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Re: Ornament Smash!

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 4:48 pm
by Nighthenge
Thank-you for the game Amazon. And the modiem :)

Re: Ornament Smash!

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 7:51 pm
by RikkuGirl
congrats guys! :D that looked fun

Re: Ornament Smash!

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:57 am
by oakleafwolf
I'm glad everyone liked their presents! :)
silvermoondragon wrote:Oooh, pretty, I won a birdy! It looks somewhat hawkish, out of curiosity is it based on any specific species?
Er... Well, not specifically. I started drawing some sort of falconry-themed bird because Pandora decided to play "Good King Wenceslas", but by the time I went to color all I could think of was the Holiday Hawk--the one who 'arrives once a year to bring Cranberry Sierra Mist'. So I ended up with a bird that had a lot of red highlights. TuT Yeah...kinda yes and no on it being any specific thing. X3

Re: Ornament Smash!

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:33 am
by silvermoondragon
That's pretty cool! I just didn't recognize the species so I wanted to check. Now to figure out if I have somebody to equip him too, or if I should wait... I think he'd go pretty well with my Healer custom idea should I ever get her...

Re: Ornament Smash!

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:28 pm
by Origami_Dragon
Ooh, pattern modiem! Shiny new thing to play with in breeding seasons! Thank you! And such cuties that were hiding in the ornaments! One wonders what sort of ornaments these were that a Sam can curl up for a nap in one... Congrats everyone!

Re: Ornament Smash!

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 4:45 am
by amazondreamer
Origami_Dragon wrote:And such cuties that were hiding in the ornaments! One wonders what sort of ornaments these were that a Sam can curl up for a nap in one... Congrats everyone!
*cough* Um... a mysterious magical ornament? *cough* Yeah... the scale is a tad bit off >.>

Re: Ornament Smash!

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 4:54 am
by oakleafwolf
amazondreamer wrote:*cough* Um... a mysterious magical ornament? *cough* Yeah... the scale is a tad bit off >.>
Nonono! See, they're the kind that go up on like civic trees in parks and stuff. With the ornaments that are more than a foot in diameter? Yeah, that kind. X3

Re: Ornament Smash!

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 4:03 pm
by Yuiven
Now that the rush for ornaments is over, it seems safe to properly re-post. May I have number 12, please? Thank you!

Yahoo, a rarity modiem! You can never have too many of them. Either to turn up the awesomeness on a foal (or foals) next breeding season, or to assist in paying for nice things at the Trading Post. *examines the rarity modiem* Hmm... this could also make for a pretty replacement ornament to hang on a Christmas tree, come to think of it. ;)

Congratulations to everyone else, whether you won a Samanayr, a pet, a modiem or a tradeable item. All of the prizes are wonderful presents, revealed only by the destruction of those ornaments. Thank you so much for running Ornament Smash, amazondreamer! You're awesome to have held this event for us. It was fun! :D