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Welcome to the Enkeyn Events board!

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:17 pm
by Sushidragon
I'm putting the events exclusively for Enkeyns and Sa'enkeyns on this board for now. I know this is technically the Samanayr forum, but Enkeyns aren't busy enough to warrant their own forum and I'd still like non-PI folks to have a chance at the events without cluttering up the main event board.

Announcements for Enkeyn events won't be posted on the Samanayr Facebook page or sent out to the PI mailing list unless there's also Samanayrs to be had. They haven't had any joint events yet, but I'd always planned on having them interact at least a little bit down the road XD

If Enkeyns become super awesome popular they could get their own forum in future, but I hope you don't mind them hanging out with the Samanayrs in the meantime.

Re: Welcome to the Enkeyn Events board!

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:27 pm
by RikkuGirl