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Costume contest - grand prize results page 2!

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:28 pm
by Sushidragon
Glint has once again donned his hard hat for the costume contest! Halloween is fast approaching, and our Samanayrs are in need of some costumes! And don't worry, you don't need a Samanayr to enter :D

This is a design and concept contest, so don't worry about artistic requirements! There will be three grand prize winners chosen by me, and then several other winners in categories who will be chosen by you! I'll be picking 10 entries for each of the voting categories :D

The prizes and categories will be as follows:

Grand prize winners!
I'll be choosing three costumes from each category (most creative, scariest, funniest) to receive the grand prize - your costume design will be made into an actual accessory for your Samanayr! If you don't have a Samanayr, you can save your costume in your inventory for when you would like to equip it. Each grand prize winner will also recieve two random modiems or a semi-custom pet token!

Most creative costume - vote
The most creative costume, as decided by popular vote! The winner will receive a small accessory based on the entry (eg if you entered a phoenix costume you could receive a beak accessory or some kind of feather clips) and a random modiem.

Scariest costume - vote
Ahh! The scariest costume ;____; As decided by popular vote! The winner will receive a small accessory based on the entry and a random modiem.

Funniest costume - vote
The most amusing costume, as decided by popular vote! The winner will receive a small accessory based on the entry and a random modiem.


- There is a limit of one entry per person.
- Entries must be posted in the thread on the Samanayr forums or in the thread on PI. Please only post to one of the threads, not both.
- Your entry can be any combination of writing and visual aids. You could submit an entry with just a written description, an entry with just a picture, or a combination of both! You're even welcome to draw your costume directly on to your Samanayr, if you'd like!
- Although you're welcome to draw your costume directly onto the image of your own Samanayr, you must ask permission if you'd like to use someone else's Samanayr.
- The costumes can only be equipped to one Samanayr. Once it's been equipped, you can't equip the costume to another.
- You're welcome to edit your entry at any time before the end of the contest.
- Duplicates of the same costume are permitted, eg there can be more than one pirate costume . It's up to you to keep an eye on the entries and decide whether or not to change your entry.

To enter, just post the following form here or on the PI thread!

Costume name:
Costume description:
Samanayr who'd wear it (if applicable):

The contest will close on October 23, 3pm PDT and I'll set up the voting posts soon after. Good luck :D

Here's the PI Sam thread if you want to check the other entries - ... ic=2842596

Re: Costume contest!

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:34 pm
by Sushidragon
Here's two of the costumes from last time, a Glassgryph and a donkey :D

Image Image

Re: Costume contest!

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:35 pm
by silvermoondragon
Yay! I've been waiting for another one of these! *runs off to think up ideas for all my Samanayrs*

Re: Costume contest!

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:36 pm
by Sushidragon
Yeah, I didn't hold one last year because of a certain little mister XD

Re: Costume contest!

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:05 am
by Willow
Username: Willow
Costume name: Night Mare
Costume description: Skeletal design, strange human like front fingers, blood red fleshy gums, cheek and head horns. Quite frankly, Race doesn't know what this costume is, but she loves it fiercely and I'd dare anyone to tell her she wears it badly (those plastic horns could do damage!)
Samanayr who'd wear it (if applicable): 766 (Race of the Forest Walker).

My visual -
Click For Bigger Version~

lol I fail at skeletal anatomy ;A;

*prances around*
Halloween with Sams! :'D

Re: Costume contest!

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:34 pm
by RikkuGirl
Username: RikkuGirl
Costume name: VooDeDoo Priestess!
Costume description: A feather laidended skull mask that is missing the lower jaw would be over her face, splatters of blood on the skull. Feathers of dark colors with splashes of light colors would be drapped down the mask along with a crown like effect around the mask (kind of like a feather mane). The mask would have VERY long and large teeth as if from an Oquiesa. Bandages would be on various limbs on her body of where she took blood for her personal sacrifices, the bandages a little blood soaken. A necklace of bones would be hanging from her neck that have the same feathers from the head piece worked into the strings and on the bones. In the center portion of the necklace there would be a small poutch that contains ground up bone dust... which she uses for her voodedoo practices! ;) (yes voodoo is voodedoo :3 thats just how I says it. xD)

A belt would be around her waiste with a small sac that would contain the shrunken head of her X stallion (its for the costume ;P). The belt and sac would be of leather or some other tough material that would keep the head safe. Potions and powders of all kinds are kept in the pac as well but in small quanitites. She would have a knife in a sheeth on the belt as well...used for... sacrifices and...Bloody tasks. Leather pieces (armor like) would be on her legs and random arms. The leather will have bones worked into them along with feathers (dangling or in the leather...).

Her tail would be decorated with bone and metal jewelry of which she shakes while doing her rituals to give effect and cause fear in her victims *cough* i mean... volunteers ^_____^

Samanayr who'd wear it (if applicable): Vixen of the Spider Totem

WOO! Just made it! ^^;; Wasnt able to put the leather armor like pieces on... though that is hit and miss. lol Either way she is just supposed to be skully and bloody!! :D Muahahahah!!

Ok... well that is what I have. ^^;;;; I know its nothing TOO scary but... to be honest if I was in the forest and a voodedoo priest came up to me with a shrunken head and a knife with blood and bones all over them.... well... ya... id be scared. O.o;; but thats me. ^^

Goodluck all! :D

Re: Costume contest!

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 3:33 pm
by amazondreamer
Username: amazondreamer
Costume name: Gypsy Dancer
Costume description: Green pants, red mini-vest (possibly with some sort of abstract design embroidered on it) with a creamy undershirt. Red headscarf with gold embroidery and gold coins along the fringe. Gold bangles on the legs and gold hoop earrings.
The image is just a rough concept
Samanayr who'd wear it (if applicable): Burble of Delectable Delight

Re: Costume contest!

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:13 pm
by Rekyrem
Username: Rekyrem
Costume name: Bluebird
Costume description: A pair of soft, feathery blue wings tied about the middle, and a sweet blue bird bonnet to match. Melancholy little Memory of the Ancient Sky has always felt she belonged up in the clouds... At least she can pretend now!
Samanayr who'd wear it (if applicable): Memory. : ) #669

Re: Costume contest!

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 8:31 am
by Origami_Dragon
Username: Origami_Dragon
Costume name: Mad? Scientist
Costume description: A white labcoat/cape (since a cape is probably more practical for a Sam) with oddly colored stains on it, a pair of goggles over her eyes, and a bubbling flask of something green or purple on the ground in front of her.
Samanayr who'd wear it (if applicable): Image

I may be back with an image.

Re: Costume contest!

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 5:03 pm
by Seren
Username: Seren
Costume name: Grumpy Bambi!
Costume description: This costume's one purpose is to try and make silly Pride (The most noble, dashing, brave, skil- PRIDE STOP THAT.) Anyway. Make him look adorable. He'd wear a cover over his body fitted with little spots, and a mask with big ears and a perpetual little smile, adorable and charming, while he glowers behind it. He'd have a little bob tail at one end, and little "burds!" (butterflies) perched on his wings.
(Don't listen to him if he tells you he was the one who skinned the deer, it's fake, of course. X3)
Samanayr who'd wear it (if applicable): Pride of the Misguided Arrow


Awful Picture. XD

Re: Costume contest!

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:57 pm
by Janalee
Username: Janalee
Costume name: Scarab
Costume description: A mix between a scarab artifact and an actual beetle- thicker gold wires, perhaps with some light hieroglyphics etched into the surface, outline the face, shoulder, and back plates, and extend into a backward curved horn off the face plate; colors of the plates, and horn shape, based off of the rainbow scarab (Phanaeus vindex).
Samanayr who'd wear it (if applicable): Ghost of the Jungle Eve

Poor Ghost, I'm not sure if being told you're shaped like a beetle is exactly a compliment...though, with a beetle as gorgeous as that one, I might take it. ^^ Good luck to all the entrants!

Re: Costume contest!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 1:52 am
by CosmicDragon
Username: CosmicDragon
Costume name: Gargoyle
Costume description:
As her name seemed to fit so well, Valor decided to dress as one of those stony guardians of the night; a Gargoyle. Donning thick grey plates, a matching helm and claws, she completes the look with a pair of rough leather wings.
Samanayr who'd wear it (if applicable): Valor of the Steady Stone

Re: Costume contest!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:33 am
by oakleafwolf
Username: oakleafwolf
Costume name: Solar System
Costume description: Planets hung from strings on antlers, a starry necklace, and a cheerful sun strapped down on the butt. ;)
Samanayr who'd wear it (if applicable): Coil of the Faded Dream, #734

Re: Costume contest!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:05 am
by Orasteele
Username: Orasteele
Costume name: Marie Antoinette
Costume description: An extremely fancy gown with a tall wig.
Samanayr who'd wear it (if applicable): Babble of the Luminous Stream

Re: Costume contest!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 8:42 am
by RikkuGirl
Im almost done with my costume picture but I gotta go see my mom! I hope I get back in time to put the last touches and post it

Re: Costume contest!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:01 am
by Echos
Username: Echos
Costume name: Jester
Costume description: White renaissance chemise with dark green zigzag trim where the sleeve cinches at the wrist. Over this is worn a paneled boded. The center panel (between the sleeves) is patterned with an alternating crimson and yellow diamond pattern and comes to a chevreon at the bottom. Both side panels are muted, dark purple/blue and come to points so that the bottom of the bodice forms a zigzag. Attached around the shoulders of the bodice are 3 triangles – crimson, yellow, crimson - that are free floating but whose points meet and attach to a green band about halfway below the shoulder. 3 small bells are attached to the band at the same point where the triangles meet. The skirt is made up entirely of long yellow triangles each with a bell at the end. A two pointed jester’s hat of yellow and crimson with a bell attached to each point completes the outfit. A staff wrapped with red ribbon and topped with a bauble along juggling balls are a must.
Samanayr who'd wear it (if applicable):

Re: Costume contest!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 1:13 pm
by SilverDapples
Username: SilverDapples
Costume name: The Joker
Costume description: Here we have a little gray collared shirt, with a green and yellow diamond splotched tie, tucked into an emerald vest. Just on top of this emerald vest is a semi-long purple overcoat, along with a purple and (white) pinstripe slacks, and purple 'gloves' to boot. There's even a slightly lop sided green hair wig that the kind dragonet helper (who looks remarkably like a certain hero...) just placed on...
Samanayr who'd wear it (if applicable): No one (yet).

Image (XD I didn't want it to be huge... XD)

Re: Costume contest!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 1:41 pm
by silvermoondragon
Username: silvermoondragon
Costume name: Steampunk Steam-Powered Animal Trainer
Costume description: Vapor is dressed up in steampunk themed gear with some steam-powered mechanized pets around her.
Samanayr who'd wear it (if applicable): Vapor

Just squeezing in before the deadline! See more costumes in my art and writing forum post.

Re: Costume contest!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:02 pm
by Sushidragon
Thank you for the scary, funny, and creative entries everyone :D I'm going to get the voting posts up tomorrow because I'm really tired and having trouble braining tonight XD; The actual costume winners will be announced tomorrow as well!

Re: Costume contest!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 8:59 pm
by RikkuGirl
I was wondering... do costumes have baring on if items will be passed down to their offspring? o-O;; just curious ^_^;;;

Re: Costume contest - closed!

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:21 pm
by SilverDapples
XD you would want to know Rikku... yours has so many XD

Re: Costume contest - closed!

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:33 pm
by Seren
Hey you guys have hilarious/epic costumes. XD

Re: Costume contest - closed!

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:27 pm
by RikkuGirl

I know! Id die to get a skull capped baby! XD and I lurve pride as bambi *snort* he seems mad ;P

Re: Costume contest - closed!

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:23 pm
by Seren
He's not very happy at all! X3 He said he wishes he could wear Bambi's skull.

*sigh* Pride.

Dive was wearing a snowman outfit, but now it's just one big ball, and she's zooming around yelling. "ATTACK OF THE KILLER SNOWBALL!" and divebombing the cat and dog. XD

Re: Costume contest - closed!

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:00 am
by RikkuGirl
xD He would! lol

And thats so cute, I can picture her doing that now... I Think she would be a better snowflake, since she flys ;D *flails*

Either way... Chilling wanted to be a t-rex this year... I still have to come up with her costume.