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I'm back! Sushi update
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 8:37 am
by Sushidragon
Just got back from my trip late last night, and soon enough I will be back in action (I have a moving estimate consultation and a driving lesson to get through first) XD I had soooo much fun, even though I was dead sick with a cold on the first half of the trip.
Things that I'll be doing today and over the new few days are:
- Done Finishing up the last custom (sorry, CosmicDragon!)
- Done Growing all foals
- Done Collecting the info from the Geocities Sams
- Updating the traits page with features
- Drawing on Ustream!
- Getting all of the Samanayr images set up for the database (and creating a watermark)
If I'm missing something, or if you can think of anything else, please let me know!
I'm going to be moving in the middle of June and need to start getting ready for the move. This means that things will probably be pretty slow over the next three weeks. However, once I'm set up in my new place, I'll have lots of time on my hands while I look for a job XD Things should get back in action then!
Re: I'm back! Sushi update
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 8:42 am
by silvermoondragon
YAY!!!!! I can't wait to see the foals grow! Hopefully your thumb is feeling better?
Re: I'm back! Sushi update
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 8:43 am
by Jennalyn
Hee, welcome back! I'm glad to hear that it was full of fun. When you can say that even with a cold in the beginning, you know it was awesome. xD Driving lessons are a pain in the butt, so good luck on getting through that with minimal fuss and a hopefully pleasant instructor.
Whee for foals! So much whee. I'm also very much looking forward to seeing CosmicDragon's custom, whatever it may be.
Yaaaay information collection. xD *so lame*
Ustream! Eee! So fun!
I definitely wish you well on your move. I can only imagine how much of a hassle that's going to be. We moved once, but that was twelve years ago and it's kind of a fuzzy memory. I've skipped back and forth for college these past few years, but it's just not the same. Best of luck, and we will be following your progress with many a cheer!
Re: I'm back! Sushi update
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 8:43 am
by Sushidragon
@silvermoondragon - Yep, it had a nice long break XD
@jennalyn - Thank you XD I haaaaate moving. This is the first time I've moved cities since I was 9, and I'm still a little freaked out about it XD; And it doesn't help that the moving estimate person is currently 20 minutes late.. grr.
Re: I'm back! Sushi update
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 9:08 am
by Harroway
Yay Sushi! I wish you the best of luck and a safe journey on your trip! I hope you feel better too - being sick is no fun at all.
I can understand being freaked out too! Moving can be scary, but I know you'll make it through with nary a scratch.
Re: I'm back! Sushi update
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 9:16 am
by Jennalyn
@Sushi: Aww, not a very auspicious start. I'm sure they'll get off their rump and arrive soon, though!
I was going through some of Myrror's Sams and noted two traits that aren't on the page that I could see. ^_^ The first is the curly mane. The second is a lack of mane and tail. I know there's tuftless, which the Sam also is (she's actually the poster child for it), but she doesn't fall under hairless because only her mane and tail are missing, not all of her hair. Both are on this page: ... Sam03.html
Re: I'm back! Sushi update
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 9:24 am
by Harroway
I was cruising through Karasu's Sams and noticed a Mystic of the Light element! I was like WHOA *record stop!*. I've seen Lex's Lunar Mystic, but that was the only non-four-elements mystic I'd ever seen! I love seeing all these old sams with traits I've never seen before. XD Karasu also has a Sam with eight legs!
...that's just me being dorky. XD I don't think any of the above is necessary for any updates! Just my own "whoa!" moment.
Re: I'm back! Sushi update
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 9:33 am
by Sushidragon
Turns out the estimate guy had left me a message while I was out of town that I didn't get to reschedule XD D'oh! Oh well, that gives me some more time to tidy.
@Harroway - I'm feeling all better now! I was just so annoyed when I got sick on the very first day there, especially since I'd had a bit of a cold the week before and thought that that was the end of it XD
And yeah, there are some Mystics that aren't the usual eart/air/fire/water elements XD Sometimes breeding two Mystics of different types can result in a new type!
@jennalyn - Curly mane is actually going to be a feature, which I still need to update XD And I do need to add maneless and tailless - thank you
Re: I'm back! Sushi update
Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 9:53 am
by AsaraDragon
Welcome back, Sushi!
I'll be looking forward to more Ustream goodness, since I missed all the other ones!
Take care of yourself, and best of luck with your move. I have never moved cities, except to go to college and come back. But even moving across town is an ordeal that I don't want to go through again any time soon! XD
Re: I'm back! Sushi update
Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:13 am
by Math
Yay! Welcome back!