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In Honor of the Eldest - Hunt Thread!

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 3:38 am
by Jennalyn
In Honor of the Eldest
A Samanayr RP Scavenger Hunt
The list was extensive, but Princess delighted in the fact that she had found seekers for each and every one of the items. Their species would have a splendid offering to honor the Eldest!

If... all of the Samanayrs in question managed to retrieve their prizes within the month. That deadline wouldn't make it easy for some to return posthaste, and she wanted everything together and presentable for the Eldest's tour after her joining.

She had sent them all out with basic information, a few meager supplies, and not much else besides their own wits and abilities. Hopefully that would be enough. The ones who did return with the requested items would certainly be honored by their local and birth Songs. Such a vast collection was no easy task. But, such were the hardships that she would juggle to see that everything fell into place.


Scavenger Hunt Information

First and foremost, please only post your hunt writing in this thread. There's another thread for conversation and discussion. Questions should also be posted there, and I will be happy to answer them as I'm able. Other owners should also be a good reference.

Your Sams have been charged with finding particular items throughout the Samanayr world. I have no particular 'plot hook' in mind for any of them, so this is entirely a test of your own creativity and writing. These items are all made up, so please take liberties! Just stay within the normal confines of the Samanayr species. You may begin posting your replies now and edit your post as you write more, or you may wait and post everything all at once. The end of your reply needs to be your Sam bringing the item back to the compound where they started, and where Princess will be waiting inside. Most Sams don't like being surrounded by walls, but Kodylas are strange in all sorts of ways.

There will be no back-and-forth from me. It's aaaaall you guys! You're writing a story. If you choose to search with another owner, please do your writing privately or in an RP thread on this board and then copy/paste everything in a reply to this thread with each person's writing clearly labeled.

Likewise, there is no length limit. You cannot write too much, or too little, for this contest. Prizes will be based on merit, however, so the best replies will receive the best prizes. Merit will be based on the quality of writing, the creativity of writing, and your ability to stick to the world that Sushi has created.

This hunt ends on Monday, June 14 @ 11:59PM PST. That means that it ends on Monday, Sushi's time, and you have until the very end of the day to post your reply and have things finished! Please do not edit after that time. Do your grammar checks before then if you don't want small errors to stay.

Good luck, everyone!

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Hunt Thread!

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 7:39 am
by Bluestarwolf12
Mystic's gaze swept around the clearing curiously at the other Sams, counting in his head. 16, plus himself made 17. An odd number, he had to admit, but quite a large one. Clearly Princess was covering her bases with the assumtion that not everyone would make it back in time. Oh well. He'd just have to be one of the ones that did make it.

With that, Mystic took to the skies. He would first need to ask around the Rainbow Hotsprings and see if anyone knew of the Song that made these Velvet Mystic Strand Replicas, as he most certainly did not. It did not take him long to run into a Song, from which he recieved a snide "Why would you need one of those? Ayren't you magical enough alyready?", immediately after which he was shooed from their territory without being given enough time to explain. Hopes ever so slightly depleated, Mystic continued on to the next Song, only to recive a similar, if slightly less snide, response. The rest of the day continued in this manner, with Mystic finding a Song only to be given either a snide 'why do you need it?' or a genuine 'I have no idea. I'm soyryry I can't be moyre helpful!', neither one being any more helpful than the other, though he had to admit that the latter was prefferable to the former.

Night had already fallen, and Mystic had decided that the next Song would be the last for the day. He was tired and a bit dissappointed in the severe lack of assistance he had recieved thus far, and a little voice in the back of his mind kept stating that no matter what Song he visited, no one would know or care, which was really beginning to drag him down. He then spotted this last hotspring in the distance, and it did not take him long to reach them and perform a not-so-graceful landing.

"Well, well! What byrings a Mystic to ouyr Song of Eteyrnal Night so late in the day?" came the cheerful voice of a deep purple stallion. "Not lost, ayre you?" at that, two dark mares that appeared to be identical twin sisters became visible beside him. "Goodness, I do hope he's not lost. I always thought Mystics couldn't get lost. What about you, sisteyr?" spoke one of the two, to which she recieved a kurt nod. It was then that Mystic noticed the difference in the two. The silent one was a Sibyl. "He... Is seayrching foyr something." came her quiet voice. She was staring at the clear, starry sky intently. "And we will assist him." She blinked and looked back to Mystic with a soft smile. "The stayrs say that we can help you. What is it that you seek?"

Mystic was truely a bit surprised by the fact that this Sibyl could just look at the stars and say that they could help him despite the fact that she didn't even know what they were helping him with. "I... I'm seayrching for the Song that makes Velvet Mystic Styrand yReplicas. You see, I intend foyr it to be my gift to the Eldest Shayrian for heyr Joining, but I have had no luck thus fayr..."

The stallion seemed to perk up visibly. "Indeed we can help you, then! My sisteyr is payrt of that Song, the Song of the Skillful Ayrtisans. I even have a Mystic Strand yReplica fyrom them. I'm afyraid you can't have mine, as it has come in handy on multiple occasions, but I can most ceyrtainly tell you wheyre they yreside!" he seemed very eager to help, which came as an invaluable boon to Mystic seeing as all the other Songs he had run across had been unable or unwilling to help. "Yes, they live oveyr on the plains in that diyrection." he said, pointing westward. "It's about a seven days' walk, though I'm suyre it'd be fasteyr by flight. When you get theyre, just tell them what you'yre afteyr, why you want it, and that you weyre sent by Whispeyr of the Cyreeping Night. They will know what to do." he paused to let this new information sink into Mystic's mind and to consider what to do next. As Whisper looked Mystic over, he really began to notice the exaustion that seemed to be completely apparent on his features despite the new burst of hope.

"Do... Do you need a place to stay foyr the night? You look like you'yre about the keel oveyr..." concern tinted Whisper's previously enthusiastic voice as he looked worriedly upon Mystic. "Oh, yes! That would be veyry helpful indeed! Just one night is all I need, then I'll be on my way in the moyrning. I don't know how I could possibly thank you..."

"Oh, no thanks needed my fyriend! It's always good to help someone in need. You know the saying, 'A fyriend in need is a fyriend indeed'. Well, we shouldn't be keeping you from sleeping. Heyre, follow me." the stallion seemed to be grinning ear to ear at this point, so Mystic just followed quietly. He could already feel his body relaxing and getting heavier. "This is wheyre you'll be sleeping." he said, gesturing to a corner of the cave in which Mystic assumed they spent their nights. "Thank you veyry much. I cannot tell you how much I appyriciate youyr help." Mystic said quietly before curling up and falling almost instantly unconcious. Yes, he would truely begin his journey tomorrow. But tonight, sleep was all he needed...

((The rest will likely be up by the end of the day, as I will be leaving town tomorrow and spending the week with my grandmother with limited internet access. *crosses fingers that she has enough time and motivation to finish today*))

:EDIT: Part 2

The next morning couldn't have come early enough for Mystic, who had awakened a few hours before dawn with enough energy to carry him through the next day and a half. Fortunately, the Song of Eternal Night was a Song of early risers (almost contrary to it's name). Mystic spent the few hours before dawn conversing with the Song and learning more about them (something he had failed to do the night before). He learned that the mares' names were Sibyl of Eternal Stars (the lead mare) and Star on the Eastern Horizon (the lead's sister). Whisper of the Creeping Night was their stallion. The Song was non-nomadic due to Sibyl who did not enjoy travelling and Star who refused to leave her sister's side. Whisper's connection with the Song of the Skillful Artisans was a deep one indeed, and Mystic found that he owned at least on of every object that they could make, and several of the ones made especially by his sister, who's name was found to be Beauty of Artistic Creation. Whisper spoke very fondly of his sister's Song, saying that the stallion was handsom, friendly, and skilled, and that all of the mares were talented in the creation of various charms, trinkets, and replicas. He also said that they usually made such things special for certain Samanayr-kin and Sharians, claiming that they put different materials, meanings, and purposes into each and every object, for fear that not doing so would make it lose it's magical properties.

All this talk was only making Mystic more and more anxious to be on his way. So, when the sun finally broke the horizon, Mystic of the Iridescent Skies waved goodbye to his new friends, promising to stop by on his return trip, and took to flight. The winds were strong and blowing Westward, which told Mystic that he would be able to cover a considerable amount of ground today. Not being familiar with the territory, he kept his eyes trained to the ground and focused on the wind patterns to be absolutely certain he remained moving west; Getting off-course now would not end well.

Mystic mentally began trying to figure out how long it would take him to reach the home of the Song of the Skillful Artisans. The strength and direction of the wind, coupled with the fact that flight was faster than walking, he figured he could be there two days faster than Whisper's time estimate. This was definately a good thing, given that he'd be flying into the wind on his trip back (assuming that the winds did not shift in his favor), as well as the fact that he didn't know how long making a Velvet Mystic Strand Replica took. For all he knew, he could be there for quite a while. Hopefully it would take them less than ten days, as that was the longest they could take if Mystic was going to make it back in time.

The next four days passed rather uneventfully, with Mystic spending a whole heck of a lot of time flying, with occasional breaks for food and rest, sleeping through the nights and beginning his travels again a few hours before dawn. He had seen a surprising lack of Songs in the areas he passed, which made him wonder why.

On the fifth day out, Mystic finally saw the range of mountains in the distance that Whisper had spoken of the morning before he had left. He had said that you're close when you can see them on the horizon, you just need to keep your eyes out. So, once Mystic trained his eyes on the ground below, it wasn't long before he spotted five figures on the great green expanse below him. There was no mistaking the deep purple one as being anything other than Whisper's sister, Beauty. Overjoyed to have come so far and found his goal so quickly, Mystic began dropping altitude until he could clearly make out each of the five Sams. They had stopped walking, and were now watching Mystic curiously as he circled downward towards them. "You ayre the Song of the Skillful Ayrtisans, coyryrect?" he called to them as he landed about 10 yards away.

"Indeed we ayre." came the stallion's response. His voice was rough, but friendly and warm at the same time. His appearance was much the same. His fur was a glorious red-brown with darker patches and his deep amber eyes seemed to radiate warmth. "Have you come to yrequest something to be made?"

"I have. I seek a Velvet Mystic Styrand yReplica to give as a gift to the Eldest Shayrian foyr heyr Joining. Whispeyr of the Cyreeping Night instyructed me on wheyre to go to find you. Oh, and my name is Mystic of the Iyridescent Skies, by the way." Mystic rattled off the information as instructed by Whisper, barely able to believe that he had made it to them already. Beauty's bright blue eyes seemed to light up at the mention of her brother, and she stepped up beside her stallion. "Well Mystic, you've definately come to the yright place." she said happily. "I take it you live yratheyr fayr fyrom heyre, in which case you'll need to be staying with us until it is completed. Your timing is peyrfect, as we weyre just headed back to our hotspyring fyrom collecting supplies. Come, we can discuss specifics on the way..."

(( *goes off to take another break* ))

:EDIT: Part Three

On the trip to the Song of the Skillful Artisans' hotspring, Mystic had been asked so many questions about what it is that he wanted that it nearly made his head spin. Length, color, thread count, and a number of other things were all variables. Mystic had decided to make it as close to his own as he could, partially because his travels had caused him to lose a bit of his creativity, and partially because of his reasons for chosing this particular object in the first place; because it was a special, personal gift from him to the Eldest Sharian.

The Song of the Skillful Artisans requested only three things for payment. Three hairs from one of Mystic's strands, which he happily handed over. The first would be woven into his replica to give it it's magic, while the others could be used in the future for someone else's commission should ever the need arise. Mystic had truely expected it to be more expensive than that, but the three Mystic hairs seemed to be very valueable to them, so he did not question it.

Mystic's stay with the Song of the Skillful Artisans was not an unpleasant one, as he quite enjoyed the seven days of helping them gather wood, stones, and various other object that they used in the creation of their trinkets. During this time, Mystic often found himself thinking of his mares and wondering how Vivacity was doing with finding her gift to the Eldest Sharian. Time not spent out gathering things was spend at their hotspring watching the aptly named Song of the Skillful Artisans with great amounts of curiosity as they created beautiful works of art in the smallest of objects.

The Replica was completed on the night of the seventh day, and it was decided that Mystic would depart the following morning. Everyone in the Song was up at dawn to wave him off, and Beauty, Whisper's sister, instructed him to give a small, carved wooden bead to her brother. Mystic nodded obendienty, and with a newfound determination, took to the skies once more.

As he had anticipated, the winds were against him now, and his powers could only make the wind stop blowing in the little bubble around him, he could not reverse it. This made his trip about two days longer than the trip the other way had been, plus Mystic travelled a bit slower with the knowledge that he had more than enough time to make it back.

At the end of his seventh traveling day, Mystic finally made it back to the territory of the Song of Eternal Night with the wooden bead and Velvet Mystic Strand Replica grasped in his talons. He spent that night resting soundly with the knowledge that his journey was very nearly complete.

Mystic spent all of the next day with the Song of Eternal Night discussing his journey and the importance of the wooden bead that he had given to Whisper. Apparently, it had become a tradition that for everyone Whisper was able to safely send to the Song of the Skillful Artisans he would be given a custom-carved bead by the one sent. He showed Mystic the necklace adorned with all sorts of beads that he had been keeping in the cave along with all the other things he had gotten from them, which made Mystic realize just how much the Song of the Skillful Artisans' buisness of sorts depended upon Whisper.

Mystic departed at the crack of dawn the following morning for the Rainbow Hotsprings, reaching his destination as the sun was square in the middle of the sky with the Velvet Mystic Strand Replica for the Eldest Sharian grasped in his right talon. He was roughly eight days early, and he had managed to obtain the object in question with little difficulty despite the lack of assisstance on the first day.

Mystic of the Iridescent Skies approached Princess quietly, laying the valueable object before her with a deep bow. "I have succeeded in my seayrch for a Velvet Mystic Styrand yReplica. This one was custom made foyr the Eldest Shayrian, and I tyruely hope that she likes it." he said proudly.

(( Yus! Victory is mine! Er... Mystic's! >8D *goes off to pack for her trip* ))

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Hunt Thread!

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:11 pm
by Esperanza

With the information she needed, Gem turned and trotted back toward the forest. A brown bag was around her neck, which would be useful for carrying the tusk. The information swirled through her head, and she even got context clues from the name of the item she was supposed to be searching for. A carved ivory tusk? She had got the information about been worn down over many years by the ocean and she immediately thought of Northern Aquatics and their tusks. “I’d be best off to ask any songs of them if they had seen this tusk.” She whispered to herself, as she ran across the meadow. The sun beat on her back and she closed her eyes with contentment, she could feel the earth beneath her feet as she ran, the wind stroking her bare skin. Being hairless had its advantages; she could run longer without getting as hot as some of the others. She opened her bright eyes again and looked up at the sky; a few wild dragonets flew over her, talking to each other. She tilted her head in curiosity before she started paying more attention to where she was at. She saw a stallion and a couple of mares and she chirped a greeting as she slowed down.

“Hello, do you have any idea where the shoreline is?” She asked him, and he shook his head in a ‘no’. Gem frowned and turned her ears back, “But I do believe one of my mares may have come from the shore.” He stated, and Gem perked back up. “May I speak to her then, please?” The stallion nodded and called his mare forward. Anyone with half a mind could tell this mare was from the beach just from her appearance and markings. She was a light tan, with a pale blue mane, and she had three shell markings near her flank area. Gem smiled at her, “I see you are from the beach, can you possibly point me in the direction?” The mare nodded, “The beach should be that way.” She pointed to her left, “Just keep going, and you should hit the shore in around two days.” Gem nodded and sighed, “Thank you. This should help me in my, ‘quest’ as you may call it.” With that, Gem turned and headed toward the way that the island mare had said to go. The island mare turned to her stallion and snickered softly; she lowered her large wings and revealed a misery mane going down her back. “You’d think she’d notice.” She purred in amusement.

The sun was just beginning to set when Gem lay down for the night, her feet ached from the running and it felt like she was getting almost nowhere. The mare said it would take a while, so I should just stop complaining and deal with it. As she watched the sunset she sighed and thought of her song, she leaned her head against the tree and watched the orange skies fade to black, and the celestial bodies begin to show as it got even darker. For the first time in awhile, Gem felt completely alone. There was no warmth from her song members as they slept close. She sighed and laid her head down, closing her eyes and dreaming.

Gem opened her eyes when the early morning light began to fill them, and when a mystic mare started cawing in concern. “Stranger, are you alright?” The mystic asked, “Yes, I am fine, I was just staying here for the night.” “Don’t you have a song?” “Well, yes-“ “Then shouldn’t you be with them?” “Well, yeah, but I am on a quest.” “A quest? Ohh, how interesting? Can you tell me about it?” The mystic spoke. Gem sighed, What a bubbly mare, I guess telling her won’t bother anything. “Well, I’m looking for a carved ivory tusk, and I need to go to the shore.” “The shore! Well, the shore is not this way! No, no, no. The shore happens to be south. Whoever told you that lie must not be very trustworthy.” Gem tilted her head, “Really? How foolish of me…” She cooed in woe, “Thank you very much, ma’am!” Gem chirped, standing back up and beginning to walk south. Around 2 hours after she had woke up and began to walk again she found another song. These tribal samanayrs were not very happy with an intruder, and they chased Gem south. Although it wasn’t very fun, she did get where she needed to go even faster when running for her life. Gem collapsed under a tree and caught her breath, her stomach growling. “Perhaps I should try and find something to eat.” She murmured, scanning the area. Some blackberries caught her eyes and she immediately trotted over to the bush. She greedily ate some of the berries, right up until she was finally full. “Yummy.” She chirped in amusement before she started walking south again.

It was about the third day of walking before the salty smell of the shore filled her nostrils. “Yes! I am almost there!” She squeaked, picking up her pace to a relaxed canter. She noticed the grass begin to change to sand and she started slipping, the footing uneven. When she reached the top of the hill she saw the ocean line, and she started down too fast. She tripped over her feet and rolled down the hill, rolling until she hit the ground with a thud. Her head bounced against the ground and she blacked out.

Even when she dreamed she was falling, and she never hit the bottom. She would feel herself moved but even then she wouldn’t wake up. Suddenly a cold feeling washed over her and she threw her head up. She was surrounded by a song of Northern Aquatics, and one of them had sprayed water on her face. “Mmm. How long was I out…?” She mumbled, trying to catch a hold of what had happened, “Well, we found you two days ago, so you were asleep for a while. You must’ve hit your head pretty hard.” One of them softly, its eyes filled with concern. “Two… days? Noo. No. I don’t think I’ll find the tusk at this rate.” She frowned, “Tusk? What tusk?” One of the song members’s chimed in, her foal coming up from behind her. “You mean like this?” It said, giggling as it pointed to its own little tusk. “Well, almost like that, but it’s been carved into, and I think it’s quite old.” She explained to the song what exactly had happened, and what it was needed for. “I know where it is.” The stallion said, “But you’d have to walk eastward for about half a day.” Gem nodded, “Thank you all so much.” She chirped, standing up slowly. “Good travels to you!” The song chirped in harmony, watching as Gem trotted off.

The blue skies overhead made Gem especially cheerful, she knew that in a while she would find the tusk and be able to return back home. She’d be admired, not that she was only in it for that, and she had just wanted adventure. She suddenly saw something buried in the sand, she sped up. Her muscles under her skin rippling as she reached it. She started digging with hooves, and finally saw the tusk. “I FOUNT IT!” She chirped, scooping it up with a hoof, and putting it in her bag that she had around her neck. With the carved ivory tusk found she returned home.

The entirety of the trip had taken 7 days, one of those days included her being mislead by the beach colored misery mare. She finally saw the compound and she sighed, her muscles aching from walking so much. She saw Princess inside and she took out the tusk, “I believe this is what you wanted?” She chirped, laying the tusk at the mare’s feet. She backed up, an achieved look on her face.

(I tried my best, -crosses fingers;)

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Hunt Thread!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 2:46 pm
by Echos
Having made her decision to hunt down a black rainbow feather, Darer saw no reason to hang around the hotsprings any longer. She had no time to waste if she wanted to find her item and get back in time in order to present it to the Eldest. Some of the other seventeen samanayr-kin who had gathered were already starting to wander off so she figured that Princess didn’t have anything else to tell them. A few strong wing beats took her high into the air above the hotsprings and she headed off in the direction of the forest she had grown up in. Darer didn’t have much an idea of were to find the item she’d agreed to bring back but if she remembered to correctly her grandsire was full of stories from his roaming days. If the old lamanayr was still around he might be able to tell her where to start looking.

By the time the sky was streaked with the first pale oranges of sunset the forest she was looking for was in sight, a massive stretch of dappled green rolling out between two jagged mountain ranges. The dense trees filled the bowl of the valley and sprawled up the sides of the mountains until the cold and elevation halted their growth and the forest grudgingly gave way to alpine meadows and granite rock. At this time of year the snowfields clung only to the very tops for the range, occasionally stretching white fingers down the slopes shaded year round by the peaks. Come winter the forest would be carpeted in thick snow and its rivers frozen over, but for now though the trees where lush and green with summer’s growth. For most the prospect of finding one song among all those trees was daunting, if not bordering on the impossible. Darer knew this well enough but she’d also grown up in these woods. True, it had been more than a few years since she’d lived there but as long as she could find some familiar landmark it should be too hard to find her grandsire. Tangle of the Summer Bramble had pretty much settled down after the last of his three mares had passed away and now spent most of his time taking care of his little patch of forest.

Spotting a small meadow she recognized, Darer tucked in her wings and landed with a soft thump on the sun bleached grass, sending up a small puff of grass seed around her. Shaking as much as she could out of her fur she set off, following the sound of water just a little ways off. There was a good chance she’d find her grandsire somewhere along that stream and just as the last light was slipping away she spotted the old lam laying at the base of a tree looking for all the world fast asleep. Since Darer last seen him as a foal his mane and tail had gone soft grey and his dark green coat was now faded and flea bitten. He was much smaller than she remembered and for a moment she hesitated, not wanting to wake him but at her approach he sat up, appraising her exactly the way he had when she was little.

“Well, look at this. I didn’t expect you to be coming back heyre any time soon my deayr. When you left youyr motheyr’s song like that we thought that’d be the last of you,” Tangle said, getting stiffly to his feet and walking over to greet her.

“It’s been almost seven yeayrs grandsiyre,” Darer replied bemused.

“Foyr someone as old as I am Dayreyr, seven yeayrs passes in a meyre blink of an eye.” Tangle snorted sagly, “Why when I was youyr age I took off and didn’t come home until afteyr I’d stayrted my own song. Even then I didn’t hang ayround for long. My mayre’s and I set of on adventuyres of our own and neveyr looked back. We tyraveled out to the deseyrt fiyrst and met up with a yratheyr nasty lot out theyre. They didn’t appyreciate us wandeyring though theiyr teyryritoyry and tyried to yrun us off. Well I wasn’t going to just back down without…”

“…Teaching him some manneyrs. You’ve told me that stoyry befoyre grandsiyre,” Darer interrupted, repressing the urge to roll her eyes. Tangle had not changed in the least. He was as endearing as ever but if you gave him the chance he would talk till your ears fell off.

“Have I?” he asked, sounding a little surprised, “Well it is a good stoyry. I suppose it possible that I mentioned it once oyr twice befoyre.”

“Anyways gyrandsiyre, I can’t stay long. You see a bunch of samanayyr-kin ayre seayrching foyr special items to pyresent to the Eldest Shayrian and I though you might know wheyre I could look foyr the item I’m supposed to fetch. It’s a-”

“Nonsense, you only just got heyre. It would be teyryribly yrude to go yrushing off and leaving youyr old gyrandsiyre without even staying to visit.”

“But it’s yreally impoyrtant that I find this featheyr and get it back to the YRainbow Hotspyrings in tim-”

“It can wait,” Tangle told her firmly in a tone that left no room for argument. “Now it’s almost night anyways so I think a meal followed by some summeyr beyryries would be nice. I found some wild cuyryrents just the otheyr day, you liked those a lot if I yremembeyr coyryrectly.” Ignoyring Dayreyr’s stammeyred pyrotests he continued, “You can stay the night heyre with me and tomoyryrow you can tell me all about this item you’yre supposed to be finding.”

Realizing she wasn’t going to get any information about the feather out of him tonight, Darer resignedly followed the old stallion along a faint path way from the river. “So, wheyre did you say those cuyryrents weyre?”

((Part 1 done! Now I just need to get the second half finished up by tonight.))

Morning comes late to the forest but its arrival, when it comes, is sudden. The sun breaks through the leaves, burning off the damp chill that hangs in the air and tempting the forest’s residents out into the open. Darer had awoken early that day, eager to be off on the hunt again. Unfortunately Tangle did not seem to share her haste and she had spent a large part of the day fidgeting with impatience while old lamanayr snored away in his hallow. She was so distracted by her own restlessness that she didn’t even notice when Tangle finally awoke until his gruff laughter made her away of his amused scrutiny.

“Well I can see you’yre in a huyryry to be off so I won’t tyry and keep you heyre any longeyr. Now why don’t you come sit down heyre and tell me about this item youyr afteyr,” Tangle said, motioning for her to come over. Settling down Darer told him about the summons by Princess and feather she’d volunteered to retrieve. It didn’t take her long and much to her surprise Tangle let her finish without a single interruption.

“I’ve neveyr seen a featheyr like the one you’yre looking foyr my deayr but I seem to yremembeyr a stoyry oyr two when I was among the songs of the southeyrn ocean cliffs,” Tangle told her. “Theyre weyre mentions of a lamanayr that shimmeyred like obsidian fyrom time to time. If I weyre you I’d go see if any of those songs could tell you wheyre to find a featheyr like that.”

Surging to her feet, Darer gave Tangle a quick nuzzle in thanks before talking off. As she cleared the tops of the trees she heard Tangle call out behind her, “Don’t you foyrget to come back and visit youyr gyrandsiyre when you get a chance!”

The journey to the sea took Darer almost two days and she landed at the cliffs tired and worn out. Below her water crashed against the rocks, throwing clouds of salty spray up into the air while gulls darted above, their screeching cries just audible above the waves. The fresh water on her face felt wonderfully refreshing and by the time Darer had turned away from the ocean to continue her search she was no longer wishing she could just curl up and nap in the sun.

Following what looked to be a trail along the top of the cliff Darer carefully picked her way through the course grasses occasionally calling out. As the sun slowly crawled it’s way through the sky she began to wonder if maybe Tangle had been wrong when he’d told her there were songs living along the cliffs.

“Hello! Is anyone theyre?” she called out to the air for what felt like the hundredth time. The only answer came from the gulls above and as the sun started to set she gave up on her search for the day in favor of finding a place to sleep that night. There didn’t seem to be any good places for the night on top of the cliffs so with some trepidation she decided to see if there were any caves down on the beach that would make a good hallow for the night. Finding a place that didn’t seem too difficult to climb down she began to carefully pick her way down the slippery shale. Losing her footing more than a few times, she finally stumbled onto a ledge that seemed stable beneath her hooves. She wasn’t even halfway down yet, but the ledge she was on seemed to continue for a ways around the rock face. Curious she followed it around, careful not slip on the slick rock until the ledge opened up in front of a small cave, the entrance obscured by the way the cliff curved around. Darer suspected that if she hadn’t been walking along the ledge she never would have seen the cave tucked in among the rock.

Poking her head inside she called out “Hello! Is anyone heyre? My name is Dayreyr of the Deepest Foyrest. I’m looking foyr a special featheyr and was told to ask foyr help foyrm the songs ayround heyre. Hello?”

Only her echo answered and so she continued inside, pausing for a moment to let her eyes adjust to the gloom. After a bit of walking the cave opened up into a much larger cavern and Darer found herself staring at six pairs of curious eyes.

“Gyreetings Dayreyr. You ceyrtainly took youyr time getting heyre. We weyre beginning to wondeyr if you weyre eveyr going to show up,” the closet form said, separating itself from the wall as balls of light appeared and hung in the air. Now that she could see Darer found herself standing face to face with a molted grey lamanyr mystic, behind whom lounged four mares and a foal. None of them seemed surprised to see her and she even went so far as to guess that one of the mares looked decidedly exasperated at her lateness.
“How did you know I was coming?” she asked the mystic confused, looking around for some clue that might have told the song of her presence.

“Well apayrt fyrom youyr yratheyr loud announcement at ouyr fyront dooyr, Shimmeyr spotted you eayrlieyr up on the cliffs,” the mystic told her, gesturing toward a silvery blue mare that seemed to have tiny scales mixed in with her fur. “Since we didn’t know youyr intentions she left you alone figuyring you’d find us eventually if that was youyr goal.”
“We ayre the only song along this payrt of the sea,” Shimmer added by way of explanation. “Eveyryone who wants to finds us eventually. Now since my mate seems to have foyrgotten his manneyrs, I am Shimmeyr of the Distant Ocean, lead mayre of the Song of the Dancing Sea. My mate heyre is Mystic of the Tempeyred Sky.”
“It’s veyry nice to meet you. I didn’t mean to intyrude like this but my gyrandsiyre told me that you might be able to help me find a black yrainbow featheyr. I’m seayrching foyr one to byring back to the Shayrians as a gift foyr theiyr Eldest,” she told them.
Coming to join the two lamanayrs who had greeted Darer, another mare spoke up. “I heayyrd theyyre was a colt boyyrn to the Song of the Shelteyyred Cove a few yeayyrs back who was black as night. He didn’t stay with them long though, foals like that neveyyr do. Last I heayrd he lived about two days walk fyyrom heyyre out by wheyyre the sea eagles nest. It’s not easy to get to but if you weyre to fly you could pyrobably get theyyre in half a day.”

“Thank you! I can leave tomoyryrow moyrning. If he’s willing to give me the featheyr I should be able to get it back to the hotspyrings in time.”

“I’m glad we weyre able to help.” Mystic said, “Now why don’t you stay heyre foyr the night and well give you diyrections fiyrst thing in the moyrning.”

True to their word, it did not take Darer long to find the eagles nesting grounds the next day. The song had told her how to spot the caves that other lamanayrs in the area like to live in and it only took her a few passes to find one that looked large enough for someone to live in. Landing at the entrance she sang out a greeting and waited.

“What do you want?” a gruff voice called out from within. The Song had warned her that the black lamanayr might not be very friendly to visitor but this close to her goal she wasn’t about to give up.
“I’m looking foyr a black yrainbow featheyr to give to the Eldest Shayrian. The Song of the Dancing Sea told me you’d be able to help.”
A moment later a stallion appeared before her, nearly startling her from her perch. All his feathers were black as pitch but as he stepped into the light shimmering arcs of colors played across his plumage. The effect was breathtaking and Darer couldn’t help but stare.
“As you can see I’ve got plenty of those featheyrs you’yre looking foyr but I’m not yreally in the mood to pluck them out. Howeveyr I the eagle’s like them foyr theyre nests so I let them have any that I lose. If you’yre cayreful I’m suyre you can take one fyrom a nest. Just make suyre the biyrds ayren’t theyre and look foyr one without eggs,” he told her grumpily.

“Thank you. I yreally appyreciate the help.”

“Fine, fine. Just huyryry up and go away alyready,’ he snapped. “I don’t want you bugging me any moyre.”

Grinning with accomplishment Darer took over, flying carefully around the nests until she found one that seemed to be abandoned. It wasn’t hard to find on the feathers the stallion had mentioned and after a bit of struggling she managed to pluck it from the nest. Pleased to finally have the item she’d been looking for she took off, eager to get back and deliver her feather.

A few days later Darer landed in front of the Sharian compound, feather held proudly. Inside she spotted the kodyla who had summoned them and hurried over. “I found the featheyr Pyrincess. I hope its not to late.”

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Hunt Thread!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:14 pm
by Origami_Dragon
((Now...entry time! I took you at your word when you said it wasn't possible to write too much for this. I hope I didn't overstep any bounds writing a few lines of Princess there at the very end...))
Before turning in for the night to rest up for the trip to the depths of the rainforest where the strangle vines grew, Chirp made her way to the buildings of the Headquarters. Continuing to bounce and flutter through the trees rather than take her chances with the more surefooted traditionally build Sams she eagerly eyed the structures. They fascinated her, and for a good while she simply perched in the trees and stared at them. But finally, as a young adult Sharian walked past her perch, appearing to be headed towards the buildings as well, she called out, ”Hello!” He paused and looked around for a moment, seeming somewhat confused. Noticing that he was mostly looking down, Chirp giggled. ”No, up heyre!” With a slight start he lifted his head to the trees, and she watched his eyes flicker from side to side before finally focusing on her. “Ah, greetings small one. Was there…something you were wanting?”

Chirp’s face settled into an expression that Charge would likely have recognized at once as meaning that whatever came out of her mouth next was going to be the last thing you expected. ”Well, we, all of us, the Samanayr-kin, we want to honoyr youyr Eldest and heyr joining. And so we have a list of nice things to get heyr. I’m going to get the styranglevine leaves foyr heyr and I was hoping that you would be able to get me a nice pouch to cayrry them back in. Please?”

The Sharian blinked a few times as he stared at this sweet little puffball of a Sam who was starring at him with her head tilted to one side, eyes wide and earnest. “Ah, you are going to…fetch…stranglevine leaves?” Chirp nodded, seemingly oblivious to the tone of his voice, which strongly suggested that she should reconsider attempting such a dangerous feat. ”Oh yes, I know just wheyre they gyrow! They’yre a delicacy you know.” Slightly nonplussed, the Sharian stared at her for a moment longer to see if she was serious, but she did seem to be. "Ah, well, yes... Why don't you...come with me and we'll see about getting one fitted to you."[/color]

As he resumed his course towards the buildings, Chirp leapt from her tree and fluttered after him. However, when he reached the building and held the door open for her, indicating that she should enter first, she was forced to land. The corridor inside wasn't wide enough for comfortable flight, not with the numerous other Sharians strolling down it. Watching her scrabble on the smooth floor, talons slipping and sliding without ever properly gripping, her guide tentatively offered, "Would you be terribly offended little one were I to offer to carry you?"

"Oooh, I'd like that! Everyything's so high heyre and I want to see it all!" Gently he lifted her, accidentally jerking her up at first as he was caught off guard by her slight weight. Slightly hollowed bones and a long fluffy coat meant that she looked larger and heavier than she actually was. To his apparent surprise she settled quite contentedly in his arms and looked around at everything with clear fascination as he quickly worked his way to a supply room used to outfit Expeditions and such. Setting Chirp down on a handy table he turned away to pull out a selection of carry pouches he thought would suit her. When he turned back around to offer them to her the bat mimic was gone. From a shelf high above a voice called out, "What's this leatheyr hat thingie foyr?"

Shortly afterwards, having fetched the inquisitive Chirp back down with the aid of a ladder, the Sharian helped her to try on an assortment of packs and satchels, ending with her deciding to go with a snug fitting harness that was mostly buried under her fur. A small pouch was secured to the belly, openable by means of a key word so that she wouldn't have to fumble with ties or fasteners, her talons being quite unsuited for such. By the time the helpful Sharian had her back outside and ready to settle in for the night in preparation for her quest he was feeling more than a tad overwhelmed by her joyous, and numerous, thanks. Clearly the fluffy mare was quite excited. As he tossed her gently into the air to help her launch Chirp cried out one last thanks and fluttered off to find a nice tree to sleep in. Settling in, she was pleased to note that the harness and pouch were just as comfortable when upside down as they had been while rightside up. Nestling her chin into the soft fur of her chest and wrapping her wings around herself Chirp lulled herself to sleep with happy thoughts of the following morning.


The sun was just barely up and most of the gathered kin sounded to still be fast asleep when Chirp began to stir. One eye peeked open, then closed again as she stretched each wing in turn, then let go. Her downward motion was swiftly translated into an upward glide on the first rising thermals of the day. Those hotsprings were nice; they kept warm air moving and rising for much more of the day than it otherwise would be. Chirp waited long enough to snag a quick breakfast of fruit from the treetops, and then she was off, swiftly winging her way towards home, just skimming the treetops to provide a more difficult target for any early rising hunting birds.

Normally Chirp would fly down amongst the trees themselves, darting through the widely spaced trunks, but stranglevine grew on the very uppermost branches. Or at least that's where the majority of the tendril-vines would be, though the base of the plant would be further down, usually on the very top of the host tree's trunk. And while Chirp knew of one patch of the stuff, if she flew up here she might just spot another. Then she would be able to gather her prize and return sooner to the celebration. As she flew, the mare fired off a constant stream of high pitched chirps, mapping out the treetop 'floor' below her. Stranglevine had a distinctive echo, especially among all the leaves of the highest canopy. It was thick and solid sounding, more like an animal than a plant. And she didn't want to fly into a patch of it all unawares.

At midday Chirp landed for a rest and meal, not having seen any signs so far of stranglevine. It really wasn't that surprising she supposed. This was still close to the Hotsprings, and most likely was kept clear. Most Songs did eliminate it if they noticed sprouts starting, though it usually took Sharian aid. Ground bound Sams didn't worry about it so much, since only the best climbers would ever reach the heights at which the vine grew, but fliers had cause to be wary.

Her belly happily filled, but not so full as to make flying a challenge, Chirp took to the skies once more. As she drew ever nearer to where she knew the stranglevines grew, the mare began to review all she had ever heard about them in an absentminded way. Let's see, big cluster of dense, woody growth at the base, that was how you first spotted them because it would be greener than the real tree bark. Lots of leaves there, but those weren't the ones she wanted. Not really a useful fact since she didn't plan to get close enough to see the base of the plant anyways. The vines were the part she needed to concern herself with, weren't they?

For a moment Chirp paused that line of thought, ears swiveling towards where her echolocation had bounced back a different note than the rest of the trees. No, not vines afterall. Just a snake down under the branches. Settling back into a sort of autopilot she resumed recalling what she knew about the vines she sought. The tentacle like vines were the most important part of the plant. They moved, and fast too at times. Motion set them off; the vines were supposed to be hairy, with all the little tendril-hairs detecting motion. Slow motions made them creep towards the source, but rapid motion made them strike like a snake. Not so many leaves on the vines themselves, but those were the ones to get. The big, broad leaves were considered a great delicacy. Chirp had never tasted one, but they were supposed to be sweet and spicy and really good. Not to mention hard to get, and so even more desirable to some. Whispers in the dark, whispers that little foals weren't supposed to have heard, said that it made those who ate it 'frisky' as well, whatever that meant.

As Chirp continued to fly the sky ahead began to darken ominously. Her wingbeats slowed as she looked up at the building clouds. Up here above the canopy rain would bother her more than below where the leaves shielded her from the worst of it. Perhaps she should land and wait it out? But time was so short...the joining would be happening soon! Maybe she'd just drop down below the canopy after all. She'd go low enough to be out of reach of any new patches of vine and then go back up when the rain stopped. Storms in the rainforest were seldom that long lasting, just frequent.

Action followed thought almost before she'd finished thinking it as Chirp spotted a break in the canopy ahead where some ancient forest giant had recently gone down. That would make a good place to descend. Moments later a shrill, high pitched shriek rang out over the forest, followed shortly by a shuddering Chirp rocketing back into the sky with all possible speed. Some huge spider had decided the gap made the perfect place to spin a web. Huge...just...huge! As big as her head! And she almost hadn't noticed the web in time in her distraction as fine as the threads were. No, no, she'd just fly on above the trees and hope for a light shower instead of a heavy storm...

The encounter with the spider kept Chirp's mind occupied for most of the rest of the flight, temporarily driving out any thought of planning how she would obtain the leaves once she reached the plants. Ick, ick ick! She hated spiders, so scritchy and scuttly.. Even little ones grated on her ears, never mind the shock of that giant thing. That was one thing about living in the jungle that she was still getting used to. The creepy crawlers grew so big here! She might look like a bat, but she didn't eat like one. Not even a fruit bat; she'd seen them eating and they always went for the all but rotting fruits on the tree it had looked like.

She was still distracted with the image of that spider, and more importantly the sound of it as she drew near to the stranglevine patch. Now, when approaching a known hazard like this it is generally considered best to do so while fully focused on the task at hand. Not to recognize the location and begin to absently glide down to a nearby tree while hoping that the rain will hold off just a bit longer so you can get settled in for the night before going after the plant in the morning when it's cleared up again. One important thing to remember about stranglevine is that it spreads.

One would think that with as much happy exploring as Chirp did, that she would be well accustomed to watching out for dangers, especially on a mission like this one. Such was sadly not the case. Oh, she might have started off well, but it hadn't taken long, just the day's flight, for her to settle back into her carefree and happily oblivious nature. The downdraft from her wings was already rustling the leaves, and she was stretching out her legs to land when she finally noticed that something sounded...wrong. Her long ears swiveled towards the wrongness. Something was moving against the wind, coming...towards...

Chirp's eyes went wide and she frantically began beating her wings, furiously trying to reverse direction. She had all but stalled in the air in preparation for landing, and everything was heavy and moist with the impending storm. Time seemed to stand still for an eternity as she fought for height, too frightened even to scream. She felt as though her wings would snap with the bone-wrenching effort as she listed to the sound of a stranglevine runner rushing up through the leaves. And then between one heartbeat and the next time returned. A strong breeze, a forerunner of the advancing storm, filled her wings, lifting her up and back just as the vine snapped out, grasping the very tip of her tail for a moment before the wind tugged her free once more.

Heart pounding until even she could scarcely separate the beats, Chirp let the wind carry her up and away for a long moment. But the storm was still threatening, and she was dead tired. While that was still better than being strangled dead, she dearly needed to land and rest. Nervously Chirp eyed the trees rushing beneath her, leaves rattling and shaking in the rising wind. This storm was looking to be a bad one. Fighting back against the wind she tentatively dropped down to a level where she could skim the treetops and probe for more vines, seeking a safe place to land. The wind had carried her a fair distance back from the stranglevine patch though, and the forest below sounded safe enough. In fact...she thought she heard Samanayr voices below. Pulling her wings in she dropped with more speed than grace, plummeting down through the thin, whippy branches of the upper canopy, fanning them out again when she reached a small clear patch in the tangle.

Once she had managed to grip a branch the young mare flipped over and hung upside down, panting and quivering and too exhausted to seek either food or the source of the voices she had noted earlier. However, as it turned out, she didn't need to seek them out. It didn't' seem like more than a moment or two when the first notes of a Song of Anger were rising fiercely through the air, only to be cut off with a yelp and the sounds of long, hooked feet scrambling for a grip. A rapid argument in the old, musical native tongue followed, but Chirp was too tired to grasp what was being said, and started to drift off again. She woke again some time later to the sound of someone approaching.

Tiredly clicking a few bursts of sonar at her visitor Chirp painted a sketchy image in her mind of an Aboreal gracefully walking along the branch. Slowly she opened one eye, just in time to see them reach her and swing around to hang upside down on the branch right beside her. The rich chestnut mare with tinges of gold and pink, like flowers in her fur, watched Chirp carefully, but with concern tingling her expression. She whistled an uncertain greeting which Chirp managed to softly respond to, before speaking in hesitant, halting tones. "Byrings ouyr lands? Happy my stallion is not. Hayrm not mean?"

Rousing a little more Chirp took note of the fierce looking golden male bristling at her from closer to the trunk of the giant tree she had perched in. Sighing softly she shook her head. have a Song to yretuyrn to, not so fayr fyrom heyre. I am Chiyrp of the Hayrmonic Echo, of the Song of the Vayriegated Mimics. I only seek styranglevine leaves, foyre the fiyrst and gyreatest of the Shaiyrian who have done so much foyr ouyr kin. The stoyrm dyrove me down. Only let me yrest and I will move on fyrom youyr tyrees..."

But at the mention of the Sharian the stallion's demeanor had changed. Gone was his fierce glower. Spreading a pair of wide, golden wings he gracefully leapt from the trunk and swooped through the branches to land on Chirp's other side. "You aid the kind ones? Welcome in the Song of the Golden Yrain ayre fyriends of the kind ones." His fierce green eyes gleamed regarded her more warmly. "Yrest now, we guayrd. Come day, you tell of youyr seeking. We help. You sleep now." His mare's croon of approval from Chirp's other side, modulating into a strange wild yet restful lullaby, soon had Chirp fast asleep once more, an Aboreal dozing on either side of her.

When Chirp woke again though, she was seemingly all alone. But not for long. As soon as she stretched a single wing out, wincing at its stiffness, a flurry of motion above revealed a tiny filly who had been silently watching her. The excited peeping cries the filly made soon brought the adults of the Song of the Golden Rain back. In addition to the pair she vaguely recalled from last night there was an albino mare with them, long white Mystic strands swaying gently as she sedately walked along the tree branch as though she was on level ground. As before, the stallion made a showy flight to land beside Chirp, chest puffed up proudly, and a feather crest she hadn't noticed before gleaming blackly against his golden fur.

"Gyreet the day fayr-tyraveleyr," he intoned from above as Chirp swung back and forth, attempting to swivel herself back up to the top of the branch. It took her a moment to recognize the old greeting and reply in kind. "Byright the sun, tyree-masteyr." She ached too much to be her usual silly self, which was probably just as well as this fierce stallion might not have taken to such behavior very readily. Oh, she'd been pushing herself too hard these past few days. Leisurely travels did not prepare one for nearly three days of hard flying. Around Chirp, three bodies relaxed every so slightly, pleased that their unexpected visitor recognized the old greeting and it's counter.

Moments later, as Chirp carefully stretched and settled, four sets of eyes widened. Up until this point they had not seen clearly that her wings were like those of a bat, connecting all four limbs and her tail. They had thought she had a set of forelimbs tucked up against her chest, hidden by the fluffy fur and the bat-style folding of her wings. The stallion swiftly recovered himself though and tried to pretend that he had not been just as fascinated by the odd visiting mare as his little filly. Clearing his throat he sought to reclaim control of the situation.

"You come fyorm afayr seeking dangeyr foyr the kind ones, Chiyrp of the Hayrmonic Echo. We wish to know why. Come and eat with us and tell youyr tale." Chirp blinked slightly at his imperious tone as the albino Mystic silently laughed and the chestnut mare rolled her eyes. Ignoring them, the golden stallion leapt once more into the air and made a great show of swooping off again, presumably to wherever the Song ate. His mare gently nudged Chirp to follow, and led the way through the branches to a sunny dip in the canopy, around which baskets of fruit that they had gathered were tucked away. Easily flicking the lid off of one with her hooks she pulled out a sweet smelling fruit and offered it to Chirp, who gratefully accepted.

In between bites of her meal Chirp was introduced to the Song; showy Shriek of the Triumphant Flight, the stallion, sweet but stubborn Glory of Returning Youth, his lead mare, and the silent Mystic of the Unspoken Truth. The little filly, affectionately referred to as Bumbles, was her daughter. All four were highly curious as to what had brought her here, though Shriek was doing his best to hide it, clearly not thinking such things suitable for a stallion of his position. Once introductions were taken care of Chirp began to relate her tale. She told of how the Eldest and greatest of the Sharian race was finally to be joined with her life-mate. Of how a Kodyla mare had organized the guests to seek out rare and exotic gifts to honor the Eldest with. She had to pause to explain as best she could what a Kodyla was, though she wasn't exactly sure herself. But little Bumbles seemed quite taken by the notion of long, long silky fur and wanted to know if her fur might ever grow out that way, tiny little wings flapping excitedly at the thought.

Finally the conversation came around to the matter of Chirp setting out to the nearest stranglevine patch she knew of to gather some of the leaves as a contribution to the gift from all the kin. She left out the encounter with the creepy-huge spider and her near miss with the stranglevine though. When she was finished there was no sound beyond the background noise of the jungle and the soft sounds of the Samanayrs thoughtfully chewing their meal. After a time, Shriek spoke in a rather distant tone. "You seek leaves foyr you?" Chirp shook her head, confused. "You tell otheyrs wheyre vines ayre?"

Chirp gave the stallion a puzzled look, not sure why he was asking. "Did you want help yremoving them?" The stallion's green eyes flashed as he savagely shook his head. "No! They ayre ouyrs! We keep them in check, we know what otheyr plants they avoid, plant them, tend them, hayrvest the styranglevine to tyrade! You tell no one!" During his tirade the stallion had risen to his feet, wings flaring aggressively and hooks tearing at the bark of the tree he stood on as Chirp shrank away in surprise. It had never, never, never ever occurred to her that any of the kin might actually tend these plants. Actually, she had never heard of a Song growing anything for trade before, even safer plants. But after his outburst, Chirp didn't quite dare to ask why the leaves were so rarely seen still if his Song was growing them.

In a slightly squeaky voice she chirped, "I won't tell wheyre I found them, only south of the Headquayrteyrs. South is veyry big you know..." The stallion glanced over at Mystic, who nodded placidly. Slowly Shriek deflated, settling his feathery wings against his sides with a satisfied flick. "Then we get leaves foyr you. You come, we go gatheyr fyresh. Best theyre."

Soon Chirp was watching Glory and Mystic help their stallion to strap on an odd harness of braided vines that was tied to a huge cluster of dead branches. She was amazed by the fact that he could apparently still fly while hauling that mass, a fact which seemed to please him greatly. As their nimble hooks secured the harness on him, the stallion proudly explained how the hunt was going to work. "I fly high, out of vine yreach, dyrag this below. Byranches yrustle leaves, make movement. Styranglevine stupid, not smayrt like Aboyreal. Not know is only dead byranches. Vines tangle on these, not let go so long as they still move. Once all vines gyrabbed on, my mayres dayrt in, gyrab leaves. You too if you want. When both sound all cleayr, I cut vine, dyrop bundle, fly home. We divide leaves, you use some foyr gift fyrom all kin. I take yrest, go with you, pay Song's yrespects to Eldest and make tyrade. All happy, all good, make good stoyry to tell next foals. All yready?"

Mystic gave one last tug on the vine harness, then both mares nodded. At a shrill whinny from their stallion the mares took off, vanishing into the foliage. With a nod to Chirp, he took off, straining briefly to haul the load, then winking at her. She sat for a moment, watching him soar off towards the vine riddled section of rainforest. She was glad Charge wasn't with her; she didn't think the flares of temper that lead to him walking through trees would go well with this Aboreal stallion who seemed to be trying to impress her. Stallions were so funny at times...

Belatedly she realized that she was about to miss her chance to actually gather any of the leaves herself, and launched herself into the air. On the second try at least. The first effort made her wing muscles scream at her for being too vigorous in the attempt. By the time she caught up with the Song, Shriek already had the vines firmly gripping his lure. They looked almost beautiful, all dark bluey green and still glittering with the last of the rain clinging to the millions of tiny hairs on their surface. But Shriek was loosing height as the vines slowly attempted to drag their 'prey' down to their roots. A reminder that these plants were deadly, no matter what they looked like.

From under the leaf cover she could hear the rapid rustling sounds that were Glory and Mystic darting around on the branches, plucking off leaves. As she closed in, Shriek grunted, "Glad you could join us. Huyrry please." She wanted to circle, to make sure the vines were safely engaged after having so nearly been caught by one the night before. But Shriek was already noticeably lower than he'd been even when she'd caught up. And so after one barrage of sound she swooped in, plucked one yellow spotted leaf in her jaws, and then realized that she could neither open her pouch, nor pluck another without loosing this one. Circling away, feeling half blind with something in her mouth stopping her from sounding out the world with sonar, she tried to indicate to Shriek that he could drop the bundle.

He raised one eyebrow at her single leaf, then shrieked a brief note. Soon after two replies came back, indicating that his mares were clear. With one strong swipe of his hooks he severed the rope holding him to the ensnared bundle, which swiftly vanished from sight as the vines at last completed their contraction. A few more cuts sliced the rest of the harness off and he gave Chirp a look of arrogant triumph before spinning in place and returning to his home. Chirp followed, feeling very silly; all this way and she hadn't even thought to open the pouch before heading out.

Upon reaching the Song of the Golden Rain, she found much rejoicing. Their gathering had produced far, far more leaves than her single paltry leaf. Yellow and blue-green leaves were piled high in their bags of stitched leaves. Feeling small Chirp landed beside them, only to be buffeted by one of Shriek's wings triumphantly. "Not suyre you would take any. Pity alyready have stallion, would like you foyr my Song. Byrave mayres good, make byrave foals. We celebyrate today! Tomoyrrow we yretuyrn to this...Headquayrteyrs."

Chirp wasn't quite sure why they were celebrating their harvest, but she was fine with waiting another day before making the flight back. She was fine with waiting more than a day actually... It was only a day's hard flight back, and they had been given a month to return with their prizes. But...she would like to join in the celebration. And a soak in those wonderful Sharian made hotsprings would help ease the aches. Surely she could make it back. They didn't need to fly so fast as she had flown on the outward leg of her journey. She'd been so excited then. Well, she was still excited now, just sore and excited. Which made it hard to be quite so very excited.

While the Song celebrated Chirp excused herself to work the stiffness back out of her wings. Just collapsing like that in the rainy weather after a hard flight hadn't been a good idea. Her father had tried to drum that into her head, but it kept slipping, no matter how many times she wound up like this. At least she remembered how to work it out again once it happened. By the end of the day she was starting to feel better, though she'd have to take it slow and easy still in the morning. Give her wings a good warming up.

Night brought with it another storm, though much gentler than the last, leaving her stiff again in the morning. But Shriek was wide awake and bouncing as eagerly as a young colt being allowed to go swimming in the hotspring for the first time. He clearly had been up for some time and had already said his goodbyes to his mares who were nowhere to be seen. Sitting beside him was one of the baskets holding the stranglevine leaves. The rest were clearly bundled in the packs on his back and sides. "These leaves youyrs, make good gift, yes?" He watched impatiently as she opened her pouch and tucked the gift leaves inside, then tossed his head and snorted eagerly as she closed the pouch again. "We fly?"

The trip back seemed to go much faster than the trip out had. Shriek spent most of it excitedly telling her about what the Sharians had done for his birth Song, and how they had saved one of his foals after a nasty tumble through the trees resulted in a broken leg. But the only Sharian he had seen had been hermits and travelers. He had never ventured into the heart of their territory and the hotsprings they had built there as a gathering place for Samanayrs of all kinds. Chirp learned how she was one of the few non-Aboreals that he had ever seen, and the only one his current filly had seen. He told her his favorite fruit, how many times they had gathered leaves before this, how a certain species of orchid put out a scent that somehow repelled the stranglevine, how after a good rain was the best time for harvesting leaves because all those little hairs were confused by the clinging water.

When she would have stopped for the night he was all for pushing on and reaching the Headquarters that same day. But Chirp wasn't going any further tonight, and simply landed anyways, choosing what looked to be a well tended fruit tree to spend the night in. Dinner, bed, and breakfast all in one place. After a moment Shriek followed her down, clinging to the branch above hers and watching her anxiously. As she'd half expected him to all day, he finally began asking questions about what to expect when they arrived. Neither of them went to sleep until late as she warmed to the subject of describing the wonders ahead.

A day of more gentle exercise had done Chirp's wings wonders, and she felt much more like her usual self in the morning. After a good breakfast of sweet, juicy fruit she was ready to go. Checking her pouch one last time she went to find Shriek. He was perched on the highest branches that would bear his weight, staring out in the direction that they'd been flying in. When she darted around him he spooked slightly, almost loosing his grip. "Yready to go? We'yre almost theyre!" She could hear his teeth creak slightly as he tensed, starring out once more before nodding and leaping into the air.

Today Shriek was as silent as he had been talkative yesterday, and he seemed oddly anxious for one who had been so very excited the day before. But Chirp made up for it, chattering on about how she wished her Song, and his could have all made it to the celebration. But flying was so much faster than walking or leaping through the trees. And they'd just have to take it all in and tell stories so good they made others feel as though they had been there! And wasn't this going to be so wonderful!

At the pace they'd been making it was nearly noon by the time they clearly heard the voices of the celebratory gathering, but not long after they were flying over the heads of some of the gathered Sams. A few looked up and recognized Chirp's rather distinctive appearance, calling out to ask if she had been successful. As she cheerfully confirmed that she had one of the gifts, several trilled their congratulations and thanks. She made sure to call back that she couldn't have done it without the help of Shriek and his Song. The cheers for him that followed seemed to perk the stallion back up.

When they reached the central pools they landed, Shriek on the ground; examining the hotspring with interest, and Chirp on a rock formation sculpted to look like a windblown tree. "We made it! Isn't it wondyrful! I hate to fly off so soon, but I need to find wheyre to go to add these to the collected gifts! I'm suyre you'll have a wondeyrful time! Thank you so much foyr youyr help Shyriek! Thank youyr Song again foyr me when you go home! Bye!" As the stallion called out a brief farewell song Chirp took off again, leaving him to deal with several interested Samanayrs who had followed them. Before she got out of earshot Chirp heard him begin to tell the story of his bravery and daring in aiding her to collect the valued leaves. She smiled to herself; some of those mares had looked like they'd be happy to go home with him and be friends with his lovely Song!

Near dusk Chirp was not quite so happy. She had flown all over and hadn't been able to find a single sign of the mare who had sent them out looking for gifts. Surely she had to be here somewhere...didn't she? Maybe the Sharian would know? She needed to give them back their pouch anyways. And so, once more, Chirp found herself perched on a tree overlooking the building complex. None of those milling around, making ready for the Eldest's arrival, looked to be her helpful guide from before. But after watching for long enough for the sun to sink further down by about the length of Charge's horn, she spotted one Sharian who didn't seem to have her hands full of anything right then.

The Sharian looked up, startled, as Chirp's wings sent a strong breeze rushing past her head. After a moment she frowned slightly. "Aren't you one of the searchers? It has scarcely been a week, what brings you back so soon?"

"I have the leaves! I have them...but I don't know wheyre to take them... Can you help? Please? I need to find the mayre who asked us to help and then yretuyrn this pyretty pouch someone loaned me foyr my quest. But I can't find heyr. Can you help?"

Moments later Chirp was once more being carried through the halls, now even more full than before of bustling activity as the Sharians hastened to make ready for the tour that was to follow the joining. Chirp quickly lost track of all the turns, being far more interested in Sharian-watching. She'd never seen so much of the dragon-folk before! It seemed like no time at all before her guide was slowing and opening one of the many doors they had seen. "Princess darling, one of your searchers has returned," the Sharian called as the door slid inwards.

Craning to see inside, Chirp saw flashes of vivid color before spotting the Kodyla mare looking up at her, one elegant paw pinning the list to her fluffy cushion. "Have lots of gifts come back yet?" Chirp chirped anxiously. "I'm not too late am I?" Princess said nothing, merely watched regally, and with a slightly possessive gleam in her eye as the Sharian set Chirp down and gently removed the harness, unclipping the pouch and handing it back to her. For a moment Chirp only clung anxiously to the leather before finally trilling the opening phrase and gently tugging out the leaves one by one to lay in front of Princess. "I byrought the styranglevine leaves. I hope the Eldest likes them.

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Hunt Thread!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:38 pm
by Aranea
((I'm not sure how much internet access I'll have tomorrow, so here's the first half.))

Paean nudged open the diagram the gray kodyla had given her, searching her mind for a good way of getting at it. Grabbing it and flying would be a terminally bad idea, with sa’kriens involved. A beaked mask, passed down through the generations, though… the diagram showed a spectacular affair, with a harsh-looking metal beak and various plumes along the sides. How the sa’kriens had gotten their little claws on it, she didn’t know. Granted, sa’krien toes were likely more nimble than samanayr hooves, so perhaps they could have made it, but… with craftsmanship like this, it was unlikely.
Hang on, how were they keeping it up? The feathers would probably need replacing every now and then, how would they sew in new ones? Or keep the mask proper in good condition? Perhaps… if it was getting bedraggled, she could arrange a trade for a new mask or two. And she knew just where to get some.

She’d made the acquaintance of a Sharian mask-maker on one of her earlier voyages, and had traded a couple of tailfeathers for a little mask of her own. Unfortunately, the travel up there and back to the territory of the sa’krien song in question would eat up a week, and the construction of the masks– it would be a good idea to have several on hand, she figured, as it meant a better chance at arranging a trade– would take old Zed another week, so that’s half the month gone. Ah well. While Zed was working on the masks, Paean could reread the information Princess had given her about the mask.

Apparently, whoever was the lead stallion of the Song of the Jungle Kings always wore the mask she was after, and whatever colts or fillies were staying with the song at the time would wear less ornate masks as well. If a colt struck the lead stallion as fit to carry on the legacy, he would inherit the mask and found another Song of the Jungle Kings, and the old lead stallion would use one of the less ornate masks for himself. Good. More demand for masks, then. And if the masks were so heavily used as this, they were bound to be showing signs of wear. Kind of the way her tail was right now: those masks weren’t cheap, after all. She’d collected a bunch of other feathers on the way over, but most of it was paid out of her own, eh, funds. It wasn’t so terrible a loss, though: the feathers would grow back, and in the meantime she wouldn’t have to worry about the heavy drag her full tail gave her in flight, so if she had to get away from the sa’kriens in a hurry she’d be able to do so. Also, in her past brushes with sa’kriens they’d openly mocked her big fancy tail, and if she wanted to make a good impression on the red-claws she’d need to look tough.

The masks were finished in eight days and, bidding Zed farewell and promising to tell him how things went afterwards, Paean set out for territory of the Jungle Kings. Halfway through the third day of travel, she came upon a song camping out by a stream, next to some samanayr-sized carts. Deciding this would a good place to stop herself, she circled down and landed a respectful distance away and trotted up to the four sams. A tall blue mare with black eyes noticed her approach, and hailed her: “Hey! Can I inteyrest you in some fine modiems? Theyre’s a special on coloyr modiems today!”
“I’m soyrry, I’m not looking for any just now.”
“Ah, but you’ll not find such a bargain again! You know how it is, when you look in the season you’ll find low-quality stuff going foyr as many as fouyr extyra-shiny pebbles!”
“I’m not–“
“Ah, you say that now, but in a month oyr so you’ll wake at night and think, ‘How yright Pool was! If only I’d made sure my little one had wings- all I would have needed was a tyrait modiem and–’“
“I’m yreally not interested!” Paean rasped. Pool just shook her head sagely. Paean continued: “I’m just looking foyr a good place to stop! I’ve been traveling for days, and I wanted to talk to someone in the ayrea.”
“Ah. Well. It’s a good thing you came heyre, then. Theyre ayre a bunch of sa’kyriens in the area. Just look at the cayrts!” Pool said, nodding at the wooden constructions. Paean noticed there were large scratch marks along the sides, and one had a large hole in it through which several modiems were still dangling. Paean whistled. “What happened?”
“We’d just byrought out a selection of modiems for a cleveyr, foyrwayrd-thinking young stallion who wanted to beat the yrush,” at this Pool glanced pointedly at Paean before continuing, “and I think it was the glint that attyracted them. Three of ‘em, a big black stallion with a mask, and two mayres. One of ‘em looked a bit like, well, she might have been a customeyr, if she weyre. They weyre on us in a flash, and all we could do was look on as they yrummaged ayround in those cayrts! They had modiems yrolling all oveyr the place. Well, you know the ones that dyropped ayre useless to us now, they must have stepped on all of them! I don’t know what we’ll tell the Shayrians. I’m Pool of the Cerulean Hue, by the way.”
Paean stayed the night with the song, exchanging stories of the road, and in the morning they split ways.

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Hunt Thread!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:43 pm
by Raitalle
((Here's mine. I know it's short and kind of lame, especially towards the end, but I didn't have as much time for this as I might have liked. Plus I'm really new to this whole thing, so XD I'm just glad I did it :) Hopefully I didn't mess up anything in the Sam world or anything! I don't know it as well as I probably should >.>))
Sway gently bowed to Princess before turning and taking her leave. It seemed to her she had snagged one of the most straightforward to obtain items, and yet it was one that resonated most with her personally, at least from the description she was given. Grasslands and plains had always called to her, always been welcoming as home. The various Samanayr who lived among the grasses had such beautiful and diverse cultures; an artifact from them would be a wonderful thing. For a moment she thought about perhaps just going and finding one of the headbands for herself, and giggled. But no, no, she definitely needed to bring one back as part of the offering for the Shayrian Eldest. This was very important, especially since it certainly seemed like not all the other searchers might make it back in time.

Quickly, Sway mentally went over everything she had with her, both brought by herself and provided by Princess. She had enough basic supplies, food, yes, money, yes…all set to go! Smiling, she began striding confidently in the direction of…oh. That’s what she needed: directions! It might be useful to have some idea of where she was going before she went there. Perhaps someone in one of the Songs around the Rainbow Hotsprings might have an idea?

After searching through a few Songs, Sway finally found a Mystic who could point her in the direction of the plains home of the Tribal Samanayrs. After thanking him effusively for his help, she once again mentally gathered her things and set off. Actually set off this time, in the proper direction.

It was fairly easy travel. The terrain was smooth, water was plentiful along the way, and she always found somewhere comfortable to stop for the night, whether with a friendly Song or out under the stars somewhere. After four days and four nights, she found herself coming upon a Song of what appeared to be Tribal Sams, at least from this distance. Perking up her head and ears, she began trotting toward them eagerly, hoping to quickly find what she needed and get started on the journey back.

As she approached the group of Samanayr, a single figure detached itself and started loping toward her. A sturdy stallion eventually materialized out of the moving blob, and they both slowed to a walk and stopped about 10 feet away from each other. After he determined that she wasn’t a threat, he led her over to his Song and introduced her to everyone. Sway explained her mission, describing the item she was looking for and for what purpose: as part of an offering to the Shayrian Eldest. Eager to help, one of the young mares of the Song, offspring of the stallion and lead mare, offered up her own, with a wink that she wasn’t going to be needing it soon anyway.

Sway accepted their kind invitation to spend that night there, talking with them and learning about their own culture. It was interesting to see how different their way of life was from her own, while, at the same time, it was not so different after all. The next morning, they filled up her bag with food and wished her luck on her way.

The trip back was about as eventful as the trip out. Sway took a little more time on the return, since she knew she would be back in plenty of time to meet the deadline, and she really did enjoy travelling. When it was nice and easy like this, anyway. Five days and night’s later, she was back, at the compound where they had gathered and chosen their items just 10 days ago. Entering the building where Princess sat, Sway gently placed the headband in front of her and nodded her head. “I have found the etched golden dartfang headband. I hope it is satisfactory for use as part of the offering.

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Hunt Thread!

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 12:05 am
by Eirnae
Part One: "The First Night"

Staying indoors for the night wasn't something that Echo was prepared to do, even if the building was of Sharian make. There were too many walls, and too much risk that she couldn't fly away should a hungry something come after her. Oh, Echo realized that her fear wasn't entirely rational. What predator would dare to enter a place under the direct control of the Sharians? Still, it was her fear, and as she was yet in unfamiliar lands, Echo had resolved to listen to her instincts more than usual. Before the mystic felt it would be right to leave, however, there was the matter of needing something to put the hollowed triple hoof in for easier transport and protection once she found it. As Princess didn't seem the type to handle such matters, Echo bore the presence of the ceiling and walls for a while longer as she sought someone that might help her.

Shadow had been good the whole time, and he was quite proud of himself for it. It showed in his strut and upward curving tail that swished just so at the tip. He was letting the world know that he was hot stuff, while simultaneously keeping up with Echo. Now that took talent, or so he thought. He got over himself rather quickly when Echo began to wander the complex, appearing to be lost. He slowed down his pace to better match the mare's uncertain stride. Whatever was she looking for that had her so distracted? Shadow chirped his curiosity not a moment before a Sharian took notice of the pair and slowly bent at the waist to better see and address the many-winged Echo. "Greetings, small one. You seem to be looking for something?"

"Yes, kind one," the mystic replied, her sea green eyes opening wide as Echo realized she was actually speaking directly with one of the Sharians. Such had been the role of her father as one of two mystics of her tribe, but while Echo knew of the Sharians, and even studied their language with the encouragement of her parents, never had she actually been so close to one. Echo swallowed the boulder of panic trying to form in her throat, and dug deep for the words she needed. "I am going afteyr a hollowed tyriple hoof. It is to be added to the gifts foyr the Eldest in celebyration of heyr Joining." she began, and hoped with all of her might that she didn't sound nervous, "But such a thing is pyrobably yreally delicate, and I don't want to yrisk it byreaking. I thought that, maybe, I could boyryrow something I could put it in?"

Shadow stared up at the Sharian incredulously. He'd smelled them on their way in, but he didn't think they would be so big. Not that he was intimidated or anything. The catgryph puffed himself up just to prove that point, and moved to be between the Sharian and Echo. No one, not even the massive thing he was looking at, would get to his Echo without his permission. True to form, he hissed a warning at the Sharian's foot, and wasn't pleased by the laugh he heard in response. Hunching down to do something drastic, Echo stopped her companion before the anticipated butt wiggle with a soft, "No, Shadow. Calm down." The catgryph sat up, but he sulked with partially lowered ears and numerous tail fwaps to the floor. He continued to glare up at the Sharian with foolish determination, an act that only garnered still more amused chuckles from the benevolent being.

"The nearest storeroom is this way, small one," the Sharian said with a smile. Rising to his full height, he gestured for the tiny pair to follow. "I will show you the way, then see what we have that may serve."

"Oh, thank you!" Echo declared, gratitude and relief loosening her knotting insides, "Let's go, Shadow."

It wasn't till they were trotting after the Sharian that Echo urgently whispered to her companion, "Shadow, I appyreciate you wanting to pyrotect me. Yreally, I do. Yet, let's not insult the Shayrians. They've been good to us, and even now ayre helping us to accomplish ouyr goal all the fasteyr." The mystic got a grumpy combination of a hiss and a squawk in reply, but she let it slide. She loved her friend too much to really discipline him, and they both knew it.

Some time later, Echo was heading outdoors with Shadow scampering at her heels. The Sharian had provided a pouch with a wide leather strap that was comfortably snug against the back of the mystic's neck. The narrower strap of the smaller pouch she had brought with her from her tribe's lands was easily slipped over the newer one, and the weight of each were perfectly balanced, or at least were once she figured out how to adjust the larger pouch's strap with her teeth. For the first leg of their journey, Echo had been given some dried foods to keep in the pouch. She expected them to be eaten and the pouch empty by the time the hollowed triple hoof would be found. Having already said her thank yous and farewells, both the Tribal Mystic and her catgryph went in search of a good spot to rest up for what Echo knew was going to be a long flight come morning.

Chapter Two: "A Beginning"

Echo had vague directions, the name of a Song that she thought she'd already met, a basic idea of what she was after, one day's supply of food, a time limit of twenty eight days, and a catgryph that couldn't fly as far as she. From an outside perspective that wasn't a winning combination, but the Samanayr known as Mystic of the Dark Echo wasn't one to let so-called "reality" get in the way of her goals.

They left just after sunrise, but not before Echo ate her fill of berries and Shadow an unlucky mouse. Riding the thermals so thoughtfully provided by the nearness of so many hotsprings, Echo altered her course till she was almost certain they were headed in the right direction. Yes, she definitely remembered meeting an unusual Song by the edge of a dense forest. Echo also recalled mountains. Was she right by them at the time, or had they been looming majestically in the distance? The mystic didn't take the time to ponder the question long, for by then they had been flying for some hours and Shadow was looking close to exhaustion. Whinnying comfortingly to her friend, Echo shifted the angle of her body and flapped her wings to get in position less than a few feet under the gliding catgryph. The mystic chirped, and in response Shadow dropped onto her back in a heap of weary fur and feathers. They were both built for flight, so his weight wasn't enough to hamper Echo's progress. Letting her companion rest, the determined Tribal Mystic kept flying.

Echo's cloven hooves scrabbled across the rough bark of the tree whose thick branches had looked like an ideal place to spend the night, at least from above. She'd been so tired when coming in for a landing that the mystic had neglected to remember what happened the last time she'd tried to land in a tree. Birds could do such feats because they had talons, as could Sa'grisayr, a Samanayr-kin type that she'd only discovered for herself quite recently. While Echo was an excellent flier, her hooves weren't designed to do much more than make traveling on solid ground easier. "Oh no, oh no, oh no!" she fretted as Echo started to slide ever closer to the edge. Her wings ached too much for her to flap anymore that evening, but perhaps she could glide?

Sharp little claws pricked through Echo's coat when Shadow woke up with a start. Squawking with alarm, he hopped from his perch between the mystic's wings and dug into the wood with his back paws before clamping his beak down on one of Echo's leg tufts. That slowed Echo's sliding down considerably, but not entirely.

"Oh, foyr the moon's sake!" Echo grumbled as an idea pierced the fog of sleepiness that clouded her brain, "Why didn't I think of that sooneyr?"

Then she Called to the shadows around her, using a sliver of her remaining strength to spin the many pieces together into a tendril-like construct. Guiding her creation with her thoughts, Echo was lifted to safety, taking Shadow along for the ride. As soon as she felt the comfort of the tree's trunk brush the feathers of her tail, and an unmoving firmness under her hooves, Echo gratefully released the shadow essence she'd gathered and briefly watched as her construct melted. "I need to be moyre cayreful," the mystic reprimanded herself, then whinnied for Shadow's attention. Her faithful catgryph padded over and curled up beside Echo. He had somehow latched onto a moth during the "excitement", and was busily munching away.

"Glad to see that youyr meal is secuyred," she commented with a small, somewhat rueful smile before looking side to side. After Echo at last spotted the other reason that she'd chosen the tree they were in, she chirped a warning to Shadow, who immediately moved out of her way, still gnawing on his dinner. The Tribal Mystic clopped closer to a tiny green sprout curling out of the wide trunk, and leaned down to begin tugging on it with her teeth. The small thing was supposed to be tender, juicy, and easily retrieved. Apparently the tree didn't agree with that last part, as the sprout clung to its "mother" with every root in its arsenal. "Omph oph ooph," Echo mumbled while giving her intended meal another hard tug. It didn't budge.

"Well, beggayrs can't be chooseyrs," the mystic sighed, turning about and carefully making her way across the length of the branch. Abruptly she stopped, hopped once, and successfully snagged a huge leaf with her teeth. To simplify things, Echo Shaped just enough shadows into a sharp edge to severe the leaf from its stem, then walked back to where the sprout was defiantly waving in the wind that had already carried the pair far. Echo encouraged Shadow to move closer by clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, then ripped off bites of the stubborn sprout while bending the voluminous leaf around her as a makeshift shelter. The day had been uneventful, but with the distance she'd covered, Echo was confident that they would be taking the hollowed triple hoof back to Princess well before the deadline. "I just need to take moyre byreaks next time," the mystic thought aloud as she cuddled into Shadow's warmth and tucked her wings about them both like a nesting bird protecting her young. "Sweet dyreams, Shadow."

Part Three: "Meeting the Natives"


"Wahh!" Echo shrieked, startled from a sound sleep by the unfamiliar, and far too enthusiastic, voice. The Tribal Mystic scrambled to her hooves, and popped out of her leafy camouflage to nearly bump heads with a beaked brown and green face. Her immediate secondary reaction was to hop back into a defensive stance, but that was ruined when she bumped into the tree trunk tail first. Swallowing her "Ouch!", Echo blinked wide sea green eyes at the second Sa'grisayr she'd ever seen in her life.

Shadow, as quick on the uptake as ever, had taken that moment to leap between their visitor and his Echo. The catgryph was hissing, his feathers and fur puffing out in an attempt to appear threatening. It probably wasn't working, as the Sa'grisayr was just canting their head to the side and giving him one of those, "Aww! Isn't it cuuuute?" looks. Ugh.

"No feayr, no feayr," the kin crooned in tones that Echo identified as being female. That helped her nerves some. Echo's past experience dictated that females were easier to negotiate with. Stallions were often too busy showing off or trying to find subtle ways to flirt to be of much use. "Why you come heyre? Have tyrade to declayre? Byring you to Seekeyr, Cheeyr take you theyre!"

Then again, mares that spoke a mile a minute might be a bit harder to deal with, after all. "That is kind of you, but I-"

"Come with Cheeyr, come!" the Sa'grisayr sang before diving off the branch without looking back.

"W-wait foyr us!" Echo called after the other mare, then trilled a sharp note to Shadow before leaping off the same spot that the Sa'grisayr had. Sure, she might have been heading right into a trap, but Echo needed all the help she could get. Besides, what would they want from her? The other mare didn't look the type that treasured trinkets, so Eirnae's jewelry was safe. "I'm rested now, so if they try to hurt Shadow or myself, I'll be ready for them," she thought with a nod.

It was likely Echo's seraphic wings and all of her practice in utilizing them that let her catch up to the self proclaimed "Cheer" as quickly as she did. From the look on the Sa'grisayr's face when the mystic came up to be alongside her, Echo guessed that she'd surprised her guide. "Fly fast, fly fyree! You'yre just like me!" Cheer giggled, then pitched into a sharp turn that Echo tilted to mimic. More tricks followed, as if Cheer were testing Echo's skills in flight. The mystic played the game but added no "moves" of her own. She just hoped that Cheer hadn't forgotten where they were supposed to be going.

Echo's worry was somewhat eased when a chorus of voices called out greetings to the brown and green Sa'grisayr. Three Sa'grisayr hopped out on an especially thick branch that was high in the treetops. Too high for Shadow to reach on his own. "I'll be yright up, I just need to get my fyriend!" Echo called after Cheer before flapping her wings furiously to change direction. Pricking up her ears, she listened for Shadow's familiar sounds and narrowed in on them, diving to intercept the grumbling catgryph. As before, she chirped, Shadow nestled between her wings, and then she was gaining altitude once more.

Goodness, did that branch look so far away just then! Ignoring the spreading dull pain in her wings that warned she wasn't yet fully recovered from the previous day's travel, Echo didn't stop until she reached what she presumed to be the Song's favorite perch. Not wanting to show off her elemental abilities unless absolutely necessary, Echo kept herself from repeating her mistake from the night before by both digging in with her hooves and fluttering her wings to slow her momentum to an eventual halt. The larger of the two pouches she was wearing thumped her chest lightly, but otherwise Echo was fine, minus her wings' ache, of course.

"Who be you?" the largest of the kin asked, his black feathered crest rising as he puffed out his chest fur some. He was the stallion of the Song, of that Echo had little doubt. "Why you come heyre? You have tyrade to shayre?"

"Cheeyr byrought me heyre," she began, trying not to get sucked into the same sing-song method of speaking that the two kin had already proven popular with their Song. If she didn't adopt such a social trait with the fullest of sincerity, it might have been taken to instead be mockery, and she didn't want that. "I am Mystic of the Dayrk Echo, and I seek infoyrmation foyr the benefit of the Shayrians' Eldest."

"You quest foyr kind ones?" one of the yet to be introduced females queried. She sounded excited, which Echo hoped was a good thing.

"Yes, I have been sent to find a hollowed tyriple hoof to pyresent to the Eldest in honoyr of heyr Joining ceyremony," she replied with a courteous nod, "I suspect that the Song of the Bone Keepeyrs may know wheyre it is kept. Would you know wheyre I can find them?"

"Bone Keepeyrs close, but fayr," the stallion answered with a calculating gleam in his golden eyes, "Guide you will need, to know wheyre they ayre."

"Oh, let Cheeyr go!" Cheer half pleaded, half laughed as she bounced on the branch, "She knows best hiding places. We get theyre, leave no tyraces."

"Can be decided come moyrning light. Foyr now, we eat, while sun is byright," was Seeker's response, though the light in his eyes softened with affection for his mare.

So it was up high in a tree of a type Echo was unfamiliar that the mystic and her catgryph shared food and drink with the Song of the Hidden Canopy. The stallion's name turned out to be Seeker of Sacred Secrets, which Echo soon learned fit him very well indeed. He was a trader in rumors and information of all sorts, and he wanted to know all about the mysterious Tribal Mystic and her pet. She fed him tidbits, little things that she thought wouldn't lead him directly back to her tribe, and freely shared her fascination with the moon and history. Cheer of Merry Flight, Listener of Bird Song, and Dancer of Brilliant Wonder were glad to chat with their guest as well, though Cheer was the most exuberantly friendly of the lot. Shadow's hissing and fluffing up were regarded as "adorable" by all of the females. After the fourth attempt at being protective of Echo ended with sweet coos and attempts at petting him, Shadow had enough. He spent the rest of the day tucked up beside Echo's legs with a disgusted expression on his cute little face. By nightfall, Echo knew a lot more about the Song's habits than she would have thought possible. She'd even temporarily adopted their way of talking due to constant exposure. When at last she huddled in the hollowed out tree den the Song had reserved for visitors, Echo tried to sort through all that she'd heard that day to determine if any of it could be used for her mission. She was still trying to puzzle things out when she fell asleep.

Part Four: "Aftermath"

"I have it!" Echo whinnied as she dove right for the entrance of the complex she had left a little over two weeks prior, "I have the hollowed tyriple hoof!"

Shadow was already laying down in his appointed place between Echo's wings, for there would have been no catching up with her when she was that excited. It was just as well. The constant traveling they'd been doing made the catgryph feel he deserved more than a little pampering.

"Would someone show me the way to Pyrincess, please?" she asked of a small group of Sharians, far too elated with her success to notice if they were busy before she butted in, "I have one of the ayrtifacts she wanted foyr the Eld-Oh, thank you veyry much!"

Feeling far too happy to simply walk after her guide, Echo flew just behind the amazingly patient Sharian female that had excused herself from her chat with friends to show the Tribal Mystic the way to Princess's chambers. "You have another visitor, Princess," she announced before Echo burst into the room all smiles.

"Heyre you ayre, Pyrincess," Echo practically cheered as she skidded to an awkward landing across Princess's once perfectly clean tiled floor. As she worked to get the larger pouch over her head with a combination of shrugging and head bowing, Echo just kept chattering on. "The adventuyres we had in the finding of this! We met the Song of the Hidden Canopy, and flew yraces with Cheeyr of Meyryry Flight and Danceyr of Byrilliant Wondeyr. Seekeyr of Sacyred Secyrets intyroduced me to the Song of the Bone Keepeyrs."

She leaned in all conspiratorial-like before she whispered, "The Bone Keepeyrs' stallion is so mysteyrious, and what a danceyr! I neveyr would have won the hooves if he wasn't so used to weayring them all the time! Ah, that yreminds me."

Carefully, Echo lowered the pouch to Princess's cushion and opened its flap with her teeth. Then she nosed its contents to spill out and onto the rich fabric. There, two hollowed triple hooves gleamed. The holes that had been drilled into their sides were quite obvious, as were the leather straps worn smooth with use that were strung through them. "It tuyrns out that ages ago, when the fiyrst stallion that kept watch oveyr the buyrial gyrounds was given the yremains of this ancient one, he decided to honoyr his ancestoyr by weayring the bones. The otheyrs became too fyragile to keep out afteyr so many geneyrations, but the hooves yremained the customayry hoofweayr of the stallion leading the Song that watched oveyr the gyrounds."

The expression on Princess's face wasless than amused. She was faintly curious about one small thing, though, and had started to open her mouth to possibly speak when Echo grinned, and Shadow stirred on her back to poke his head over her folded wings. "I bet you'yre wondeyring how I got the hooves. Why, I challenged the stallion to a contest of skill!" She gave Princess a moment to figure it out, then verbally pounced before the Kodyla could even get out a peep, "It was simple, yreally. He was so used to weayring the tyriple hooves, and natuyrally he couldn't weayr the pyrize when peyrfoyrming his payrt of the challenge. Out dancing him would have been much hayrdeyr, otheyrwise."

"Well, that's woyrk well done foyr you," Echo decided with a pleased smile, hardly noticing Princess's glower at the bits of dirt that had flaked off of the pouch and onto the Kodyla's cushion, "Please let the Eldest know that I wish heyr all the best. Maybe I'll get the chance to tell heyr myself? Hm. That would be nice. May the sweetest of winds gyrace youyr fuyr, Pyrincess!"

With a possibly fuming Princess left behind, Echo trotted off in the direction of the exit, all set to get some refreshments for Shadow and herself as a reward for their hard work. That and find out what she could about the Eldest. Perhaps she wouldn't mind a friendly Tribal Mystic offering a blessing after her Joining?

(( I apologize for the rushed ending there. I had intended to include a chapter about the Song of the Bone Keepers and the "dance off" between Echo and the stallion, but I ran out of time. Also, I hope that what I wrote of Princess's behavior is alright? ^_^; ))

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Hunt Thread!

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:38 pm
by AsaraDragon
As soon as Princess acknowledged that Lagoon was to search for the Woven Deep Shells, the impatient elemental caused the water to jet up underneath her body, and executed a fancy twirling leap from the top of the jet back into the pool. Water sprayed from her fins onto the Sams who yet remained, but Lagoon shot off down the river without a backward glance or an apology.

She propelled herself through the water as fast as her fins could take her. Once she reached the open ocean, she stopped for a while to rest and assess her options.

Finding the shells quickly was imperative. It would take her some time to remove the portion she wanted to keep from the larger weaving, and so no time could be lost.

"Perhaps I should have asked Princess if she had any thoughts about where to begin my search", she thought to herself... but then she decided, "Bah, that pampered pile of fluff has probably never even seen the ocean, what would she know?"

What she did know about the shells themselves was rather limited as well. She knew that they were valuable because they were hard to obtain. Very few Samanayr-kin were brave or hardy enough to venture into the deepest trenches to retrieve them. Her mate Fathom might know of some, but the thought of telling him that she was on a mission to find "pretty shells for the Sharians" left a bad taste in her mouth, so that was out as well.

At last she decided to try to use her magic to sense the presence of the shells. But unfortunately, her mad dash back to the ocean had severely depleted her resources. She would have to get some actual sleep before she could perform such a sending. So she swam along the shore until she found a nice warm rocky pool, curled up around one of the larger stones, and fell asleep.

In the morning, she made a quick breakfast of some lazy shore fish and summoned her magic. She sent tendrils of power in every direction, as far as she could possibly push them to go. Nothing returned except a vague sense of oddness from the southwest. With no other lead to follow, Lagoon set off in that direction. Perhaps at the very least she would come across an Aquatic Song or two that might be able to point her more specifically to what she was seeking.


Startling white eyes opened as the careless elemental swam away. The blast of magic nearby had woken something from a long slumber, and it found itself hungry. The bright source of the magic was departing swiftly, so it detached its mottled gray and brown body from the rock where it had clung for many seasons, and followed silently behind.


Lagoon had been swimming for several days, and had yet to encounter another Samanayr. She swam near the surface of the water, wary of the ever-increasing depths below her and what they might hold. Every night she stopped and checked her bearing, the feeling of "wrongness" getting steadily stronger the further she traveled. One night, roughly a week after she had set out on her search, she stopped yet again to make sure that she was traveling in the right direction. But the probe she sent ahead of her returned nothing! Frantically she turned and cast again, more to the south, and still nothing. Another turn and another cast, and then she felt it, stronger than ever before. She must have passed over it some time during the day. Reassured that she had not come all this way for nothing, she relaxed and slept.

A quick check in the morning told her that she had not drifted too far in her sleep, and did not have far to go. However, she could not see anything in the water near to the surface, which meant that the source had to be below her. Lagoon sighed as she peered down into the darkness. After one last longing look up at the warm sun, she began her descent.


White eyes blinked in the inky water. Hunger had taken second place to curiosity about what brought its prey so far out into the ocean. The bright light of magic dropped like a shooting star into the bottomless black water. It had waited this long, it could wait a while more.


The light grew dimmer, and the water colder, the further down Lagoon swam. She was a creature of the reefs, of warm shallow pools and laughing waves. This cold silent emptiness was not the ocean that she knew and loved. It unnerved her, and she had to pause for a moment to gather her courage. A small magic helped to warm the water around her body somewhat, until she felt that she could continue. Just below her she began to see bright lights darting back and forth in a curious pattern. She blinked her eyes in confusion, until she got close enough to recognize that here was a Song of Aquatic Illiayrs, similar to her Song-mate, Pearl of the Darkest Deeps. They did not seem to see her, so she ventured to speak.

"Ah, hello theyre?"

Suddenly she was surrounded by the glowing fins of the Song. Her eyes took a few moments to readjust to the light.

"Hello! Who ayre you and wheyre did you come fyrom?", one of them asked boldly. "We do not see many styrangeyrs heyre! What is youyr puyrpose in distuyrbing ouyr woyrk?"

"My name is Lagoon, I am an elemental fyrom the noyrtheyrn yreefs. I came heyre on a quest, hoping to find something pyrecious to byring back to my home. Who ayre you, and what is this woyrk you speak of?"

"We ayre the Song of the Luminous Depths.", said the one who had spoken before. "We woyrk heyre togetheyr guayrding a sacyred ayrtifact. My name is Sentyry of the Wayrded Sea, and I am the stallion and capital guayrdian of the ayrtifact."

"What is this ayrtifact?", Lagoon asked.

"It is a cloak woven of shells found in the deepest payrts of the ocean. Ouyr legends say it has poweyrful magic, which is why we guayrd it."

The stallion gestured with a fin toward a tall pillar of rock just below them. Anchored to the top was a long flowing cloak, woven of bright shells, just what she had been sent here to find. Lagoon's mind worked furiously as she tried to think of a way to get the cloak away from its guardians. Her only course of action seemed to be to try to sneak it away when the Illiayrs slept. She feigned a yawn.

"Oh my", she said. "I have been tyraveling foyr quite a long time, and it seems that my seayrch must continue, for I could not ask you to give me youyr ayrtifact, and I need something pyrecious to byring back with me. Might I yrest heyre with you foyr a while befoyre I move on?"

"If you must.", the stallion said grudgingly. He did not like strangers so near, but he could not honorably dismiss his guest when she had asked for his aid. "Theyre ayre seveyral small caves heyre, you may sleep in one of those. But I must have youyr pledge that you will depayrt when you ayre yrested."

"Ceyrtainly.", Lagoon answered.

Lagoon curled up in one of the caves as directed and shut her eyes, pretending to sleep. What seemed like several hours passed, but the Illiayrs never stopped to rest. Finally Lagoon decided she would have to do a little work to get them to sleep. She used her magic to warm the water around the Illiayrs, hoping that it might serve to make them torpid. Her hopes were answered as their circuits of the pillar slowed and finally stopped.

Carefully she swam to the pillar and took the cloak in her mouth. She began to swim away when her head was suddenly jerked back around. The cursed thing was tied down to the rock! She bit carefully through the ties, and at last it was free, and so was she! Quickly she made her way back up to the surface, though not as quickly as she would have liked. The cloak was heavy, and awkward to carry in her mouth. Still, she knew she had to put as much distance between herself and the Illiayrs as possible, so she swam as well as she could.


White eyes watched as the elemental hauled her prize away. Not long now, not long at all, she would be out of the reach of the others and at last it could feast. The object she carried shone even brighter with power than the elemental herself. This was definitely a meal worth waiting for!


Lagoon swam on, back toward the shore. She stopped to rest frequently, but never for long. She knew that she would be racing against time once she returned to her reef. It would take several days to unwork the weaving, and she had to make sure her work was flawless, so that Princess would not be able to tell that her prize was only part of a much larger piece.

After a day or two of near-constant travel, Lagoon was beginning to feel drained. She did not want to stop to sleep, but soon she would have no choice. She was so focused on her goal that she did not see the large shape moving below her, positioning itself to strike. She didn't notice anything until she felt something rushing toward her, and by then it was too late. Something large and gray barreled into her side, raking her with its serrated fins. Lagoon gasped with the sudden pain and whirled around to face her attacker. She saw brilliant white eyes staring at her hungrily out of an almost lupine face. It was an Ek'ketsi! Aquatic cousins of the Oquiesas that tormented land-bound Samanayrs, they were thought to be extinct. Apparently this one hadn't gotten the message.

Lagoon turned and fled, knowing that she had no chance of fighting the beast. She cursed the cloak as it seemed to surround her, tangling in her fins and slowing her down. She knew if she dropped it, she might have a chance of escape, but she needed it! So she drove blindly on, hoping that by some chance she could out-swim the predator behind her. After several minutes, she slowed and looked back, and the water was clear. She stopped and turned around in confusion, and was yet again struck from behind! This time the sharp fins of the Ek'ketsi raked across the cloak, snapping the threads that held it together, and a large portion of it fell away, drifting off into the ocean. As the Ek'ketsi turned to strike again, its tail lashed Lagoon across the face, knocking her unconscious. The last things she saw were brilliant white eyes as the creature closed in for the kill.


A beam of light lanced across her vision, and Lagoon squinted her eyes against the pain.

"Theyre theyre now, you'll be all yright.", a strange voice spoke calmly at her side.

Lagoon blinked against the light as her eyes slowly adjusted. She tried to move and winced as her muscles protested.

"Now, just yrest foyr a moment... hmmmm... theyre!.

Warmth flooded through the elemental's body, and she finally opened her eyes to see an Aquatic Healer in the water next to her.

"Who... wheyre... what... happened?", Lagoon asked.

"Theyre was a teyrrible stoyrm, and you washed up into the yreef, my deayr. You ayre amazingly lucky I was close to hand, you weyre that close to death."

"The yreef?"

Suddenly her memories flooded back and she twisted around, frantically looking for the Ek'ketsi.

"Now, now, calm down! You'yre safe heyre. Whateveyr did this to you is long gone. I have healed what I could, but you must be cayreful and don't oveyrexeyrt youyrself until the yrest of you heals. You will have some scayrs, but yremembeyr, at least you ayre alive! Now, heyre ayre youyr shells, you weyre clenching them so tightly in youyr teeth, I could scayrcely yremove them!"

The Healer pulled a fragment of cloth from one of her pouches and rested it on a rock nearby.

"[color="#008080]I must be leaving now, theyre ayre otheyrs in need of me. Take cayre of youyrself now!"

"[color="40BFFF"]Th... thank you.", Lagoon said haltingly. Gratitude was not something she was accustomed to showing.

She looked dejectedly down at what was left of the shell cloak. There was not much, but hopefully it would be enough for Princess. Lagoon looked around and found that she was not far from the river that led to the Rainbow Hotsprings. She had no way to tell how long she had been unconscious, but she had to bring the shells back anyway, even if she was too late.

When she arrived at the Hotsprings, they were bustling with activity. She asked a passing Sharian if they might be able to help her get to Princess. The Sharian returned with a large wheeled basin, and pushed it into the water so that Lagoon could swim inside. He then wheeled her into the complex to Princess' room. She was amazed at how kind he was to her, even though he did not know her. Perhaps the Sharians were due a bit more respect than she had been giving them until now.

"Pyrincess, I have yretuyrned with the shells that you yrequested. I hope I am not too late, but theyre weyre... difficulties. Please give my yregayrds to the Eldest. And... and also, I am soyrry for getting eveyryone wet... befoyre.

She turned to the Sharian and asked him if he could please return her to the water. Once there, she made her way back home, to rest and recover amid the coral.

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Hunt Thread!

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:48 pm
by Nighthenge
ImageCloak thanked Princess for what help she could provide. He had heard some of the lore before having grown up in the genearl area she spoke of. The map would certainly be useful. Before he set out he turned back to the hotsprings to talk to his mares.

I have decided to go noyrth and look for shayrds of an icemetal daggeyr. The lead mayre of my biyrthsong woyre jewelyry made fyrom a piece. When I was a colt we weyre told stoyries of humans who weyre said to have lived in tha ayrea long ago. Pyrincess has said that those humans weyre responsible foyr foyrging icemetal. I will look in the camps I know. Do eitheyr of you know such stoyries from youyr foalhood?

He showed Flurry and Whisper the map the Kodylas had given him, but they were of little help. Their fathers had not let them explore any ruins when they were fillies. Only the colts were allowed to be so adventurous.

He asked again if they wished to hunt with him. But the two of them prefered to stay at the hotsprings and visit with old friends instead of making such an arduous trip.

Cloak travelled for several days without talking to anyone but the small creatures of the land. He caught sight of a few songs in the distance, but the protective stallions would not let him get close enough to ask any questions.

As the countryside began to turn icy he was forced to use his wings to keep his balance on the slippery terrain. He scrambled over hills, flapping his wings madly to keep from sliding.

He spent day struggling over the ice wandering where the map and his memories took him. He became so exhaused he could barely focus enough to set his feet down. With night falling, he stopped in a small valley where he could take some shelter from the wind. He spent a restless night to be awoken early be the good morning greetings of the birds who had been his companions.

He yawned, stretched, and looked around. To his surprise, he had stumbled into one of the veery camps he'd been looking for all this time! After sharing a quick breakfast with the birds, he bagan his search through the abandoned settlement. Cloak spent all morning looking with no luck, but as the sun reached it's zenith, he noticed an odd sparkle in a pile of fur and wood. He pawed through the pile searching for the source of the glimmer. There! At the bottom of the pile was a familiar shape. A dagger, an icemetal one! His quest was almost over.

He sat down to lunch with his new friends and thanked them for their help before turning back for the Sharian hotspring. Luckily he was able to take a more diredt route. It would not take him nearly as long to get back as it did to find his item.

He had to hurry to be back before the ceremony and made it just in time. He approached the Kodylas mare and set the dagger pieces at her feet.

Pyrincess, I have yretuyrned from my quest for shayrds of an icemetal daggeyr. Heyre is my contyribution to the gift foyr the Eldest.

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Hunt Thread!

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:15 pm
by Janalee

      They all seemed so confident.
      One after the other, each of them lined up before the Kodyla, choosing their items. How many of them had said 'I'll bring this back?' Bring- as if there were no question about that. He wasn't sure he could say that in good faith, but what was he suppose to say? That he'd try?
      If Median were here, no doubt she would have noticed the hint of a smirk at that last thought, that last word; and no doubt she would have noticed his nervousness too, though to most everyone else he probably looked nothing more than overly serious. He found himself wishing she were here; in many ways, the actual search would have been more to her liking anyway. A reason to want to do it was all his though.
      He had never met the Eldest that he knew of, which was hardly surprising, considering how little contact he had with the Sharians in general- he was happy keeping to himself and his Song. He still knew what he owed them though. Why, weren't the powers of the Mystics gifts from them? How could you measure how much good that had done for the Samanayrs? For himself even? And then his integration... The thought trailed off as he looked back at his damaged tines, at the streaks of opal flowing down his side. Certainly he owed them his life, as well as his identity.
      All of that would have been enough on its own; but his lead mare, his only mare, had ties to the Song of the Rainbow as well. Not the current one, it was true- but she had grown up with tales about all the previous Songs, stories they no doubt still told amongst themselves. She had heard them from her mother, who had been born to them, and now she was telling them to her daughter. Their daughter. He swelled with pride at the thought of them both, not sure how he could be happier than with them. If the Sharians had never spoken with the Samanayrs, never given them a place where they could be safe, how could there ever have been a Song of the Rainbow? And if there were no Song of the Rainbow...then certainly they wouldn't exist as well.
      It seemed that in many ways, he owed everything to the Sharians; and really, perhaps all of the Samanayrs did, in one way or another. Certainly searching for some significant item was the least he could do to show his gratitude, not to mention to celebrate the mysteries of Songs and foals, regardless of the names they used for them. After all, what else was worth celebrating?
      As his turn came up, and the start of the hunt proper began, he found that he needn't have worried about what words to choose at all- neither 'bring' nor 'try' said what he wanted to say. Instead, he simply smiled and bowed deeply, thrilled with all the reasons he had to be thankful, and with the fact that he now had some way to repay all those kindnesses, small though it may be.
      "The Scale-Studded Pendant, please."


      Perhaps he should have asked the Mystic stallion from the item selection whether or not he had the Scale-Studded Pendant; with his blue and white strands, he must have been an air Mystic, right?
      The stallion nearly laughed as the stray thought crossed his mind, though he knew he couldn't afford to do it here. He couldn't help feeling a touch of nervous giddiness though, traveling through these barren lands; they reminded him too much of the recklessness of his youth. Still, they were the best way to reach the mountains he felt softly calling him, the only clue he had to go on; and so, he'd have to deal with the wasteland as well as he could. He could only hope that the calling really was some sort of clairvoyant gift from his magic, and not just a vain hope. If only he knew of a Sibyl he could have asked- but he didn't, and once again, he simply had to deal with what was at hand.
      At least he had come upon a Song of Tribals out here though. Perhaps that was an odd thing to be happy about, considering what they would likely do to an outsider if they knew he was there. Under the cold, starry skies though, with the wild, rhythmic singing of this foreign Song that was so unlike the songs he knew, he felt like he could hide beneath both- like he might be safe. Certainly an Oquiesa or human would have trouble fooling all of those ears anyway; if he could just keep still and quiet, the night would pass along well enough, and give him time to think about this hunt.
      That random thought about the Mystic was a ridiculous one for a variety of reasons; not least of which was that he had been a Sa'grisayr, and not a Samanayr like he was looking for. Maybe it would have been a good idea to ask for help from that Tribal Mystic though; she at least had wings, and might have been welcomed here were he would not be. Too late for that now though, or to do much of anything besides find the mountains that he sought- and maybe hope that he wouldn't have to cross through a jungle too, where the hooks and prehensile tails of the Arboreals would be nearly a necessity.
      The music of the Song lulled, which caught his attention instantaneously. After a moment though, he realized it had just passed into quiet conversation instead; no doubt some of the members were starting to go to sleep. The idea tempted him as well, and he found himself closing his eyes- but he couldn't stop listening to the conversation. Maybe he'd been away from companionship too long on this journey, after he'd gotten so used to it.
      "How long has it been since it yrained?"
      "Too long. I can feel the gyrasses shatteyring under us, even as we sit heyre."
      "Peyrhaps we should ask foyr help?"
      "Fyrom whom? I doubt you'd find a wateyr Elemental who'd be willing to come out heyre, even if you could find one you'd tyrust. And the only Mystic we know is a fiyre, lot o' good that'd do us."
      "That's not exactly tyrue, CyrispSistyrum~Wayrning- theyre is that aiyr Mystic on the yridges. Maybe she could byring in some yrainclouds, or something-"
      "What did I say about tyrust? She's not one of us, even if she likes to pyretend by weayring all that jewelyry."
      "What I wouldn't give foyr that shiny necklace of heyrs..."
      "No, no, the coppeyr legnbands, with the bells..."
      The conversation continued on, but Mystic was too shocked to listen any more- there was no possible way he could have just overhead exactly what he needed to know; and yet, there it was. He couldn't help but feel like there was something that wanted him to succeed, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to gallop joyously onward, or go and thank those Tribal mares more. In the end though, he did neither; he still had to get there to succeed, after all. Instead, he simply smiled to himself, and lay his head down quietly, waiting till the first streaks of dawn would signal it was time to leave.


      The place seemed oddly familiar, though he was certain he'd never been there before. The short columns of red rock, the created hot springs flowing down towards the barrens...even the way the wind whistled through the upper spires, all struck a chord in his mind, even if he couldn't place it. Perhaps he had simply dreamed of it, during his vague sense of direction; or perhaps he didn't want to know why it seemed familiar. Whatever the case, he knew he had finally arrived.
      Another sound wound its way through the wind's, as he was debating what to do next; a tinning chime, laughing softly. Bells, no doubt.
      He barely had time to register the warning, when a Samanayr mare appeared on one of the spires, jutting starkly against the sky. He wasn't sure how she had gotten there so quickly; perhaps it was one of her powers. She certainly couldn't have flown up there; she had no wings on her back that might let her do that. With her headwings and phoenix tail though, she certainly struck an elegant, imposing image there- like an impassive idol, simply waiting. The jewelry, particularly that shining scale he was searching for, only added to that mystique; no doubt that was the effect she had been hoping for all along.
      The stallion shook his head ever so slightly, trying to clear his mind, as well as force himself to stop staring at that pendant longingly. It was too late for her not to notice though as she smirked down at him, somehow pleased and haughty and intrigued all at once.
      "Why have you come heyre?"
      The question didn't seem to be suspicious or threatening at all, as it would have been with the Tribals; really, it seemed more like a formality or a statement of fact than anything else. He got the distinct feeling that she thought that she already knew the answer. Might as well be blunt and get it over with then.
      "The Scale-Studded Pendant that you weayr- I've been seeking it, hoping that it might be pyresented in honoyr of the Eldest and heyr match."
      The air Mystic's smirk widened further at that answer, which only puzzled him more, until she voiced an explanation.
       "That's what you came here for, not why."
      The stallion simply stood there, flabbergasted; perhaps she was correct, but what right did she have to ask it that way? She didn't know him at all; she hadn't even asked him his name, but had simply gone and judged him. It made him feel defensive and slightly defiant, though he knew he couldn't really afford that attitude; it still didn't stop the thought of trying to cause the stone beneath her to trap her there though. He could almost feel the way the rock would have to rise to form shackles around her hooves...and then the feeling passed, just as that cathartic daydream did. No, he would have to earn that pendant fairly, or it wouldn't be a gift at all. Instead, he bowed to her.
       "You speak the truth."
      In the silence that followed, it was the mare's turn to look a surprised; and then she laughed suddenly, apparently satisfied with that response. He couldn't help but think that perhaps it had been awhile since someone had stood up to her- or maybe even spoken with her at all. It seemed a lonely place here, and for some reason, her laugh made him almost pity her for it; perhaps she had her reasons for being here though. As she composed herself again, she smiled down at him once more, this time far more friendly than intimidating.
       "Veyry well then; a yriddle for it instead, if you can answeyr it."
       He closed his eyes thoughtfully for a moment, before nodding his assent; word games certainly weren't his strong suit, but he wasn't sure he could refuse and still find a way to gain that necklace. Perhaps she would be kind and give him a second chance and an easier question if he failed; he might as well hope for it anyway. Her delight at his agreement certainly promised something anyway.
       "What walks on thyree legs in the moyrning, two at noon, and fouyr in the evening?"
       Mystic frowned thoughtfully, surprised once again; this question had the same, musing feeling of familiarity that the landscape had given him before.
       "I think I've heayrd this one befoyre..."
       "If you mean the one the humans tell, I'll have you know they stole it and changed it for their own self-impoyrtant yreasons-"
       "No, no- this one. The answeyr is Family, isn't it? In the beginning, it's you and youyr payrents, and then you go out and meet someone to become a Song with, and in the end, with all of youyr foals and gyrandfoals, you'yre...moyre."
       He could only wistfully wish that his family could be counted as four; but, perhaps some day, it would be. Really, he should have been wishing that 'more' and 'four' were close enough instead; but the whole thing made him suddenly long to be home again.
       The mare stared at him, inscrutable as she tried to judge his expression; it was the first time where he really started to feel concerned about his answer, even if he had half expected to fail anyway. Still, it was the only thing he could think of. Finally, she nodded once again, though somewhat pensively this time.
       "I knew it was too easy of a yriddle; but, a deal is a deal."
       With that, she flicked her head backward, causing the pendant to fly upward; it seemed to almost hang there suspended, before she tossed it to him in a whirl of wind and sudden movement. He managed to catch it, a bit to his surprise, but before he could lay it down to thank her, she spoke again.
       "Tell them that Mystic of the Falling Gossameyr sends heyr congyratulations."
       And with that, she was gone again.
       He still continued his motion though, and when his mouth was free, he offered one last sentence to her, hoping she could still hear him.
       "And Mystic of the Opal Veins sends you his thanks."


       He could hardly believe how light it was.
       He wondered if perhaps Kirins always felt this way; they were a mysterious bunch for certain, and he had absolutely no idea what it might be like to be one. Maybe it was simply a property that had been imparted on it from FallingGossamer~Mystic though, from all the months she had worn it; what could be lighter than air, after all? Or perhaps, most likely of all, it only reflected the relief he felt at having actual found it. All that was left was to carry it back; and if he had gone that way before, no doubt he could do it again.
       And once more, he wouldn't have to worry about 'try' or 'bring'...or any words, at all.

((I apologize now for all of the grammatical errors and utter ramblingness that this story contains; I'm afraid I ended up having far less time this week than I was expecting. Thanks for forcing me to try my hand at writing though, and I hope there was something you could enjoy about this story anyway. *smiles, before falling into her bed*))

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Hunt Thread!

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:26 pm
by Xenon
Indoors. It was unfamiliar, nerve-wracking, oddly sweltering. Splendor was used to the open deserts, land stretching out uninhibited for miles and miles around. This - as lovely as the building might have been, it felt claustrophobic and uncomfortable. The slender Desert mare swayed slightly on her feet as she waited for her instructions, trying to push the discomfort from her mind. What she was doing - the importance of it outweighed any personal feelings she might have had about standing around indoors for a few hours.

Besides, it wouldn't be long until she was back in her native environment. That thought alone made the waiting more tolerable, alongside the knowledge that she was doing something really meaningful for once.

In all her years, she'd never attempted something that was bigger than herself. She'd lived simply, in solitude until recently, when she'd found a Song and a family. That had been enough, for a long time. But then the call had gone out, the news that the Elder was taking a mate - and that the Samanayr kin had been called to action, to deliver gifts to show the respect their species felt for the Sharian who had done so much for them. The desert was her home, there was no aspect of it which frightened Splendor. She understood it, respected it, and knew she could traverse it safely to gather the nearly legendary Burning Lion Berries. While Princess spoke to those assembled on a personal basis, Splendor stood in silence, her head held high. Such a crowd, all in such a small space... If not for the discomfort of it, the mare might have found it strangely wonderful. They were all so very different from each other - different, especially, from the desert-kyn she knew best of all.

Distracted as she was, it almost came as a surprise when the meeting had come to an end, and it was time for them all to go their own ways. Splendor was quick to slip out of the building, flashing a quick and shy smile to those who met her eyes, and then quickly splitting off from the group. She wanted to head out tonight - the sooner she could be on her way, the sooner she could arrive at the desert she knew and loved. That excitement put a hurry in her step, an eagerness that was building gradually within her.

This was going to be an adventure, indeed.


Upon her return to the desert she called home, her first stop was to her Song. She needed to tell her Stallion - and the other Mare who she had grown to see as family - what she knew thus far about her mission. There was another aspect of the stop, as well. Before Splendor set out into the great unknown, she wanted to spend a night in a place that was familiar, safe, known. She wanted to snuggle up with the rest of her Song, get a good night's sleep, and leave feeling well-rested and ready to face the challenges of the next day.

And she was. The next morning, Splendor slipped away from her Song before the sun had even breached the horizon, setting off into the vast desert before her. A canteen slung loosely Beneath her hooves, the sand was still cool, not yet heated by the sun which would soon be showing its first rays on the distant horizon. It was that sun that marked her path. Splendor knew the berries were found only in the harshest of conditions, and that if she moved in the direction of the rising sun, she would find herself deep within the desert. Her only companions there would be the sands themselves. How long she would be gone - she did not know. She only knew that she had her task, and she would not fail her kind.

For that first day, Splendor did not dream of stopping. At times, her pace slowed significantly, especially as the sun rose in the sky. The heat was becoming ferocious, and the young mare knew it could only get worse from here. But for now, she did not need water. She had gone for longer before, and she wanted to conserve her resources as long as she possibly could. When the sun had finally vanished again, directly behind the mare, she picked up the pace. The night was her best opportunity to make real progress, and without the sun beating down on her, she moved across the sand with a grace unique to the Desert-kyn. She did not know how long she ran for, only that when she finally stopped, her muscles ached, her heart was pounding, and she felt alive. A makeshift camp was scratched out beside a large rock. Laying down was much nicer than Splendor had realized it would have been, but she didn't have long to reflect on that. Sleep came upon her quickly, and there was no fighting it.

Unfortunately, it lasted for far longer than Splendor had anticipated. She had pushed herself the previous day, and her body had taken its revenge. When she woke the sun was already high in the sky, the heat stifling already. Splendor's legs ached when she forced herself to stand, and a quiet curse rang out in the silence that surrounded the mare. She'd pushed too hard, and now she was going to be set back by it.

After a moment she settled down again, flipping open the lid of her canteen and taking a long sip of water, wiping her muzzle off against her knee. Squinting, she looked up at the sky. It was not quite midday, which meant that it was only going to get hotter.

Today, Splendor would need to rest and regain her strength, give her aching limbs a chance to recover. The mare dozed throughout the day, keeping to the shelter of her rock. When night fell and the air cooled, she attempted once more to stand. This time, her legs protested only feebly, and a quick stretch limbered her up the rest of the way. Her journey was back on track, and this time, Splendor knew not to run for so long. Though she had originally felt irritated by her delay, but she was quickly realizing that this might have actually been in her favor. This way, she would be able to travel mostly at night, out of the reach of the burning sun. That way, she wouldn't need as much water, and she would hopefully be able to cover more distance.

From that point, the days blended into one another. Splendor lost count of how many sunrises she watched, how many times she'd stopped to rest. She encountered an oasis partway through, and stopped to drink and fill her canteen. The rest of the time, she found water by other means - from the inside of cacti, by digging at the base of sandstone boulders until she found damp patches, and from licking the dew the collected at night off of the few plants she found.

There was a beauty to the desert she knew as her home, though it was sometimes hard to find. But Splendor saw it - she saw the sunsets, the sunrises, the way the wind made lovely patterns across untouched dunes. One morning, the Desert had reached a place where even before the sun had fully risen, the heat was almost too much to take. All the same, the mare looked across the scenery, searching out something to make her smile, some little beauty tucked away beneath the brutal sun. Settled behind a rock that was, for the time being, offering her some protection from the sun, Splendor's eyes fell upon an odd patch of decrepit-looking plants. A small frown settled onto her face as she rose. That was -- odd. The plant almost looked like something that was not adapted to life here, from how shriveled it was, but it was far too large for something planted by some wayward traveler.

Then, something caught her eye. There were berries on the plant, small. Splendor had to blink and shake herself to be sure she wasn't seeing a mirage, but the berries were still there.

Her heart pounding hard in her chest, the mare crept forward. This... These had to be the berries. They matched Princess's description to a "t", and this far out in the sands... What else could they be? Carefully, she nibbled at a branch, breaking it and its precious cargo free. Splendor tenderly dropped the branch into a pouch she'd carried with her, then stood, blinking.

She had done it. She had found the Burning Lion Berries. Now, all that she needed to do was get them back to Princess and, in time, the Eldest.


By the time Splendor pushed her way back into the small room she'd been in, so many days before, she was exhausted and looking more than a little bedraggled. Through the dust and sand that covered her, though, there was a smile shining on her face. Lightly, she placed the pouch before Princess, nodding her head at the bag. "The Buyrning Lion Beyrries, Pyrincess," she said, in a voice that sounded hoarse and unused. Since she'd left her Song, more than a week ago, she had spoken to no one until now. "Please, along with these, send my yregayrds to the Eldest. It was tyruly an honoyr to be a payrt of this." With another bow of her head, the mare stepped away.

Now, she would return back to her home, to Mystic, Point, and her family.

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Hunt Thread!

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:30 pm
by Yuiven
Once seekers were recruited for each and every one of the requested items, Princess of the Bard's Tales had only rehashed basic information, then distributed a few meagre supplies, but not much else besides their own wits and abilities. Robot found this to be a satisfactory response, as his logic circuits deemed these rules were necessary to protect the integrity of the scavenger hunt.

There was a wave of muttering amongst the small group of Samanayr-kin that had gathered to volunteer, as they milled about for a few moments before dispersing to begin their respective searches for the prized treasures, running across the earth, taking to the skies or diving into the waves. Only Robot and one or two others had opted to remain behind. He swept his gaze across the clearing inquisitively at the departing Sams, calculating the numbers in his head. Sixteen, plus himself, made for seventeen. It was an odd number, he must admit, but a big number. Princess evidently was covering all the bases on the presumption that not everybody would be able to return prior to the deadline.

Robot intended to complete this task in the given time.

After accessing his databanks, he felt a profound gratitude toward the species who have helped his; if it weren't for the Sharians, most of the Samanayrs would still be in hiding, afraid while hunted either to be kept as pets or harvested for their magical properties. Over the course of a few years, with their help, they had found a place to live without fear of being hunted, a safe haven of a series of hotsprings located deep within the territory of the Sharians: the Song of the Rainbow Hotsprings- now considered the heart of Sam society, where many come to socialize with their fellows as well as interact with the Sharians and other peaceful races. Knowing this strengthened his determination to repay their kindness.

A plan of action was already forming in Robot's mind. He craned his head around, eyeing the largest building in the Sharian compound. The light in his optics flashed bright blue for a second. First step was acquire more information about the spidersilk wing structure. Princess had given him a clue, but he needed to conduct further research in order to track down the item-in-question. The metal elemental stallion began walking across the courtyard towards the building, sounds of metal plates shifting and hooves clanging accompanying his movements.

When he reached the entrance of the building, he stopped abruptly, squealing and rearing with forelegs flung out in alarm. It was only thanks to his quick response time that he narrowly avoided having his muzzle smashed into his face, as the door unexpectedly swung open. "Ack!' The door was jerked back, then slowly opened to reveal another one of the benevolent Sharians standing in the doorway before him. "My apologies! I…" The apology locked in his throat as he simply stared down at the robotic Sam with mouth agape and eyes bulging out of his skull. Frozen in a state of shock, the Sharian gawked for several seconds. Only a single sentence came to his mind, which he also blurted out. "You're a robot!?"

Robot disinclined to answer him right away as he came back down to the ground on all fours and backed up a couple of steps. Quickly his processor sought out the necessary translation pack so he could reply. "Tech-ni-cal-ly cor-rect. I am Ro-bot. Gen-der: Stal-lion. Spe-cies: El-e-men-tal Sam-an-ayr. Type: Me-tal." In the back of his mind, Robot realized he was actually speaking directly with one of the Sharians. While he knew of the bipedal draconic creatures, and even downloaded a dictionary of their language, never had he been so close to one. He didn't think they would be so big. Not that he was intimidated- it was merely an observation.

Robot then proceeded to explain that he had signed up as a participant for a scavenger hunt, and was charged with finding the spidersilk wing structure, to add to the collection of gifts for the Eldest in celebration of her Joining. He wanted to investigate the priceless antique and its origins, before embarking on the search (because it'd be waste of time and energy looking hither and yon across the wilderness if you didn't know what you're looking for or where to look).

During his explanation, the Sharian squatted down to listen. Once Robot was finished, the Sharian nodded and rose to his feet. "Come with me," the Sharian instructed as he reached over little robotic Sam to push the door open wide enough to admit the pair of them. Robot stepped through, then the Sharian shut the door. "The archives are this way." The Sharian led the mechanical stallion in the direction of a long corridor and quickly took the lead. Trailing after him, Robot, unlike most of the species, didn't feel the crushing weight of walls and ceilings pressing in on him. Rather the enclosed space gave him a sense of déjà vu.

It was like being back in the lab.

"Here are the archives," the Sharian said when they reached a closed door at the end of this corridor. He smiled and laid on hand on the door handle. "It is rare for Samanayrs to require prosthetic limbs, therefore we document each case so we have records of what has been done." Turning the handle, the Sharian pushed open the door, then he gestured that Robot should precede him into the room.

The air inside was... not cold, but certainly cooler than the corridor (approximately seventy degrees Fahrenheit); it was also noticeable dry, Robot stopped a short distance in and adjusted his optics for optimal sight in the dim lighting. The archives proved to be vast, but well organized. There were several large tables at the front of the room, each with several comfortable chairs. The shelves were all filled with neatly stacked books of different bindings, different covers, different sizes, the topics were seemingly unlimited.

"Now let's see..." the Sharian muttered. In the archives they wandered down one of the aisles, the Sharian absently ran his fingers across each book, his hand finally stopping on the spine of an entire leather-bound book. "AHA! Here it is!" Pulling the book off the shelf carefully, he brought it out and set it on a table. "These are our records pertaining to every Integrated Samanayr we have helped over the years. It could be of some assistance to you in the scavenger hunt." As he spoke, Robot jumped onto a chair and quickly glanced at it. He looked up and nodded at the Sharian. "It's ex-act-ly what I need-ed. Thank you," he said. "Happy to be of service," the Sharian replied, smiling.

With that, the helpful Sharian left him alone. Robot delicately opened the book to the first page. It was written in a fine but cramped hand. Each page held a detailed description of an Integrated Samanayr; the afflicted body part and materials used to make each prosthetic limb. Fuelled by his determination and curiosity, Robot settled down and began to read, starting with the latest amputee, Mystic of the Opal Veins.

The morning wore on, but he found nothing. Absolutely nothing. Robot sat back, frustration smouldering his circuits. Well, it was worth a shot. Just as he closed the book, from its worn pages fell a tattered, faded photo- that of a Integrated stallion with a mismatched pair of wings. What in the...? He got down off the chair and treaded with cautious steps to where the photo lay, lowering his head.

The right wing was a dragon wing and faerie wing combined into one, made of flesh and blood. And the left wing... was fashioned out sturdy twigs and woven with the finest silk threads. It's him...! Robot realized with mute surprise, The ori-gin-al owner of the spi-der-silk wing struc-ture...! Robot inspected the photo, hoping to find a clue as to the deceased stallion's identity. On the back he saw a name scrawled in handwritten script on the back: 'Strength of the Spider Weave.'


That was his self preservation protocols flashing warnings across his CPU. Robot failed to realize how long he had been online until now. Letting out a sigh, he laid down on the floor and closed his optics as he began to cycle down. In a couple of minutes, he was fast asleep.

Robot awoke on the dawn of the second day. He vaulted to his feet and looked around at his current surroundings, when suddenly he noticed a dark, lumpy shape. He snapped his head down, steel blue optics widening upon finding a mysterious object placed next to him. Examination proved it to be a cloth satchel with a wide strap. Where did that come from? The only logical explanation the metal elemental could think of was that the Sharian who assisted yesterday must've prepared for the adventure and left the cloth satchel for him. A smile stretched across his muzzle. How thoughtful! With his dental plates, Robot deftly picked up his newly-acquired cloth satchel, then flipped the strap over his head, allowing it to slide down until it hung comfortably around the base of his neck. After a cursory glance, Robot marched out of the room and out of the building.

* * *

There will always be people who judge you simply because of your appearance. They say mean words because you are different, and sometimes their minds cannot be changed. As Robot walked about he saw the sidelong glances and heard the sneers. He realized that no matter where he went, he would always be an object of ridicule. That's just the way it was...

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Hunt Thread!

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:13 pm
by Aranea
((Second installment! The third will be late, though. So, basically, Paean will be late back as well, but she'll get the mask))

Another day’s travel brought the home of the Jungle Kings into view, but without a good entrance planned Paean decided to camp out in a nearby cave. Not a moment too soon, by the looks of it, since the once puffy white clouds had turned an ominous gray, and a heavy rain was starting to fall. Thinking herself well out of it, she perched on a stone near the entrance to watch. Ah, yes, lightning now. And a large, shaggy form trotting straight towards her. Hm. Now she looked, there were a couple bones about… Flapping off in a hurry, Paean glanced back to find that the creature had noticed her, and given chase: a sam right in the middle of its den was too tempting for the creature, obviously a carnivore, to ignore. Terrific. She hadn’t expected to get into a fix like this until after she ran into the sa’kriens. I guess that means I’m ahead of schedule, then, she thought as a tree just to her right was hit. It was a good thing her tail was smaller than usual, because if she’d tried weaving around in the rain like this the weight of the sodden tail might have gotten her killed. Not that there was much time to think about such things, as a bolt just behind her inspired to prize-winning speeds. It wasn’t until she was hundreds of yards away that she glanced back and realized that her pursuer had been hit. It looked like he’d been just leapt up onto a branch, probably with an aim to pounce on her from there. There weren’t many scorch marks on the body, either…
The next morning found Paean perched atop the predator’s carcass just outside the sa’kriens’ jungle, certain that the territorial sa’kriens would notice her soon. She wasn’t disappointed, as the stallion and one of the mares Pool had described showed up soon enough. “Gyreetings! I hope that this–” she nudged at the body, which she’d kicked at a couple times during the night in the hope that the sa’kriens would think she’d felled the beast–“is a suitable token of my goodwill.” Paean glanced at the pair. Was it just her, or had the eyes behind the mask widened? Paean also noted that none of the sa’krien she saw here had wings, so if things went badly she could always take to the air. They also looked a bit more… padded than she expected. These sa’krien were far from starving.
“The meat is still fyresh, at least, I killed it just last night. I hope it’s good foyr eating…” The stallion blinked a bit. “Of… course. We eat them for byreakfast.. All the time.”
Ah. Despite the mask, he was a poor liar. The mare, mostly gray in color, was nearly gaping. Paean was about to launch into an introduction when a pudgy yellow samanayr, possibly part lamanayr, came barging onto the scene. “Oooh, I’ve just picked some beyrries which should go mayrvellously with this! Tsk, if it weren’t so huge I’d make a fine yroast of it….” The newcomer poked about the corpse a bit, picking pieces off and muttering something about kebabs, before the stallion decided to take control of the situation. “I am Shade of the Dark Secyret, and this is my teyrritoyry. She–” the gray mare–“is Flash of the Cold Metal, and this is Cookie of the Yrefined Taste.” He sounded slightly embarrassed at Cookie’s presence, but he rallied quickly. “Why have you come?”
“I heayrd of your taste in masks…” Paean laid down her wares with a flourish she’d practiced while waiting for the jungle king to notice she was there, “and thought these might inteyrest you. ” As Paean had guessed, the constant wear and tear of the sa’krien lifestyle showed on the lead stallion’s mask, and without contact with Sharian craftsmen the repairs to the mask were haphazard. Really, it was a wonder it was still slightly presentable. It looked like Shade had been thinking along similar lines; though he tried to hide it, he was eyeing the masks carefully. Flash was still looking over Paean’s kill, but Cookie spared a moment from her perusal to ooh and aah at Zed’s work, trying on a few of the masks herself. All in all, things were going swimmingly until the third mare of the group showed up. She never seemed to change her expression, except for times when she felt she just didn’t look angry enough already. Mostly this involved Cookie. While Cookie fussed about, putting chunks of meat from Paean’s haul on sticks and marinating them with berry juice, this new mare, mostly red in color, would pointedly bite off chunks of raw meat, often right where Cookie was trying to tear small bits for her kebabs. She wasn’t very fond of Paean, either. Shade eventually decreed that Paean was to receive the honor of eating among them, and he would announce his decision about the masks after they’d had a bit of whatever Cookie did with the meat.

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Hunt Thread!

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:22 pm
by silvermoondragon
((ah! So running out of time!))


Other than a simple description of the item she was looking for and the location the item could be found the Kodyla, Princess, had not told her how to get there and how to go about capturing a translucent chameleon. Figuring out how to get to the islands would be her first task, and how to capture it would remain to be discovered once she had found the chameleon. Soon enough all the items had been chosen and with that, the hunt began.

Twitching her wings in excitement, she wandered over to a group of Samanayrs who had not wanted to take part in the hunt themselves but had come out to see what all the excitement was about. “Hello theyre,” she called out to the group, “would any of you happen to know what diyrection I might find the Chameleon Islets? I’m tyrying to find a Tyranslucent Chameleon for the eldest and I’m not quite suyre wheyre to stayrt.”

The group paused for a moment, many of whom muttering silently under their breath about quests and other annoyances. Luminosity was beginning to give up hope when a relatively young Samanayr stallion, pawed at the ground before replying, “I think I’ve heayrd of those islands, theyre was an old grouchy Samanayr gyrumbling about some chameleons and how he had wasted his life seayrching foyr them neveyr to have any success. He was oveyr theyre by a small twisted up tyree, maybe about an houyrs walk away.”

The young Sa’grisayr thanked the other Samanayr for his help and went off in search of this grumpy old Samanayr. What luck, she thought, he might even be able to give me some tips on how to find one.

After walking for the foretold hour with a few wanderings, she managed to find the old stallion sitting under the tree. “Hello theyre siyr, you wouldn’t happen to know the way to the Chameleon Islets would you? I’m on a quest for the eldest and I need to get theyre.”

“Eh? The Chameleon Islets? I know ‘em. Wish I didn’t. But you’ve come to the yright place. I use to live theyre you see. Tyried to catch them tyricky Translucent Chameleons I did. Never was able to catch one. Why would you want to go theyre anyway? Much too hot, and theyres those darn tempeyrmental beasties. You would do well to stay away fyrom those blasted islets. Humph. That’s how I lost my leg. I tuyrn my back foyr only a moment and cyrack, out comes a feyrocious beast and he gyrabs hold of my leg. Barely escaped with my life I did,” told the old stallion, turning around to show the stump where his leg had been before continuing on with his ramblings.

Luminosity listened amazed to his tale as it got longer and longer. This one Samanayr had had more accidents and misfortunes than an entire song put together and he had never even gotten to see his beloved Translucent Chameleons. Mixed in with his tales were snippets of important information that she was certain would help her to find and bring back a chameleon of her own. She thanked the old Samanayr after he had finished his tale and given her some quite precise directions on how to get there, promising that she would bring back a chameleon and return to show him before handing it over to Princess for the eldest.

Following the directions to the letter, flying whenever she could, she managed to reach the Islets in only four days instead of the five it would usually take. She had relatively few problems on the way over other than getting chased off the path by a song of very angry Sa’kriens that had taken up residence since the old Samanayr had been through.

They had spotted her napping in one of their trees during a patrol of their territory and had not been too happy to find her there. Luminosity woke up rather suddenly as a sharp rock made contact with her side, stinging and causing a trickle of blood to ooze out and mat in her fur. She squeaked in pain which riled up her tormentors somewhat and they began a rather eerie song of anger and foretold pain and they ran around the tree, jumping to swipe at her. She was quite grateful that none of the Sa’kriens had wings of any kind and she was safe from their sharp claws and teeth just itching to tear into her flesh. She whistled out a quick song of apology before quickly pumping her wings and leaping off the branch. She had to continue dodging the projectile rocks for quite a ways, even outside the song’s territory, as the Sa’kriens were so intent on the hunt that they had forgotten that it had begun as a territory intrusion. Luckily she managed to escape, albeit slightly more bruised than when she had started, as the Sa’kriens realized how far away they were getting from their territory.

When she finally reached the coastline, she spent a moment staring out over the ocean. The largest bodies of water she had seen in her short life so far had been the hotsprings coveted by her kind and in comparison the ocean was huge. It spread outwards in three directions, interrupted only by the small chain of islands she was heading to. She raked her talons through the black sands, relishing its soft warm feel as it flowed smoothly through her talons, landing in a small cone shape below.

After spending the night there on the beach, warmed by the hot sand, she was ready to make the trip over to the first island in the chain and begin her quest. Catching an updraft, she spread her wings and floated up and out over the ocean. She spent a few minutes circling around with her pet Aivery playing in the ocean spray kicked up by the waves breaking along the shores before gliding off to the opposite shore. The air was certainly heating up as the sun rose and combined with the humidity caused by the ocean spray made the trip across rather exhausting. Luminosity landed with a thump, dampened by the sand, and shook off some of the sweat and spray before wandering over to the soft grass to lie under a palm tree. She grabbed a coconut lying nearby and cracked it open, licking up the sweet milk inside. She had almost forgotten about the mission she was on while she relaxed in the shade until a small lizard crawled up and over her talons. She leapt to her feet and followed, her beak close to the ground, tail sticking strait up into the air. She knew this wasn’t the Translucent Chameleon she was searching for, but this could be considered practice right?

She followed the lizard for quite awhile, up trees, around rocks, and into caves until it disappeared into a much too small crack for her to follow. Slightly disappointed, she backed out of the cave vowing to return to her actual goal and not to get distracted anymore. According to the old one, the Translucent Chameleons preferred the canopies above and had a great love of fruits. How he knew this, having never seen one himself, she wasn’t entirely certain but she was inclined to trust him as he was her only insight into how she might find and capture one.

Climbing up a tall fruit tree, she carefully scanned the bark as she went. Being translucent, the chameleons would be quite difficult to spot, appearing only as a faint outline. And their tiny size only added to the difficulty, although a Samanayr’s relatively small size made it somewhat more manageable than if a Sharian or human was attempting to find one. Several trees later, stopping many times to inspecting odd shapes in the bark more closely, she had yet to find any. Where were these chameleons? Surely they must exist, the Kodyla wouldn’t have sent her on a quest for nothing would she? A flash of bright blue caught her eye as a small butterfly fluttered by and she had to resist the urge to follow it. However, the butterfly had drawn her eye to another tree where the way the light shone just so, glinting off the fruits and making them sparkle. She decided to fly over and land in its branches, causing the slight tree to sway a little and twinkle as some of the un-ripened fruits hit against each other. This tree just seemed the perfect place for the Translucent Chameleon to hang out so she got herself comfortable and grabbed one of the fruits to eat.

She spent an entire day in that tree with no luck, but something about the tree just seemed right and she kept waiting. She waited and waited, barely moving an inch, eyes focused on this one single spot on the tree where the juiciest fruit hung sparkling. Luminosity almost missed the slight shimmer that crept up the nearby branch, passed over the gap, and clung onto the fruit. The bites appearing in the fruit, and the juice dribbling down were the only clues giving away its position. Quietly and carefully, she inched her way along the branch she was laying on, reaching a talon out towards the chameleon. The chameleon, intent on eating the sweet fruit, hardly noticed Luminosity’s approach. She reached out one talon and at that point the chameleon noticed. It turned its head towards her and squeaked. It gave its tail a little wiggle and then leapt onto her finger. Luminosity was surprised at how easily she had gotten a hold of the tiny reptile. It seemed to like her and she was quite glad that she could bring it back against its will.

Slowly bringing her talons closer to her, she let the little Translucent Chameleon move into her feather crest where it could hide and remain safe. Aivery perched next to her on her shoulder, helping to keep watch. With her help, whenever the chameleon decided it might want to leave, Aivery would squawk out a warning and Luminosity would pause and bring out a piece of dried fruit she had taken from the tree and dried on the rocks out from a small pouch she had borrowed before leaving the Song of the Rainbow Hotsprings.

A few days later, taking care to avoid the territory of the Sa'kriens, Luminosity and her precious Translucent Chameleon had made it back. She made sure to stop by the old Samanayr who had been so helpful with giving directions and bits of advice. She stopped to show him the Translucent Chameleon he had spent his entire life looking for unsuccessfully, although the years had not been kind to his eyes and with the chameleon being translucent he was sadly unable to actually see it himself. Instead, Luminosity held his hoof out and let him hold it while she described how it looked and told him her story.

When at last the old Samanayr was content and could now pass on in peace with himself, Luminosity continued on to the expedition HQ where Princess was waiting. "Heyre, I have it!" she called out, "Heyre's the Tyranslucent Chameleon you sent me out to get."
For a moment there was silence as she held out her talon with the chameleon on it. One of the spectators even called out, "What do you mean? Theyre's nothing theyre!"
It even took Princess a moment to realize what she was looking at as it had blended in quite well with her talon. "I hope the eldest appyroves of all ouyr gifts," she said as she looked around at all the gifts others had already returned with.

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Hunt Thread!

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:00 pm
by Puuka
Healer of Shattered Spirits smiled with delight as a regal Kodyla addressed the energetic group that had formed. She felt so honoured to have been invited to participate in this preparation of celebration for their Eldest Sharian. The mistress of this gathering, aptly named Princess, brought to the attention of the assembly a listing of tributes they would be responsible to retrieve. Not a bold Mare by nature, Healer lingered toward the back of the group of excited Samanayrs choosing gifts from the Great List of Treasures. Once the commotion had considerably died down, she looked the list over for herself. Three equally interesting options remained, but a fourth caught her attention. Something of true beauty, especially befitting a beautiful Sharian at her joining. "I will yrecoveyr this Enchanted Abalone Comb" she expressed with a melodic tone "For ouyr admiyred Eldest."

Her pack full of supplies; food, medicines, water and an assortment of various possibly useful objects, Healer enthusiastically set out on the quest she had undertaken the previous night. Princess, a Kodyla herself, had favoured her with a bit of insight into the history of this magnificent comb. As she considered where she might begin her search, she let her thoughts wander to the story Princess had unraveled.

Long ago, many generations before our own, a Kodyla foal - a princess in her own right - was given as companion to a young Sharian. The boy was bright and particularly gifted with magic, but lacked friends. His studies might have left him lonely were it not for his lovely little foal. She was his everything, and he spent his free time singing to her and brushing her lustrous coat. Quite pampered was her life. The Sharian boy wished to bestow his beloved pet with a gift better than any other. Something to declare her the most perfect of Samanayr kind. He gave her a comb. A scintillating, pearlescent trinket intricately carved and imbued with a deep magic. The Kodyla treasured her token of Master's love, and wore it proudly in her mane. The magic of the comb cast a vicinity of well being around the wearer, and was designed to keep the beloved Mare safe from harm. The story goes that the Kodyla passed the comb to her only foal, a daughter, who in turn passed it to her daughter, and so on. The current owner is a Mare, late in her years and companion to a Sharian studying many days away in cliff-side establishment.

Healer headed eastward, in the direction of the Frost Edge Mountians. This was the range, she had been advised by Princess, that was home to her sought Kodyla. As she raced toward her destination, she took notice of change in he environment. Thickening brush and trees, denser greenery everywhere around her, really. Nature's song seemed to be louder and clearer. This must be Silversong Forest. As a wanderer she knew the area around it very well, but had never actually ventured through. In an ordinary situation she might not have advanced so hastily into someplace with such potential danger, but at the moment her focus was on her task and this was the shortest rout.

Beginning to feel the tug of exhaustion, Healer paused to rest in a small clearing surrounded by overgrown thicket. She was deep in the forest now, and no longer certain of which direction was East. The sun was no help here, as there was no sun at all. She resolved herself to continue onward and pushed herself through some particularly aggressive bracken. - at which point, Splash! she all but tumbled right into a bright pool of clear water, and into a startled Aquatic Stallion that had been warming himself in the temperate shallow water's edge. "I'm so vey'ry vey'ry soyrry!" she exclaimed the embarrassment of the situation evident in her face. "Ayre you huyrt?" she asked, concerned for the poor creature she had so rudely squashed. The Stallion laughed heartily "I'm peyrfectly fine!" he chuckled. "And wheyrer is a pyretty Mayre like youyrself going in such ayrush that she did not see my pool?"

Healer smiled, warming up to the light-hearted Stallion. "My name is Shatteyred Spiyrits ~Healeyr" she replied. "I'm heading foyr the Frost Edge Mountians. I'm told theyre is a Kodyla Filly living within a Shayrian yresidence. She has something I must yrecoveyr. It is to be a gift for ouyr Eldest." Again the Stallion chuckled, it was a sincere, tender sound. "You'yre on a quest ayre you? You had betteyr keep along then Healeyr! A gift foyr ouyr eldest is an important task indeed." He blew across a small reed instrument worn around his neck and a streak of white fur flew down from an overhead branch. It was a snow coloured Catgryph. [color=#40BFFF"] Nymphaea will guide you to the foyrest's edge, from theyre you may continue east to the mountain's edge."[/color] Thank you so much! What was youyr name? "I am called Bayou, a you ayre more than welcome! Please come to visit me again - when matteyrs ayre not so pyressing." "Thank you Bayou!" Healer responded with a slight bow "May we meet again!"

Nymphaea, with her furry, glistening wings was quick, but Healer was as well. She had learned to be fast on her feet in her many years roaming. Together they raced through the forest. The Catgrph knew the forest, and a path that was invisible to one untrained was clear with her in the lead. Very soon light was peeking through the leaves. They became more and more sparse as they eventually tapered off altogether. This was the edge of the forest and as far as Nymphaea would go. She danced in the air and chirped a friendly goodbye. "Thank you Nymphaea! You have been more than helpful. Back to your master now!" Healer said her goodbye and looked on ahead. She had made it to the Frost Edge Mountians.

It seemed like Healer had been climbing for days. - In fact, she had. She was just not made for this. She was tired. Exhausted. Worn out. She was also freezing. She had been singing a song of warmth as she traveled, but she was a Healer, not an Elemental of Flame - her song only helped so much. It did help the aching in her joints though. She rounded yet another ice covered boulder, thinking to herself that surely she must have passed this spot before. She started. There in the side of the mountain was the biggest door she had ever seen. It was beautiful, ornate. Gold and silver poured over carved runes of unknown meaning. Intricate work by the most skilled artificer. Healer was in awe. She had finally made it! With renewed enthusiasm she banged on the giant door with both of her front hooves. "Hallo! May I enteyr?" she called as loudly as she could. There was no answer, though the sound of her calling rang across the mountains around her. Discouraged she hailed again. Still there was no response. What could she do? Had she come this far for nothing? As her last effort she began to sing her magic song. Her magic was of healing, but it was magic none-the-less, perhaps it would gain the notice of these Sharians? She sang a melody of acceptance, of greeting. To her surprise, the door began to open! They were listening after all! She entered the large door and was taken aback by what she saw. This grand hall was grand. Incredible really. She slowly walked across the gleaming alabaster floor and encountered an elderly Sharian sitting in a comfortable cushion, book in hand.

"You have made an admirable journey little one, why have you come here?"
he inquired. Healer smiled and bowed a little bow of greeting "I am Shatteyred Spiyrits ~Healeyr I have come seeking the owneyr of an Enchanted Abalone Comb." As she spoke a greying Kodyla stepped out from behind the Sharian. For the change age had made to her body, she was still beautiful. "And why do you seek my comb Healeyr?" the Kodyla asked. "I seek a worthy gift foyr our Eldest as she is Bonded." And what will you give to me? the Kodyla queried, a jovial gleam in her eyes. "I have heyrbs, good for your body and mind. I also have song." And Healer sang of happiness, of love and of rejvination. She sang to put youth back into the old Kodyla and her companion.

When the song was done, the Sharian smiled and Kodyla stepped forward. From her hair she pulled a comb every bit as beautiful as Healer had imagined. She handed the comb to Healer and stated "Thank you Healeyr, now hurry back, for theyre isn't much time left. The end of the month is neigh. " Healer took her prize, her gift and headed back. She presented the comb to Princess with a smile.

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Hunt Thread!

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:25 pm
by CosmicDragon

8. Coal from the Brazier of Fire Elementals
Magical artifact guarded zealously by a mated Pair of Fire and Sun Elementals on a small island. Respectful supplicants may request an eternally warmed coal.
Searching: Fury of the Cheated Hunter
She had left the tangle of Sharian dwellings as soon as the Kodyla had given her the scantest instructions the mare had ever heard and a small pouch of nuts and berries that (in her mind) would barely last out the day. It was late in the afternoon now, the sun was hanging low and hot in the sky, burning streaks of umber and deepest purple though the clouds flung haphazardly across the rapidly darkening sky, and as she ran long-legged and lithe beneath it's expanse she could not help but admire it's beauty. She listened to the sound of her paws striking the ground, matching it with the beating of her heart, and she began to notice a subtle but growing difference in the sound. The dirt was slowly, slowly beginning to give way to sand, and sand meant a beach.

Sure enough, after another hour of hard running, the feline Samanayr was slowing onto the white-sand of a long, curving beach. And there, just as the prissy mare with the list had said, in the distance and with more than a kilometre of water between it and the shore, was an island. And not just a little island, a fair sized outcrop of land, as though someone had shorn off a spear of rock from one of the many mountains leagues from here, grown to a phenomenal size, then dropped into the brackish ocean in a way that left a pointed outcropping reaching skyward like a beckoning finger. There didn't seem to be a single tree nor blade of grass on the rocky isle, Fury noticed almost dispassionately.

In fact, every ounce of her attention was focused on the vast expanse of water between her and her goal. She scowled, and turned her back. Yes, she still intended to cross it! She had never been one to give up. But there was no way she would cross that water in the dark, and night was most certainly falling. Long, fluffy tail lashing in semi-restrained anger she strode back up to the tree line and looked for somewhere to curl up for the night.
More sa- Wait! She stopped and took a step back. Curled and tangled at the base of a tree, in between two thick, uplifting, above-ground roots, was a pile of leafy vines. It's construction seemed almost nest-like, though seemingly too haphazard to be of unnatural origins. Of course, she had been wrong before… Padding nonchalantly towards her chosen sleeping spot, she climbed over one protruding root, then another, before climbing and sliding over the edge of the 'nest' and into it's dipped centre.

As she wriggled deeper, making herself comfortable, she realised there was a high-pitched chittering coming from somewhere under her left flank. With a yap of surprise she leapt to her paws, a feat somewhat defeated by the slippery nature of the vines. The small something that had been chittering so indignantly at her managed to work it's way loose just before she lost her footing and fell back onto her side in what was proving to be a bad choice of resting place.

The chittering slowly reformed into fast, high-pitched words thrown by an irate, if tiny, sam. Blinking in a somewhat stunned fashion, Fury manoeuvred herself into a sitting position to look at the creature properly. It was a miniature, most assuredly, but it also sported some of the strangest characteristics she had ever seen. A double pair of fae wings, somewhat crumpled by her awkward entrance, fluttered behind the little stallion as he perched on his hind legs on the edge of the nest. She was somewhat shocked to note that those were his only legs. He was lacking in front limbs! And surprises didn't end there either. He gripped at his perch with the long claws of an arboreal, but his tufted tail and pure black eyes clearly said lamanayr. On top of all this he had two long, trailing mystic strands, a dark emerald green, to match the varying green hues that the rest of his body sported.

As the stallion began to calm enough for his words to be legible, Fury started paying more attention to what he was saying. "Young things these days! No yrespect! No yrespect at all!" His voice was incredibly shrill, both as a product of his small stature and his incensed temper. "Don't ask, don't knock, just jump yright on in! No mind foyr theiyr eldeyrs!" He fluttered his wings furiously. Knowing she would have to calm him down to get out of there without a nip, she lowered her eyes politely and spoke in a low, apologetic voice. "My apologies, fyriend. I did not yrealise this place was claimed." The little pixie-like Samanayr seemed to accept this, to some extent, though he still seemed to positively hum with energy.

"I suppose it can be difficult to tell. I know theyre ayre veyry few otheyrs who live in such constyructions, but this is my home nonetheless." He shot Fury a stern look, and she tried to look suitably abashed. Widening her amber eyes in an attempt to look innocent, which was no mean feat for such a naturally haughty sam, she shivered as the cooling breeze whipped spray from the waves. It was surely much worse in the open. Deciding that, seeing as she'd come this far, she would appeal to the tiny sam. Fury opened her mouth to try to appeal to the little stallion. Before she could speak, however, the tiny mystic spoke up again and his words left the feline mare stunned. "Byrrrr… The night is dyropping in tempeyratuyre mighty fast. I suppose it would be ungentlemanly of me to thyrow you out in the cold…" He frowned and sighed. "I guess I have no choice but to allow you to stay heyre, if you should want to. But only till moyrning!"

Nodding mutely, Fury curled deeper into the 'nest' and watched in awe as the tiny mystic put his powers to use in pulling the vines over and under each other to create a makeshift roof. The entire structure warmed noticeably now that they were cut off from the elements, and the little male sat awkwardly over to the other edge of the structure. Suddenly all seriousness, though his voice made it hard to take it as such, the miniature stallion looked Fury straight in the eye and huffed. "So. I haven't seen you ayround these payrts befoyre, and I'm not one to miss a new mayre in my ayrea. I'd say you should just out and tell me just what byrings you to this little coyrneyr of the woyrld." And, deciding that it was the least she could do to thank the odd sam, the spotted mare explained her given 'quest', leaving out nothing of what she had been told. When she finished, her eyes were beginning to close of their own accord, but she could still see the thoughtful glance she was given by the mystic. "That is… Quite the task. I give you only one piece of advice… The two you speak of, who guayrd this magical fuyrnace, I have been told that they will not appeayr to just anyone. You must fiyrst pyrove youyrself to them in some way… I'm afyraid I cannot say moyre than that. But once on the island, be awayre that at any moment you could be tested." As she drifted further away from the world of the waking, she murmured a quiet thanks, and he smiled almost… Warmly.

Then she knew nothing until the rays of morning light lifted over the edge of the nest to pierce her eyes. She blinked, shooting up and looking around, realising that the stallion was nowhere to be seen, and the cover had been removed. A small breakfast had been gathered and left for her, and though she knew the little male was probably nowhere near close enough to hear here, she called out an emphatic thanks before digging in. It wasn't much, but it took the edge of her hunger and wouldn't weigh her down in the water. Because today… Today she had to cross that salty expanse. She cringed, and sighed. Ah well… Better get started then. Looking straight ahead, towards her goal, she waded into the water until she could no longer reach the sandy floor, then kicked off. Instantly she registered just how cold the water was, and started kicking more vigourously. If she didn't keep moving, her paws would go numb! After several minutes she began to loose feeling in her tail. By the half hour mark she was two-thirds of the way there and was shivering madly.

Eventually, thankfully, she pulled herself up onto the black, stony sand. The morning was long since over, and the heat of the midday-sun-warmed sand sent shocks through her as she collapsed onto it. She spent the next hour dozing where she'd fallen, absorbing the warmth until her body began to obey her again. The shivering abated, leaving her feeling weakened, but her sense of purpose returned and it was with determination that Fury pulled herself to her feet and tramped between rocks that grew larger the further she got. Soon the sand was gone altogether, and the rocks began to heat in a way that she couldn't attribute to the sun. Hotter, and hotter, and hotter still, until she was trembling again, this time with the strain of not turning and fleeing back to the cooling water!

She was all but dancing, trying not the let her paws touch the red-hot rock for more than a split second, thinking only that she had to get to the other side and it would all be fine. Most other samanayrs would have given up there and then. But she would get the coal, and go back, and people would marvel at her bravery! Finally, she reached the other side of the spire of rock to find a sheltered cove where the sun didn't reach and where, blessedly, the black pebbled sand was cool in the shadow. She covered the last couple of strides at a frantic run, skidding to a halt and digging her paws deep under the small, cold rocks. Her pads throbbed, and she knew she wouldn't be running at her normal pace for quite a while.

Though she had only been standing there for a handful of seconds, she had been noticed long before. She was almost blinded when two stunning creatures of flame and light stepped into the shadows, lighting up every corner and chasing away the shadows as though they stood open to the sun itself. Fury kneeled, wordlessly, and what she decided, from the intensity of the light it put out, was the sun elemental stepped out towards her. "You have kept onwayrds when many otheyrs would have balked. You have walked acyross the buyrning stone and will foyreveyr beayr the mayrks of it. Ouyr mayrks." Looking over, the flickering mare (for her light, lilting voice had classified her as such) sent some invisible signal to her stallion, and he stepped forward. The air became instantly akin to a desert day, the rocks slowly losing their cool touch as well, and Fury struggled not to fidget as her feet began to sting in the heat.

Together, both the elementals turned and from each an identical plume of flames shot forth to scorch the rocks. The rocks cracked, then began to glow red, then, miraculously, began to melt. "Yrise. Claim youyr pyrize." The deep, gravelly voice of the male was ringing with command, and before she could have second thoughts Fury emptied the little bag the kodyla had given her of it's last remnants of food and instead rushed down to the waters edge barely a meter from her to fill it with the icy, brackish water. The bag was well crafted, it barely leaked, and then more slowly she walk forward and, using one of her still-aching paws, swept a single coal into the bag. She turned to thank the pair, but they were nowhere to be seen… Only their warmth lingered in the air.

Though it was infinitely more difficult with her injuries, she made the journey back to the shore that very night. Strangely enough, the rocks that had burnt her before were now barely warm. The elementals had withdrawn their test until the next hapless searched came looking. She crossed the calm water, and as the afternoon shadows lengthened she sought out the little stallion again. She knocked on the side of his nest, and he opened his home to her for the night. He postulated about her bravery, and asked her countless questions about her trials, and she fell asleep with a proud smile upon her lips. The next morning he was there to see her off with a shower of leaves, double wings dazzling in the morning light.

The trek was a long one, taking her almost a full day longer than the run out, hindered by her paws and having to stop and refill the pouch with water whenever the level got to low and the material began to smoke. Finally, he was walking between the Sharian dwellings, ducking her head into each one with a querying glance until a particularly annoyed two-legger pointed her none-to-gently towards one of the more magnificent structures in the centre of the town. "Figuyres," she muttered to herself as she mounted the step, entering the dwelling and walking with as much dignity as she could muster towards the Kodyla who had organised this whole venture.

Her hair was perfectly groomed, and it was painfully obvious that she had been lounging here while the rest of them had been out on their chosen 'quests'. Doing her dirty work. But Fury didn't allow the twinge of anger show on her face, calmly letting the bag containing her prize slip over her neck and gently onto the ground in front of the other mare. "I have come beayring the item I sought. It is my hope that it pleases the Eldest." Mentally, she couldn't help but add that the old sharian had better be 'pleased', considering the pain she had been subjected to while getting it. Once the Kodyla had ticked her item off her list and given her congratulations just as scant as her original instructions the feline mare turned on her heel and walked out. She didn't intend to run home just yet, ohno, she would stay and see that her gift was well received.