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Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:51 am
by Echos
Username: Echos
Animal name: Ring tailed Lemur
Description (written and/or picture):
Why would this animal make an awesome mimic?
Well first of all just look at it - its got to have one of the best tails in the animal kingdom. That fluffy striped tail is just too beautiful not be samified not to mention those beautiful dark amber eyes.

These beautiful animals are only found on one island in the entire world, Madagascar. They most likely floated to this island on rafts eons ago. Despite spending most of thier time high in the upper reaches of fig and fruit trees they don't have prehensile tails to help them move about. Unlike all other lemur species they do venture down to the ground to gather flowers and tree sap. A group of lemurs, called a troop, is led by an alpha female making them one of the few matriarchal societies and should a male and female get into an argument the female will always win. During mating season males compete for females by trying to out stink each other. They cover thier tails with the smelliest substance they can find then wave them about in the air to attract thier mate.

They sunbath in the early morning hours sitting upright with their front legs resting on their back legs, looking exactly like someone meditating. Plus the crazy lemur king in Madagascar was a ring tailed lemur and he was epic. Though since lemur societies are matriarchal I guess he was really a she in drag....

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:55 am
by Yuiven
Object Mimic Draw
Username: Yuiven
Object being entered: The TalysMana Viewer (
Object description (reference pictures are loved!):
Name for mimic: Tales of the All-seeing Sojourner
Gender for mimic: Female

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:25 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Good luck to the trivia people tonight, I'm fairly sick, so I'm headed to bed ><

Also, whoever wins the female animal mimics, drop me a line about starting a Song with Charge ;) He's quite interested in them!

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:05 am
by Sushidragon
We had seven sharp-eyed watchers with their eye on the Samanayr Stalk page this morning :D Congrats to RikkuGirl, who won a semi-custom pet token!


Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 2:35 pm
by RikkuGirl
I said it on the PI site but ill say it here too.


and congrats to all those before me and those after! :D

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 3:33 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Username: LvSoulFriend
Object being entered: Adult One a Day VitaCraves
Object description (reference pictures are loved!):
Name for mimic: Crave of the Yummy Gummy
Gender for mimic: you choose! Though I think I'm leaning towards mare XD

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:34 pm
by Britain
Dude. lv, you win at LIFE.

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:59 pm
by Janalee
Pet Mimic Pet Draw

Username: Janalee
Pet's real species: Cat
Pet mimic's species: Catgryph
Photo and (optional) description:


All right, I know that's not the most useful picture in the world, but I love it so much I had to put it in. ^^ There's another one here that shows her color a little better...basically, she has gray points, with her ears and tail being darkest; the sides of her belly are rather grayish as well, the old, chunky little thing. *grins and happily hugs her* And her eyes are a light sky blue, whenever she bothers to have them open. XP
Pet name: CocoaPuff
Pet gender: Female

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:11 pm
by Bright Promise
Username: Bright Promise
Animal name: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Description (written and/or picture):
Why would this animal make an awesome mimic?
Pembroke Welsh Corgi would be an awesome addition to the other animal mimics out there. Their "history" is shrouded in mystery and folklore. The tale of the corgi is that they were mystical animals used by the faeries to pull faerie coaches, herd faerie cattle, and serve as a steed for the faerie warriors. You can still see the mark made by the faeries on the corgi's back where their saddles sat over their shoulders!

They are also super cute, intelligent, don't have tails but have VERY wiggly bunny butts!

They are also ROYAL. The Queen of England is a huge fan of the PWC and is known to keep dozens of the breed at any given time. She also has made the mix-breed DORGI (cross between a Corgi and a Dachshund) a popular dog. The Queen's corgis are constant companions of the Queen and were originally brought into the family by her father.

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:14 pm
by Bright Promise
(I hope this is allowed)
Username: Bright Promise
Pet's real species: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Pet mimic's species: Oquiesa
Photo and (optional) description:
And all of the images here: ... 567533897/ and ... 740814882/
Pet name: Princess Isabella of Ascot (or just Isabella... ^^)
Pet gender: Female

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:22 pm
by Bright Promise
Username: Bright Promise
Object being entered: iPhone 3Gs (THE S IS FOR SPEEEEEEEED)
Object description (reference pictures are loved!):
The iPhone is a phone... by Apple... but it is not a fruit, like APPLES. It has a bunch of colors depending on the applications you download and the back casing can be black or white.
There are a whole lot of iPhone 3Gs pictures on so I'll just reference that...
Name for mimic: SPEED of the Technological iPhone
Gender for mimic: male?

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:01 pm
by Janalee
The Great Mimic Debate

Username: Janalee
Animal name: Nautilus (Maybe Nautilus pompilius, if you feel like getting species specific...and don't mind wading through a bunch of sites about the band of the same name. XD)
Description (written and/or picture):


Why would this animal make an awesome mimic?:
      Well, if lamps, teapots, speakers, and even a house have mimicked this animal, it seems a shame not to have a Sam mimic of one too. *crooked grin*
      More seriously though, I just think they're beautiful animals. I remember the first time I saw one in an aquarium; I don't know how long it took my family to finally drag me away from him, but it was long enough for them to be rather annoyed anyway. *smiles nostalgically* Like a lot of people here, I seem to like the 'living fossils;' there's just something fascinating about designs that have been around in nearly the same form since the Cambrian. And those colors together, with the mixture of stripes on the dorsal side of the shell, and white spots on the hood...definitely puts the nautilus high on my list of mimic-hopefuls.
      I think it was my curiosity about the mimic that ultimately made me choose this species above all the others though. Would they have a new shell trait? Is a shell considered an accessory, especially if a nautilus can close his completely around him? Or would you play around with existing traits: maybe a combination of armor, belly plates, and biped, with the resulting elongated body and tail curled into a logarithmic spiral like the inside of the nautilus's shell? And even something as simple as the tentacles: would you use the tentacle trait, even though nautiluses don't have suckers, or go with Tendril Fins instead? I would love to see a newer Sam with that last trait sometime. ^^
      Really, I just think this species would be fun to see.

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:18 pm
by Britain
Username: Britain
Object being entered: Key
Object description (reference pictures are loved!): KEY, An antique, ornate key. Here's a few, but anything like this would be awesome.


Name for mimic: Secret of the Brass Treasure (or Secret of the Silver Treasure, depending on color, lol)
Gender for mimic: Stallion

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:24 pm
by Britain
Username: Britain
Pet's real species: English Bulldog
Pet mimic's species: Oquiesa
Photo and (optional) description: Classic bulldog, white and 'red' piebald. Squished nose would be a plus, lol


Pet name: Thrall (DS For the Horde)
Pet gender: Male

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:57 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Ah, so that's who gets thrown around the house XD I was wondering what he looked like!

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:06 pm
by Britain
Username: Britain
Animal name: Tomato Hornworm Caterpillar
Description (written and/or picture): A chubby, squishy green caterpillar with V-shaped white lines down the body. Big, and it 'evolves' (LOL) into an enormous moth. A Lamanayr with the hawk moth wings and the green stripey body would be super awesome. XDD

Image <--- HUGE <--- Hawk moth!

Why would this animal make an awesome mimic?

Ever since I was little, my dad's had a vegetable garden (he grew up a farmboy, lol). Every year, without fail, I'd help him pull these guys off the tomatoes. It was the one critter that didn't absolutely make me flail with horror if I had to touch it, or it landed on me, or something else to inspire nightmares. I never thought of them as something that would become a butterfly or moth- they were hornworms! They didn't need any more definition! I'd keep them in my mom's Tupperware, feeding them tomato sprigs until Daddy made me let them go in a far-off field.

Hornworms represent fresh gardens, lush, ripe tomatoes, good memories, and overcoming personal fears. I felt SO brave to tug them off the tomato stems, being so careful not two squeeze them too hard. By virtue of their adorable features and fabulous determination to invade every tomato garden in the universe, I think they deserve to be mimicked. ;D

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:06 pm
by Britain
LvSoulFriend wrote:Ah, so that's who gets thrown around the house XD I was wondering what he looked like!
Lol, yes. XD All...nearly thirty pounds of him. And growing. @.@

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:42 pm
by LvSoulFriend
The Great Mimic Debate

Username: LvSoulFriend
Animal name: Spotted Hyena
Description (written and/or picture):
Why would this animal make an awesome mimic? In light of the conversations that were held during the UStream chat, I propose the Spotted Hyena for the Mimic Debate. The reasons why?

-For starters, it's a matriarchal society, meaning females rule! Imagine having a Song that was 1 female, and 4 males! How cool would that be? Groups of hyenas, called clans, can have up to 80 members.
-Secondly, their bite. Spotted Hyenas have a bite force of up to 11,400 lbs! This is stronger than leopards and brown bears, and they can easily shatter giraffe bones (Sorry Music! *pats*).
-While hyenas are know to be scavengers, Spotted Hyenas are also skilled hunters, and can take down a wildebeast or antelope easily. As long as they're hunting in a pack, of course.
-They have excellent night vision and hearing. They are very fast, and can run for long distances effortlessly.
-Their calls. Hyenas have a wonderful spine-chilling "whoop" or "laugh", and it can be heard over 3 miles away.
-Hyenas are smarter than chimps! When challenged with logic puzzles, hyenas worked it out faster than chimps, with no prior training. Older hyenas will also help younger ones, teaching them, if you will, in figuring out the puzzles. Link to article here.

And that's just the highlights >> Much more info located here. Along with a few other pictures XD


Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:03 pm
by silvermoondragon
It's coniferous, no deciduous, no it's a Metasequoia!

Username: silvermoondragon
Object being entered: Tree, specifically a Dawn Redwood, or Metasequoia glyptostroboides
Object description (reference pictures are loved!): This gorgeous tree has all the characteristics of a coniferous tree, needles and cones, except in the fall this tree turns orange and red with the other deciduous trees and drops its leaves. The needles themselves are nice and soft and a very pretty light green. They are also great to climb, I have one in my front yard at home and I love it!
Whole Tree
Old tree's trunk
Leaves Changing Colour
Fall Colours
Should I win, I'll leave it up to you to decide whether you do Autumn or Spring/Summer coloration..
Name for mimic: Cone of Fallen Leaves
Gender for mimic: mare

And my pet entry:

Username: silvermoondragon
Pet's real species: Tabby Cat
Pet mimic's species: Catgryph
Photo and (optional) description:
Blob cat, to show side markings
Pet name: Sammy
Pet gender: male

Also... I must say, the Doctor Who mimic ideas on PI are awesome!!! and my chest is currently being crushed by above cat X_x ...can't... breath...

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:11 pm
by Xenon
Wooo, just squishing in, I hope! <3

Username: Xenon
Animal name: Coelacanth
Description (written and/or picture):

Why would this animal make an awesome mimic?
Why wouldn't it? Aquatic Sams are awesome, prehistoric animals are awesome, and what's not awesome about an animal that was thought to have gone extinct millions of years ago, only to be trawled up off the coast of India, alive and well?

Coelacanths are called the living fossil, and that's a massively accurate description. When compared to fossilized examples, the living species of coelacanths are nearly identical, meaning that this is a species that has lived on, unchanged, for millions of years. In terms of appearance they're quite the oddity, too, with their lobed fins and pointy-toothed mouths. Even their scales are unique, of a type seen on only a very small group of similarly ancient fish. The coelacanth is a really unique and fascinating animal, and one that we know alarmingly little about, even how many are swimming around down there.

But why would a coelacanth make such an awesome Sam? Beyond simple obsession, the build of an aquatic Sam would lend itself very well to making a coela-mimic. The lobed fins of the fish look a lot like finned hands to begin with, and could easily be translated into Sam flippers. With their defined body scales on top of that curious trait, this would make a striking and beautiful, if slightly understated in coloration, mimic.


Username: Xenon
Object being entered: Following in Silver's footsteps, I'm entering a plant: specifically, the maiden's-hair fern.
Object description (reference pictures are loved!):
Name for mimic: I'd leave that up to you <3
Gender for mimic: Mare

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:16 pm
by sera
Username: sera
Animal name: Spotted skunk
Description (written and/or picture): ... nktail.jpg ... anding.jpg ... skunk1.jpg
Why would this animal make an awesome mimic? Spotted skunks are some of the coolest animals, especially since their spots are really stripe-y. xD Also, they're skunks! 8D

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:24 pm
by Sushidragon
Sorry to take so long with the Socit Stalk results, we learned that Mr Sushi's mom is coming to visit today which means lots of cleaning XD;

This pudgy little hippo mimic made an appearance on the Socit Stalk page!


The randomly-selected time was 11:57am PDT, and the closest PM to that time without going over was from Puuka at 11:49am PDT - congrats :D

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:31 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Congrats Puuka!

She's invited to Charge's future Song, if she wants ;) Still no name for it though XD

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:57 pm
by Yuiven
The Great Mimic Debate
Username: Yuiven
Animal name: African Elephant
Description (written and/or picture):
Why would this animal make an awesome mimic? Mammoth size, unique traits, enduring memory, capable of displaying an emotive capacity unbeknownst to most creatures in the animal kingdom, it is these qualities which I deem make the African Elephant an awesome mimic.

Notwithstanding the obvious size difference between African Elephants (9-13 ft at the shoulder) and Samanayrs (no more than 2 ft), the African Elephant has naturally evolved exotic yet iconic traits that could prove beneficial to a Samanayr. Probably one of the, if not the most, interesting morphological features is its trunk. It is a highly sensitive organ which can detect a countless variety of scents; not a drinking straw as commonly depicted in cartoons! The trunk is also extremely flexible. There are two "fingers" on the tip of its trunk, used to grab objects. Hence serving the function, for all intents and purposes, of a hand- something that could make life for a Samanayr much easier if he or she has the ability to effortlessly pick up objects, more than ever on an Expedition! What's more, a trunk can scratch an itch in a hard-to-reach spot that a Samanayr normally wouldn’t be able to do otherwise. For these reasons, the trunk is the African Elephant's most important and versatile appendage.

A second remarkable trait of the African Elephant are the soft, large ears- a cartilaginous sheet that is covered in paper-thin skin -that serve a few important functions. Foremost is hearing, of course. They have a rather acute sense of hearing, and in fact have extended their audible range to hear across far distances. So, a Samanayr could hear a hunting Oquiesa coming before the canine predator would even see their intended prey, or hear a fellow Samanayr calling him/her. The ears are also used to regulate body temperature which is surprisingly difficult due to the African Elephant's ample mass with heat being released slowly. Hot blood in the arteries is cooled via the constant flapping. Thus, the body temperature is regulated with the cooled blood returning to the rest of the body. A Samanayr mimic of this animal would be able to stay cool on a hot day with these built-in fans!

Last of these traits are the ivory tusks. Tusks are a recently-introduced trait in the world of Samanayrs, so the timing couldn't be any more perfect! Both male and female African Elephants are endowed with a pair of the long, curving teeth. They are used for digging, ripping of bark, foraging, resting a heavy trunk, and as weapons. Very effective for acquiring food as well as defending oneself from an enraged Sa'krien.

The African Elephants are famous for their trumpet calls. They also make rumbling growls when greeting each other. The growl becomes a bellow when the mouth is open and a bellow becomes a moan when prolonged. This can escalate with a roar when threatening another elephant or another animal. In addition to the notes, trills, chirps, whinnies, and so forth a Samanayr uses to communicate, the number of sounds the African Elephant produces could expand their musical language.

Another attribute Samanayrs and African Elephants share is a strong sense of family. Like Samanayrs, African Elephants live in a structured social order. The females spend their entire lives in tightly-knit herd made up of mothers, daughters, sisters, and aunts. These herds are led by the eldest female, or matriarch.

Standing next to the colossal body of the African Elephant, a creature that could pop your head off entirely by accident yet just as easily pick you a flower as it is looming over you, is a magnificent sight to behold! They are also famed for their intelligence and memory (there is factual evidence backing up the old phrase, "An Elephant Never Forgets"). And African Elephants express their feelings in a big way, whether grieving for a lost life of one of their own, showing joy, or giving in to violent rages against anything. Even though Samanayrs are unlike African Elephants in many ways, the two species share more in common than one would originally think, so that's why I believe a mimic of this animal would be awesome, not to mention quite appropriate!

Re: Mimicry Fantastica - the mimic events!

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:14 pm
by Puuka
*Squeals and hugs Drifter's pudgy self!* Yay! Thank you so much Sushi! <3

Drifter thinks that Charge is quite the stud, and would absolutely love to song with him :3


When I saw Hippo Sam, I immediately though - whomever wins her needs to song her with Charge. Hippo-rhino babies would be awesome! So, yes, haha xD