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Re: Birthday - sushi cook-off

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:10 pm
by Kendarath
That looks delicious! I agree with Asara on the devouring XD

Re: Birthday - sushi cook-off

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:53 pm
by AranelSaraphim
Taco Sushi

I had only my web camera to take pictures, so hopefully the quality of the pictures is okay.


Spinach tortilla wraps (nori)
sweet corn cake (rice)
tomatoes ( tuna/crabstick)
turkey chipotle taco meat (fish)
cheese (filling- yum!)
lettuce (cucumber?)
tomatillo green salsa (wasabi)
thinly sliced tomatoes (pickled ginger)

Some close up pictures so you can see the ingredients better. Sorry the pictures are so blurry!

1. Cook Chi-Chi's Sweet Corn Cake (I don't know if you guys have this in your supermarket, but I'm sure you could use polenta instead which many supermarkets sell.) according to package directions: you add 1 can of creamed corn to the mixture, plus 1/4 cup of water and 1/4 cup of melted butter. Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.

2. Cook ground turkey. Add chipotle taco seasoning and 3/4 c water. Cook until sauce is thickened.

3. Slice lettuce and tomato into strips, the lettuce strips should be thin, the tomato slices thicker.

4. Cut round tortillas into a square.

5. Spread a layer of corn cake on the tortilla, place a line of taco meat in the middle of this layer. Place tomatoes, lettuce and a bit of shredded cheese for flavor.

6. Roll this into a long cylinder - I used a bamboo sushi mat- this works very well, but you can also use tin foil, or any other flexible material.

7. Slice into sushi-sized chunks. Add thinly sliced tomatoes and tamatillo salsa as the wasabi and ginger. I also garnished mine with a jalapeno pepper.

8. Enjoy!

My husband was so excited to eat these...and I'll tell you, they are delicious!

Re: Birthday - sushi cook-off

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:05 pm
by AranelSaraphim
I edited in a couple of close ups to make it easier to see the ingredients. Now to finish off the plate! Yum!

Re: Birthday - sushi cook-off

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:51 am
by Sushidragon
Oh.. oh, this thread makes me so hungry XD What delicious and creative entries! I'm coming over for dinner, everyone :D

Re: Birthday - sushi cook-off

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:07 pm
by sera
Banana Choco Sushi

Yay, sudden strike of inspiration. xD;;


Feel free to substitute a preferred cereal in here, or just go without. Yum, naked sushi.

Top bowl: Squished up banana
Near bowl: Pulverized fake Captain Crunch
Middle: A banana. Doit.
Near center: Cereal bits for snacking! 8D
Far right: Hershey's squares cut neatly in half, length-wise

Prep Steps:
Step 1: Peel the banana and remove the little weird thingy at the bottom. Bleh.
Step 2: Pulverize a handful of Captain Crunch-- fake or cereal substitute-- in a bowl. As you can see from the above picture, mostly green and blues were used to convey the colour of seaweed.
Step 3: Break up Hershey squares-- which are actually rectangles-- and cut lengthwise with a butter knife.

There are two types of Banana Choco Sushi: Gooey and Firm. Let's begin with gooey.

Step 1: In a separate bowl from your cereal, mash up a banana as though you were feeding a baby or small child.
Step 2: Take a small amount and arrange it in a small rectangle across your finger tips.
Step 3: Insert one or two pieces of chocolate-- one or two of the cut up squares, not the full squares.
Step 4: Cover this with more mashed up bananas.
Step 5: Carefully roll in the pulverized cereal.

Voila! Gooey Banana Choco Sushi!
Note: The gooey version is naturally a bit unstable.

And now for the firm version.

Step 1: Neatly cut off a bit of banana, preferably about the length of one of your Hershey squares.
Step 2: Carefully push a length of Hershey square through the middle of the chocolate.
Note: It is possible to use your knife first to help ease the way, but the banana is already highly likely to break. Use caution with either method.
Step 3: Roll outside of banana in the pulverized cereal.

Ta-da! Firm Banana Choco Sushi!

Lame sera is lame. ><;; lol

Re: Birthday - sushi cook-off

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:24 am
by LvSoulFriend
Might make a good breakfast sushi :O

Re: Birthday - sushi cook-off

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:45 am
by Yuiven
The "Scandinavian Sushi" must taste as good as it looks- delicious! And the "Taco Sushi" has zesty Mexican flair. Nice use of Scandinavian food and Mexican food respectively while still paying homage to Japanese cuisine.

And Silvermoondragon’s "Dessert Sushi Platter" is beautifully presented and best eaten with pocky chopsticks! That's a sweet concept (no pun intended!) I'd willingly eat every morsel and go into diabetic shock. :D It was also thoughtful to create a healthy alternative with the "Fruit Sushi."

"Banana Choco Sushi" is so cute and colourful! It would make a fun snack or a nutritious breakfast.

Great work! This is a feast for the eyes as well as the stomach! Good luck in the Sushi Cook-off contestants!

Re: Birthday - sushi cook-off

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:19 pm
by Echos
((Reposting this from PI so forum users can grab the recipe if they want))

Well there is no way I'm going to be able to cook my sushi entry before the contest but I figured I'd post it anyways since its a tried and true delicious dessert that I highly encourage everyone to try. In theory you should be able to make it look a lot like a sushi roll.

Pavlova sushi rolls

Seaweed= Meringue Shell
4 large egg whites
1 cup superfine/castor sugar
1 teaspoon white vinegar
1/2 tablespoon cornstarch/corn flour

Rice= Whipped Cream Filling:
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1 1/2 tablespoons granulated white sugar
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Fish= Fresh fruit:
kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, passion fruit, peaches, pineapple, or any other fruit of your choice (a combination of these is the best, experiment!)

Preheat oven to 250 degrees F (130 degrees C) and place rack in center of oven. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and draw several circles about four inches in diameter on it, each circle will be one peice of sushi.

In an electric mixer, with the whisk attachment, beat the egg whites on medium-high speed until they hold soft peaks. Start adding the sugar, a tablespoon at a time, and continue to beat until the meringue holds very stiff peaks. (Test to see if the sugar is fully dissolved by rubbing a little of the meringue between your thumb and index finger. The meringue should feel smooth, not gritty. If it feels gritty the sugar has not fully dissolved so keep beating until it feels smooth between your fingers). Sprinkle the vinegar and cornstarch over the top of the meringue and, with a rubber spatula, fold in. The final mixture should be very glossy.

Gently spread the meringue inside the circle drawn on the parchment paper, smoothing the edges, making sure the edges of the meringue are higher than the center. It look like a bowl in the shape of your sushi had you taken everything out and just left the seaweed.

Bake for 1 hour 15 minutes or until the outside is dry and takes on a very pale cream color. Turn the oven off, leave the door slightly ajar, and let the meringue cool completely in the oven.

Whip the cream in your electric mixer, with the whisk attachment, until soft peaks form. Sweeten with the sugar and vanilla and then mound the softly whipped cream into the center of the meringue. Use a knife to make the cream even with the top of the meringue bowl.

Slice you choice of fruit into small shapes similar to those you might find in a sushi roll and arrange on top of the cream. Be sure to let the cream show around the fruit so that you get the appearance of fruit rolled into the middle and surrounded by cream.

Decorating Ideas

Fish Roe inspired- use small round berries, currants, blueberries ect. and completely cover the cream in a neat pile with the berries

Eel sushi- cut a long thin slice of mango and lay over the meringue and cream in s strip (it might help if your meringue bowl is a narrow oval shape as well). Strain passion fruit seeds and sprinkle them on top. Optional, use a strip of lemon or orange rind to wrap around the mango and bowl.

California Roll- before you fill with cream and fruit, roll the edge of the bowl in passionfruit gel with the seeds and let them dry. Then fill with cream and decorate with small cubes of your favorite fruit to look like sushi.

Avacado Roll- use only sliced kiwi to decorate center

Re: Birthday - sushi cook-off

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:09 pm
by Puuka
My Sushi Entry! :D

I present to you, my wonderful Tropical Delight Platter! Featuring a Papaya-Nigiri called The "Papaya Express" A wonderful Hand Roll called the "Happy Fruitsplosion" and a traditional Kiwichoco-paya Maki <3


The Papaya Express is a deliciously simple piece; a fluffy bed of white chocolate and coconut "rice" underlying a succulent slice of raw papaya "fish." They are held together in the usual way with a long piece of chocolate dyed crepe "seaweed"



Happy Fruitsplosion is the most interesting of flavorful sushi. Wrapped in chocolate dyed crepe "seaweed" the perfect white chocolate and coconut "rice" creates a bed for juicy papaya fish and kiwi and banana "vegetables."



Kiwichoco-paya Maki is a fresh take on a traditional roll. Prepared the old fashioned way: white chocolate and coconut "rice" with a papaya "fish" and kiwi banana "vegetables." It is hand wrapped in a chocolate dyed crepe "seaweed" and garnished with a special red sugar crystal "roe" and sweet chocolate "soy" sauce.



The entire Tropical Delight Platter is served with a rare and wonderful raspberry "red roe" which serves as a garnish, but also functions nicely as a dipping sauce. Served with it also is a sweet chocolate "soy" sauce, delicate dyed strawberry crepe "ginger" and robust lime sherbet "wasabi." Masterfully cut papaya and kiwi "vegetables" accent the plates.




How I did it and some in progress shots!

Basically I started with white chocolate chips, melted down in the microwave and mixed it with shaved coconut to create a rice effect, which worked out nicely, because it made a sticky moldable substance that later hardened back into a chocolate piece. ... aking3.jpg

Next, I used crepes (that I bought, because I fail at cooking! XD) and cut them up to look like seaweed strips and "dyed" them with chocolate syrup. I layed them out and covered them with the "rice" then cut "veggie" strips from my papaya kiwi and banana. ... aking2.jpg

Finally, after everything was assembled I squooshed the kiwi to make green/ black roe and mixed the raspberry preserves with fresh raspberries to make the red roe. I cut some crepes and dyed them with strawberry syrup to make "ginger" I also dabbed a bit of sherbet for wasabi and chocolate syrup for "soy sauce" ... aking5.jpg ... aking4.jpg


It passed the Hubby Taste Test! I loved it too :D

Re: Birthday - sushi cook-off

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:42 pm
by CosmicDragon
Do-nutty Sushi! 8D


Fruit Ropes (Roe/eyes)
Cinamon Donuts (Seaweed)
Cream (Rice)
Sugar (Rice)
Vanilla Essence (Rice)
Strawberry (Salmon)
Apple (Avocado)
Marshmellow (Cucumber)
Chocolate Sauce (Soy Sauce)
Chew Strip (Sushi Dragon Wings/arms)

1. Cut the center carefully out of the donut. Be very, VERY careful not to cut too much out, or the thing will collapse.

2. Pour 1/2 a cup of cream into a small bowl. Add a teaspoon of sugar, and a few drops of the vanilla essence.

3. Whizz with a blender until very thick, then spoon into the center of the donuts. Only HALF fill, so that there is room for the other fillings.

4. Peel and slice the apple, and stick a single slice into each 'roll'.

5. Slice up the strawberry, and stick one-to-two slices into each 'roll'. Do the same to the marshmellow.

6. You're almost finished! :D Fill in around the apple, strawberry and marshmellow with the cream if needed, and slice up half a fruit rope for 'roe'.

Also... Just cause I couldn't resist, SUSHIDRAGON!

Re: Birthday - sushi cook-off

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:58 pm
by Saiki
I made a really simple sushi because I was running out of time. :/ But it was actually pretty tasty, and I don't even like brownies. (Then again, how could I not like it when it was mostly frosting? XD)

Image: ... G_0339.jpg

Mini Brownie Bites
A lot of frosting

(I'll edit this with instructions in a moment. And I'll add some better pictures, too. ^^)