Costume contest voting - scariest!

Contests, games, draws, and other ways to get Sams! Also custom availability.

Vote for your choice in the scariest costume' category!

1. Dragon
2. A Warning
3. Pyramid Head
4. Black Widow Spider
5. Mummy
6. Death
7. Spined Armor
No votes
8. Demon
9. Spider
Total votes: 40

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Samanayr Wrangler
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Costume contest voting - scariest!

Post by Sushidragon »

You're voting for the winner of the 'scariest costume' category of the costume contest! Please be sure to review each entry before voting :D

Voting will be open until October 30, 12pm PDT!
1. Dragon

2. A Warning
It had been a very busy week. The rocky outcropping where the two Sams worked was bleached with the sun and stained with dark brownish-red; most of the blood had dried, but there were spots of livid crimson here and there that were still wet. Footprints, mainly. It took a lot to build the project they were working on, and the stallion wasn’t exactly neat in his gory work.

“Put this on there, somewhere,” Rend ordered, dropping a carnelian-stained wing next to Mystic of the Burning Metals. It had been white, once, with just a touch of color to its soft feathers. “That was the most iyrritating of all. I want heyr to be easily identified.”

“The costume will be overbalanced,” the mystic informed him, cool and distant. Her hooves were braced on a bloody pile of fur, scales, and hide on the ground, and her muzzle was lightly stained as she forced a needle in and out of the carnage. “It will be hayrder for flying. I need another layrge piece for the back.”

“I don’t cayre. Make it work.” Returning to the much larger pile of Samanayr corpses, the demon elemental hunted for a body that he hadn’t yet pillaged and dragged his selection out where it could be used, slicing away tufts and draconic wings to free a reasonably sized ‘scrap’ for her collection. “Woyrk faster. What is taking so long?”

“If you keep yelling at me, I will leave, and you can get someone else to help you. Maybe Infeyrno is not busy. I am sure she would put up with your tantrums.” Mystic shot him a flat silvery glance, and the stallion scowled- dumping the piece of hide at her feet. The elemental mare wouldn’t take a second the irritation that the patient Mystic had sat through all day, and he knew it.

Grumbling, he left her in silence to prowl restlessly around the killing field. Intruders- he hated intruders. Anyone who came onto his territory was dealt with swiftly and violently. This week more than others, for Rend had a costume to plan- after the morning’s ‘collection,’ the pair had been fairly certain they had enough. Finding a bone that he particularly liked, he ripped it free and offered it to her just as she bit through the last stitches.

“Hold still,” she instructed, and threw the contraption over his head. With some struggling, they got his wings through the holes in the back; affixing the last piece of bone, the mare stepped back to regard her stallion thoughtfully. “Well, it is ceyrtainly teyrrifying.”

BurningMetals~Mystic had been one of Rend’s mares for a very long time, and not much startled her anymore. She had accepted the stallion’s harsh and violent ways, and even viewed him with pride and affection, but this had indeed been the most unsettling of his desires since the first day they had met. A multitude of Sams had contributed to the project with their lives. Rend was draped from nose to hindquarters in a curtain of patchwork hides, all different textures and colors and patterns. Here and there, physical attributes had been added: bones, the feathered wing, a broken antler, a part of a face with the eye still attached. Eyeholes revealed his cynical gaze, and the entire ensemble was liberally streaked with drying blood. The smell was sickening, but the flies seemed to enjoy it.

“I think it is finished,” she murmured, shaking her head. “What ayre you calling youyrself, now that you have cyreated this monstrosity?”

Using his wings to lift himself into the air and over to a nearby pond, Rend examined his reflection with satisfaction. “I am a Wayrning,” he replied grimly, glancing over his shoulder at the mare. “If anyone comes into my teyrritory, my land, then a little piece of them can be added…just like eveyryone else hanging here.”

3. Pyramid Head

4. Black Widow Spider

6. Death
An eerie feeling seems to seep into the thread as a hooded Sam slinks in. The first thing that you notice about the creepy-looking Sam is it's black cloak, which seems to drape around it like an all-consuming shadow. The next most obvious of the Sam's features is it's large and rather imposing scythe, adorned with a skull, and gripped between one of the Sam's cloven hooves. The fact that the Sam's feet are all white adds to the 'Grim Reaper' effect in a frighteningly effective way. It's eyes are a blood red color, further adding to the terrifying scene. The Samanayr cackles maniacly, sending shivers down your spine. "I have come to take your soul!" it shrieks, completing the creepy display.

7. Spined Armor

8. Demon

9. Spider
Poison stood, twitching uncomfortably as the sharian put the finishing touches on his 'costume'. Already a hairy brown blanket had been tied and moulded around his form, a stiffened helm of the same material had been tied to his head. This cap sported six glassy 'eyes', sparkling with something akin to life in the late afternoon light. Two spiked mandibles had been stuck to the corners of his scowling mouth with sticky sap, and the same sap had been woven into webs between his spines. Around his stomach was fasted another pair of legs, and with a satisfied grin the Sharian stepped away to reveal yet another pair fastened around the base of his neck! Eight legs, eight eyes, this stallion now had, and his unenthused scowl to complete the outfit.
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