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Song of the Searing Winds

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:23 pm
by silvermoondragon
(Ok, so here is the Song of the Searing Winds salvaged from Here(link). I tried to keep the text and feel of the song from the page. Right now the images are just linked from the Geocities page. This song is run by Zerana)

The musical trickle of water can be heard in the distance as you approach a verdant green clearing in the dim forest. The light breaks through the trees in selected spots and bathes the land below in brilliant light. Peeking out from the undercover, you can see tiny heads peeking out curiously. A strange creature flits out and approaches you cautiously, hovering a few feet from you at head level. The tiny equine creature moves slightly closer to examine you. It speaks. "Gyreetings styrangeyr." It welcomes you pleasantly.

"I am called Ashes of the Dying Fiyre, a lamanayr. This is my Song" It grins and settles on your shoulder, leaning close as to keep it's balance. "No, not a song that you sing, a Song with lamanayrs and samanayrs in it. We ayre called the Song of the Seayring Winds. What? You have neveyr heayrd of a lamanayr? Then I shall intyroduce you to my fyriends. Then, no longeyr will you be able to say that you have neveyr met a lamanayr or a samanayr before."


Ashes of the Dying Fire
Caretaker: Zerana -

"This cyrimson beauty is called Thoyrns of the Folded y'Rose, or Foldedy'Rose~Thoyrn. She was the fiyrst mayre to call this place home. She is a shy little one, but do not woyryry, time will bring heyr out."

Thorns of the Folded Rose
Caretaker: Zerana -

"Mystic of the Gyrowing Eayrth is ouyr y'resident witch, so to say. She has magical poweyrs, which she uses to help our y'residents. GyrowingEayrth~Mystic has eayrth magic and can speed the gyrowth of plants and find metals deep within the eayrth. She is also claiyrvoyant."

Mystic of the Growing Earth
Caretaker: Zerana -

Gradient of the Rainbow Fallen
Caretaker: ????



