Interactive Races!

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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by Origami_Dragon »

Caught up in his flirting, Trumpet moved far slower than he thought he was, barely advancing at all, and then pulling up sharply at the sight of angry, chattering ground squirrels up ahead. After staring blankly at them for a moment he noticed that most of the herd had far overtaken him, surging ahead while he had allowed himself to be heavily distracted. This would never do! Not at all! How was he to impress the ladies if he dawdled so and came in near to the end of the race?

No one had ever claimed that the flamboyant stallion was particularly smart. In defiance of the squirrels chattering at him as they blocked his path, Trumpet stepped back a pace, gathered himself, and flung himself hard forward, surging at full gallop towards the defiant creatures. He'd show them, so he would! And if they didn't get out of his way, well, he'd deal with them. Or leap over them. Whichever.

((Such fun to see how the personalities effect the race! I know sending him hard right at the pair of obstacles is probably a very bad move...but it's what he would do.

Good luck everyone!))
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by Orasteele »

Seeing the troubles others are having around ahead of him Flash continues his normal pace. One eye open for the territorial squirrels that were out to trip up the runners. To slow down any more would put him farther out of the running than he'd like, and he needed to make a good impression. Most of the others didn't have young foals out there watching them. It was too important to him to fall behind because of a bunch of squirrels.
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by CosmicDragon »

Subconsciously, Rue winced for every small rodent that crossed her path. The reactions were instinctive, her hoof-beats didn't even falter as the territorial ground-rats leapt and were quickly dispatched. She should have known there would be an animal obstacle... Though not a violent Samanayr by nature, it was like her poisonous limbs were possessed by another mind altogether in situations like this. Snap! Her tail struck, the squirrel quickly rendered unconscious by the poison; in such tiny bodies, it would do it's deadly work quickly. Snap-snap! Another two, the spur's on her wings flicking them away reflexively even as they pierced the unwary little assailants. With widening strides she attempted to get out of the obstacle as quickly as possible to avoid further harm, flying though without losing a single beat and tearing ahead before her spurs could target another racer.

The next obstacle was quick to trip her up, however... A large scythed claw became wedged almost instantly in what she could now see to be an area filled with multitudes of tiny little trapping-tunnels. Squirrel holes. With a tug the mare freed the caught claw and began to, slowly and
Easily, manoeuvre her way across the field.
Last edited by CosmicDragon on Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:21 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by RikkuGirl »

Crack stays at her normal pace, jogging simply. As she nears the first obsticle she begins getting scared that she will not make it over. Hoping to do her best on both upcoming obsticles she continues to take a Normal pace allowing herself to get over the upcoming issues. With a deep breath she approaches her first obsticle.

You can do it crack!!
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by HybridSiren »


(would do an rp post but I gotta run to do homework before mom yells at me, go go Crunch!)
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by Bluestarwolf12 »

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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by Yuiven »

Blood-red eyes fixed straight ahead, Flyssa barely took heed of the current positions of her fellow racers around her as she determinedly cantered through the first natural obstacle-- a veritable army of ground squirrels! Never faltering once in her strides, her long legs skipped over the grass freely, as the territorial ground-rats leapt up to attack. It would prove to be futile for them. Every one that dared to cross her path were batted away as if nothing more than flies. When she raised her forelegs up, her claws would come down swiftly to take aim and strike at their furry bodies, as she continued to run.

The Sa'krien felt no remorse for the loss of little lives. Well, that wasn't exactly true... there was a tiny stab in her gut for the loss of a potential snack she could've had to eat. Promptly, she banished such a notion from her thoughts. Race now. Eat later.

'Aw crud!' With a sharp intake of breath, Flyssa's head shot up into the air, and she pulled up desperately, when she approached the minefield of ground squirrel holes, slowing down to make it easy on herself to navigate around them. Really, the last thing she needed during the race was to get one of her clawed paws stuck in a hole and break her leg!
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by silvermoondragon »

Round 3

Crack - Normal
Flight - Normal, 1 endurance
Trumpet – Hard, flies past the territorial ground squirrels, but gets caught up on the ground squirrel holes
Healer - Normal
Flash - Normal
Recline - Normal, almost gets caught up on the ground squirrel holes but some saved up energy helps her get past
Flyssa -Easy, 2 endurance, easily navigates the ground squirrel holes
Rue – Easy, manages to get passed the ground squirrel holes
Crunch – Normal, easily navigates the ground squirrel holes
Slice – Normal, flies past the territorial ground squirrels and easily navigates the ground squirrel holes

You have 1 hour to put in your responses. Unless everyone responds before the hour is up.
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by Orasteele »


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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by CosmicDragon »

Rue sighs in relief when the last of the holes is behind her, glad to see the last of that obstacle. Her large, scything claws didn't exactly make for easy manoeuvring in that kind of environment. With the danger of getting caught and injuring a leg past the mare quickly realises the others are closing in around her again, the pinch of one on each side, all jostling for the lead. Oho no, we won't be doing that, thanks! Pulling her poisonous wings in, she lengthened her stride once more, pushing Hard to break away once more. She needed distance between herself and others... It was safer that way.
Last edited by CosmicDragon on Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by Origami_Dragon »

Leap, definitely leap. The sight of the squirrels charging him unnerved Trumpet, and he turned his forward surge into a massive leap, carrying him far beyond the swarming rodents. Behind him he could hear their angry chattering as they turned towards others who were attempting to cross their territory. Right, add to his list of things never to do again, no more ground squirrels. He'd have to find out where they lived so he could avoid them. If he remembered. If not, well, hopefully he wouldn't be racing again the next time he found the things.

But the stallion was soon to regret allowing himself to sink into planning. Abruptly the ground before him gave way and he slipped to his knees. Taloned hind feet scrabbled for a grip as he yanked himself back out of the hole he'd nearly fallen into; more of a collapsed tunnel than a simple hole really. The vivid stallion glared at it. How dare they leave such a mess to deal with! He'd gotten his gleaming hide dirty because of whatever had made this thing!

Snorting angrily Trumpet looked around, noticing that none of his competitors were terribly close. Looking ahead at the maze of crisscrossing tunnel mounds and open holes he sighed. Zooming ahead might be impressive, but not if he landed on his rump again. Daintily he began to pick his way slow and easy through the mess, determined that he'd make up for it after he cleared this nasty little trap zone.
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by Tasmen »

A little late but here goes.

Recline moving steadily through the race decides to take a bit of chance and makes a HARD move forward. she hopes there wont be any obstacles to slow her down.
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by RikkuGirl »

Crack snarled loudly at the squirels who defended their territory. She Lept forward after one of the little critters bit her harshly. With a cry of pain she ran forward quickly. She did not want to wait around for more of these small critters to attack her. She lunged forward at a break neck speed, moving into a Fast Pace. It was more a rush of fear than trying to get anywhere in the race, never before had squirels attacked her. She ran quickly, her feet begining to hurt...all she wanted to do was rid herself of the raging critters.
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by Bluestarwolf12 »

Perhaps slowing down had not been one of his better choices. But at the same time, he'd gotten to see a handful of racers grapple with the first two obstacles before him, giving him the edge going into them. Terretorial squirrels. Pft. Slice had to keep himself from laughing as he easily navigated around the little rodents, shooting any that dared approach the Sa'Grisayr's signature predatory glare. He ate these creatures on a regular basis. They should be thankful he was in the midst of a race.

The next obstacle wasn't all that difficult either. Lots of holes in the ground, presumably left by the aforementioned squirrels. He had to resist the use of his wings, which were banned in ground races, but weaved between the gaps with ease despite it. As soon as the holes were cleared, he took off running hard.
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by CosmicDragon »

((The sun is rising, so Cosmic must now go to bed. XD Night all!))
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by RikkuGirl »

Fast = Hard o.O;;;;;;

Poor little Crack she is so spooky and scary herself but those squirels scare her! D: Shes kinda freaking out right now!!!

*cheers her on hoping it will help*
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by Yuiven »

Snorting with effort, Flyssa proved herself to be remarkably agile, as her body maneuvered around the miniature death-traps in response to her mental commands with relative ease-- speed up, slow down, bank left, bank right, bank right again.

'The other racers are getting awaay...' A snide little voice at the back of her mind teased, and Flyssa of the Lost Traditions cursed to herself when she suddenly realized she had zoned out long enough to get left behind in the proverbial dust! As her temper rose, the young mare gritted her teeth, keeping her anger mostly under iron-willed control, but she let go enough to make a charge as soon as the last of the holes were cleared behind her. With a full-blown growl, she took off, running hard after the few racers who'd managed to get a little further ahead. She has taken too much time, she needed to catch up!
Last edited by Yuiven on Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by silvermoondragon »

Round 4

Crack – Hard, gets caught up on the ground squirrel holes
Flight - Normal, 1 endurance, flies past the territorial ground squirrels
Trumpet – Easy, 1 endurance, manages to navigate the ground squirrel holes
Healer – Normal, easily navigates the ground squirrel holes
Flash – Normal, flies past the territorial ground squirrels and easily navigates the ground squirrel holes
Recline - Hard
Flyssa – Hard, 2 endurance
Rue – Hard, 1 endurance(from the previous turn)
Crunch – Normal
Slice – Hard

You have 1 hour to put in your responses. Unless everyone responds before the hour is up.
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by Orasteele »

Hard -still in a dungeon XD
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by Tasmen »

Recline expecting an obstacle soon decides to take it EASY on her next move.
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by Bluestarwolf12 »


((Math homework bluh. >_>))
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by RikkuGirl »

Crack flies by the territorial squirels right into holes in the ground!!! How could this get any worse?! She jumped out of one critter crisis into another! Now this time she was getting stuck in the holes only to have more critters nibbling her feet! She hated this course so far! Not only is she close to last but she is being gnawed on by critters!

Crack begins to tear up, their little teeth pinching her legs. As a tear fell down her cheeck she thought of her stallion... He is so big and strong and scary... She HAS to make him proud. With another deep breath she lunges forward again pushing has Hard as she can to get out of the obsticle and to run as fast as she can. She wanted to catch up to the rest, she is not a loser!

Crack snorted loudly and yelled "I will not lose!!" she pushed forward again continuing her Hard Pace!
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by Origami_Dragon »

Shaking the dust of the pitted stretch of field off his feet Trumpet narrowed his dark eyes and glared at the huge lead that others had managed to gain. Pausing briefly to rear and scream out his trumpeting challenge the stallion took off, taloned feet gripping the ground as he lunged hard in pursuit of the leaders. Near the back was no place at all for someone like him! Not a chance! The ground ahead was clear, he had his breath back after delicately picking his way through there, it was time to run!
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by Yuiven »

The margin of distance between Flyssa and the others was becoming wider and wider. It seemed for every stride she took, the first half of the field were pulling further away, while the stampede of the latter half could be heard thundering behind her. A haze of red began to fill her vision, and the predatory Samanayr instinctively knew she was being baited by her competitive nature, but she couldn't help it. Eyes of that same colour narrowed, she lowered her head and lunged forward, clawed feet tearing into the earth. Next obstacle be damned, Flyssa wasn't going to back off on the hard, forward momentum in this empty stretch of meadow.
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Re: Interactive Races!

Post by silvermoondragon »

Round 5

Crack – Hard, still caught up on the ground squirrel holes
Flight - Normal, 1 endurance, manages to navigate past the ground squirrel holes
Trumpet – Hard, 1 endurance
Healer – Normal
Flash – Hard, trips and makes no ground
Recline – Easy, 1 endurance
Flyssa – Hard, 2 endurance
Rue – Normal, 1 endurance
Crunch – Normal
Slice – Normal

You have 1 hour to put in your responses, unless everyone responds before the hour is up.
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