I've never made a pattern before, so I decided to try creating one through trial and error. This is Take II - the first attempt was so small that I couldn't turn the legs completely XD
Take III needs a longer neck, different leg positioning, and longer feet, so I ended up tuirning Take II into a horse dragon thing - with rainbow hair!
Here is its butt:
Eventually this pattern is going to become a Ponyta, and then Samanayrs XD
Lol, I'm having the same problem trying to make a Sam pattern. I can't seem to get the legs right. Your still looks really cute though, you got eyes, hair and wings on it whic is further that I've even gotten.
Before I go to bed (and by 'go to bed' I totally don't mean 'play Fallout') I thought I'd share Take III of my equine pattern. It's getting closed to what I'm going for, but I'm still not entirely happy with it, so instead of the Ponyta it's intended to be I ended up turning this guy into some kind of sheep-looking thing XD
Thank you for the feedback! I guess the photo does make him look a little scary, but he's a lot cuter in person, I promise XD
I'm halfway through Take IV right now - it has a longer body, slightly larger head, and is a little larger overall. I'm hoping this'll be the final pattern, so if all goes well Take IV will become a Ponyta, since I wanted to make one for a friend's birthday XD
Oh yeah, I'm working on finishing up Take IV right now - just need to add the details, and he's going to become a Ponyta! The pattern's almost done, whoo
*wiggles in awe of the cutness* ^_^ I love looking at these. :3 i wants a plushie. lol im so lazy to get to the store to buy supplies and try my hand at it ^_^:; one day!!!
Take IV is finally finished! It's a birthday present for a good friend I'll be seeing when we're in Vancouver - it's a shiny Ponyta, so its fire is blue instead of regular fire colored.
I'm really happy with the pattern now, and it's all ready for future Samanayrizing
^_^ I likes, the blue is very purty *nods* and for some one who doesnt do that for a living... YOUR GOOD! I dont think I could do that from scratch if my life depended on it... :3 ill try one day, just hopefully my life wont be on the line O.<