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Re: Just keepin' it alive

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:50 am
by Orasteele
Lots of April birthdays it seems. Mine was Easter Sunday. <3

Just to give everyone a heads up, I may be scarce these next few weeks. Saturday I found out that my mom's cancer returned and has spread to her bones in the spine and skull. She only went 7 months cancer free, and due to where it has spread they cannot do anything but chemo and that will only prolong her life from the three months prognosis to possibly two years. My mother is divorced and I'm 27 and the eldest in my family. I have 2 younger sisters - one is 19 and the other is 15. There is no one else that can take care of her, so everything rests on my shoulders. So if I disappear it's not because I don't love you all and want to be here, it's that I can't. I will however try and check in with all of you every so often and see what is going on. Maybe I won't miss too much.

Love you guys!

Re: Just keepin' it alive

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:30 pm
by SunBlind

Re: Just keepin' it alive

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:30 pm
by Sushidragon
@orasteele - Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear about that. I'll be thinking about you guys *hugs*

@CosmicDragon - Aww, I'm sorry you didn't get any eggs! Easter bunny must have forgotten XD

@silvermoondragon - Yay exams almost being over! Good luck finding a job :D

Re: Just keepin' it alive

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:16 pm
by silvermoondragon
Thanks, I'm hoping to get a job at OWL and maybe a job at a vet clinic if I'm lucky, otherwise I'll be stuck working whatever random job I can find, or worse *shiver* working for my parents! I guess it's not that bad though.

@ Orasteele - Happy belated birthday. I am sorry for you and send my condolences.

Re: Just keepin' it alive

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:32 pm
by Harroway
*hugs Ora and the forum* ;_;

I just found out that my boss got fired, so now I have a new boss and it's kind of weird... I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I mean, I'm not shocked at all that she got fired (I mean, I don't want to say she deserved it, but she wasn't a very good boss) but I'm shocked that it happened at all. Stuff like that doesn't really happen that often where I work.

And happy belated birthday to everybody who I might have missed!

Re: Just keepin' it alive

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 7:41 am
by Jennalyn
Eee, graduation in two days! I'm not jittery, but I am a weird mix of nostalgic and excited and happy and wistful. I'll be missing my roommate something awful. At least she only lives half an hour away, even if scheduling visits can be tricky! *stares sidelong at Nathalia* You and your doing-stuff-ness!

@CosmicDragon: Happy (very) belated birthday! Gotta love the April month for all of that. *grins and flops* But... no eggs! Nuu! That's not allowed! *throws a 'net egg at you* Erm. Perhaps not what you meant. *coughs and slinks away*

@orasteele: Oh gads, I'm sorry to hear that. I sympathize and empathize in a small way, just from tending to my grandfather last summer after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer when the doctors realized that one of his vertebrae had disintegrated. You and your family will be in my thoughts. You are a better person than many for being willing to shoulder the burden that's been placed on your shoulders. Stay strong and have faith in yourself.

@silvermoondragon: Best of luck with the job search, if you haven't found one already! I'll be even more on the prowl for a job as soon as I graduate, which is... pretty darn soon. Darn geographical limitations. Ah well, I live in a decent area for accounting.

@Harroway: Ah, yes, I can see that unsettling the balance. I suppose it's a mixed blessing of sorts? Here's hoping that your job is comfortably secured for as long as you want and need it. <3

Re: Just keepin' it alive

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 9:28 pm
by Sushidragon
@Harroway - D'oh, somehow I missed your post! That does sound a little unsettling, I hope you're able to get along with your new boss!

I left my workplace a couple of weeks ago in preparation for my move, and last week it was announced that the entire office is being shut down (I worked at the eBay office in Burnaby) O_O That was a big surprise, and I feel terrible for my coworkers.

@jennalyn - Congrats on the graduation :D I imagine you're happy to be done with classes and exams! I didn't know that you and Nathalia were roommates, I hope you can still schedule plenty of visits!

Re: Just keepin' it alive

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:37 am
by Harroway
Well, as it turns out, my new boss is FANTASTIC. I mean, I liked my old boss, but she acted more as friend and less as boss, so people got away with murder. But now the office is running more efficiently than ever! It was scary at first, but now it's a very nice change. :)

Re: Just keepin' it alive

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:32 pm
by CosmicDragon
jennalyn wrote:@CosmicDragon: Happy (very) belated birthday! Gotta love the April month for all of that. *grins and flops* But... no eggs! Nuu! That's not allowed! *throws a 'net egg at you* Erm. Perhaps not what you meant. *coughs and slinks away*
XD Thanks Jen! Yeah, April is a good month. Not too hot, not too cold, perfect for just about anything!
-wipes i-egg off her face-
^^? Why? Why do you do this?

Re: Just keepin' it alive

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 11:54 am
by Harroway
*uses the egg from Cosmic's face to make cookies!*

*passes them around the forum* :D

Re: Just keepin' it alive

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 6:23 pm
by Calomel
omg cookies!

Re: Just keepin' it alive

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:08 am
by CosmicDragon
Ooooh, face cookies! :D YUM!
-chews on-

Re: Just keepin' it alive

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:04 am
by Orasteele
*hops onto Harroway's head and steals a cookie* >_>

So my website is officially almost offline for a bit (the 14th). I've started saving everything to my external hard drive. *sigh* I'm going to have to find a temp hosting site for my images asap. Does anyone know a site more reliable than photobucket? I'm going to have to move my songs into the forum as right now I don't know when I'll have things back up and running. >_o

Re: Just keepin' it alive

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 10:53 am
by Sushidragon
Sorry to head your site's down! I use Photobucket for all of my image hosting, since I have direct linking on my website turned off, and haven't had any problems with them.

Re: Just keepin' it alive

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 12:26 pm
by Orasteele
Hrmn... I may have to give it a chance then. >_>