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Birthday - what's your drink? Results!

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:04 am
by Sushidragon
My absolute very favorite coffee drink is the mocha, iced mochas when it's hot out. I love the combination of chocolate and coffee - they're made for each other! What's your favorite coffee drink? Maybe you'll be able to find a Samanayr that resembles your favorite coffee beverage? :D

This is a little design contest for a Samanayr based on your favorite coffee/tea/soda/pop drink! To enter, all you need to do is draw or write a description of your beverage-based Samanayr, and why that drink is your favorite! As an example, here's one of the birthday event Sams, based on lattes:


One entry will be randomly chosen, and another will be picked from all of the entries based on creativity and how well the design matches the drink!


- There is a limit of one entry per person. Since this event is running on PI and the Sam forums, please just enter at one of those places.
- The maximum trait and species rarity is 'rare.'
- There's no limit to how many times a drink can be entered, just make sure you put your own spin on it!
- You can edit your post at any point between now and the end of the event.
- You can load your Sam up with fancy traits if you want, but it would have to be a pretty spectacular design to get picked XD
- Your entry can be drawn, written, or both! Be as detailed or vague as you'd like, but it's a good idea to include things like traits, patterns, and colors.

To enter, please post the following with This is my drink! in bold at the top of your post:

My drink:
Why it's my favorite:
Samanayr description:

This will be open until August 11, 10am PDT/18:00 PI time - good luck!

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:58 am
by Willow
This is my drink!
Username: Willow
My drink: Strawberry Milkshake (With cream >o>)
Why it's my favorite: I could have it anytime of year, and it never gets old. I love it as a dessert or drink, and loaded up with ice cream and cream is pure heaven.
I distinctly remember the taste of strawberry milkshakes from when I was a kid, and seriously it's just awesome :L
Samanayr description:
Traits - Back Mane, Chin Beard, Tufted tail, Feathered Wings
Description - A creamy pink body with a little white muzzle. All mane and fur bits are generally white like cream, with the odd drizzle of red (strawberry sauce). The wing feathers go from red to the pale pink body. Also, from it's back comes lazy dribbles of red, like someone's poured the sauce over it.
The hooves should be a darker pink, like the sauce settling at the bottom of the glass xD;
(If we need gender, I see him being a pink male)

Whoo! <3

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:12 am
by amazondreamer
This is my drink!

Username: amazondreamer
My drink: root beer float, also known as a black cow
Why it's my favorite: You’ve just gotta love the contrast in textures and flavors between rich creamy vanilla ice-cream and the spicy-sweet bite of the root beer.
I also have a lot of fond childhood memories tied to root beer floats. When I was little, my dad would take me to LaKing’s, the local candy shop/soda fountain and I’d always get a float, they came in big tall glass mugs and you could see all that hand scooped ice cream.
Samanayr description: A root beer float sam would have to have to have a pale tan curly mane and tail to represent the thick foam that builds up on top (curly mane doesn’t have a rarity listed, if it is too rare I’d go with crimped mane). I’d also make her pudgy, since I always think of rootbeer floats made with big round scoops of ice cream. Her coloration would be pretty simple, predominantly a creamy tan, with irregular blotches of ivory over her body. Her legs would be a gradient between the creamy tan and a rich dark brown.
And while not an image of the sam, this photo of a root beer float does a pretty good job of illustrating what I mean by the blotches.

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:21 am
by oakleafwolf
This is my drink!

Username: oakleafwolf

My drink: Camfire Mocha from Caribou Coffee

Why it's my favorite: I'd forgotten about the campfire mocha until I realized I'd be heading to the city tomorrow, then I remembered. I don't get to Caribou Coffee often, because it's an hour and a half drive for me, but oh-- when I do? The campfire mocha is heavenly. It's S'mores, with coffee, in liquid love form. It has all the best things about hot cocoa and coffee and camping! We'll be moving to Minneapolis soon, where Caribou Coffee originated, and I can't wait to have better access to it!

Samanayr description:
Black caribou antlers and green eyes for the Caribou Coffee logo, a crimped mane/tail with bits that can look like marshmallows, lots of chocolate shaving spots in the mane/tail and on the chest, a coffee-and-cream swirl on the belly, and chocolate hooves to top it off. :)


Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:30 pm
by Echos
What rarity would combination species be sushi?

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:44 pm
by RikkuGirl
This is my drink!

Username: RikkuGirl
My drink: java chip frappuccino with 2 pumps of Mint (Starbucks)
Why it's my favorite: It is my favorite because it takes coffee, chocolate, whipped cream and Mint and mixes it all together in a wonderful chilly icey blend! It has a bitter taste from the coffee which is counter acted by the sweet of the chocolate and blown through the roof with the splashes of Mint...which by the way gives you a very fresh and clean feeling after you finish your sip. ^_^ The whipped cream gives it color and consistency and just helps to take this drink for a loop!

Samanayr description:
I Decided on a Northern Aquatic Mare because well... Its a Liquid first of all! :D And being an aquatic I feel that best represents that this is a DRINK. I chose for her to be a Northern because this is a VERY cold and icey drink... so only one who is well equipped could best represent it!. :) Her Colors will Consist of Light Tan/brown as a base color, White swirls, light green accent swirls, and random dark brown spots of varying sizes. Her Traits Include : Normally found NA traits, Tusks and Tines. I chose for her to have Tusks because to me this drink helps to get me going when im feeling tired... much like tusks to the tush! Get going! lol. And I chose to do Tines because when I drink my fav. drink I like to get two straws (Which are black at Starbucks). My Pudgy little Mare also has a dollup of hair right on the top of her head that is white to represent the whipped cream that tops the top of my drink.

Since she is based off my fav. drink I decided for her design to be just the way IIII like to drink it! When I get one I like to swirl my whipped cream into the drink itself.

Since it is a coffee based drink it has a very light light tanish-brown color. Swirled through the body there are varying sized white swirls along with small brown spots of varying sizes (chocolate chips!!!!!) all over the body... though more especially towards the end of the tail (All the larger chocolate chip pieces find their way to the bottom of the cup... or tail ;D). A few lines of accent green will be swirled in as well to represent the mint and the green of the starbucks logo.

Below is the Sketch I just did for my little Lady. I will be coloring her tonight to give you an idea! :D Thanks so much! <3

(Lol Ok ok I know... I didnt take as much time to color her as I should have... O_o;; Im pressed for time! D:)

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:46 pm
by Sushidragon
Mmm, what delicious drinkable Samanayrs :D

@Echos - For the purposes of this event, we'll say that a combination's rarity is based on the rarity of the most rare species in the combination :D

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:48 pm
by Echos
This is my drink!

EDIT: Just realized this had to be a coffee/tea/soda/pop or "any drink you can buy at a cafe" so my entry may not be valid unless Egyptian cafe's count? can buy lemonade at cafe's >.>

Username: Echos
My drink: Egyptian Lemonade
Why it's my favorite: I discovered this amazing drink while visiting Egypt in the peak of summer. Made with chilled yellow lime juice, sugar and a handful of chopped mint leaves stirred in this might just be the most refreshing and delicious drink ever. The sharpness of the lime juice is balanced perfectly by the mint rather than the sugar so this drink is both wonderfully tart, sweet and fresh at the same time. Every street vendor sells it and there is nothing more perfect than sipping this while eating fresh tamiya and roasted eggplant at a Bedouin camp overlooking the pyramids.
Samanayr description:
This sam's coat would be the pale tawny color of the hot desert sands, spotted and barred with dark gold reminiscent of a regal desert cat, the likes of which the Egyptians might have once worshiped. However this sam lacks any such decorum and elegance. Instead he spends his time dashing playfully across the dunes after unfortunate dragonets or splashing about like a fool in an body of water he can find. From his front legs grow filmy finned wings, similar to those of a flying fish but a striated pale yellow-green dotted on the outer edge with rich green spots (ref). This same coloration is also seen on the two pairs of fins on his tail, the anterior pair being fancy with the posterior pair being simple fish fins. The typical tuft of fur on his tail is striped with rich green, pale green and pale yellow. A tick gold band sits at the base of each tail fin. His eyes would be the cool green of mint leaves lined with black that winged back from the corner like kohl and his large ears would be tipped in black as well like the ears of a caracal. A gold disk is attached to the end of each. Around his neck is a wide gold collar set with pale green oval stones.


Species: Desert Aquatic
Traits: Large Ears, Tufted tail, reduced foot tufts, large hooves, Wyvren (finned), Finned tail

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:44 pm
by Tervenna
This is my drink!
Username: Tervenna
My drink: Starbucks Caramel Macchiato (Iced -lightly- in summer), 1 shot of espresso, 6 pumps of vanilla, extra caramel, whipped cream (usually only on the hot version)
Why it's my favorite: Just enough caffeine, nice and sweet, I love the blend of flavors :)
Samanayr description: Cream base, dark brown socks/fade and hooves, swirls of golden brown on body, white mane and tail with a few streaks of golden brown through them; species/gender - tribal/stallion (can't think of any traits I'd like him to have that would suit my drink choice - I may edit it in if I think of one before the deadline, along with a pic, if I manage that too)

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:11 am
by CosmicDragon
Heee, I like this contest! :O While I don't drink tea or coffee, there are quite a few cafe-style drinks that I adore. But one definitely stands out as my absolute favourite...
This is my drink!

Username: CosmicDragon
My drink: Berry-licious Smoothie
Why it's my favorite: During the long, hot Aussie summers, I would all-but LIVE on these deliciously tart, easy to make drinks. Whatever berries you feel like at the time, as many different kinds as you like. Strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, usually I'll chuck in some banana as well. Then the whole lot tossed on top of some vanilla-bean icecream, a thick dollop of strawberry yogurt, a drizzle of maple syrup, and blend to perfection. <3 Totally adaptable, and with the mysterious ability to perk me up no matter how stormy my mood, this drink has saved my from myself more times than I can count. It is, honestly, it's icy-berry-goodness is the only good thing about summer.
Samanayr description:
A dilute reddish-purple colours most of the skin of this often sour and always icy sa'krien mare. This unimposing base is sprinkled with deep berry-red, and slightly larger flecks of black also mark around the face and legs. Her long tail is tipped with a stark tuft of emerald hair, in the centre of which sits an odd berry-shaped wedge that is a brilliant red flecked with darker purple-black 'seeds'. This 'strawberry' is matched by the two tiny horns that sit atop her head... Little raspberries, they are! A deep red, with an oddly 'bubbled' surface.

Her eyes, a gleaming berry-red, are matched in colour by the hue of her claws, though the paws that bear them are white, the only sight of the delicious vanilla ice-cream that went into the mare's making. Tiny wings flutter uselessly at her shoulders, their base a blaze of deep purple feathers with leaf-green tines arising from them.

(Traits: Hairless, Draconic x Tufted tail, Vestigial Combination wings (Feathered/Tines), horn nubs, clawed paws, solid eyes. [Species: Sa'krien])
^ A marking reference, seeing as I'm so terrible at colouring. XD ^

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:39 am
by AsaraDragon
This is my drink!

Username: AsaraDragon
My drink: Starbucks Black and white hot chocolate with a shot of peppermint
Why it's my favorite: It's basically mint chocolate chip ice cream but toasty warm, with whipped cream on top (of course!). Chocolate mint is my favorite beyond all other favorites. It's absolutely delicious!
Samanayr description: Species - Illiayr, Coloring - light brown overall (because even though it's dark and white chocolate, it's mixed together into light brown), white/cream hair (for the whipped cream), minty green for the bioluminescence (to represent the extra perk of the mint that infuses the chocolate yumminess).

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:11 am
by LvSoulFriend
This is my drink!

As I don't do coffee, or really soda, entering this left me a bit stumped for a bit >> Then I remembered hot chocolate XD

Username: LvSoulFriend
My drink: Hot chocolate! with peppermint *nods* It's even better when you use peppermint ice cream in the hot chocolate >>
Why it's my favorite: Om nom nom, chocolate! And peppermint too <3 It's a perfect pick me up at any time of the year, tho I tend to drink it daily in the winter >> Pretty much a must for me when it gets cold XD A warm drinks for warm, fluffy feelings!
Samanayr description: A Northern Sam, it would have paws, cause having hot chocolate makes me want to just snuggle up with something/someone, and paws to me are nice and snuggly. It would also have the required fluffy coat, and antlers as well, decorated with swirls of red and white, for peppermint sticks! Mmmm, crunchy peppermint ...

Coat color would be a light tan, nearly white, on the top (back, top of neck, top of head, tail), with random 'bubbles' of darker chocolate brown showing. Coat would fade from the white-tan in to the darker chocolate brown on the body legs, and face. Scattered throughout both colors, but mostly on the brown should be tiny little flecks of red peppermint. Horns would be red and white swirls, so that you can't tell which color is the base color. Eyes will be a deep green, the color of peppermint leaves!

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:06 am
by Janalee
This is my drink!

Username: Janalee
My drink: Sprecher's Ravin' Red
Why it's my favorite: Well, I have lots of 'favorite' drinks, but right now, I'd love one of these. Cherry juice: delicious. Cranberries: delicious. Honey: oh yeah.
Did I mention that I really want one of these sodas right now? :D
Samanayr description: Ideally, she'd be a Sa'grisayr, in honor of the raven mascot...but, since beaks are very rare, I guess she'd be a beakless Sa'grisayr-Samanayr hybrid? If I'm wrong about how that works, let me know. Let's see...
Traits: Feathered wings, talons (unless they're very rare as well), Feather-tufted Ears, Ear Silk, Feathered Tail.
Colors: Mane and tail feathers white, ear silk and feather tips light honey. Wings and body a deep, rich red, with the body being somewhat darker and slightly mottled. Talons black; small, dark green cranberry leaf markings concentrated around the talons, and climbing partially up the legs.

If I have time, I might try to sketch her on the plane; hopefully that description is sufficient if I don't though. Thanks for the chance, and have fun with them! Definitely sounds like an interesting theme for the events. ^^

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 2:57 pm
by Rekyrem
This is my drink!

My drink: Sweetened Lemon Iced Tea... a la what-you-order-in-Canadian-restaurants.
Why it's my favorite: It's so refreshing! Especially, right now, with summer baking everyone in Calgary... I always order it at restaurants. Always. Iced tea is the best.
Samanayr description: Quench of the Citrus Splash is one cool cat.
She's sexy. She's curvy. She's a Desert Samanayr, of course, her tufts short and stylish, her tail tipped with shining honey-golden locks. Her coat is, of course, that delicious dark, maple bronze, sweet as can be, topped by a splattering of refreshing gold-orange oases on her back. Her hooves, a sweet lemon hue, seem to float upon the scorched desert sand because she's just that cool.
Her Caribbean blue eyes bring about a sense of carefreeness, lids lowered seductively behind only the slickest of sunglasses. Always so fashionable, Quench wears a bright yellow flower behind her upright ear: the slice of lemon to her tea, so to speak, the perfect addition.
No extra traits, you say? No problem. Quench doesn't need all that fancy stuff to lead you to your own personal land of refreshment. So follow the leader: Quench knows how cool is done.

(ahaha, this is so ridiculous)

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 6:42 pm
by Mr. Aranel
This is my drink!
Username: Mr. Aranel
My drink: Crush Creme Soda (the clear kind)
Why it's my favorite: I have family in Quebec, and there are some really tasty treats you can only find there, and nowhere else, even in other provinces of Canada. One of these is the clear Crush creme soda. It's a very unique tasting soda that has a hint of a bubblegum flavor, and whenever my family visits Canada, I always ask for a case, so I can relish all of the Canadian memories. (and have tasty soda, too)
Samanayr description:
Imagine, if you will. an Illiayr. Bright pink in colour, with white tufts and traces of green in the coat and hair, with a bright orange luminescence.

here's a picture of the can where I'm getting my colours from: ... CF0011.JPG

possible name? Crush of the elusive beverage.

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 6:23 pm
by Zincht
This is My Drink!

Username: Zincht

My drink: Black Tea with cream and sugar
Why it's my favorite: I have it every day at work, it keeps me awake right around 1-2pm My favorite type of tea is Twining's Irish Breakfast.. it comes in a kelly green box, and I steep it for 10 minutes, so it is as black as the soil in the emerald isle ;) then I add 2 lumps of sugar and a dash of half-and-half. That makes it a reddish brown color, and you can't get the depth of color without really black tea (oolang or even earl grey, my next runners-up, don't brew so dark).

Samanayr description: Memories of the Ancient Land
A lamanayr stallion who is reddish-brown ('sienna' named color) fading to creamy foot-tufts, with cream mane and tail brush tipped in bright green (named 'green' color), green faery wings edged in a richer reddish brown, and antlers in cream and brown with green points.

Pretty simple, I know.. but the sort of thing you never get tired of ;) And it has to be done just right, or it tastes like boiled water with sugar in it.

(EDIT: I know mares are MUCH more common, I just can't think of a mare with stag horns)

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 6:35 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Half you lot are missing something >>


Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:31 pm
by Aranea
This is my drink!

Username: Aranea
My drink: Holiday Spice tea with sugar
Why it's my favorite: I got a bunch of these for cheap just after Christmas, and as someone who's a fan of chai teas this other spiced tea was an interesting variant. It's a black tea with clove, cinnamon, almond, and a bit of citrus.
Samanayr description:
Since it comes in an elegant red tin, it should lead to an equally elegant sam! I think she should have her hair styled up in a bun with a cinnamon stick and bits of clove poking out, and have the extended foot tufts trait.
Since clove and cinnamon have certain medicinal applications, particularly clove as a painkiller, I figure she ought to a mystic- probably a water mystic, since she's based on a beverage.
Almonds- horn nubs shaped like almonds
Citrus- orangey yellow streaks in mane, tail, and tufts, plus orangey yellow feather-tufted ears
Black tea- pure black eyes, black-dark brown body like the color of the tea

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:38 am
by LBPhoenix
THIS is my Drink!

Username: LBPhoenix
My drink: Mexican Horchata!!!
Why it's my favorite: When I first tried it, I was 21 years old and had no clue what it was. It looked milky white that didn't look right for milk with flecks of brown in it, and I'm thinking "...what the heck is this??" My best friend insisted that it was good, though, so when we ordered it at a local authentic Mexican food restaurant, she made sure I had to try it. I remember smelling it, first, before drinking it, noticing that there was a cinnamon smell to it. I'm still not sure, but then I think "What the heck. Might as well." and I take a sip through my straw.

Insert joyous experience here.

It was like nothing I'd ever tasted before. The first tastes to take first dibs on my tongue were the cinnamon and sugar, followed by a smooth, comforting flavor I couldn't identify. My friend told me later, after taking a longer drink that it wasn't milk I was seeing in the drink, but the rice that had been used for the beverage. I'm like "rice?? in a drink???" O_o? But I'm too happy with the outcome to care. I absolutely fell in love with this Mexican Rice drink and everytime I go to a Mexican restaurant, I have to have it! The soothing, smooth taste of it is just so calming and that zip of sugar just peps you right up. It is truly a one of kind beverage.
Samanayr description:Species: Desert
Gender: Mare
Traits: Large Ears, Large Hooves, Diminished Foot Tufts, tufted tail, Hairless and Vestigial Wings (feathered)
Why these traits: The first four traits are for a Desert species, which is perfect for where this drink originated. Being from Mexico, this drink is from a desert land. The next trait, Hairless, I chose because of the smoothness of the drink. Then I chose Vestigial Wings because it has a light flavor to it that flutters on the tongue and has just the right amount of lift in it to perk up your day.

Coloration and Pattern: The main body must be a milky white/cream color to match the milky color of the drink. Then, a scattered sprinkling of brown flecks all over the body should give the appearance of cinnamon bits that give the drink its flecked appearance. Also, since this drink is made up of cinnamon blended with rice, it will always have a slight residue on the bottom of your cup, so there should be a settled brown color on the reduced foot tufts and hooves. As long as these coloration patterns are followed, anything additional is fine as long as it doesn't take away from them.


Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:32 pm
by Puuka
This is my drink!

Username: Puuka
My drink: Teavana Strawberry Misaki Blooming Tea
An image from Google:


Why it's my favorite: To begin with, just look at it! It's so beautiful. The clear glass pot with blooming flower makes me smile every time I drink it.
I also love the taste. I love tea to begin with, especially floral teas. Jasmine is my favorite, and this has a hint of that to it. It's also got a hint of strawberry tang. It has a very light taste, not at all overpowering. It's the relaxation I look forward to at the end of a long day of wrangling babies. xD
Think I'll go steep some now. >.> <3
Samanayr description: Her body is a pale yellow and fades to white on her legs. This is for the colour of the tea which is a very very light, almost clear, yellow but can get much darker yellow depending on how long you let it steep. She has some pink markings on her back that sort of mimic the flower in the tea, but really just add to the overall floral appearance of her.
She has Double Wings- Fairy which, in my opinion, look like the flower. She also has Wyrven - Fairy, to mimic the flower petals as well.

She has a flowing mane of grey-green, lighter toward the tips and dark at the roots this is the colour of the leaves in the tea. She wears blossoms woven throughout her mane and tail.

Doodle-doodle! xD

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:00 pm
by Origami_Dragon
This is my drink!

Username: Origami_Dragon
My drink: Chocolate Milkshake

Why it's my favorite: Summertime favorite anyways...and since it's summer now I figured I'd go with this rather than hot chocolate. Though it is still quite tasty in winter...just makes me too cold. I have...a bit of a sweet tooth. Ice cream is yummy, and a milkshake is like drinking ice cream practically! It's a lovely treat to help cool down when it's too hot outside and it tastes delicious!

Samanayr description: She would have a soft, creamy brown body with subtle swirls of darker and lighter brown (hey, they seldom get perfectly blended!) She would also have deep, deep brown swirling stripes on her to represent the stripes of chocolate syrup so often added to the cup before adding the shake. Eyes would be a similar rich dark brown for much the same reason. Her hooves would be glassy transparent to represent the cup itself. Her mane and tail would be fluffy/curly and white for the whipped cream, with dark brown tips for sprinkles on top.

She would have white tine wings with thin red stripes spiraling around them to represent the all important straw that lets you drink the shake. Also velveted fur; a thick, smooth, dense coat seems like a good representation of the consistency you want a shake, plus it'll keep you nice and toasty warm while you drink your chilly treat! As a final touch, she would have little tiny body spines scattered all over to represent little bits of chocolate included in the shake.

There is nothing to represent the cherry on top because I do not like a cherry on my milkshakes. :p

Have not been reading the other entries while I was deciding, so apologies if this is similar to anyone else's.

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:08 pm
by Seren
This is my drink!
Username: Seren~
My drink: Spezi
Why it's my favorite: Spezi (since most people probably won't know what it is) is a pop, a blend of coca cola and orange fanta that is served in Germany (and other countries around it). Normally I'm not a big soda person, but I love this drink. It's fizzy and bubbly, and makes me hyper. (WARNING: STAY AWAY FROM HYPER SERENS. We are dangerous and should not be approached without a tranquilzer gun. or armor.) It has a really... cola taste with a citrus tang. Most of the reason I love this drink is because it reminds me of home, Germany. It was like all we lived on during the summer there, and I really miss it. (As an Army kid, home is an important concept, since I've never had one) Spezi reminds me of old friends, fun summers, and the one place I called home~. Plus, it makes me hyper >:3
Samanayr description:
She's a cloven hoofed little Sam, with a leonine mare's mane, a chin beard, and a feline tail, because I think this would accent the fun aspect, which is a big part of Spezi, as we always drank it at summer parties and cookouts. I gave her wings because she can "float on air" like the bubbly feeling given off by my drink. This is also why her wings have pale sort of bubble-like markings on them. Her mostly reddish-brown coat is supposed to demonstatre the color of soda, with red feathering and red on her mane and tail for Coca Cola's label coloring, along with the wavy markings on her face and sides. (Based loosely, I'm not risking copyright) She has little white bubbles all over her, small so you have to get up close to see them. Her hooves are silver, like a can of soda, and her eyes are orange like Fanta.
(I don't know if I'm allowed to do this, but even though she's not a real Sam, I felt like giving her a personality.) She's a very bubbly, happy, outgoing mare, always interested in new friends and having fun, but is also a bit air-headed and easily distracted. In this picture, she's staring in amazement at two bubbles.

*NOTES* Ugh. Such a bad picture. >.< In my defense, I drew and colored this in a car, never having drawn a Sam before.
Also, I'm not sure if I'm qualified to enter... but never hurts to try! ^^

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:07 pm
by Britain
This is my drink!

Username: Britain
My drink: Earl grey tea (specifically: Teavana Earl Grey Creme)
Why it's my favorite: I'm a huge tea lover, though I'm not a fan of green or white- black will always be my truest love. Earl Grey is delightful, I love the 'personality' the bergamot oil adds to it. I prefer my tea in the English style (with cream and sugar), but keeping milk at work to add to my cup is a pain. The Earl Grey Creme flavor is just 'creamy' enough that I don't miss the touch of milk! I'm the only person in my office who drinks tea from a real cup and saucer, lol.
Samanayr description: She would be a classic Samanayr, because Earl Grey is a very traditional tea. Colors would be black (or dark brown) with cornflower blue and white markings. Check out the picture- there's real flowers in the tea! She'd likely wear flowers in her mane. To mimic the long leaves of the tea, extensive foot tufts. To bring in the smoothness of flavor and flight, make her a wyvern! She would be refined and elegant, a lady among mares.



Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:22 pm
by Orasteele
This is my drink!
Username: Orasteele
My drink: Berry Sangria
Why it's my favorite: It’s that fresh fruit taste with that hint of wine that gives it a bit of tartness. It’s lighter than drinking wine, but still gives you the feeling of it’s time to relax. Wonderful after working outdoors in the hot sun! Then there is the fruit that is garnished. I always like it when there is a little spear stabbed with a pinapple, lime or orange, and strawberry sticking out of my drink. ^_~
Samanayr description: I always think of Sangria as a summer drink, something to be had under the hot sun. Therefore she would probably be a Desert Sa’krien and female because face it, guys don’t drink sangria of their own accord, and Sa’krien because it I personally prefer the alcoholic version though it can come either with or without alcohol. Colors and markings would be that deep berry with a lighter fade as the drink tends to do as the ice melts. Her mane and tail would be lime green fading to the yellow of pineapple. She’d have a single horn (for the spear that is usually stuck in the fruit), clawed paws for that little bit of a bite that the wine in it gives, and foot wings since by the time you are done you feel like you are walking on air (I am uncertain as to the rarity of the trait if not allowed then disregard).

Re: Birthday - what's your drink?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:38 pm
by Jaes
This is my drink!

Username: Jaes
My drink: Green tea with honey
Why it's my favorite: Hot or cold, green tea is refreshing and delicious. A dollop of honey makes it sweet without overwhelming the flavor. I like how mild it can be, or how sharp if it's brewed longer. I basically live on the stuff. :D
Samanayr description: Ok, forgive the sketchy, non-color terribleness of this picture. Drew it on the back of a sheet of my notes this morning. XD This Sam has long fur, mane, and tail - soft and flowing, just like the tea, but with sharp horns to represent how strong it can be. Mane stands up-right, like rising steam. And er, not a biped - four legs here... I just can't draw legs that well. And by "well" I actually mean "at all." Ahem. Her colors would be pale green and honey, with white, bubble-like spots running down her coat.
