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April breeding draw!
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:57 pm
by Sushidragon
You've decided - this month's draw will be for breedings

There will be 3 or 4 successful breedings randomly selected from all entrants.
You can read all of the breeding information and rules here:
If you don't have your own Samanayr - you can still apply for a breeding using Samanayrs from an open Song! When a Song is open, it means that anyone can apply for a breeding from the Song without needing permission from the owners.
You can search the database for open Songs:
If you need permission to use someone's Samanayr - it's up to you to get that permission, and there's no permission form to send in. However, if you apply for a breeding from a closed Song and
don't ask permission from the Samanayr's owners, your foal will be repossessed and you will be banned from Samanayrs for a time. If you're worried about getting permission in time, there's lots of open Songs to choose from!
To enter the draw, just apply to this post with the following form filled out:
Song name:
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name:
Sire's ID or image URL:
Dam's name:
Dam's ID or image URL:
Modiems (if any):
One-use items (if any):
Do you have all applicable permissions?
If a Samanayr doesn't have an ID number, just provide a link to its image.
The draw will be open until
April 12, 3pm PST - good luck

Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:23 pm
by Britain
Username: Britain
Song name: Song of the Sweet Tomorrows
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Storm on the Coming Horizon
Sire's ID or image URL: 413
Dam's name: Enticement of the Sweet Blossom
Dam's ID or image URL: 412
Modiems (if any): None
One-use items (if any):
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes ;D
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:27 pm
by Ogre
Username: Ogre
Song name: Song of the Singing Cliffs
Song URL (if applicable): Song of the Singing Cliffs
Sire's name: Riddle of the Hidden Spark
Sire's ID or image URL: 235
Dam's name: Mystic of the Summer Rapture
Dam's ID or image URL: 262
Modiems (if any): Breeding Modium (for a male foal)
One-use items (if any): n/a
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes and Yes
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:13 pm
by Origami_Dragon
*scurries off to grab form to try again* I love breeding seasons...
Username: Origami_Dragon
Song name: Song of the Warring Affections
Song URL (if applicable): ... Affections
Sire's name: Flare of the Spiky Temper
Sire's ID or image URL:
Dam's name: Jewel of the Ocean Mist
Dam's ID or image URL:
Modiems (if any): Nope
One-use items (if any): None
Do you have all applicable permissions? Both mine; I give myself permision to breed them. XP
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:25 pm
by Jennalyn
Username: Jennalyn
Song name:
Song of the Harmonic Spectrum
Song URL (if applicable): ... 20Spectrum
Sire's name: Dagger of the Prismatic Refraction
Sire's ID or image URL: 482
Dam's name: Manifestation of the Wide World
Dam's ID or image URL: 531
Modiems (if any): None
One-use items (if any): None
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes!
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:26 pm
by Janalee
Username: Janalee
Song name: Song of the Triumphant Dusk
Song URL (if applicable): ... ntdusk.htm
Sire's name: Triumph of the Cobalt Sea
Sire's ID or image URL: 232
Dam's name: Falling of Uncertain Sunset
Dam's ID or image URL: 212
Modiems (if any): None; though, that does remind me, Uncertainsunset~Falling's Gold Medal never did get equipped... *happily runs off to fill out that form too* XP
One-use items (if any): None
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yep! ^^ Thanks for the chance, and have fun with them!
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:25 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
Username: Bluestarwolf12
Song name: Song of the Outcast Souls
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Slice of the Sinister Skies
Sire's ID or image URL: 509
Dam's name: Challenge of the Blood Moon
Dam's ID or image URL: 469
Modiems (if any): None
One-use items (if any): None, though Slice has the job Guard, and Challenge has a Silver Medal.
Do you have all applicable permissions? Stallion is mine, so yes. <3
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:47 pm
by Orasteele
Username: Orasteele
Song name: Song of the Outcast Souls
Song URL (if applicable): Here!
Sire's name: Slice of the Sinister Skies
Sire's ID or image URL: 509
Dam's name: Misery of the Strangled Dapifer
Dam's ID or image URL: 330
Modiems (if any): Breeding Modium (for a stallion)
One-use items (if any): None, but Mare has a bronze metal equipped & Sire has a job as a Guard from the job fair.
Do you have all applicable permissions? Oh yes!
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:04 pm
by Xenon
Username: Xenon
Song name: Song of the Radiant Skies
Song URL (if applicable): ... nt%20Skies
Sire's name: Mystic of Iridescent Skies
Sire's ID or image URL: ... 00/576.png
Dam's name: Rainbow of the Misty Sky
Dam's ID or image URL: ... 00/293.png
Modiems (if any): None
One-use items (if any): None
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yep!!
Soooo excited. XD
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:25 am
by Yuiven
Username: Yuiven
Song name: Song of the Warrior Soul
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Might of the Chosen Warrior
Sire's ID or image URL:
Dam's name: Follower of the Indistinct Midnight
Dam's ID or image URL:
Modiems (if any): None
One-use items (if any): None
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes, I do since it is a semi-open Song; neither Might nor Follower require permission in order to breed. <3
Eee, I'm excited!

Thank you for holding this breeding draw, Sushi! It has become one of the rare few bright spots for me in a week of suck and sick.
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:11 pm
by Pathos
Username: Pathos
Song name: Song of the Loyal Heart
Song URL (if applicable): ... al%20Heart
Sire's name: Tyger of the Dark Night
Sire's ID or image URL: ... db/137.png
Dam's name: Dance of the Winter Wind
Dam's ID or image URL: ... db/177.png
Modiems (if any): None
One-use items (if any): None
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:57 pm
by Raenia
Username: Raenia
Song name: Song of the Ancient Forest
Song URL:
Sire's name: Vision of the Forest Height
Sire's ID or image URL: 037
Dam's name: Seclusion of the Moonlit Shores
Dam's ID or image URL: 290
Modiems (if any): n/a
One-use items (if any): n/a
Do you have all applicable permissions? yep
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:10 pm
by Kagari
Username: Kagari
Song name: Song of the Biting Snow
Song URL (if applicable): ... ing%20Snow
Sire's name: Chill
Sire's ID or image URL: 511
Dam's name: Quirk of the Confused Tropics
Dam's ID or image URL: 513
Modiems (if any): Nope!
One-use items (if any): Christmas Tree Cookie
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yup
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:11 pm
by Tervenna
Username: Tervenna
Song name: Song of the Crystal Star
Song URL:
Sire's name: Chime of the Emerald Diamond
Sire's ID or image URL: [url]o049[/url]
Dam's name: Drift of the Grass Blade
Dam's ID or image URL: [url]o052[/url]
Modiems (if any): n/a
One-use items (if any): n/a
Do you have all applicable permissions? yep
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:23 pm
by Delicious
Username: Delicious
Song name: Song of the Jungle Shore
Song URL (if applicable): ... le%20Shore
Sire's name: Glider of the Tropical Shore
Sire's ID or image URL:

Dam's name: Rest of the Crystal Plains
Dam's ID or image URL:

Modiems (if any): No modiems, but ze song includes a mystic, and Glider is wearing a bronze medal.

One-use items (if any): n/a
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yep, yep!
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:11 pm
by tbiris
Username: tbiris
Song name: Song of the Burnt Savannah
Song URL (if applicable): ... 20Savannah
Sire's name: Force of the Fire Plains
Sire's ID or image URL: 522
Dam's name: Envy of the Triumphant Skies
Dam's ID or image URL: 521
Modiems (if any): None
One-use items (if any): None
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:40 pm
by HybridSiren
Username: HybridSiren
Song name: Song of the Wanderer's Heart
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Journey of Distant Winds
Sire's ID or image URL:

Dam's name: Amity of the Peaceful Copse
Dam's ID or image URL:

Modiems (if any): x2 Breeding Modiems
One-use items (if any): N/a
Do you have all applicable permissions?: It's an open song, so yep. :3
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:16 pm
by Puuka
Whee! I'm excited breeding draw won out! My mind is in baby mode right now. xD
Here's my form. <3
Username: Puuka
Song name: Song of the Fathomless Worlds
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Treader of the Fathomless Fissures
Sire's ID or image URL:
Dam's name: Outcast of the Twin Worlds
Dam's ID or image URL:
Modiems (if any): None
One-use items (if any): None
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yep! <3
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:56 pm
by CosmicDragon
Username: CosmicDragon
Song name: N/A (Healer Breeding)
Song URL (if applicable): N/A
Sire's name: Wyrd of the Blood Moon
Sire's ID or image URL: 547
Dam's name: Healer of Shattered Spirits
Dam's ID or image URL: 198
Modiems (if any): 2x Breeding for twins! 8D
One-use items (if any): Nope.
Do you have all applicable permissions? YUPYUP. -flails-
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 12:09 am
by Leanan Sidhe
Username: Leanan Sidhe
Song: Song of the Far-Flung Pathfinders
Mother's name: Solitude of the Far Explorer
Mother's ID: 587
Mother's species: Lamanayr
Father's name: Determination of the Distant Explorer
Father's ID: 623
Father's species: Lamanayr
Modiums: breeding x2, trait x2, rarity
(I am being gifted the trait and rarity modiems by
Nadir ^_^)
One Use Items: None
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes =)
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:23 am
by LvSoulFriend
If our successful breeding last time means that we can't enter, then ignore this XD
Username: LvSoulFriend
Song Name: Song of the Renewed Woodlands
Song URL: ... 0Woodlands
Sire's name: Peace of the Ancient Forest
Sire's ID or image URL: 150
Dam's name: Mystic of the Healing Earth
Dam's ID or image URL: 167
Modiems (if any): Species x 2 (Mystic)
One-use items (if any): None
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes! Mare is mine, so I can use Peace

Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:35 am
by Esperanza
Username: Esperanza (Celestial here)
Song name: Song of the Echoing Lights
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Mantle of the Obsidian Chasm
Sire's ID or image URL: 463
Dam's name: Symphony of the Undefined Resonance
Dam's ID or image URL: 392
Modiems (if any): Breeding/Trait Modiem.
One-use items (if any): Nope.
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes. c:

Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 6:16 am
by AranelSaraphim
Username: AranelSaraphim
Song name: Song of the Shimmering Wind
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Shimmer of the Poisonous Coils
Sire's ID or image URL:

Dam's name: Mystic of the Fused Wind
Dam's ID or image URL:

Modiems (if any): rare and breeding
One-use items (if any):
Do you have all applicable permissions?
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:40 am
by Aranea
Username: Aranea
Song name: Song of the Blue Lotus
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Eye of the Verdant Forest
Sire's ID or image URL: ... 00/196.png
Dam's name: Hunter of the Burning Savannah
Dam's ID or image URL: ... 00/067.png
Modiems (if any): rarity x2, species- Misery (hoping for the nervous nibbler misery I was plotting earlier)
One-use items (if any):
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes
Re: April breeding draw!
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 12:54 pm
by LBPhoenix
Username: LBPhoenix
Song name: Song of the Majestic Lord
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name: Majesty of the Leaping Lord
Sire's ID or image URL: ... ing%20Lord
Dam's name: Winding of the Ripe Vine
Dam's ID or image URL: ... ipe%20Vine
Modiems (if any): Trait Modiem, Color Modiem
One-use items (if any):
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes