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Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next Jan 14, 3pm PST!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 1:40 pm
by Harroway
Oh yay, I'll be available for this!

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next Jan 14, 3pm PST!

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:04 am
by RikkuGirl
missed it :S Well... Ill be there for the one today! :D I hope o.<

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next Jan 20, 4pm PST!

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:32 am
by Sushidragon
The next Ustream will be January 20, 4pm PST! I'm going to be working on foals and have a lot to do still, so no giveaway Sam today XD

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next Jan 20, 4pm PST!

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:46 am
by RikkuGirl
Im afraid I wont be able to attend. I will view if I can ^_^;; But my schedule changed and things have gotten hectic. *hugs* Ill watch if i can ;D

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next Jan 20, 4pm PST!

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:29 am
by AsaraDragon
Eeeep, want to see babehs!! I will try to make it, at least for a little bit!

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next Jan 20, 4pm PST!

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:15 pm
by Harroway
I'm here, but the library computers hate Ustream. But I'm still gushing about foals nonetheless! Scatter/Beat and Plunge/Sibyl are naturally the ones I'm most excited about, but I can't wait to see everyone's! <3

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next Jan 20, 4pm PST!

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:55 pm
by Cheshiresneer
Obviously I missed this by a long shot XD that's the day I started college again after break so I kinda didn't have time >.> but I did watch an already recorded one that was fun! :)

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next Feb 12, 2pm PST!

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:31 am
by Sushidragon
The next Ustream will be February 12, 2pm PST! There will be a giveaway Sam available - to be entered in the draw for it, all you need to do is show up in the chat at some point.

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next Feb 12, 2pm PST!

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:11 pm
by RikkuGirl
*giggles* Ape mask...


Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next Feb 12, 2pm PST!

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:44 pm
by RikkuGirl
ALL over! :D Those feathery ones are so freakin cool... were they tribals? o.o;;

SO CUTE! I cant wait till we all get a chance to get one of those pairs *squeals* ID just DIE XD

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next March 9, 2pm PST!

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:22 am
by Sushidragon
The next Ustream will be March 9, 2pm PST! There will be a giveaway Sam available, and then I'll be working on some outlines and randoms. Not sure how long I'll be streaming for, but I'll try to make it a couple of hours at least.

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next March 9, 2pm PST!

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:38 am
by RikkuGirl
Ill be there! :D Though like normal ill be in the shadows since the chat still does not work for me :3 Ill post on the AIM Room XD

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next March 9, 2pm PST!

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 1:31 pm
by RikkuGirl
*Happily waits for the show* :3

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next March 9, 2pm PST!

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 2:59 pm
by RikkuGirl
:D All done. ^_^ Now back to work.


Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next March 9, 2pm PST!

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 3:00 pm
by RikkuGirl
WAIT! Its back o.o

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next March 9, 2pm PST!

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 3:06 pm
by RikkuGirl
K... NOW its done XD

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next March 25, 2pm PDT!

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:15 am
by Sushidragon
The next Ustream will be March 25, 2pm PDT! There will be a giveaway Sam available, and I'm not sure what I'll be working on after XD As usual, to be entered in the draw, all you need to do is appear in the chat!

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next March 25, 2pm PDT!

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:39 pm
by LakotaWolf
I shall be there, bringing ALLCAPS to the needy :O

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next March 25, 2pm PDT!

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 2:33 pm
by RikkuGirl
All done ^_^ Yay for sushi drawing!!! XD

Im really glad you do this sushi. Its really cool, being an artist, to watch someone i look up to for art, drawing and coloring right infront of me!

:D your an inspiration and truely a great artist... :3 just had to say that ^_^

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next April 7, 2pm PDT!

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:14 am
by Sushidragon
There's going to be a Ustream today starting at 2pm PDT! There won't be a giveaway Sam today, as I'll be busy working on the mimics and maybe finishing off some spring festival things :D

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next April 10, 2pm P

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:03 am
by Sushidragon
I'm going to be Ustreaming today starting at 2pm PDT! There will be a giveaway Sam available, whether it's a Frankensam or just a random will depend on how many people are there when it starts up XD See you then!

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next April 10, 2pm P

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:09 am
by LvSoulFriend
*flails* I have work half an hour after it starts XD I'll be there for the first 15 minutes, hopefully!

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next April 10, 2pm P

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:36 am
by Origami_Dragon
*bounces happily* I hope we can get lots of people! I love live Ustream frankens!

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next April 10, 2pm P

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:39 am
by silvermoondragon
I'll try and make it for the Frankensam but I definitely need to study :cry: so I won't be able to stay long...

Re: Watch Sushidragon draw on Ustream - next April 10, 2pm P

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 10:09 am
by Orasteele
I shall try to make it, but it all depends on what Birthday plans Britain and Ogre have for me. >_>