
A Samanayr job is a specialized role that the Samanayr plays in their society. Each job comes with a ‘uniform’ and a perk that may benefit just the Samanayr or even its entire Song.

When jobs are available, a Job Fair is announced on the forum.



To learn a job, a Samanayr must be trained in it by a master of the profession. Occasionally these masters come together in job fairs where several jobs will be available to learn. Job masters can also help a Samanayr who already has a job move up a rank to the next job level. Payment for the training is required in the form of tradeable items and/or magical items such as a modiems – each job will have the training cost listed.

Samanayrs and Jobs


When a Samanayr receives its training, their cert and database information will be updated with their title (eg Pet Tamer Glint of the Ice Prism), they’ll receive their uniform, and their perk will automatically go into effect. Each Samanayr can be trained in one job at a time and must quit its current job if it wants to learn a new one. A Samanayr learning a new job will start over at rank 1 regardless of its rank in its previous job.

Job Ranks


Most jobs have various ranks. A Samanayr will usually start at rank 1 and can move up in the ranks as more training spots open up. Higher ranks mean better perks and fancier uniforms, and a highly ranked Samanayr may someday become a master, able to train others in their profession.

Some jobs, such as Wandering Mystic, don’t have ranks. Once a Samanayr takes an unranked job, there is no advancement except to become a master.

Current Jobs


These are the jobs that are currently available to be trained in. When a Samanayr is trained in rank 1 of a job, they receive that job’s uniform and any other pets or perks that may come with the job. If a Samanayr is being trained in a rank higher than 1, their uniform will be expanded upon.


Pet Tamer
Pet Tamers have a special bond with animals and are very skilled at finding, taming, and trading them. Uniform is harness with small pouches, collars, and such attached. If the Sam doesn’t already have a pet, they’ll be given a random one at rank 1.

PerksCan have up to 3 pets equippedUp to 4 petsUp to 5 petsCan find a random pet every 3 months
RequirementsN/ARank 1Rank 2Rank 3 and at least 3 pets
Cost10 pts10 pts15 pts20 pts


Storytellers travel from place to place sharing stories, news, and information. Their uniform is beads, bangles, various small decorations. A storyteller usually has a theme, such as tree-related accessories.

PerksCan do Songless breedingsCan splice rather than breed during regular breeding season
RequirementsN/ARank 1Rank 2 and at least one RP on forum
Cost10 pts15 pts20 pts


Nursemaids have a particular affinity with foals and just adore caring for them. Their uniform is a white harness and a cap with a large white feather on the top. One foal ‘pet.’ Cannot be a Misery, Sa’krien, or Mystery.

Perks+20% chance of breeding successAdditional foal ‘pet’Foals are 50% more likely to inherit traits from both parents
RequirementsN/ARank 1Rank 2 and at least one foal produced
Cost10 pts15 pts20 pts



Scouts are explorers with a strong connection to the land, seeking the lushest and safest places for Samanayrs to dwell. Their uniform is a lightweight harness with small pouches for mapping equipment.

Perks+5% chance of breeding success for the entire Song.+10% success for SongSong can have 5 mares.
RequirementsN/ARank 1Rank 2 and in a Song
Cost10 pts15 pts20 pts



Guards are quite protective and particularly adept at protecting Songs. Their uniform is armor and iron horseshoes (if hooved). Can’t have ‘delicate’ traits that could be easily damaged, such as butterfly wings.

PerksFoals have a higher chance of inheriting traits from this parentFoals will have random ‘tough’ traits (eg Armor)Foals will be born Guards
RequirementsN/ARank 1Rank 2Rank 3 and in a Song
Cost10 pts10 pts15 pts20 pts


Wandering Mystic

Wandering Mystics subscribe to the old notion that Mystics should travel from Song to Song, sharing their magical abilities, rather than tying themselves to a single Song. Their uniform is traveling equipment, such as a harness and carry pouches. Must be a Mystic, can’t be in a Song or join a Song.

PerksCan do Songless breedingsAll foals will be Mystics
RequirementsN/ARank 1 and at least one RP on the forum
Cost10 pts20 pts

Job Masters


Once a Samanayr has mastered all of the ranks of their job path, they can train to be a Master of that job. A Master is able to train other Samanayrs in their job for whatever fee they would like to set.

A Master is able to train two students per calendar year, each in the first rank of their job path. Once the Master’s fee has been paid, I will issue a job token and related accessories and perks to the nearly-trained Samanayr. At this time a Master is not able to train for ranks above 1.