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When did you first discover Samanayrs?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:42 pm
by Sushidragon
Just something I'm wondering XD They've been in a bunch of places over the years and I'm curious as to where Samanayrs were when you first found them!

Re: When did you first discover Samanayrs?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:57 pm
by Jennalyn
On Geocities, like... ten or more years ago. xD I think I stumbled over from one of Myrror's sites, or somewhere along that pathway.

Re: When did you first discover Samanayrs?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:11 pm
by silvermoondragon
About 6 years ago(I think?) at VCon I discovered Sushi's art in the art show. The next year I went, she had a dealers table where I bought a Glassgryph magnet and picked up a business card. I then began searching the web and found the Glassgryphs which I followed(and will still follow if they should ever come out of hiatus) and the Samanayr forums. So Thu Jan 10 2008, when I first joined the forums and things were only just getting started, was around when I discovered the Samanayrs.

Re: When did you first discover Samanayrs?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:33 pm
by Echos
Lets see... I discovered sams three (four?) years ago during the Festival of New Spring on PI. I was lucky enough to win Tone and Journey consequently sparking my addiction. I'd found Glassgryphs on PI before and followed them but had never managed to get one so I was super excited to have won some sushi art.

Re: When did you first discover Samanayrs?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:13 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
I found PI about 5 years ago, and went through several waves of activity on there, not really knowing about the site. Every time I left, all of my ponies would die, leaving me to basically start from scratch every time. Well, in 2009, I finally stumbled upon PI's adoptable community and was instantly hooked. Glassgryphs was the first adoptable that caught my eye (though ITW gave me my first adoptable), and I participated in a few events before finding my way to Samanayrs through Sushi's profile. First Sam event I participated in was the 200th Sam design contest, and my first Sam (Abundance) came to me in a trivia game about some type of bird run by Perf. I have never looked back. X3

Re: When did you first discover Samanayrs?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:59 am
by AsaraDragon
Well, let's see. *checks PI*

I started on PI on July 30, 2008. I probably found the adoptables forum not long after that. It looks like (from perusing my old mail) my first adoptie was a Sumrak Lovac (red_uni's adoptable) in October of that year. So that's probably around the time I found Samanayrs as well. I don't remember exactly when I got Beat (who was my first Sam), but I remember it was a semi-custom draw, and I put in for purple, gold and white. :D

*goes forward a few pages* Ah, there's the one from Sushi when I got my first Glassgryph... April 2009! *luffs on Piyama* She's still so pretty!

Re: When did you first discover Samanayrs?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:18 am
by Orasteele
I first saw them on Geocities through Mousekin, but didn't know how to go about obtaining them. Then back in 2003/04 on Gaia Online I got lucky and came across an Sam auction! It's where I got my first samanayr. Ever since then I think I've been hooked! I still remember sending money orders for customs. XD

Re: When did you first discover Samanayrs?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:30 am
by Esperanza
I discovered them on PI. (:

Re: When did you first discover Samanayrs?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:11 am
by LvSoulFriend
I think I might have seen them through Sil's site awhile ago, but then totally forgot all about them XD I do know I got my first after Sushi brought them to PI, my first is #30! *hugs her Gloss* Granted, he was a custom, haha XD

Re: When did you first discover Samanayrs?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:48 pm
by Origami_Dragon
I discovered them on PI. I don't recall the first time I actually saw their threads around, but the first time I really noticed and joined in was when Glint was looking for his mares to revive the Song of the Rainbow. I entered and was shocked to see Bloom among the mares chosen. At that point I signed up for the forums and really started following them and haven't turned back since.

Re: When did you first discover Samanayrs?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:08 pm
by RikkuGirl
Yup pi here :)

Re: When did you first discover Samanayrs?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:56 am
by CosmicDragon
*raises hand*
I found them first on PI, during the animal mimic raffle, and I haven't turned back since. <3 Love the little guys so much!

Re: When did you first discover Samanayrs?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:44 am
by Tervenna
I discovered them a loooooong time ago; I don't remember what I had been looking for at the time, but I found the old Yahoo group, and joined it, hoping to get one of the pretty Sams, once I figured out how it actually worked, only to find that you were just starting one of your 'sam-burnout' periods XD

It was a good couple of years I think before you reappeared with them, and I managed to get my first, through the Nexus, then a few more from there and LiveJournal, and I have been stalking ever since! :)

Re: When did you first discover Samanayrs?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:02 am
by Sushidragon
So many memories <3 I can't remember the exact timeframes, but Samanayrs have been available on:

- The Orchard Messagepost
- Those forum-based markets that were really popular for a while
- LiveJournal
- Gaia Online
- The Nexus
- PonyIsland
- Aywas

And they've made an appearance briefly in a few other places as well.

Thank you for sharing with me :D

You know what I also love? That adoptables are just as popular as they ever were, if not more so! I also love that the community is growing older together while at the same time younger people can also join in and discover them for themselves. When adoptables first started up it seemed like mostly teens and very few adults, so I'm glad there's more adults participating now XD

Re: When did you first discover Samanayrs?

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:51 am
by Pristine
Oh, the Samanayrs are on Aywas? I quit going there after they got the avatars (I left Gaia because I don't care about dressing up people, LOL).

I found the Samanayrs on PI in what I believe was 2008. I remembered seeing the Glassgryphs around and liking them, but not enough to really follow or get into them... and then when I saw the Samanayrs were all hand-drawn and different, it intrigued me.

I could have sworn I got Sting (094) first, as a semi-custom draw on the forums, but Snow (055) is a lower number, so she must have been my first..?

Anyway, I'm obviously hooked XD

Re: When did you first discover Samanayrs?

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:48 pm
by amazondreamer
While I think I may have run into the Sams long long ago, taking a link from, the first time I can be certain about was finding the thread on Pony Island where Glint was forming up his Song.

I won my first sam, Helix, through the naming contest in the 2009 Festival of New Spring.

Re: When did you first discover Samanayrs?

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:23 am
by Seren
Aha. So I've only been on this site like... not even a week... but, I've actually known of Sams for... a year? or so.
I'm actually a fantasy nut, and so out of boredom one day, I found the site (Sunblind's site). I loved all of the unique and hand drawn adoptables, and was wishing I could have and create my own. I saw her songs and tried to find the site, but when I typed in city of shar nothing came up, so I gave up, as I have tried to find alot of the older hand drawn adoptable sites and every time have gotten the "site is no longer available."

...Now I curse my stupidity for not typing in Samanayrs as well. *facepalms*