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What would you do if breedings could use unlimited modiems?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 5:27 pm
by Sushidragon
You all know the modiem limits for breedings, right? Well, what would you do if you could use an unlimited number of modiems, and you had an unlimited amount available? Rainbow triplets of a new species? Tons of different traits? Random traits and colors ahoy? Which pair would you use?

(and no, I'm not planning on allowing unlimited modiems any time soon, I'm just curious XD)

Re: What would you do if breedings could use unlimited modie

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 5:29 pm
by nightfeathers
I would want a nice pair of twins with all my favorite traits. XD Or at least the ones that wouldn't cancel each other out. I would probably select a pair that would give some nice blacks and whites possibly sprinkled with yellow, red, or blue.

Re: What would you do if breedings could use unlimited modie

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 5:50 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
*stares blankly at Sushi for several long minutes in disbelief at her question* Uh. O_O I can't say I've ever actually thought about that. Mostly because I've never had reason to. *dashes off to main website to figure out answer*

Re: What would you do if breedings could use unlimited modie

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 5:58 pm
by Origami_Dragon
So many possibilities...

I might do Aquatic twins with a new trait...

Or maybe some Sa'grisayrs.

Perhaps an Elemental with flame hair and Ignis and scales and make it twins...

*examines closely* Pity there's no way to make a Sibyl appear through modiem usage.

Probably throw some sort of trait modiem combo at the breeding too...

And now I want an Aquatic Sa'grisayr but I don't think combo species can be created through breedings even with modiems.

So hard to choose just what I might do if given unlimited modiems to play with for the single breeding.

Re: What would you do if breedings could use unlimited modie

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 6:13 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
Well, I would have a few questions on the matter first. Would using, say, a species and 2 rarity modiems effect all offspring, or just one? With modiems, could a Sa'Krien and, say, a Sa'Gris be able to produce a basic element Elemental? >3>

If yes to at least the second one, I would totally die for a Water Elemental set of triplets from these two.

And if the answer to the first question is only one of the foals, then I would totally use more to get one foal as a water Elemental, one as an earth Elemental, and one as a wind or fire Elemental. And if none of that were possible, I would want a set of Illiayr triplets from them, which I would manipulate the genders of to either be all mares or all stallions... *has begun rambling*

And then there's the actually possible idea of using just two rarity modiems on a breeding, which I've been plotting, and has yet to be done by anyone in the past. >3>

Re: What would you do if breedings could use unlimited modie

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 6:22 pm
by Delicious
Giant winged Seraphim Mystic triplets. :D

... and then a Woolly "Sammoths" (you know you want'em!) new species triplets in calico, tortie & lilac point.

Probably best that doesn't occur though, I have a feeling either one might cause me to die of a Samanayr Awesome overdose. :) But I'm definitely on the warpath to get Giant Wings of every type and flavor. And maybe -some- day I'll manage to hoard up enough rarity modiems for a new species, hee hee. A'yup. A bit crazy is the Del & her plans, bwaha.

Re: What would you do if breedings could use unlimited modie

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 6:32 pm
by Janalee
Oh man, that's a deceptively difficult and fun question...well, they would be triplets for sure. *grins* Part of me just wants to make them all Elementals, and hope that one could be earth, one water, and the last air. Another part of me wants to make them Integrateds though, and play around with a bunch of traits...which I'm sure would take me far too long to decide on. ^^ Off the top of my head, having a phoenix tail and head wings being integrated kind of strikes me as an interesting and elegant combination; I'm sure I'd add more to that though, if I stuck with it.
*laughs* And now that I'm going to spend the whole night thinking of Sams that could never exist... *grins, and settles in to see what amazing plans other people have*

Re: What would you do if breedings could use unlimited modie

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 4:59 am
by AsaraDragon
Ohhh goodness. That would depend on if Integrated counts as a breed-able trait that could come from a trait modiem and the right amount of rarities. If so, I'd bring to life an elemental I thought up for one of the past contests. If not... I'd throw everything in there that I could to get my persona in Sam-form, possibly even as a new species. Now THAT would be a crazy breeding form!

Re: What would you do if breedings could use unlimited modie

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 5:17 am
by silvermoondragon
I would get triplets and use as many modiems, trait, species, pattern, and colour, as needed to essentially create my perfect custom in threes! I'm not entirely sure what that would be since that changes all the time, but would probably involve a Sa'grisayr. Parents wouldn't matter that much since that many modiems could make them almost unrecognizable... sort of like cloning when you put one species of sheep egg into a different species of sheep and the baby has no genetics in common with the surrogate mother.

Re: What would you do if breedings could use unlimited modie

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 4:14 pm
by CosmicDragon
Hrmm... I'd definitely create myself as a sam. :3 Parents would be Scythe and Regrets, and I add Bipedal, Lop ears, tuftless, upright hair, head mane (like the lamanayr trait), Combination tail (phoenix/poison tail), Combination wings (Giant/draconic), Fangs, and some colour modiems to make the hair black and also add the colours black and royal purple somewhere else on the body. ;)

Then I'd breed me a mini baby with giant wings. >.> Just cause.

Re: What would you do if breedings could use unlimited modie

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 8:22 am
by Rynnie
Twins. Probably a new species, sporting several new traits, a random color, random patterns, a random color in a custom location, two custom colors in a random location, random patterns in a custom location, and several custom gradients.

The second a custom rare species, custom common or uncommon traits, a random color in a custom location, a custom color in a custom location, a custom colored pattern in a custom color in a custom location.