samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 1-1 of 1

Song of the Magical BiFrost
ID: 081 Status: Closed
- Lead Stallion -
Wings of Captured Rainbow
Owned by Fyrebird
- Lead Mare -
Arc of the Spanning Spectrum
Owned by Fyrebird

- Mares -
Wings of Vanishing Winter
Owned by Cee
Wings of Scarlet Snow
Owned by Cee
Dance of the Flickering Flame
Owned by DragonFlight
- Offspring -
Crest of the Spectral Wave
Foal of Dance of the Flickering Flame
Song of the Ethereal Flame
Glowing of Frost Refractions
Foal of Dance of the Flickering Flame
Not currently in a Song
Shard of the Broken Opal
Foal of Arc of the Spanning Spectrum
Song of the Blooded Scythe
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Database coded by Jenn