(( ooh! We get to go again? Awesome! Also, I love oakleafwolf's dragonet, so cute!))
Quite pleased with her find in the tree, Mystic placed the two Gleamstones and the Rainbow Lamanayr Feather into her basket with the piece of Silver Bark. The Sharians should be pleased with her finds, she certainly was. To thank the little critter who had led her to this treasure trove, she closed her eyes and concentrated on warming up its den a little. It wouldn’t last all winter of course, but the heat should at least help keep it warm for the night.
It was time to head back through the forest. Mystic took one last look around her before stepping back into the field of pines. She wasn’t going to stop looking of course, her eyes continuously roving back and forth across the path she walked.
Mystic loved how the snow glistened in patches where the sun-rays managed to make their way through the maze of branches fighting for light. The way the snow would blow down from the tree branches, each individual flake sparkling as it floated lazily to the ground. She lifted one hoof for a moment, catching some of the falling flakes and watching them dissolve and melt into her warm fur. It was then that her gaze caught on something else beyond her hoof. Something different, something out of place. Almost like something had been rolled along in the snow, leaving a slightly packed down trail.
Curiosity engaged, Mystic decided to follow the trail. It went on for quite awhile, zig-zagging back and forth and around the trees. Inspecting the trail, there were also some hoofprints within its borders. Perhaps someone else had already followed this trail and picked up what treasures lay at its destination, she thought disappointedly. Turning around another tree, she suddenly found herself face to face with another Samanayr. Or at least what appeared to be another Samanayr at first glance, but after more examination, Mystic realized it was just made of snow. A snow Samanayr, what a great idea! That’s what the trail must have been, collecting all the snow to make it.
Mystic circled the snow Samanayr a few times, examining its craftsmanship and checking if any treasures might have been dropped by its creator. Wonderful! She’d definitely have to share this discovery with the others once she got back.
Whoa whoa whoa! Not okay! Dash let out a startled yell as something green and spiky just exploded out of the snow at her and shot up towards her head.
"Get it off! Get it off!" She violently shook herself midair, losing her rhythm in the air for a second. That was all it took for her and the green whirlwind of spikes and noise to plummet into the snow. COLD! ACK!
When her brain finally started working again a few moments after the assault started, she realized that the source of this sudden mess was in fact a dragonet. She should know - her stallion loved the things! He was a Pet Tamer for Shar's sake! She had nowhere near the same gift or patience with the critters as he did, but she certainly thought they were neat! And, well... this sudden burst of unpleasantness might just turn to her advantage. He would be so impressed if she came home with a pet. She just knew it! And she would preen and preen and preen.
Even if the pet was sorta... violent. And aggressive. But she did kinda poke it with a stick first.
Taking a few startled breaths, she stopped her flailing and just sort of rolled, smooshing her head and the creature into a patch of snow. Cool off, cool off... and then she rolled back out, tried not to shiver herself into oblivion, and started talking.
"Hey theyre, seyriously, be quiet for a minute! I'm soyrry, alyright? I didn't mean to distuyrb you." Except that, in a way, she totally had. She tried to keep the sudden amusement from her voice. "I mean, how was I supposed to know theyre was anything buyried theyre besides stuff. You'yre obviously not a piece of Silveyr Bayrk oyr anything. I didn't mean to, uh. Poke you with a stick. My bad. You can stay attached to my head if you want, but can you quit with the noise?"
With the day wearing on, the temperature began to drop once more, making searching a somewhat slower process, but not stoping Twilight from uncovering more items of interest. The first was uncovered beneath one of the many remaining piles of slushy snow, the sparkling shard of Gleamstone buried so deep beneath the frozen flakes that it sat against the damp brown of the earth. The second, a fair walk from the shiny stone, was slightly harder to retrieve… In fact, had the vibrantly hued mare not been so vigilant in her search, it is very likely she would have missed the Brown Lamanayr Feather that was caught out of the way in a branch a full horn-height above her head. Though a little more challenging to retrieve, it too would eventually join the rest of the mare's collection in the sharian-crafted baskets.
The den, at first glance, would appear to be maddeningly empty. It wouldn't be until the stallion turned his head aside to yank at the arrow that the sun would filter past, it's dying rays illuminating something stored within. Tangled and woven within is a bewildering mixture of dried mud, twisted twigs and, most unusual of all, small tangles of fur and tiny bones. Obviously whatever had once occupied the hollow had been quite carnivorous, and indeed some of the bones look very fresh… Looks like the resident might still be around somewhere! But what's this? Deep within, hiding toward the very back of the nest-like construction, glitters a handful of shimmering Rainbow Lamanayr Feathers. Three in total seem salvageable, each still mostly in one piece, with the rest fair torn to shreds. The sight of such pretty trinkets destroyed so violently is a little disturbing, and makes you wonder what could occupy such a 'nest'.
Rapidly cooling chunks of rock still fell from the sky, those small pieces that had been thrown so high as to only now be returning to the earth. If Mystic were to work her way through this miniature hail she would come to find the charred, sorry remains of what had once been a struggling sapling and several large chunks of stone that had been for to heavy for the explosion to move. The shattered slivers of what may have once been a Gleamstone vein dust the snow, but the mare is only able to find one chunk large enough to be of any value. After much further searching, Mystic would be near accepting that whatever else there may have been was now long gone when the glint of red caught her eye. There! Quite a ways from where she stood, perhaps thrown or (more likely) revealed by the heat-melted snow, was a remarkably whole sprig of Rosa Berries. These, once gathered, would join the gleamstone in the mare's slightly worse for wear baskets.
This last corner, looking pristinely white against the torn and tousled majority of the field, seemed more than happy to turn over it's treasures to Murmur's gentle paws. After only a minute or two of searching, the snow was swept from a firmly frozen log of Silverwood. With much effort, it should be no problem for the resourceful mare to tear off a healthy chunk of Silver Bark to place in her already heavy baskets. And, should she continue to search amongst the nearby snow, she would soon find a glimmering shard of Gleamstone. It's surprisingly warm to the paw, and one can't help but wonder if it was thrown here from the earlier magic-induced eruption of stone. But whether it was or not, it will still make a nice addition to the other chunk already resting within the mare's baskets.
Perhaps because of the soaking she'd taken for her little passenger, Trickster would begin to notice a slight lessening of irritability from the dragonet. Indeed, when the still lightly shivering creature lifted it's delicate head to blink wide eyes at the much larger samanayr, the look on it's face was admittedly grateful. A quiet, almost curious noise burbled from the dragonet's throat as it nosed around the warm mossy 'den' in which it now found itself. After a minute or two, during which the little one thoroughly investigated the basket and it's contents as it's shivers gradually began to abate, the blue-spotted dragonet seemed to decide that it was safe beneath the mare's gaze. With a tight turn, it curled deep amongst the moss, pulling larger strips over itself as if to bury beneath it's warmth. But it's tapered head stayed above it all… Big blue orbs never once leaving it's new 'protector', leathery wings shuffling beneath the natural insulation. It wouldn't be till now that Trickster would notice the short strip of silvery substance clutched in one of the dragonet's slightly oversized talons, perhaps something the dragonet had been clutching from even before it had slipped into the icy water? Ah, as though knowing what the mare was looking at the dragonet reluctantly held out it's treasure, a slightly soggy strip of Silver Bark. Perhaps, with some convincing, the little one would even hand it over.
Step, reeds, step again, more reeds… Unfurling's new system worked surprisingly well, stopping her slipping and making her trip from point to point around the lake almost too easy. When the glint of another Gleamstone shone against the ice at the water's edge it was a simple enough task to take her wavering snake-pattern of reeds toward it, curving toward the water and out again once the rock was safely tucked into one of her baskets. The area seemed awfully rich in the sparkly mineral… Perhaps this was why the Sharians had chosen it in the first place! Well, whatever it was, nearby songs had failed to pick it dry, and had perhaps even contributed to their day's haul. For once again Unfurling would spot the fluttering shape of a large pinion, a Rainbow Lamanayr feather this time in contrast to the seemingly drab brown one she had picked up earlier.
It was quite the proud-looking creature, this Samanayr of snow. Standing tall, it's eyes glinted icily out at the world as though with great daring and panache. In fact, the stones that had been pushed deep into it's frozen face seemed to sparkle even more than the sun striking off the creature's icy hide! Upon closer examination, they would prove to be two healthy chunks of greenish Gleamstone. Though whether or not to effectively 'blind' the striking Sam may prove to be a moral dilemma, it couldn't be that hard to find some suitable replacements, right?
With stubby but effective little claws, the dragonet held firmly to the much larger Dash, not thrown even when both fell nose-first back to the snow-blanketed ground. When the mare began to speak, the spiked creature quieted slightly, shivering more from it's forced smooshing than from outright anger… Though one could assume it was seething if the irritated little squawks it still issued in each pause were any way to judge. But it had to admit, being this close to a big warm furry body was definitely more comfortable than the tunnels it had been trying to dig. Unlike some, this critter had absolutely no interest in this cold white stuff. And after all, she did owe the little creature at least a ride to somewhere warmer, right? With a very audible hurrumph, the dragonet settled firmly on the mare's head, making little to no effort to be gentle or considerate about it's spiky form. She wanted quiet? Fine. But the mare had said nothing about comfort. But, should Dash per chance glance back at the sizeable dent her 'cooling off' had made, she would see that perhaps it hadn't been for nothing… The brilliant red of an only slightly squished sprig of Tandil berries lay half buried in the snow!
Back in the clearing from which the expedition had begun, a Sharian stood, bundled against the cold and looking quite ready to return home for the night. Lifting a specifically-crafted horn, the tall one sent forth it's call; the Expedition has ended! Bring back your treasures to be counted! All Samanayr would now return, weary from a long day of hunting but hopefully well-rewarded for their efforts...
"The universe is big. It's vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles." - 11th Doctor
My apologies for how late this wrap-up reply is… My mom decided THIS was the week to get all the christmas shopping done. o.o Joy. But huzzah! Another expedition has run it's course, and the participating Sams and Lams and Mystics (oh my!) have all returned with heavily-ladden baskets!
Here is the final tally of items;
Jennalyn -- Dash of the Sonic Rainbow
- Silver Bark
- Brown Lamanayr Feather
- This Dragonet
- Tandil Berries
Seren -- Pride of the Misguided Arrow
- 2x Rosa Berries
- Silver Bark
- Brown Lamanayr Feather
- 3x Rainbow Lamanayr Feathers
Orasteele -- Mystic of the Metallic Flame
- Tandil Berries
- Sweetscent Flower
- 2x Rainbow Lamanayr Feathers
- Gleamstone
- Rosa Berries
"The universe is big. It's vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles." - 11th Doctor
I love the two dragonets, they're both precious, and the image of Jennalyn's clinging to Dash's head amuses me to no end *shakes head, trying not to chuckle at the spiky guy*
Though the nest does make me wonder... perhaps the Sharians didn't clear out the whole forest after all.... Pride will probably be back to investigate, track, and get himself into trouble in the future <3
Thank you so much for running this Cosmic! It was fantastic!
*excitedly counts the hoard* Hehe, almost enough for two rarity modiems; fantastic job Unfurling!
*the mare blushes happily, mainly still glad she didn't actually fall in the lake*
Thanks so much for running this event Cosmic! I had a good time trying to roleplay again. ^_^ And congrats to the dragonet winners! They're both lovely.
Just about to read through the RP, right after I add the items to your inventories Congrats to everyone, and thank you to CosmicDragon for running this and the random RP!