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Epic 1000th Samanayr contest! Results!

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:10 pm
by Sushidragon
Epic 1000th Samanayr Contest
Well, it's time - the epic 1000th Samanayr contest :D This contest is actually a two-parter - design and a photo story!

The design part is simple enough. Come up with a design for the 1000th Samanayr! Any species goes, but it'd have to be a pretty spectacular design for something like a Mystery to be approved. In addition to whatever the Sam's species is, it'll also be a Rider! That means you'll have to design a dragonet companion and rideable pet as well.

As part of the design contest, you'll have to draw a picture of your Sam (either computer or real media). The quality of the art doesn't matter, so don't worry - you're welcome to provide a written description too! Then you'll need to take your Sam (printed off the computer, if required) off on a magical journey of adventure with your camera :D In 5 photos, you'll need to tell a story with your designed Sam. Maybe it's off looking for treasure? Telling the story of how it met its rideable companion? It's up to you!

The winning design will be turned into our 1000th Sam, and there's other prizes too :D

General rules and info

- There is a limit of one entry per person.
- Please enter on PI or the Sam forum, not both places.

Design rules and info

- Any species goes, but the Sam will also be a Rider.
- Any traits except 'unique' are allowed!
- Samanayrs are very small, so when designing please keep in mind that it can be difficult for me to do very small or detailed markings.
- Since Samanayrs are hand-colored it can be difficult for me to match up the exact colors, but I'll try my best!
- You do need to include a drawing of your design, but you won't be judged on the quality. You will be judged on the creativity of the design itself!
- In addition to the drawing you're also welcome (and encouraged!) to provide a written description.
- The rideable pet can be anything a Samanayr could conceivably train and ride on. Large birds and specially-bred Oquiesas are the preferred pets, but other creatures might be possible as well, although not too much larger than the Sam (so no Enkeyns!). Reference photos are a plus if the animal is a real one (eg a specific falcon)!
- The dragonet companion should be a Kreenasa. They can have a variety of traits but there's no set list yet. Feel free to browse through the existing Kreenasa Dragonets to get trait ideas, or come up with your own traits!

Photo story rules and info

- You need to submit 5 photos that tell a story. You can accompany the photos with written descriptions to help tell the story.
- Each photo should include a picture (printed or drawn) of your design contest entry. You can include the pets or not, it's up to you.
- If your photos are very large and you're unable to resize, please link to them instead.

Oh, and how about those prizes?

First place - Your Sam will be turned into the 1000th Samanayr! In addition you'll receive the rideable pet and dragonet, a modiem of your choice, and an 'other' item of your choice.
'Other' items can be found here -

Runners up - There will be 2-3 runners up. Your Sams will be turned into 'real' Sams, minus the rideable pet and dragonet. In addition you'll receive a modiem of your choice and a random 'other' item.

All entrants - Everyone who enters will receive a random modiem and a special mystery prize ;D

Judging for everything will be based on creativity and effort! Clear writing with proper punctuation and grammar is also a big plus.

How to enter

You'll need to send me a PM and make a post to this thread to enter!

For the design portion, please send me a PM with the subject We're over 1000! with the following form filled out:

Sam name:
Markings and colors:
Accessories (if any):
Other relevant info:
Rideable pet description:
Dragonet description:
Samanayr image:

For the photo portion, please post your photos in this thread! You're welcome to submit your design entry whenever and then wait until the end of the contest to post your photos if you want to keep your design a secret until then, but don't forget to post your photos!

The contest will be open until October 3, 1pm PDT/19:00 PI time. Good luck and have fun :D

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest!

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:31 pm
by Seren
Hey Sushi- so, one quick question, you said it could be any species we wanted, but it would still need to fit the Rider traits, right? To some degree?

Also, the falcon for the Rider/the Oquesia for Lakota's are pretty good scale models for how big a rideable animal will be in comparison to its Rider, correct? And do we need to design the harness for the animal?

...Okay that was like three questions. XD Here's a fourth: Can we draw multiple poses for our sams for the story portion?

Im so excited! ^^

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest!

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:44 pm
by Origami_Dragon
Quick you want us to include a piece of paper with our user name in it in the pictures for this?

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest!

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:17 am
by SilverDapples
I don't think these photos are too large...? I can definitely resize them to something smaller if they are a bit too big, it's fine by me

Anywhoodles, I decided I didn't mind if everyone saw my little Sam...because she's so fancy :O
Plus, if I waited any longer I'd probably forget... because that's my other middle name XD
My camera was being a little tart with me when it came to focusing and photo brightness and so forth, but still, should be fine me thinkies?

Annnd I'll be honest, the little story caption-y part was confusing to me XD and I felt so guilty cutting her out of the sketchbook XD *facepalm*

Anyhow! Observation = the lady Sam, Chosposi = the leaping Kreenasa Dragonet
They (AKA Chosposi) wanted to go on a walk - which was hoped to turn into an adventure, and I think it did!

438. Chosposi and Observation decided to go out on a walk, and perhaps even have an adventure. Chosposi likes leaping over things that they find when they’re out walking which is why she really loves going on walks.

441. The pair moved along before being met by a strange wooden fence, just a bit too big to try jumping over. Was it meant to keep them out, or something in?

449. Despite Observation’s words, Chosposi decided she wanted to investigate the strange area and, naturally, Observation followed. On the other side of the fence was a mess of leaves and half eaten twigs. What kind of creature ate things from trees?

452. Moments later, their questions of what could make such a mess was answered. It was a young Oquiesa. Pitch black with a healthy gloss and a mangled thing in its mouth. It wasn’t very mean… in fact, it seemed like it wanted to play with both of them.

456. Chosposi seemed to like the Oquiesa just as much as Observation did, and just as much as the Oquiesa liked them. Maybe Observation and Chosposi could take the wiggling creature when they leave to return back home…

Picture above goes to the closest caption below, if that wasn't clear...
(the numbers are just referring to the picture number that they had on my camera/computer)
heh... now that embarrassing mess is over... I can't wait to see what other people have!

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest!

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:03 am
by Seren
*giggles* Oliver should win just on being so adorable.

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest!

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 7:36 am
by Pristine
Optimism, Endymion, and Jagati's Most Recent Adventure
As told by Optimism

Jagati and I had heard that there was a very old city (possibly one of the oldest in the land we were visiting) very nearby and naturally I insisted we go for a visit. It was a lovely day and the sky was blue and the grass was green and I could smell there was a smell of adventure wafting through the breezes, though Jagati seemed to think it was just the rotten-egg smell of well-water from freshly-watered lawns. We set down in this "Saint" of "Augustines" and I was about to tell Jagati that her adventure-smell-sense must be off today, when suddenly she flew off without me! I knew I would have to try to track her down.

The first place I considered was this very sweet-smelling building. They had all sorts of chocolate-y and fudge-y concoctions but for some reason they also seemed to cater to birds, as well! Unfortunately, when I'd finally made my way up to where they were hiding the bird-oriented confections, I found Jagati was not there and continued my search.

As I was walking down one of the many hallways between buildings, I came across this mysterious fortune-teller hunched over his crystal ball. I assumed he kept the glass between himself and his customers so they could not steal his secrets! I asked him if he knew where Jagati was, but he only told me my wish was granted. If he meant my wish for adventure, well, that fortune wasn't very useful! I already knew that!

It seemed I couldn't pass a single building without smelling something delightful that made my stomach thunder ominously at me. I knew I had to get my energy up for the adventure to continue as planned. Jagati was waiting for me, somewhere! I snuck into a parlor where they seemed to be making some awfully flat pieces of bread with cheese and meat put all across them... weird! Gross! Whatever. I nibbled on a piece of bread and made my way ever-forward!

Then it happened! I spotted Jagati through the open door of a building! I raced inside, past all of the paintings and wooden sculptures and breathlessly bounced up to her, giving her a greeting caw-caw, but she didn't respond! It was only when I tried to nuzzle into her chest-feathers that I realized she was just a lifeless wooden sculpture. A very well-painted sculpture, but not what I was looking for! My heart might have broken if it hadn't meant the adventure continued!

I almost began to despair when a bright light shone in my eye and nearly blinded me! Ouch! But it brought my attention to the wares being peddled by a salesperson high on a shelf, where bright sunlight was filtering in through a window and bouncing off a series of globe-like crystals. And among them, there was Jagati! She was preening herself daintily when I bounced up. She looked quite startled to see me... I'm sure she was happy I had found her! And while some might suggest she flew off to avoid me and was distracted by something shiny, I know that what she was actually doing was trying to point me to a globe that might have the location of our next adventure on it! She really knows me too well!

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest!

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:54 am
by Bluestarwolf12
I just know that if I wait any longer I'm going to forget about posting this. ^^;

1000th Sam Entry Photo Story

I need fish to survive because I'm part Sa'Grisayr, and you'd think that'd be easy to manage... but I'm just so darn slow in the water. The plants I eat help keep me going, but I'm really struggling to keep myself fed.

This little fella washed up on shore today, and he's quite good at catching fish... I'm just having a hard time teaching him to catch some for me too. If I could train him to do that, he could really help me!

I've decided to name him Sharkbait.

An orphaned dolphin showed up on my beach recently. She looks hungry, and while I know there are plenty of fish out there in the ocean, I feel like I should help her, though there's not much I can really do. I mean, I've watched grown dolphins hunt fish before, I just can't do it myself.

Hey, maybe I could teach her somehow? Then she could feed herself and won't starve, and then maybe someday she'll be able to go off on her own without fear of starving! That'd be nice, though I would be a little sad to see her go.

I've been teaching the dolphin how to hunt, and she's been doing incredibly well. It doesn't seem like she plans on leaving, and both she and Sharkbait have been bringing fish back for me. I still need to make sure they go out and hunt every day, but this arrangement is working out well for me. I've named the dolphin Slipstream. It seems appropriate.

A wandering Mystic came by and said I had all the makings of a good Rider. She said she'd try and get ahold of the Sharians for me and have them make some custom harness for Slipstream. I was very confused at first, since from what I've heard of Riders they are exclusive to giant birds and Oquiesas, but after thinking about it for a long while, I've decided to take the Mystic up on her offer. It's just too tempting to pass up, and the more I think about it, the more excited I get.

(No harness or gear shown. Just pretend she's all buckled down? |D)
Thanks to the Sharians and that Mystic, I now ride Slipstream very efficiently! Sharkbait helps me out with the harness, and we now catch plenty of food to feed all three of us. These guys have really made my life wonderful, and I don't have any idea how I made it through a day without them. <3

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest!

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 3:50 pm
by Origami_Dragon
If I don't post this tonight I'm just going to wind up fretting over remembering to post it before the deadline. So, my story. Sadly I don't live near any caves that I know of to be able to get good backgrounds for this...
So, anotheyr visitoyr has found me have they? One would think living in a cave would discouyrage visitoyrs. Though I suppose when almost all of those you know also live in a cave, in the same cave...ah well. You ayre heyre now. I suppose you too have come to heayr about the bat? Yes? Veyry well.
It began not so long ago when I was yroaming the depths of the caveyrns and tunnels as I am wont to do.
Much to my suyrpryrise, theyre was something neayrly blocking one of my favoyrite tunnels, one that had a hole in the yroof wheyre you could see the sky. The tunnel was so tall, I had not yrealized that the opening theyre was so big as to allow this sized cyreatuyre in, foyr the bat that lay theyre was fayr layrgeyr than I, most especially when it stayrtled and flailed its one good wing.
I have a gyreat love of all things winged, and somewhat of a longing to myself fly. I could no moyre leave that bat theyre to loose flight and life than I could have left my kin-sisteyr. While I could not actually move the bat, I could nuyrse it, and feed it. Gyrubbing foyr woyrms is no great fun, but the bat appyriciated them.
In time the bat did heal, and my heayrt both byroke and soayred as she flapped heyr wings and yrose up the tunnel. She would fly fyree once moyre, but I yremained behind. Gyreat was my suyrpyrise when afteyr that shoyrt test flight she landed once moyre.
Gyreateyr was my suyrpyrise when she coaxed my onto heyr back foyr one exhileyrating flight, clinging foyr my life foyr one long glide down the tunnel, and then... And then...we yreach the now, and the choice I have to make. A fyriend I have now, foyr life if heyr actions ayre any indication. But will we fly togetheyr fuyrthyr...

(All roles in this story were played by trained* professionals. No bats or worms were harmed in the capturing of these images. :P

*training may or may not have been particularly extensive

Ori may or may not have a surplus of bat figures/toys around.)

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest!

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 4:20 pm
by amazondreamer
Finally got my story finished. We went to the local aquarium to get these shots last weekend but I only just finished the story. It was a ton of fun (although we got more than a few odd looks). Since this is his backstory, before he became a Rider, I’ll be referring to him as Crash of the Pounding Surf. I didn't include drawings of the dragonet or the riding pet for two reasons. One, I just plain didn't think of it and two, the dragonet would come later on. Yeah. >.>

Anyway, hope ya’ll enjoy!

As a young stallion Crash of the Pounding Surf lived amidst the corals in the shallow coastal waters surrounding a tropical archipelago. He enjoyed a life of relaxation and simple pleasures, leaping through waves and lounging on the sandy sea floor. Crash lived the life of a bachelor, traveling where and when the whim struck him. He prided himself on his speed and his good looks, and could often be found flirting and demonstrating his skills for the admiration of lovely mares.

But no mare could convince Crash to settle down and form a Song. Crash was bitten with wanderlust, and though he would never admit it he feared the responsibility of caring for a family. One day Crash decided to venture out into the deeper waters, and see where the currents carried him. He swam through a deep canyon and past towering spires of coral and out into open waters.

Out in the vastness of the open sea and far from any other samanyr-kin Crash reveled in the freedom and independence. Crash swam for days, with no destination in mind. His mind began to wander, his focus began to wane, and the stallion entered almost a trance like state as he swam. And before he knew what was going on Crash found himself trapped, along with countless fish, within a rapidly contracting net. Panic set in as the school of fish swirled around him and Crash pushed and shoved himself towards the edge. He squirmed and strained, trying to squeeze through the small openings but to no avail. His wings became tangled within the ropes. Suddenly Crash found himself being hoisted towards the surface. Burning pain seared through Crash as the ropes bit into the tender flesh of the wing membranes, ripping and tearing the sensitive skin.

The net was dumped out into the hull of a fishing boat and Crash flopped and flailed on the slick wooden deck, desperately clawing his way between the piled fish seeking refuge or escape. Crash had heard rumors of the strange creatures known as humans, and Crash had no desire to meet one face to face. But fate was not kind to the young stallion; one of the humans soon spied Crash amidst the carnage and for the second time that day Crash felt himself being hoisted up by his tattered bloody wings. Hissing in pain Crash twisted around and slashed at the offending hand with his talons. Startled, the human flung the samanayr overboard.

His relief at escape was short-lived as the saltwater burned each and every wound covering his body and wings. Pain lanced through his system as he tried in vain to flap his fin-wings and flee, but it was no use. The wings hung limp and useless, barely more than skeletal. His wings broken, and with them his pride, Crash slunk down to the ocean floor, with only misery to keep him company. He spent many months isolated and alone in the deep, dark waters nursing his injuries and only surfacing to breathe. Crash dreaded encountering other Samanyr-kin, for although he missed the company of others he could not bear the thought of the pity he was sure to receive.

Nearly a year after his dreadful encounter with the humans, Crash was surfacing to breathe when he spied a sea turtle. Crash had often admired their sleek and silent forms, but even from a distance he could tell something was very wrong with this one. Curious, the stallion drew near and saw that the turtle was tangled in a fine thin string. The string wrapped around most of the turtle’s shell and one of its flippers, holding it tight against the reptile’s body. The normally graceful swimmer was limping along at a halting, erratic pace. Crash’s heart twisted to see another creature so crippled by the humans’ carelessness. Speaking softly, Crash swam up behind the turtle and clambered upon its shell. With deft talons and sharp teeth the stallion carefully began to free the large reptile.

As the last bit of string fell off, the turtle snapped its flippers out and rocketed forwards through the water. Startled, Crash scrambled to hold onto lip of the shell. The speed was exhilarating, and for the first time since his injury, Crash found himself smiling.

It took many long months for stallion and turtle to work out a communication system and build a relationship but the seeds of trust and friendship had been laid in one simple act of kindness.

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest!

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:58 am
by oakleafwolf
So... I kept trying to write a real "story" story, but every time I began composing my opening sentence I was interrupted by a persistent little voice that demanded to do his own storytelling thankyouverymuch! Unable to fight any longer, I gave up the pretense of control and let my little guy do his own talking.


Hi there! My name is Rider of the Daring Leap. I’m sort of an adrenaline junkie, but that’s okay because I have the most awesome job in the world. No! Seriously! It is!
…Proof? Pshaw. That, my friend, is no trouble at all.


I live here in the desert, far to the West of most Samanayrs. Its wild country; arid plains with nothing but dust and rock and deep canyons carved out of the sandstone by the raging fury of the seasonal flash floods. A little bit of water out there where the ground isn’t permeable means millions of gallons of gushing death for anything caught down on the canyon floor. This makes it tough—the canyon makes great shelter from the sun and occasional sandstorm, but could mean a very bad day if you can’t make it out quickly.


Hm? My job? Sheesh! Keep your harness on, I’m getting to that!

See, because these canyons make such great shelter from the desert elements lots of creatures like to live here…but only the ones who can live up above the floodwaters can stay there for very long. Creatures like…the raptors. Anytime you see a Rider being carried by a desert-bred raptor, you’re looking at a little piece of my work!

These hooks of mine are perfectly suited to climbing trees, it’s true, but they’re also perfect for hooking into the little crags and cracks in the cliff sides. I can run along a vertical cliff face almost as fast as a hoofy Sam can hoof it along the ground below. I leap my way from hook-hold to hook-hold until I run into a smooth patch…but it’s no sweat! That’s where Skree and Zephyr come in.

Skree flies below me when I’m cliff running so I can jump from the wall to his back and up to the wall again. He’s the handhold that’s always there. Zephyr tails me in case we need to buckle in for a rapid change of altitude and between the three of us we’re a pretty good team! I take care of them and they take care of me.


Why do I need to run the cliffs? Isn’t it obvious?

Because it’s AWESOME.

Seriously, though, I did say it was a job, right? This is how it works. I run the cliffs and locate the nests of new raptor parents. When I find one, Skree finds a discrete place to hide while Zephyr and I creep in close to the nest and see if the babies would make good mounts for new riders. Little buddy grabs me my map and a charcoal stick and I mark where the good nests are and which areas are in the territory of birds too small or too aggressive to make good mounts.
After marking the map, we creep back to a good pickup location and wham-bam thank-you Skree we’re back on the trail for more places to mark. Every once in a while I take a report back to a Rider training camp and a new generation of riders can try their luck with a desert hawk or eagle.


Of course, I don’t always stick to the cliffs and birds, either… I do occasionally head topside on the cliffs and help some of the other scouts locate oquiesa dens sometimes, too. Trees aren’t as challenging as cliffs, but they do lead to some pretty epic leaps—branch-to-branch or branch-to-Skree.

Would the Riders still exist if it weren’t for me? Oh, probably, but they would be stuck with ratty forest birds and not the thermal-riding desert royalty I can provide. …They’d also be short an awful lot of style points.

Seriously though, I love working for the Riders, running with Skree, and sneaking up to nests and dens with Zephyr. I love that what I do can help other Samanayrs and I love the rush. Do I have the most awesome job or what? Rider out.


Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest!

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:54 pm
by CosmicDragon
(Erk. I'd forgotten how awful I am at these things... No eye for photos whatsoever. *headdesks* Also, if you're wondering what the little aquarium was for, that's where my scorpion lives. He sleeps most of the day though, so no fear. :3)

A brilliant light flashes past your eyes, and you startle back. It looks like nothing more than a shooting star, but this star is not falling, instead it is turning, instead it has eyes that seem to have locked onto you. As it draws closer, you begin to realize that this white light is truly a samanayrs, but not of a kind commonly seen above ground like this. The Illiayr mare skids to halt in front of you atop a great beast, and brilliant white orbs gaze calmly into yours. "You'yre heayrt has called me heyre, young one... It has questions." She cocks her head thoughtfully. "You wish to know what we ayre... To know that, you must know wheyre we came fyrom." With a soft whistle, her mount curls up and allows her to rest in the crook of it's body while she begins to weave her story.

"My name is Healeyr of the Millennium Wish, and like most Illiayrs I was conceived and birthed in the Below." A smile curves at the edges of her silver beak. "But tyruly, wheyre I was boyrn was 'below' nothing, the snowy peaks of my home-cave fayr above the Tyrue-Below of my kin. I came into life in a place wheyre few Samanayr dwell, only those built to withstand it's hayrsh beauties or those who know how to hide fyrom them. And it was to theiyr needs that I was taught to heayrken, meting out remedies with my small scaled companion, Qi."


"Howeveyr, my hearyt cyried. It told me oveyr and again that these few weyre not the only ones to need my healing, my cayre. And so, when I came of age, I set out to tyravel as all Healeyrs do." She shook her head almost ruefully. "I did not realize then how ill-equipped my body was then to the scouyring mountain winds. I had lived my whole life in the shelteyr of the tunnel netwoyrks, afteyr all, and did not know then how unfoyrgiving the ice was to those without a thick buffeyr of Norytheyrn fuyr. I did not make it even halfway down ouyr mountain."


"When I came to, I was confined. A glass cage housed me, and though I almost didn't dayre believe it, I suspected humans to be behind it. I had heayrd the stoyries, of couyrse, as eveyry foal had, though just as with eveyry foal I had put little stock in human-tales." The mare smirked slightly at her own foolishness. "As it tuyrned out, I was not the only cyreatuyre held theyre. My Qi discoveyred our cellmate within the eayrly houyrs, scuyrrying back to my side chased by the layrge Feline. Few of it's kind had I seen befoyre, and none so tyruly layrge. Though I could not speak with the beast, I did my best to commune with him, and with his aid I devised an escape."


"The way out was tyreacherous, guayrded by whiyrlingly fast balls of fuyr and teeth, but by waiting until they weyre at rest we managed to sneak past." 


"Once we weyre outside again, I took to the sky, finding a leafy vantage point from which to spy ouyr way home."


"Though I fully expected ouyr ways to payrt theyre, our fuyrry fellow escapee accompanied Qi and myself all the way home, buffeyring the cold from our bodies at night." A warmth crossed her face then. "The bond that foyrmed between us on that jouyrney has neveyr weakened."

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest!

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:30 pm
by Janalee
Another Exciting Day in the Life of a Tribal Kodyla

Sometime early afternoon:


"What's that Cribel- it's time to get up?...
Are you absolutely sure? No, no, I'm not doubting you, you know. I think we may need to invest in some more pillows though; I'm sure I wouldn't be yawning like this if we had a proper place to sleep. Maybe something edged with feathers..."

Two hours later:


*laughs indulgently*
"Yes, yes, I see that you can brush yourself as well, well done. You're so close to finishing this side of my coat though, and then there's only one side left!"

Six hours later:


"Ooh, so many choices! What do you think Cribel- is today the day that I wear them all?"

Cribel stops counting the hours later:


"Wait, wait- it's sunset already? Oh dear, I can't ride Cristata in this- and I won't be able to see anything at all in a few moments either! She'll be so upset with me...oh, pretty please, be a dear and help me apologize to her. Tomorrow, tomorrow we'll fly out for sure."

A number of extra treats and pets later:


"There, maybe it's just as well we didn't take off today. I do so love to listen to you read Cribel- do you think maybe this time you could sing it though?"


...maybe the title should have been 'Janalee clearly ran out of time to get a decent story together' instead? *grins sheepishly* Ah well, I couldn't resist trying anyway. Thanks for the chance, and congrats again on reaching a thousand Sams! :D

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest!

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:32 am
by Seren

I love trees. They never make me feel tiny like they do to some Samanayrs. When I am below them, I am sheltered, and when I soar above them on the back of Loro, I am awed by the view of them. They remind me at times not to forget about my past- like the rings in their trunks, I must keep track of where I came from, lest I lose myself in a whirlwind of life and futures.
*snort* Oh wow, do I sound stuffy! But you want to know more? Well…I guess I should start at the beginning?


I’m not really sure where my birth song is or what they were like. All I know is that a band of Tribals came across my little curled up form and Lag- that’s my dragonet- on a trail through the southern heated forests. They took me with them, and brought me up to be a good Tribal, decorating myself and passing on the oral stories. I’m not exactly brightly colored or patterned- as my adopted “family” used to say, I was camouflaged.

I didn’t hate my time with them, I just never felt…like I had found my niche. I always felt exposed… I did not like the plains, where everything was the same, earth and sky, a never-ending pair of flat lines meeting at a horizon.

Something possessed me one day, to just roam, stumbling over rocks with the hooks I have grown to love. At the time, though, I’ll admit, I might have been cursing their existence. Well, not cursing, more like scolding- That’s not true Lag! I did not curse like a Sharian sailor!- *cough* Anyway. I got lost, and by the time night fell, I was realizing how dumb I really was.- What do you mean, now she admits it?! Go away you little pest, I’m trying to tell my story!


It was dark when I stumbled into a rut, and came across a smashed…pen, of sorts. Looking back, it was probably some Human trader's cage or something. That’s where I found a tiny shivering bundle, with hardly any feathers on him.

I had empathy for the guy… I don’t know why, I just felt protective all of the sudden. – Lag calls it “motherly instincts, though we all know that there’s no way I’m ever becoming a mother!- Plus, I was barely older than a yearling then!


We were all cold, the three of us, and alone… so we all spent the night together. By the time dawn came and we set out, Lag and I had earned ourself a new companion. That little hatchling was the stubbornest thing I’d ever met, hopping and hobbling along behind us. Lag would fly about and find patches of roots and berries to feast on, along our way. Sometimes I’d find wet clay or use a mushy berry and decorate my coat- I couldn’t forget the Tribals, even if I hadn’t been totally happy there.

One day there was a smudge on the horizon. As time went on in our trek, it grew clearer and clearer, and soon we stood at the foot of trees, the first trees any of us could remember. (I assume, not sure for Loro though!) We were in awe at first, jaws hanging all open and dumb-looking, but within moments we were scuffling about in the leaves and rejoicing in this wonderful place. It wasn’t the tropical jungles of my supposed homeland, but it was so much better than the plains!
But time was moving faster than I’d like, and soon the hatchling- Loro, I’d named him by then- was now a fledging, almost ready to fly. I know that he was close to us, but I couldn’t help but worry if he might leave for good, fly off someplace. I wanted him to be happy, but at the same time, I wanted us to be together.


That’s when Rider of the Rolling Peaks showed up. At first I distrusted him- in fact, downright hated him, especially when he got my fledging to hop right out to him! But somehow the old stallion got me out, after turning Lag traitor as well. He asked me how long I’d had Loro, and well…I mighta fibbed a bit and said since he was an egg, but it was close enough! – Hey, who are you calling a liar?! Who made you my dam, Lag?! Rider’s gone, there’s no one for you to tattle to!- ah, um, anyway, Rider told me he had some tips for me. And while there’s no way I needed them, I listened.

….Okay, so I couldn’t have done it without him, I’ll admit it. I had no idea at the time what he was teaching me to be, I just thought it was cool stuff that he wanted to share with me since he had some bond with his owl Fiazo. I had no idea he was conditioning me to be a Rider like him. Not until a summer morning, with Loro showing all his true brilliant colors, and my hide bare of any paint, did he tell me he had an idea for my full name. Before he always called me “Stronghold”, joking that a flippant free-spirited filly like me needed a strong name to keep me from wafting away on a breeze.

“Rider of the Tropical Zephyrs.”

It fit, in a strange and oddly nice way, and I realized the magnitude of the situation when he handed me my own set of harnesses. I don’t know how he made them or traded for them, but I’ve had them ever since.

But before I could confirm whether I was a Rider, I knew there was one thing I must do… I had to ask Loro. I had to give him the chance to fly off without me. I had to be willing to give up the thrill of flying for his own happiness.

I can’t tell you that I wasn’t the happiest Samanayr on earth when Loro held that harness in his beak and dropped it at my hooks.


See, it’s hard to explain what being a Rider is like. It’s not something you’re born with, yet it’s a deep part of you. It’s not about the thrills of going fast and living on the edge.

It’s about being ordinary and discovering something extraordinary about another- well, two others. My story doesn’t feature monsters or epic quests or even all that much conflict. It’s just kinda plain and ordinary, like me and my coat.

But being a Rider isn’t about being extraordinary- it’s about being in a relationship that runs deeper than a friendship, or even Song members, I think. It’s about trust, and equality. It’s about being partners.

Your heart doesn’t just soar because it’s up high when you’re a Rider- it’s so much more than that.

……What do you mean I got cheesy at the end?! Listen here buddy, who was the one who said I should take this seriously?!


Alright, so I worked really hard on this (Don’t know if it shows!) and I stressed out plenty about it, especially when I saw all the other awesome entries! But here’s my best shot! ^^

I am proud of myself because all the pictures drawn here are made for the story (One pose was reused a few times) but I did not use my actual ref picture that I sent Sushi, with her full adult markings!

Here is a better quality scan of Loro flying if anyone wants to see:


(Edited to change picture size)

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest!

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:55 am
by Echos
It was still early morning when the samanayr found us deep in the jungle. Steele had just come from a hunt, the grizzled remains of a bat trapped safely under a talon. That more than anything might account for the vauge message he brought - there was some thing terrible happening to the jungle in the east. What he didn't know or say but than the stallion had barely been able to stammer out those few words with Steele looming in the background.

We flew over the jungle for three days before we found what he'd been warning us about. I'd been looking for the eastern fork of the river since dawn with little success. At first I'd thought Steele had flow too far south but she insisted - with extreme disdain - that unlike some samanayrs, she knew the difference from south and east. That's when I realized we hadn't missed the river; it just wasn't there anymore. From our perch the river was as dry as a bone for as far as the eye could see.

With a growing sense of unease we took flight again, following the dry stream bed through the rest of the afternoon. Just as twilight was beginning to fall Steele veered off and landed in tree at the edge of the jungle. Except that it shouldn't have been the edge. Were only a month before had grown massive trees there was now only brown, empty land. The stumps for massive trees littered the land, their trunks and branches having already been cropped up and stacking in piles. Humans were hard at work hauling even these away.

We waited until night to continue, neither of having any idea how to stop the destruction the humans were wreaking on our home. We found the humans camped by the source of the river. The trees on one side had been cleared and their trunks used to block the water from flowing downstream. The camp itself was little more than stick huts and sloppily erected ones at that. And that's what gave me the idea. It was still the rainy season and the lake was full to bursting with all that extra water. And of course the stupid humans had built on the flatest bit of ground - the lakes flood plane.

It took us a few nights but Steele and I managed to weaken the dam enough that the river broke free. The camp is gone now. Has been for a few months. The lake is healing - already the trees are growing back.


After the flood the humans just packed up and left and we haven't see even the slightest hint of them sense. I think we beat them but Steele's not so sure. It's because of her that we've hung around her so long. I'm not sure we'll ever be able to fix the damage they did but Steele showed me yesterday that plants are already starting to grow back.


If we can stop the humans from coming back the jungle might just stand a chance.

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest!

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:56 am
by silvermoondragon
Finally got the story bit finished... I had all the pictures taken about a week ago on my road trip(most of the pictures are from Jasper National Park) but the writing was much slower to come... That last picture, I almost lost the falcon because it was so windy XD

As a young foal, Tragedy had been enamored with the sky. Bound to his cave-like eyrie on the side of a cliff, Tragedy with watch with amazed wonderment, wiggling his own little wings in anticipation, whenever his parents would return to him with food.

He also loved watching the other birds and things he would see circling about high in the sky. The freedom he could see in their lazy movements, soaring high up above, excited him and he couldn’t wait until his wings would be strong enough to hold him in flight of his own.

Unfortunately for Tragedy, his parents had made their home on the cliffs of a waterfall. A most breathtaking and beautiful spot to be sure, but one fraught with dangers.

One day, while his parents were out, Tradgedy finally worked up the courage to attempt a flight of his own. Spreading his own newly fledged wings, he stepped up to the edge of the ledge looking proudly up to the sky. Just then, a rouge breeze buffeted him, catching his wings and causing him to lose balance. He would have been fine, except for when he readjusted his footing, he slipped on the slick, wet rocks. Tumbling down into the waterfall’s spray, Tradgedy’s wings were not quite ready to bear his weight and he plunged into the raging glacial waters below.

Tradgedy did not wake up for many days. The river had carried him long and far, dashing him against rocks and other debris carried along with him. He was lucky a wandering Healer had found him there, lying broken on the riverbank. The Healer had tried her best, but had been unable to save his wings leaving only stumps where his beautiful wings had once been. “What’s your name little one?” asked the Healer once he woke and she had explained the situation to him. Having been too young to have received his name yet, Tragedy thought for awhile, pondering the question, before answering. “Tragedy of the Skybound Destiny, and I will soar the skies one day.” So Tragedy looked out over the open plains before him, thanked the Healer and set off.

Driven by his insatiable desire to fly, Tragedy knew he could stop at nothing to achieve his dream of flight. He had heard a legend from his parents telling of a rider, a fantastic tale of a Samanayr brave enough to tame a falcon and take to the skies. If Tragedy could find such a bird, perhaps he could train it himself and earn back his right to travel the skies.

And so Tragedy began his search. His search for a falcon that would be his wings and take him to where he knew he belonged.

When at last he spotted a nesting pair of falcons, his heart began to sing. The peeping sound of the young falcons brought joy to his heart and he knew this was where he belonged. He waited until the parents had gone off to hunt and then began the long tough journey climbing up the tree. One look down was a big mistake and Tragedy fought a wave of nausea as the height reminded him of his accident. Climbing was tough for him, especially as his one leg had been bothering him and would not bear much weight.

With much effort, Tragedy made it to the nest and looked into the eldest chick’s eyes. Would the bird accept him to be his rider?

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest!

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:40 am
by Yuiven





Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest!

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:32 pm
by Sushidragon
I am working on judging this contest, sorry to take so long.. as usual o_____x I've narrowed it down to 8 finalists - it's a start, right?! I'll be announcing the winners when I've finished, scanned, and certed the Sams, so it'll probably be another week or so. Than you all for your patience <3

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest!

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 12:45 pm
by Sushidragon
The three runner-up Sams are all colored and I just finished the rideable pet for the 1000th Sam, so they should all be ready to go tomorrow :D I can't wait to share them!

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest!

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 12:58 pm
by Sushidragon
Finally, we have the results of the epic 1000th Samanayr contest :D This was another tough one, and thank you for your patience while I worked on the judging and the Sams! Thank you also for sharing your ideas and designs with me, I always love seeing what you all come up with :D
CosmicDragon is our first place winner! I loved the description of Healer riding through the night like a shooting star, collecting 'wishes' from those who needed her skills. I also love how the designs of all three complement each other while managing to display three different kinds of patterns, and enjoyed Healer's tale of rescue and escape. Congratulations and welcome to our 1000th Samanayr!

For some reason Photobucket no longer likes to upload images with the 'Illiayr glow' on them, so I've temporarily hosted the image on PI until I can figure out how to fix that o_x
oakleafwolf is a runner up! Thrill's photo tale is what really cinched it, I love the depiction of his daring leaps and adventures while performing an important task. Although accompanied only by his dragonet I hope he'll still be able to help the Riders out!
Bluestarwolf12 is a runner up! I really enjoyed Feather's coloration and mixed bag of Aquatic and Sa'grisayr traits, and hope that she'll be able to train Sharkbait to help her catch the fish she needs. Poor hungry Feather!
Janalee is a runner up! I was quite tickled by the thought of a Tribal Kodyla, and can only imagine the kind of accessories any of her offspring migiht decide to acquire. I also enjoyed her lazy day in, as told through her photo story XD

Congrats to everyone, and thanks again for entering! I'll be sorting out the items and all tonight since Baby Sushi should be up from his nap any minute.

The mystery prize that everyone will be receiving is a Cupcake, another one-used breeding item :D When used in a breeding, a Cupcake will give the foal one of these traits (selected randomly):

- Mini
- Vestigial Butterfly Wings
- Folded Ears
- Upright Hair
- Bob Tail

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest! Results!

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:23 pm
by Origami_Dragon
Congrats guys! There were some lovely entries and we've got a lovely collection of Sams appearing as a result!

And I guessed right what our mystery item would be! Once those appeared as race prizes I sort of suspected they might be the prize here too!

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest! Results!

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 7:30 pm
by Sushidragon
I've added the participation prizes to everyone's inventories, as well as the cupcakes here's what everyone got as a random modiem:

silvermoondragon - Species
Seren - Rarity
Yuiven - Trait
oakleafwolf - Trait
CosmicDragon - Breeding
Janalee - Breeding
amazondreamer - Breeding
Origami_Dragon - Color
Pristine - Species
Bluestarwolf12 - Rarity
Echos - Species
SilverDapples - Pattern
Aleu - Color
Kentouma - Pattern
Tasmen - Rarity

Please let me know if there's any errors!

@Origami_Dragon - Cupcakes are too delicious to not share with everyone :D

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest! Results!

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 7:50 pm
by CosmicDragon
Oh my gosh.
I think my heart just stopped. There were so many truly spectacular entries, I really wasn't expecting to actually win. When I logged on and my Healer staring back at me I squealed so loud my mom thought I'd broken my toe again. Thank you so, sooooo much Sushi!
O'arth and Healer and little Qi are all absolutely perfect! There is even one of Healer's tonic-bottles attached to O'arth's harness. IT ALL MAKES ME SQUEE SO HARD I GET DIZZY.

And a huge congrats to the runners up too~<3
I'm so happy to see Thrill there, he was such a character... I hope to perhaps see him in a RP soon. He was so much fun to see capering about, the little daredevil!
And poor little Feather, adrift in both worlds, yet such a gorgeous Sam. :') The species combination is so unique, I love it!
And Scattering, the little diva. I'm sure only your dragonet truly knows the effort it takes to get you ready for anything. XD I look forward to seeing whether any Kodyla stallion dares to court you.

*continues her happy teary flailing in a corner*

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest! Results!

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:52 pm
by silvermoondragon
Congrats guys! Those are some stunning Samanayrs and some very interesting species combinations!

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest! Results!

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 6:00 am
by RikkuGirl
Congrats guys!

I had a GREAT idea for this but I didnt get the time to put it into motion! Next time! ^_^

<3333 Im soooo jealous! xD

Congrats again!

Re: Epic 1000th Samanayr contest! Results!

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:55 pm
by amazondreamer
Congratulations everyone! There were so many marvelous entries, unique sams and compelling stories! As always our community made a strong showing with their creativity and skills.