Aaaaanyway, I started wondering recently if any of the people I remember were still around and if I could get back into this. Back then, the Orchard Messagepost @ The Silver Unicorn was sort of the main hang-out place, but that seems to be gone now. It looks like Lexington took over for Silvanon with the Painted Unicorns (http://crystalunicorns.proboards.com/), but even that seems to have gone silent a few months ago. I definitely remember Samanayrs from back then, but this is basically the only place I've managed to find that still seems even remotely active. Are there other people out there doing adoptables? And do people still create webpages to house the creatures they adopt? That was (a large part of) what was fun for me: designing the pages and writing the stories and whatnot. But I can't seem to find an example of someone who still actually does that ^^;; If someone without a webpage wanted to adopt, would their Samanayr basically just live in the database and through any role-playing that person partakes in on the forums? Anyone who wants to help fill me in on how things work these days would be greatly appreciated!