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Welcome our new and returning artists!

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:28 am
by Sushidragon
Thank you so much for your response to the call for guest artists :D It was difficult to narrow it down from all of the applications received, but we will be welcoming seven new guest artists!

The returning guest artists are:


And our new guest artists are:


Congrats, everyone! These zodiac Sams are going to be awesome :D If you keep an eye on the PI intros forum you'll get a sneak peek at them in a couple of weeks, otherwise they'll all be making an appearance in the later half of August!

It's time for some guest artist fun again :D This time the theme is going to be the Western zodiac! I won't be making any of the Sams in the series, so I'm looking for 12 artists to cover each of the signs.

Here's some more information for potential artists:

- Each guest artist will get to choose their most preferred and least preferred themes. I'll try my best to accomodate everyone.
- All new guest artists are required to go through a 3-week introductory period on PI. I'll set up and maintain the intro post.
- If you were one of the guest artists from last time, you're in again for sure! You also don't need to go through the intros process again, yay XD

As payment for their guest coloring (besides my utmost gratitude ;D), each guest artist will also be allowed to create a Samanayr and/or pet for themselves. Some more information on that:

- An artist can choose to do a Samanayr, a pet, or both.
- The artist gets to choose what to do with their second Sam. It can be kept, gifted, traded, or sold.
- If selling their Samanayr, the artist is responsible for setting up the sale, receiving payment, and contacting me with the Sam's information so that it can be certed.
- The Samanayr can't be auctioned - if it's being sold for $, the artist must set a firm price.
- The second Samanayr cannot be sold until the 3-week introductory period on PI has been completed.
- If the artist chooses to do a pet instead of a Sam, the same above info apply.
- The Samanayr can be a breeding between two existing Sams, following the usual breeding rules. I can walk the artist through how I figure out breedings or I can do it for them (eg, determining gender, which traits, twins or not).

And some general information that applies to both Samanayrs the guest artists will produce:

- Quality does count for guest artist positions. Please don't be hurt if you're not chosen to be a guest artist, since my standards are quite high.
- The highest species rarity is rare, the highest trait rarity is very rare. New species or traits can't be created.
- All Samanayrs must be hand-colored (any traditional medium is fine) and the size of a typical Samanayr. If your image is too large, it will be shrunk down.
- Before working on the actual art, each artist will have to provide me with a description of their concept.
- The artists will be responsible for sending me the Samanayr images so that I can cert them.
- All artists will be credited on the cert and in all posts that include their Samanayr's image.
- All Samanayrs created by the guest artists for these events will be considered 'official' Samanayrs. They can join Songs, participate in all Samanayr events, breed, etc.
- Once accepted as a guest artist, this doesn't allow you to create as many Samanayrs as you'd like. You'll just be creating two, one for the Zodiac event and another for personal use. You may be asked to participate in future guest artist events, though!

Here's the potential timeline for the event Sams:

July 17 - Guest artist applications close at 3pm PDT. I'll try to contact all accepted artists the same day.
July 31 - The completed Zodiac Sams are due this day! I'll set up the adoptable intros thread when I've received all of the Sams.
August 21ish - The three-week intro period will be over and the Zodiac events can begin!

Phew, I think that's it XD Please let me know if you have any questions!

If you're a new guest artist applicant, please send me a PM with the subject New Guest Artist Application and the following form filled out:

Please provide links to at least three examples of traditional art that you've done (a link to a gallery would also work):
Would you be able to make the July 31 deadline for the Zodiac Sam?
Do you think you'd keep, gift, trade, or sell your personal Sam?
Top four theme choices (signs from the Western zodiac):
Bottom four theme choices:
Anything else?

If you're a previously accepted guest artist, please send me a PM with the subject I'm back! and the above form filled out, minus the examples.

Applications will be open until July 17, 3pm PDT - good luck!

Re: Seeking guest artists!

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:46 pm
by Xenon
asdfghjkkl I want to do this so bad (ZODIAC LOVE), but I am on vacation until mid-August... Do you think I could apply again anyway, since I've already gone through intros on PI? @_@

Re: Seeking guest artists!

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:37 am
by RikkuGirl
I am so ready this time! Im going to come up with something gooooood. I hope I get picked!

I will be sending my for tomorrow or the day after. Oh boy this will be fun! :D

Re: Seeking guest artists!

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:25 pm
by oakleafwolf
Question: For the application, are we required to pick four top and four bottom? I don't really have a strong preference on more than two or three of the twelve and would be willing to draw just about anything.

Do you want us to pick some anyway?


Re: Seeking guest artists!

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 3:02 pm
by Tervenna
*ponders entering* I need to see if I still have any of my traditional art accessible before I decide though XD

Re: Seeking guest artists!

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 7:36 pm
by Sushidragon
So much fun going through the applications :D You guys are awesome!

@Xenon - Aw, I'd love to have you back but I'm really trying to stick to the deadline ;_; Maybe we could work something out when yo get back from vacation?

@oakleafwolf - You don't have to specify exactly four preferences, it's more so that if you really don't want to do something you don't have to do it, and it you really want to do something you can get the chance XD

Re: Seeking guest artists!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:38 pm
by Xenon
I understand the need to stick to the deadline 100% <3 If there are any problems with finding artists, give me a poke and I will bother you at a later date. Timing, blah. >> Mostly my lack of a scanner wounding me now, actually.

Re: Seeking guest artists!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:42 am
by Sushidragon
Okay, I'm not sure what I was thinking, but I had the application deadline set for the day before we head back home, and I'm not going to have any time around then XD I've moved all of the deadlines up by a week so that I'll actually be able to contact people in a timely manner. Thanks for understanding!

Re: Seeking guest artists!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:21 pm
by Rekyrem
Oh, that works even better for me, so you can totally disregard my 'may not get message right away' disclaimer in my application!

Re: Seeking guest artists!

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:29 pm
by RikkuGirl
Im able to outline but coloring is a whole other demon... :/ im working on it.

Sent my app.... *crosses fingers*

Re: Seeking guest artists!

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:54 pm
by Slydogg121
I can't wait to see what the brilliant artists running around here come up with for the Zodiac Sams....

Re: Welcome our new and returning artists!

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:05 pm
by Sushidragon
Thank you so much for your response to the call for guest artists :D It was difficult to narrow it down from all of the applications received, but we will be welcoming seven new guest artists!

The returning guest artists are:


And our new guest artists are:


Congrats, everyone! These zodiac Sams are going to be awesome :D If you keep an eye on the PI intros forum you'll get a sneak peek at them in a couple of weeks, otherwise they'll all be making an appearance in the later half of August!

Re: Welcome our new and returning artists!

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:00 pm
by oakleafwolf
Thanks for picking me!

I can't wait! <3 <3 <3

Re: Welcome our new and returning artists!

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:33 pm
by RikkuGirl
OMG!!!! D: I got a slot!

*dies* eeeeee!

Im so excited! Who do I have what do I do?! *spazz*

*calms self*

^____________^ yay! Ty sushi I wont let ya down! And grats to the others and good luck to all! I cant wait to see how they all come out!

Re: Welcome our new and returning artists!

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:30 am
by Orasteele
Yay! I am so excited to be participating in this! Congrats to everyone else!