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Re: Interactive Races!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:22 pm
by Origami_Dragon
((Well, that reassures me that there is no sneaky, last row before the finish, final unexpected obstacle coming up then! Which I have seen appear on other race courses I believe...unless my memory is deluding me.

Looks like this shall be a photo finish!))

Re: Interactive Races!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:24 pm
by Tasmen
Oh poo no more obsticals, wish i had know that before i posted. can we edit, before the end time?

Re: Interactive Races!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:35 pm
by silvermoondragon
@ Tasmen - I guess you can if you really want to.

Re: Interactive Races!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:08 pm
by silvermoondragon
Round 8 – And we have our winners!

Crack – Normal, easily jumps the small river
Flight - Hard, 1 endurance, trips and gains no ground
Trumpet – Hard, 1 endurance
Healer – Normal
Flash – Hard
Recline – Hard, 3 endurance, trips and gains no ground
Flyssa – Hard, 2 endurance
Rue – Normal, 1 endurance
Crunch – Normal
Slice – Normal

The race was an extremely close one requiring Sharian input to determine the exact placing. The finishing Samanayrs stood by in desperate silence until he finally stepped forwards. Who would come out victorious?
With a nod, the Sharian pointed to Flyssa of the Lost Traditions, handing her the gold ribbon. She had finished almost a headlength before the others. Next was Trumpet of the Victorious Past, followed closely by Healer of Shattered Spirits who had put in a large burst of speed right at the end. Congratulations were also awarded to Rue and Slice, coming in just a hairsbreadth behind.

Image - Yuiven
Image - Origami_Dragon
Image - Puuka

Yuiven and Origami_Dragon, let me know what type modiem you would like.
Thanks everyone for racing and I hope you all had fun. Feel free to let me know what you thought of the interactive race and if you have any ideas or suggestions for a possible next time!

Re: Interactive Races!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:11 pm
by NightFlyer
Congratulations, guys! That was lots of fun. *pets Flight* It's okay. We'll get'em next time. :D

Re: Interactive Races!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:12 pm
by Tasmen
Congrats you 3 it was a close one. :)

Re: Interactive Races!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:14 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
Major congrats you three! :D I can't wait to see the winners all decked out in their medals. :3

Re: Interactive Races!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:25 pm
by Orasteele
Congrats you guys! Good race Silvermoondragon!

Re: Interactive Races!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:26 pm
by Janalee
Congrats guys! Looks like it was a fun race. ^_^

Re: Interactive Races!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:27 pm
by RikkuGirl
Congrats guys!!!!! I had to run errands and totally spaced out :/

Oh well! Next time crack! :)

Re: Interactive Races!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:27 pm
by Origami_Dragon
His final surge carried him up and across the finish line, Trumpet was finally able to stop. Sides heaving he looked around and tensed up when he saw half the other racers also slowing and stopping on this side of the line. Where had they all come from? Had the race been that close?

Anxiously the stallion joined the others in watching the Sharian decide which of them had crossed soonest. The moments stretched out, minutes seeming like hours, until finally...the announcement. He held himself tense, trying not to sag as a dangerous looking mare was awarded first. It took him a moment to realize what it meant when the Sharian next pointed at him. But when it did he nearly startled the draconic being into dropping the silver medal with his triumphant bugling. He had done it! Not first, but second was still impressive, no? Surely this would help attract the ladies, being able to display such a shiny piece. Silver matched his hide better anyways.

Standing tall the stallion couldn't stop the huge grin spreading across his face as he nodded to the two mares who had also placed. What a day!

((Oh my, that was a close race! Half the field hit the finish line at just about the same time! Congrats winners and good race everyone! I would like a Rarity Modiem please, thanks!

I quite liked the interactive race. RPing it out with your cues was fun.))

Re: Interactive Races!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:27 pm
by Seren
Wow! Looks like that was so much fun! :D

Congrats! Trumpet, I'm sure you'll win some ladies with that preformance, and congrats to the mares and all the other races as well! :D

Re: Interactive Races!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:52 am
by Puuka
Ah! I missed the races, we had some company over last minute! T.T

I'm so excited that Healer placed though, and way to got to the other winners! This looks like it was an exciting race! :D

Thank you Silver, for running such a fun event! <3

Re: Interactive Races!

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 2:41 pm
by Yuiven
The thudding staccato of the Samanayrs race for the lead filled the air as the finish line loomed ever closer, somewhere in front of them. Lactic acid washed over her limbs and the pain seared her flesh, but it was the kind of pain on which an athlete thrived. It was hellfire; it was heaven. Flyssa of the Lost Tradition stretched out, drinking in great gulps of air and pinning back her ears, every muscle and every neuron focused on speed. Heading down the home stretch, slender white legs shovelled hard into the earth to make the final charge, with those last ounces of strength in the waning yards, before she dove across the finish line with half the field together in a surging mass, like a colourful tidal wave.

Slowing down to a stop on the other side of the line, hide glistening with sweat, Flyssa's sides were heaving as she struggled to catch her breath. Exhaustion had caught up to her, but she still had some energy left as she glanced at this motley bunch. The Samanayrs that ran alongside Flyssa had speed, speed the veteran racer had to acknowledge and respect. The fact that every one had a chance to win gave her cause to worry (just a little). It had been an exceedingly close race.

Several long minutes passed without an answer to the big unasked question on everybody's minds: who won? Anxious, Flyssa stood tense, waiting in the company of rivals in a rare, uncharacteristic display of camaraderie, watching the Sharian deliberate over who was first, second, third at the exact moment of crossing.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the male approached the small group to announce his rulings. Unable to hide her surprise, Flyssa of the Lost Traditions's scarlet eyes grew wide and her jaw dropped as the draconic being pointed at her, declaring she was the victor by a head! Standing there, frozen in disbelief, he slipped the gold medal over her head down her neck. Flyssa felt tears spring to her eyes as she looked to where the gold medal gleamed against her chest. Casting her mind back to her previous placements made her appreciate all the more the magnitude of what was happening now-- seventh in her maiden race, then third in the triathlon with Koi of the Glorious Ponds and Gleam of the Peridot Eve.

Standing tall in the winner's circle, Flyssa flashed her fangs in a mega-watt smile. Then she winked in return to the flamboyant stallion who had won silver, and nodded to the Healer who had taken bronze in a surprise finish.

((OMG, I can't believe Flyssa actually won! *o* Someone please pinch me on the cheek to make sure I'm not dreaming... I'm immensely proud of my champion racer. Third time really was the charm. For my modiem of choice, I would like to have a rarity modiem, please.

Congratulations to Origami_Dragon and Puuka on winning second and third respectively! Good race to everyone else, too! ^_^b Just as I had written in my final RP, it was an exceedingly close race the whole way through, which anyone could've won.

Thank you once again for hosting these races, silvermoondragon! They were a lot of fun, and exciting to participate in. I like this "interactive" style of racing-- it allows us to become more involved rather than just standing by on the sidelines cheering for our Sams. We are allowed to have some say in how we run the race, even going so far to RP our choices out, but only in accordance to your official cues, of course-- hoping we had made the right decision in the end. Also, it granted a unique opportunity to get inside into our respective Sam's head as he or she employed different strategies in trying to win the race. Gets the creative juices pumping, as if we were writing word sprint challenges for NaNoWriMo. Even though this format is more admittedly time-consuming than the average race, I believe it's worth the investment of our time. ^_^))