Up for Trade

Exchange items with other users, and trade with the Sharians.
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Proud Samanayr Fosterer
Proud Samanayr Fosterer
Posts: 2851
Joined: Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:44 pm
Favorite Sam species: Sa'grisayr

Up for Trade

Post by silvermoondragon »

Well, if anyone is interested, I have these items I am willing to trade:

- 1 x Pattern Modiem
- 2 x Color Modiems
- 1 x Silver Tiara
- 1 x Chickadee

Just let me know if you'd like anything and what you'd be willing to trade for it. I'm most interested in tradeable items like Rosa Berries, Lamanayr Feathers, ect. but I am willing to negotiate.
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