles." - 11th Doctor
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