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May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 9:21 am
by Sushidragon
I'm going to be away this month from the 8th to the 17th (Prince George and then Vancouver - SO happy to be heading to the city!). While I'm away I will have internet access, but no scanner and I'm likely not going to be drawing. I'm not sure what all will be happening this month, since we still don't know if we'll be moving or not, so this month I'll be playing it by ear rather than having a schedule XD I will be setting up the monthly draw shortly, and it will be open until I get back.

Next month is also an unknown, since we might be moving then if we don't move this month, and my wedding is taking place on June 11!

One thing I also need to start doing now is stockpiling premade Sams for when the baby arrives. I'm assuming I will have zero time and/or energy for Samanayrs in the first few months after it's born, but I also don't want Samanayrs to go on hiatus for that long, so I'm planning on finding a helper or two to keep things running while I'm MIA. But I do still have a few months to figure that out XD

Okay, this ended up longer than I'd intended, sorry!

Re: May event unschedule

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 9:23 am
by Jennalyn
I certainly think we can all respect an unschedule for the next few months as things try and settle themselves in your life. :D Wheeeeee for wedding! And possibly moving, though the packing's always such a pain.

Re: May event unschedule

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 10:17 am
by silvermoondragon
That's alright, enjoying your trip is most important! Besides, this way there's more suspense! You never know when an event might happen XD

I'm excited for June also since my birthday is on the 16th and I get to go home for a few weeks and see my doggie :D

I'm always here to help if needed. You could always have another guest artist event then to add to the number of Samanayrs available during that time.

Re: May event unschedule

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 11:33 am
by RikkuGirl
*hugs* Any thing you need we can do it! :D Im totaly available if you need help with anything. Im so happy for you again for your wedding and pregnancy! :D Its such an awesome experience I cant wait to experience myself! :P

Best of luck and...


Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 1:06 pm
by Sushidragon
For the remainder of the month, I'm wondering what everyone would think of a good ol' fashioned mini breeding season :D Forms would be open for a few days, and then 10 applications would be randomly chosen, and then each of those breedings would be rolled for success. With a base 30% success rate, this would probably result in 3 or 4 successful breedings.

In addition, I'm finally going to hold the signature button contest XD I've been meaning to do this for months, so it's about time I finally get on that! Some customs will also be available.

Otherwise, I think some small games and such are in order. We're not moving this month, at least, so I do have a little more time than I'd originally thought.

I have a few other things planned in general, but whether they happen this month, next month, or even later remains to be seen!

Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 1:24 pm
by Orasteele
I think all of those sound like splendid ideas and a lot of fun too! Maybe if we get lucky there will be a u-stream session or two to watch as the frankens or breedings unfold! XD

Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 1:30 pm
by Origami_Dragon
Oh yes, like we're going to turn down a breeding season? Especially right after so many more gorgeous pairings were made in Jenn's event!

And a signature button contest sounds interesting. Sounds like a plan for the rest of the month!

Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 1:48 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Sounds like lots of fun :D

Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 2:07 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
OAO That would be so awesome with all the new totally epic pairs that were made in Jenn's thread. The problem will be deciding who to breed... I'll probably end up going with either Delicious' Vivacity and my Mystic or Ori's Gyre and my Drift, but we'll see... >3>

And a few games sound fun as well! Pretty much every Sam-related event if fun though, so... Yeah. XD *shot*

Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 5:04 pm
by Tervenna
I am up for a mini-breeding season - when I was looking through my loevlies last night, I found a pair that was suddenly very intriguing to me, and needed to be bred next time there was a season :D

Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 5:09 pm
by Eirnae
In a word: Eeeeeeee! :D

In more words:

What? Some folks probably guessed by now that just the one expression of my gleefulness wouldn't be enough for me. :P

The idea of a breeding season makes me all giddy! There are so many beautiful Sams out there that I just can't wait to see what their babies look like! :D As for the U-Stream, that would be fantastic! I haven't had a chance to participate in one yet, but I still have hope. Maybe I'll get lucky this month and be able to "catch a show"? ;)

"Other events" has got me grinning wide enough to make my cheeks hurt. I just love the notion of there being something other than what we know for certain is happening. It lends an air of excitement and mystique!

My overall opinion? This plan of action rocks my proverbial socks! :D

Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 5:43 pm
by silvermoondragon
Sounds like lots of fun! I'll be happy with whatever event you choose to hold :D

Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 6:29 pm
by RikkuGirl
YAY! :D im so excited ^^

Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 7:30 pm
by Nadir
Breeding season sounds awesome (I'll have to remember to stalk the open songs - getting my first sam through a breeding would be great :P).

Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 3:27 am
by AsaraDragon
Ohhh man, the only problem I have with a breeding season is deciding whose turn it is to give it a try!

Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 3:54 am
by Jennalyn
Breedings would be so fantastic I could scream. xD

Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 7:31 am
by Delicious
Behbehs! *spasm*

.... that is all I have to say on the subject. o:

Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 12:58 pm
by Xenon
oh man, breedings would be so awesome. Like, you have no idea. XD I'm flailing around like an idiot right now at even just the thought of it.

Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 3:30 pm
by Sushidragon
Breedings it is! They'lll be opening either tomorrow or Friday. I don't have an exact set time because it's not first-come first-served and forms will be open for a few days XD

I was hoping to get a lot more accomplished today, including finishing off the Frankensams (just one more to color!), but I had a bit of an accident when going to meet Mr Sushi for lunch. I managed to turn my ankle and fall down while walking on a gravel path down a hill, and after a trip to the emergency room the verdict is a very scraped up shin, pulled ligaments on the ankle on the other leg, and a healthy baby (glad I didn't land on my stomach!). I'm not dying or anything, but I think I'll be taking it easy for the rest of the day and icing that ankle up good XD;

Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 3:44 pm
by silvermoondragon
Oh no! That's not good. Thankfully the baby's alright and hopefully you'll be feeling better soon.

Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 3:45 pm
by Jennalyn
Oof, I read that on Facebook! I'm so glad that you and the sproggin' are doing okay, and please do take it easy. We don't want the Sushi out of commission because she pushed herself, especially because that kind of strain always sucks twice as hard. <3


Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 6:19 pm
by Eirnae
I already expressed this on PI, but I wanted to say it here too ...

I'm glad that you and baby Sushi are alright, hon, and hope that you will be feeling better soon. Not because I'm chomping at the bit to see the new pretties (Even if I am. <_<), but because I want you to feel good asap! :D

Thanks for the update, and take care of yourself, our Lady of Sushi Goodness. :)

Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 7:13 am
by Sushidragon
Thanks for the good wishes! Baby and I are feeling okay today, I just won't be going on any long walks for a while XD; Unfortunately I'll probably still be all scabbed up for the wedding too, but worse things could happen!

I did end up finishing all of the Frankensams yesterday, so I'll be scanning and posting them later today.

Re: May event unschedule - breedings?

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 7:56 am
by AsaraDragon
*latches onto Sam forum*