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Some random questions...

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:50 pm
by Neocridders
I don't know. I wanted to post one thread for each questions, but after thinking of what my questions were... I thought it best to put them all in a little 'questionaire' type thing...

Feel free to fill out, or not fill out. Chat about the questions if you want. I really don't care >.>
Just curious.

Do watch tv?:
What are your favorite shows to watch if you watch TV?:
Favorite recent movie (recent being - in theaters after December 1st, so within the last few months):
Have you ever done origami?:
What is your favorite color?:
Do you like oatmeal?:
Have you ever had a book you read that you just couldn't put down?
If so, what are/is the book(s)?:
Do you have any pets?:
If so, what are/is their/his/her name(S)?
Do you enjoy filling out quizzes?:
If not, why are you filling this out (if you are filling it out)?:
If so, why?

>.>And... I was not really going to ask all of those questions. Mostly just what are your favorite shows, movies, and colors... but ... because I was not to make a thread for each, I decided to add lots more.

Sorry for the random-ness. Just was curious!

-Neocridders :lol:

Re: Some random questions...

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:55 pm
by CosmicDragon
Do watch tv?:
Yepyep. :3
What are your favorite shows to watch if you watch TV?:
-thinks- ... Vampire Knight, Supernatural, Ghost Whisperer, Danny Phantom, Charmed... (Could go on and on. :lol: )
Favorite recent movie:
Hrm... The newest Mummy movie was good... :D The Dragon Emperor? I dunno, I can't remember.
Have you ever done origami?:
Yep. Quite good at it actually. <3
What is your favorite color?:
Black! ... What d'you mean thats not a color? >.> Fine, scarlet then.
Do you like oatmeal?:
... No. Not unless there's a ridiculous amount of honey in it.
Have you ever had a book you read that you just couldn't put down?
YES!!! 8D
If so, what are/is the book(s)?:
The Inheritance series, the Bitterbynd trilogy, the Harry Potter books, the Monster Blood series, The Book of Lies, the Inkheart books... (Once again, could go on and on. :roll: )
Do you have any pets?:
If so, what are/is their/his/her name(S)?
Littlefoot - Cockateil
Jessie - Maltese/Shitzu cross
Neptune and Pluto - Crowntail fighter fish
And my snake will be named Blather when I get him. Also, my falcon will be named Morragan when I get him. XD
Do you enjoy filling out quizzes?:
Not really. >.>
If not, why are you filling this out (if you are filling it out)?:
Because you asked me too. :) I have difficulty with saying NO.


Re: Some random questions...

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:58 pm
by Orasteele
Do watch tv?: Sometimes
What are your favorite shows to watch if you watch TV?: Castle, Heroes, ANTM
Favorite recent movie: Does Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull count?
Have you ever done origami?: Once. I just don't remember how to duplicate it.
What is your favorite color?: Mango (That yellow-pink color. Actually it might be called Guava)
Do you like oatmeal?: Yes! Vanilla-Cinnamon for me!
Have you ever had a book you read that you just couldn't put down? Oh yeah.
If so, what are/is the book(s)?: Anything by Scott Lynch or Sarah Monette
Do you have any pets?: 4 cats, 2 mini dachshunds, 1 cockatiel, 1 beta
If so, what are/is their/his/her name(s)? (in order of above) Baku, maCHi, Shigo, Keetan, Godiva, Puuchuu, Chocobo, Mr. Stripe
Do you enjoy filling out quizzes?: Meh, not often.
If not, why are you filling this out?: I thought it would be a good way to get to know one another better. ^_^

Re: Some random questions...

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:11 pm
by silvermoondragon
Do watch tv?: Yes
What are your favorite shows to watch if you watch TV?: Chuck, Smallville, Lost(I am kinda behind on it), Doctor Who(mostly watch this from my friend's DVDs because she introduced it to me), Stargate(too bad SG1 is over, but I am watching Atlantis online to catch up to the current season), would watch more shows but I don't really have enough time
Favorite recent movie (recent being - in theaters after December 1st, so within the last few months): umm, I don't really remember, alot of them were good, like Bolt, but none are really my favourites, and also, my favourites change all the time.
Have you ever done origami?: yes, but I can never remember how to do it no matter how many times people show me how to make a crane.
What is your favorite color?: Blue
Do you like oatmeal?: sort of, if it has lots and lots of sugar in it, or those little dino eggs. I don't like raisins or fruits in it though.
Have you ever had a book you read that you just couldn't put down?: well, I am pretty good at putting books down, but there are a few books I have really enjoyed.
If so, what are/is the book(s)?: I love the Eragon series and can't wait for the next one to come out, and the Harry Potter books were pretty good. They're the ones that come to mind first.
Do you have any pets?: Yes, a Labrador Retriever and a budgie, both of whom I had to leave at home when I went off to university, I can't wait to see them when I go home for the summer(only a little over a month now :D) and then there's my plants... Since we arn't allowed pets in residence, I have to consider my plants as my pets(yes, it hurts me when they die :()
If so, what are/is their/his/her name(S)?My dog's name is Kai, my budgie's name is Coco, and my plants are named Spike, Spindle, and Splinter
Do you enjoy filling out quizzes?: sometimes
If not, why are you filling this out (if you are filling it out)?: see below
If so, why? Because it's on the Samanayr forum, and I stalk this forum, and It was fun to do.

@Cosmicdragon - You're getting a falcon? cool, what kind is he going to be? I want to get one, but they're alot of work to look after and I just don't have the time or space at university... I did get to go on a hunt with the Ontario Hawking Club and I volunteer at OWL in BC when I'm at home so I guess I will just have to be satisfied with that. Can you post or send me a picture of him when you get him?

Re: Some random questions...

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:25 pm
by CosmicDragon
silvermoondragon wrote:@Cosmicdragon - You're getting a falcon? cool, what kind is he going to be? I want to get one, but they're alot of work to look after and I just don't have the time or space at university... I did get to go on a hunt with the Ontario Hawking Club and I volunteer at OWL in BC when I'm at home so I guess I will just have to be satisfied with that. Can you post or send me a picture of him when you get him?
He's most likely going to be a Gyr/Saker hybrid, though there's the possibility of a pure-bred Gyr. ;) My dad has connections with a breeder in england. I'm still not sure if I want a pure-bred Gyr, I'm not the biggest person around and they're rather big... XD But it most definitely wont be for a few years yet, I'm still training for my Falconer's License. It's very difficult to get started in, cause I live in Australia and there isn't anywhere nearby that does anything even resembling Falconry. In fact, Falconry is illegal in australia. But luckily both sides of my grandparents and my dad had birds of prey, so I'm getting a fair amount of help from them. In fact, my nan had a wedge-tail eagle. How cool is that! I don't plan to live in Australia forever, though. In fact, not much longer at all if I can help it. I'm encouraging my family to move overseas, and they're pretty ready to accept the idea.
... But, y'know, if we're both still here in a year or two, I'll be sure to show you. :lol: Supposedly the breeder could get me one now, license or not, but I want to make sure I'm ready first. :roll:

Re: Some random questions...

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:04 am
by silvermoondragon
That's pretty cool. I guess it is better to wait though, I know I wouldn't know the slightest thing about how to train a falcon properly. I've heard that the most important training is in the first few weeks you get a bird, so I guess you'd have to know what you're doing right from the start.

I didn't know falconry was illegal in Australia... You learn something new everyday!

Re: Some random questions...

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:11 pm
by Harroway
Do watch tv?: Very rarely!
What are your favorite shows to watch if you watch TV?: Dirty Jobs or I surf Discovery, History and the movie channels.
Favorite recent movie (recent being - in theaters after December 1st, so within the last few months): Umm... I saw The Bucket List on TV a while ago!
Have you ever done origami?: Yes, but I suck. :(
What is your favorite color?: Green or gold or white or purple or red or... too many!
Do you like oatmeal?: Sure do!
Have you ever had a book you read that you just couldn't put down? Yup!
If so, what are/is the book(s)?: Harry Turtledove's Into the Darkness
Do you have any pets?: Sure do!
If so, what are/is their/his/her name(S)? Raspberry and Squeaky! (don't ask.)
Do you enjoy filling out quizzes?: Sometimes~
If not, why are you filling this out (if you are filling it out)?: Depends on my mood! I felt like filling this one out. :D
If so, why? See above!

Re: Some random questions...

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:51 pm
by Jennalyn
Do watch tv?: Occasionally when I'm home, but not usually.
What are your favorite shows to watch if you watch TV?: South Park, Designed to Sell, The Daily Show, various cartoons
Favorite recent movie?: Watchmen and Coraline were both a blast
Have you ever done origami?: I've made one or two cranes
What is your favorite color?: Rich violet
Do you like oatmeal?: Yes! Good stuff
Have you ever had a book you read that you just couldn't put down?: Of course. I'm a nerd.
If so, what are/is the book(s)?: ...more than I could possibly name.
Do you have any pets?: Yes!
If so, what are/is their/his/her name(S)?: Harvey (Golden Retriever pup), Thomas O'Malley aka. Mr. Mao (cat), Kittanna aka. Poof (cat), Stevie Wonder (cat), Strat aka. Wattles (cat), Red and Frickey (turtles), Ringo (Paso Fino horse), Milo (beta fish)
Do you enjoy filling out quizzes?: Yeah ^_^
If so, why?: Because they're a fun little way to pass the time.

Re: Some random questions...

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 9:42 pm
by Shades of Venus
Do watch tv?: Eeep! We don't have our cable hooked up at the moment, so it's either x-box city of renting movies!
What are your favorite shows to watch if you watch TV?: When I watched TV I loved Dexter :D
Favorite recent movie (recent being - in theaters after December 1st, so within the last few months): The new Friday the 13th
Have you ever done origami?: A very long time 5th grade we made cranes. I read a book about the girl who made over 1500 cranes while she was sick. I really wanted to break her record but only made it to like thirty-three. >.>
What is your favorite color?: Red, Black, Lavender and pink XD
Do you like oatmeal?: Only with cinnamin or something sweet to wash it down with.
Have you ever had a book you read that you just couldn't put down? Mmm hmmph!
If so, what are/is the book(s)?: The Historian was a good read by Elizabeth Kostova
Do you have any pets?: Oh yes...
If so, what are/is their/his/her name(S)? Well there's Alessa my very preggo kitteh, and my Tessla, her sister. They are like twins only Alessa is more of a brownish and black tabby with socks on her front legs and stockings
on her rear legs and Tessla is a grey tabby with the same markings only she has thumbs! XD
Do you enjoy filling out quizzes?: I do! I like reading others aswell.
If not, why are you filling this out (if you are filling it out)?: :P
If so, why? Because Neo is koooool.

Re: Some random questions...

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:10 pm
by Sushidragon
Do watch tv?: Sometimes, but only when I'm doing something else, like drawing or housework.
What are your favorite shows to watch if you watch TV?: Project Runway, Hell's Kitchen, Kitchen Nightmares, Holmes on Homes, Doctor Who, The Simpsons, King of the Hill, Mythbusters.. and so forth XD
Favorite recent movie (recent being - in theaters after December 1st, so within the last few months): I don't think I've seen any movies that recent XD Uh.. Madagascar 2 is the last movie I actually saw in theatres, and I enjoyed it. If I could go further back, Dark Knight!
Have you ever done origami?: Yes, I find it frustrating and can't do it well XD
What is your favorite color?: I like blues, greens, and browns.
Do you like oatmeal?: Om nom nom :O Delish!
Have you ever had a book you read that you just couldn't put down? Yep!
If so, what are/is the book(s)?: The last couple Harry Potter books I couldn't stop reading until I was done, only because I wanted to know what was going to happen next XD There's been some Stephen King and chick lit books that I also plowed on through, but I can't remember specific titles.
Do you have any pets?: Not really, unless you count my boyfriend XD
If so, what are/is their/his/her name(S)? ;)
Do you enjoy filling out quizzes?: I dunno, I haven't done one for a while.
If not, why are you filling this out (if you are filling it out)?: I'm procrastinating on judging the trait contest winners XD
If so, why?

Re: Some random questions...

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:01 am
by AsaraDragon
Do you watch tv?: Sometimes, usually just a bit before bed.
What are your favorite shows to watch if you watch TV?: Iron Chef America, Food Network Challenge,
Favorite recent movie (recent being - in theaters after December 1st, so within the last few months): I actually haven't been to the movies in the last few months. The most recent movie I've seen was Mamma Mia! and that was pretty gosh darned good, so I'll say that.
Have you ever done origami?: Yep, I learned how to make a swan back in the day. Don't think I still could from memory though.
What is your favorite color?: Green
Do you like oatmeal?: Not so much, no.
Have you ever had a book you read that you just couldn't put down? Yep!
If so, what are/is the book(s)?: Harry Potter 7. I -really- wanted to know how it ended.
Do you have any pets?: Yes!
If so, what are/is their/his/her name(S)? A cat named Oliver, a rabbit named Daisy, and four fish, named Bigfin, Longfin (x2), and Fred. My son named the fish, except for Fred, that one came from my hubby.
Do you enjoy filling out quizzes?: Yes!
If not, why are you filling this out (if you are filling it out)?:
If so, why? I like sharing and reading random bits of information about people. I'm a curious (some would say nosy) person! :D