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Sam RP Question

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:16 pm
by RikkuGirl
I was not sure if I should have posted this on the Thread that Sushi made for the event... ^_^;; So ill ask it here.

I was thinking of using my new colt in the RP as my character this time. Though im not sure if that would be ok. Since Origami's Bloom is his mother, I was wondering if it would be ok for me to have him tag along at her side.

If that is ok with Origami as well ^_^;;

If not I was going to use my Chilling. So.... um... ya... ^_^;;;;;

Also am I able to name him before he grows up? Or give him a nick name until then?

Thank you!! :D

Re: Sam RP Question

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:43 pm
by Jennalyn
You're able to name your foal, but he won't officially have a name until he grows up. You can have it in mind and let Sushi know in advance for when his adult image is ready to go up, but "culturally" he won't be named until then.

I dunno about the RP stuff. ^_^ I'll leave that to someone else.

Re: Sam RP Question

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:48 pm
by Origami_Dragon
I honestly don't know if Bloom will be joining this RP or not, and probably won't know until I see Sushi's first post for it. If I do use her then her foal is welcome to be played as tagging along with her. If I don't use her...he could have snuck off if the RP is being set not too far from the hotsprings (or technically even if it is set far away, though that would be less in character I'd think for a foal to get so far from mom). But unless I choose to use her for the RP I'd rather you didn't say that she was there with her foal.

Re: Sam RP Question

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:53 pm
by RikkuGirl
^_^ Yes, I was not going to claim she was there... I was just checking to see if you were thinking of using her :3 She is not mine so I cannot MAKE it so ^_^. I respect that she is yours, part of the reason I made the post. :D

Thank you very much for the idea Origami, and for the infor Jen!

I really appreciate it. :3 With that said from you Origami, I think ill just use my Chilling. *hugs*

Just wanted to make sure. I tend to get ahead of things and I dont want to get into trouble or make a mistake. ^_^;;;;;

Thank you so much again guys :D

Re: Sam RP Question

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:59 pm
by Origami_Dragon
Just saw Sushi's post! And there is a good chance that I will be using Bloom. And even if I don't, the setting is such that I think you could easily use your colt I'd think. And given where it's set, I have no problem with you saying that she's just around somewhere in the clearing even if I decide against actually playing her since there is pretty much no chance that Bloom would not be there somewhere.

Could always use both of your Sams if you don't mind playing multiple characters at once.

Re: Sam RP Question

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:39 pm
by RikkuGirl
Really?! :D eeeee *glomps Origami* Your the freakin best!!!! *hugs*

I just read it too, and it def sounds like he could fit in. :3 I will use him but I will leave his mothers whereabouts open so if you are going to use her then I wont be imposing on your enterance. :D

Also I wanted to know if you would help me name him. ^_^;; Id LOVE to have his mommies ideas for names! Besides, it makes him even more special for me knowing that you had a part in his naming.

If YOU dont mind Origami n_n

Re: Sam RP Question

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:25 pm
by Origami_Dragon
That works! And means that I don't have to worry about making sure that Bloom is wherever he fact she currently has no idea where he is... It's not that she's a bad mom...she's just a little...vague? And I just read his profile; if they do run into each other in the RP I'm going to have to have Bloom ask him about if he's eaten any rocks! Have to work that in somehow...

And Bloom and I would be happy to help with the naming, though she's likely to be an unexpected traditionalist there and want to see him grown up first... Though she will admit that right now she thinks Chestnut would be a lovely part of a name.

Re: Sam RP Question

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:24 am
by RikkuGirl
:D I like that. ^_^

Yes he has an afinity for Shiney stones O_o;; Especially if he finds gem stones. lol He probly has the most expensive pooh ever! XP Must be the shineyness that makes them just so...Nummy!

Sweet! Well Im down for her help all the way! *wiggles* and yes.. I believe he will need a good stern talking to. n_n