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Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 11:15 pm
by Codress
OMG all these pretties in songs and just *faints* tooo much really too muches LOL soooo many nice/rockin/interesting/etc.. pairs. ^_^ was great to see them all.

THANK YOU JEN for all your work on this and showing the pairs and so on and sushi for your art. ^_^
Like i said b4 you both are ROCK STARS!!! ^_^ HUGGLES

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:55 am
by Jennalyn
Oh. My gosh. Guys, I can't even begin to say how excited I am at the participation in this year's event. We have 47 people who made matches for 82 pairs! That is beyond awesome!

Of course, that also means I'm SO GLAD lets me make the number pool as large as I want. I can't even imagine going old-school and writing out all of the names on slips of paper to stick into a hat.

What you've all been eagerly waiting for - ze prizes!


The much-coveted Twin Breeding Token once again takes the spotlight as the grand prize! This item guarantees a successful breeding with the winning pair resulting in twin foals, one for each owner. The person whose name was picked as the winner gets to choose their foal, leaving the second for the other parent’s owner.

tierasa's Melody of the Sunset Breeze
Paired with hardwired's Sheen of the Translucent Rainbow


Image Image


Sushi created two pairs of love-pair pets for this year's event. The person whose name was picked as the winner gets to choose their pet, leaving the second for the mate's owner.

Tasmen's Trumpet of the Alabaster Trunk
Paired with Kentouma's Peek of the Peaceful Lagoon


Image Image

Mage Constructs
Britain's Whisper of the Subterranean Secret
Paired with Orasteele's Illumination of Hidden Winds


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As a special treat to reward this year's incredible participation, Sushi also wanted to find homes for several of the older Sams who've been waiting quite a while! The first person on the list gets to choose first, and then the second person, etc.

Bluestarwolf12's Flicker won the first pick!
LvSoulFriend's Epiphany won the second pick!
Puuka's Ennui won the third pick!
Nighthenge's Drive won the fourth pick!
RikkuGirl's Shelter won the fifth pick!

And the owners of their mates win tradeable items, which should come in handy during the upcoming breeding season!

Image AranelSaraphim

Image Janalee

Image Seren

Image ElvenArcher

Image Codress

So that's it! I'm kind of shocked there were no repeat names with how many Sams some people were able to pair up, but the randomizer lived up to its name. Luffs to everyone, and I'll see you for the breeding season!

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 5:58 am
by Puuka
This year's Spring Fling has been so much fun! Thank you Jenn, and Sushi!
Congratulations to everyone!

Tierasa and Hardwired, I can't wait to see your foals, that's an awesome pair - so colorful!

All of the pets are so cute! I love the little birds and dinos, so bright!

And yay for extra Sams! Thanks to Sushi for the extra prizes! :D

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 6:23 am
by CosmicDragon
Ooh, congrats guys! :3 Some very lurverly prizes here! Those pets are all just so darned CUTE! Especially those macaw-coloured firebirds~

And I just have to say... Whoever goes home with Time of Gold Flowing, I SHALL STALK THEE TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH AND THEN SOME. o3o I've been hanging on the edge of my seat to see how he'd be given out ever since he first appeared, and I'm so excited to see him finally get a home!
So. Freaking. Handsome. <3

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 7:57 am
by LvSoulFriend
Congrats guys! Bounty's gonna be a great-granpa! XD

And those mage constructs are just perfect for the winning pair XD

*stares at sam prizes* Holy cow, how am I supposed to pick?!?

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:34 am
by AranelSaraphim
Congrats everyone! Whomever takes Time of Gold Flowing will have a new stalker! I've loved him since I first saw him a long time ago. ^_^

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:07 am
by RikkuGirl
Oh wow!!!! Congrats everyone.

^^ thanks for the fun

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:11 am
by Kentouma
Oooh! Firebirds! XD Or should I say lovebirds? *is silly* But yay! Thank you, he/she will be my first pet, and shy little Peek could use a friend! Is there a way to tell males vs. females with pets? Are they assigned?

Congrats on the twins! That pair is gonna make some pretty babies!

Also, on the subject of the sam prizes... ooooh! Those are some pretty pretties! O.O I will join in attesting my love of Time of Gold Flowing, but also express a love of Bite of the Ancient Tooth! *drools over them*

And can I just say, Shot of the Excess Energy seems likes she would have fit right in with the Song of the Liquid Warmth as a little bit of expresso in the mix, if it weren't already full... XD There are a surprising number of coffee sams, yes? Sushi is undercaffienated?

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:09 am
by Bluestarwolf12
So many fabulous prizes, congrats everyone!!! 8D Especially loving the little triceratops mage constructs. x3

It's a really difficult choice here with the Sams, they're all so gorgeous. D: But of my top three, I feel Time would be better appreciated in the hands of someone else, and Bite, while beautifully similar to Hunter, doesn't look like she's quite as appreciative of adventure as he is and thus wouldn't work out too well in his Song.

Which means I'd love to go home with Feather of the Terrible Lizard, please! He shall be my first true dino Sam and I shall love him with all my heart. x3

Thank you again to Jenn and Sushi for running this event! As Codress said to eloquently, you are both ROCK STARS!!! 8D

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 12:58 pm
by Codress
Image O.O oooooprettyyy....*looks it like a kid looking at shiney things* ^_^

Thank you all for helping me on my first spring fling and it was too much fun! ^_^

CONGRATS WINNERS!!! They all look awesomeness and cute *cuddles my sams*

tierasa and hardwired those babies will be CUTEEEE!! Oh can't wait to see the colors and patterns they will have @.@;; too many different ways it could look *faints from too much thinking* I'm fine really I am. LOL

Totally yes Bluestar, Jenn and Sushi are our ROCK STARSSSSSSSSSSS!! *does fireworks* ^_^

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 1:01 pm
by LvSoulFriend
It took me a bit of debate, but I'm going to take home Bite of the Ancient Tooth please!

Seems only fitting since I asked Sushi about her during the Spring Fling XD

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 1:35 pm
by Puuka
So thrilled! :D

I would love Time of Gold Flowing please!
I honestly didn't think he would still be left by my turn, I've coveted him for a while. So excited that he'll be mine! :3

Congrats to everyone else!
LV - I might be stalking you some time for a foal from Bite. My boy Trace is a storyteller, and apparently has a thing for cats. xD

Thank you again Jenn and Sushi for the awesome Spring Fling and wonderful prizes!

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 2:35 pm
by Tasmen
Eeee so much cute Congrats everyone!

I think im going to go with the turkey looking Firebird, The one standing. I love his (?) neck ruff. :)

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 2:38 pm
by tierasa
Oh wow! I'm completely amazed and so happy. Thanks everyone especially to Hardwired and Jennalyn.

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 2:48 pm
by Raenia
Congrats to all the winners, so many gorgeous sams!

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:01 pm
by Nighthenge
Thank-you for everything!

I'd like to take Shot of Excess Energy.

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:08 pm
by ElvenArcher
Congrats to All!!

The prizes are all fantastic! I love that saber-tooth tiger Sam... gorgeous!

Thankyou for all the fun!

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:43 pm
by SilverDapples
Congrats everyone!! That was an AMAZING turnout!!

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 7:31 pm
by Orasteele
Awwwh!!! Thank you for the lovely Mage construct! They go so well with the Sams! And congrats to all the winners! This was a great turnout!

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 2:00 pm
by Sushidragon
Whew, what an awesome turnout for this year's Fling! Congrats to the winners, and as always a huge round of applause to Jennalyn for running the event :D I can't believe it's already been five years since the first Fling! Hopefully I'll get to meet up with some of these pairs in the breeding season :D

I'm glad to see these ownerless Samanayrs finally getting homes XD Thanks to those folks who asked me about them during the Fling, otherwise they might still be waiting!

The Sams all have updated certs, the items have been added, and here's the certed Firebirds:

Image Image

Re: Fifth Annual Spring Fling - Maybe It's Love! Starts May

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:20 pm
by Jaes
Congrats winners! I'm so excited to see these babies. :mrgreen: