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Chasing Rainbows [Results Page 2]

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:15 am
by amazondreamer
Grab your cameras and head to the hills we're hunting for rainbows! In honor of the Samanayrs birthday I'm running a rainbow themed photo scavenger hunt! Rules are simple, take and post pictures of objects of every color of the rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple! Please make sure to include a tag with your username in each photo. All participants will receive a random modiem. Two winners will be randomly selected, one for each of the Samanayrs in this pair:
The winner of the stallion will need to form a Song with the mare, but it's up to the owners whether it will be a pair Song or open to other mares.

Bonus Round: This does not need to be completed to be eligible for the main prize but is an opportunity to win additional secret prizes! If you find and take a picture of an actual rainbow in the sky (rainbows cast by prisms do not count, this must be a naturally occurring rainbow) you may post it along with the original six to be eligible for bonus prizes. One concession for the bonus round- if you don't have your name tag with you, you may make a Samanayr head with your hand as illustrated below.
Only use the sam-hand for the bonus round-the original six must have name tags
The List
1) Red
2) Orange
3) Yellow
4) Green
5) Blue
6) Purple

Bonus Round
7) Rainbow in the sky

Rules and Info
- One entry per person
- To Enter post your photos in this thread, including a name tag in each photo
- If your photos are very large and you're unable to resize, please link to them instead.
- You are welcome to edit your post before the end of the event.

The scavenger hunt will be open until October 6th @ 11:59PM PST.

Any questions- just ask! Good luck and have fun!

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:55 am
by RikkuGirl
YAY! Photohunt!!!! This is just awesome!!! I hope it rains at some point... rainbows are awesome finds! :)

I know exactly what I want to do for this... I think >_>

Good luck everyone! :D

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 1:04 pm
by SilverDapples
ffff rainbows!! Just the other day we had a huge one (two actually), all I had was my phone XD sharing because it's a rainbow, but it wouldn't count because it was before this contest existed/no hand :c . Still. Rainbow. XD

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 1:32 pm
by Echos
Looks fun. A little sad that there is no chance of getting a rainbow in the sky where I live. We maybe get rain 2 times a year if we're lucky.

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 1:57 pm
by Jaes
I love photo hunts! Thanks for running this, amazondreamer!

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 2:36 pm
by RikkuGirl
Does the rainbow HAVE to be in the sky? I know that there are rainbows in fishtanks, prisms and in other odd places :D maybe that would work too?

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:07 pm
by amazondreamer
Heh nope, they have to be natural rainbows. It's meant to be a challenge ;). So no prisms, no water from a hose, no oil on water. Nothing man made involved.

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:17 pm
by Origami_Dragon
Just out of curiosity...if someone found a natural waterfall that had rainbows around it would those count? Or only ones high in the sky from rainfall?

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:20 pm
by amazondreamer
*coughs* I wondered how long it would take for someone to find that particular loophole ;) . Mist rainbows are acceptable, the main thing is it must be a natural source.

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:31 pm
by RikkuGirl
Gotchya! :D Thanks Amazon! :)

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 7:22 pm
by Sushidragon
I totally saw a rainbow today and thought of this event :D Good luck everyone!

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:01 pm
by RikkuGirl
I was hoping for one! It rained all day but the sun never came out :( Maybe tomorrow! :D <3

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 10:20 am
by Jennalyn
Welcome to another edition of "Jenn's Office Scavenger Hunt" with your host, Jenn! I'm in here a lot. xD Good thing there's tons of stuff to photograph.

1) Red

2) Orange

3) Yellow

4) Green

5) Blue

6) Purple

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 3:30 pm
by SilverDapples
I hope that it rains well enough in the day for some rainbows!

1) Red

2) Orange

3) Yellow

4) Green

5) Blue
(Oliver wouldn't sit still so I used my shirt as well)

6) Purple
(there's a little purple flower on her collar okay?? XD)

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:31 am
by Jaes
Thanks again for running this, amazondreamer! I love these types of games. This time I used some random selections from my personal library. I have books. Tons and tons and tons of books. Everything is books. Sorry about the sub-par quality of the photos! My phone camera isn't great. And alas, no natural rainbow. :cry:

1. Red
This is a great autumnal/Halloween book! I read around this time every year.

2. Orange
Haven't had a chance to read this one yet. My dude got a couple of books that someone was giving away for free, and he thought that this one looked interesting. It's in great condition considering it's from the 1950s.

3. Yellow
I love history and folklore. I think I got this one from the library's book sale last year...? I need to keep better track of my purchases!

4. Green
From my small collection of older books. I love the art on the cover.

5. Blue
One my favorite authors.

6. Purple
Myrtle Reed was hugely popular in her time but has since faded in obscurity. All her stuff is out of copyright, so give her a try if you like romances.

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:12 am
by Kentouma
So I ended up somewhere I was NOT planning on being this weekend... which means my planned 'alliterative' rainbow had to be snuffed.... so I challenged myself to a speed round! Other than the bonus and extra images, all items were gathered and shots taken in less than 5 minutes! I think my aunt thought I was going nuts barreling around her house like that! XD


6.Purple (wasn't sure if you were after indigo(pen), violet(plush), or just purple(shirt) so I threw them all in!

BONUS round!
7.Rainbow in the SKY!
Let me preface these images by stating... it has been absolutely BONE dry here. The clouds you see in these shots? So totally were the only clouds I saw all week. So even though I'm not sure my little rainbow fragment caused by the sun refracting through wispy clouds will count since it's not really a BOW (and especially since the shots were taken with a phone that does notoriously poorly taking shots of anything with the sun anywhere pointing in its direction, and most were taken while I was stopped at stoplights while keeping my eyes entirely on the road! XD I have like 30 shots, and most of them you can't see my sam-head, or else it's covering the 'rainbow' or there's trees, or huge sunglare!) but when I saw it I almost choked, and I took it as a sign that fragment-y and faint or not, I should post it!
And because it's faint I tried to take a closeup, but while you can see some of the ROY half, most of the GBIV appear to have faded out due to faintness and back phone pictures... ... 51fd30.jpg ... 13268c.jpg ... ff8a4b.jpg

Also... couple more cool just for kicks rainbow shots I've taken in the near past, just to share the awesome!
Foreign RAINBOW! (At least to me, first time out of the States!)
DOUBLE Rainbow!
DOUBLE Rainbow HALO! XD (I really wish that plane's windows had been cleaner...)

Thanks for the brightly colored fun! XD

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:29 am
by Pristine
We get plenty of rain in Florida, but it's usually cloudy out... I didn't want to wait around crossing my fingers there might be a rainbow. There probably won't be. ;P

Took all of these pictures around my house...

Our first hand-vac for the house; bought it right before our party!

A brand-new bottle of Febreze, also for that party ;P

Lemonade soda... a mixer... for the party ;P

I could have stayed in the kitchen for all of the prompts but decided to step outside. My aunt gave me this coffee table Salvador Dali book :)

My cat Peepu's fleece blanket. He kept trying to steal my fleece throw or my fleece coat, so I bought him a scrap of fleece for himself ;P

Since probably 1/4 of the things in my house are My Little Pony it seemed only fitting to get a pic of one (Blossom in this case) for a prompt!

Love photo scavenger hunts, thanks for the fun Amazon! :D

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:23 pm
by Janalee
1) Red
Red necklaces, on a red book, on a red shirt- apparently I own too many red things? XP

2) Orange
Antique glassware! That I would completely drink out of yet if I didn't suspect that those colors are lead based... *smirks*

3) Yellow
...why am I blanking on the name of this rock? I remember 'fishtail' was the first at the pretty platter it's sitting on! *blushes and smiles sheepishly*

4) Green
*laughs* All right, this one is really just a joke picture- it's all the proof anyone should need regarding why I didn't go on in art classes. ^^ Pottery is fun anyway though!

5) Blue
I was ridiculously excited at finding our Mille Bornes cards again, and when I saw they were blue, along with every other game box we own...

6) Purple
Purple tomatoes! Well, Indigo Rose tomatoes, but close enough! Oh, and one Green Zebra tomato for no good reason. ^^

7) Rainbow in the sky - maybe? *grins hopefully*
Ugh, when I said before that I have the worst camera phone, I didn't even know the half of it- you can barely even see the rainbow colors on the halo that I swear were really there! I guess there's and green? *smiles and shakes her head* Feel free to disregard this, even if haloes are allowed- figured it wouldn't hurt to try though. ^^

Thanks for the fun game Amazon, and good luck to all the entrants! :D

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 12:52 pm
by silvermoondragon
So Dance of the Sunlit frost decided to join me on this colourful scavenger hunt.

1) Red - a couple of dragons and my first place ribbon in a cat show(won best trick, which was play dead)
2) Orange - Some slinkys, a notebook, and a pumpkin(a good excuse to get the Halloween decorations out early)
3) Yellow - Pikachu and some yellow feathers
4) Green - What a collection! A book, jade plant, a treasure box, fake leaves and oh my goodness, what just entered the frame there on the right? I sure hope it's not a Sam-eating parrot beast...
5) Blue - A couple of TARDIS, a lanyard, a budgie toy, and my second place ribbon for a cat show(won second best costume, with a shiny blue cape, which I unfortunately do not still have with me anymore or it would also be in the picture)
6) Purple - another slinky, an African Violet just starting to bloom, and a freebie sticker for a radio station

So far no luck with the bonus round, the weather just hasn't co-operated, and I haven't had the time to stop by any natural waterfalls to look for one.

Good luck everyone!

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:07 pm
by Jaes
Janalee wrote:1) Red
5) Blue
Settlers of Catan? I love that game! I credit it for getting me addicted to playing boardgames. Awesome, awesome game. The other ones in your pic look awesome too! :lol:

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 4:20 pm
by Origami_Dragon
And here we have Ori's last minuted apartment scavenger hunt...

1) Red - hairdryer
2) Orange - the place mats and napkins the apartment came with happen to be dark orange.
3) Yellow - my cute little wyvern! He really is yellow, though the photo turns him a bit orange.
4) Green - fake housplant
5) Blue - flashlight
6) Purple - box of gloves

Sadly did not see any rainbows, even though it rained a lot the past few weeks. Where's Spectrum to make rainbows appear when you need her?

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 5:37 pm
by Seren
Well, this was rushed, but I'm at university so you'll have to forgive me!

1) Red
A purse!

2) Orange
Pumpkin on a festive dish towel

3) Yellow
Part of my bedspread.

4) Green
A cup from my university. :3

5) Blue
A tissue box. :3

6) Purple
My art supply bin!

Eek, I just love this pair!

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 6:42 pm
by RikkuGirl
OK! Here we go with the rainbow! :D <33

:D Santa hat cat toy! we like to celebrate christmas on halloween ;D


Mickey pin! :D yellow cruise ship!

CANDY!! halloweeen candy!!

I FINALLY GOT MY PENCIL! Now i just need an inking pen.. >_>

Halloween purple tink candle holder! ^^





Its very faint.. I know im sorry but it was actually a circle rainbow around the sun! It was amazing but the light from the sun kills it :/ it was there though, I did my best to get pics of it

Yay! Love them all ^o^

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:29 pm
by SilverDapples
Okay this isn't fair that the rainbow photo hunt comes at a time when there is no rain, and when there is the sun is dead! XD goodness gracious weather.

Re: Chasing Rainbows [Photo Scavenger Hunt]

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 9:12 pm
by Kentouma
Rikku! XD My rainbow was totally one of those around the sun mist ones too... but soooo broken up and faint! O.O

And silvermoondragon! XD I have that dragon plushie! And the gold one and the sapphire one. I won them out of a claw machine and I've always wanted to get the rest of the set... me and my friends used to go down the shore once a year and I'd crack them up by winning things out of claw machines. My uncle taught me when I was really young and I could usually tell which machines you just weren't going to get anything out of... and which machines you'd be able to finagle even if it was a big prize (I one time got this 12 inch long silky furred cat plushie that had beanie feet!)! It became a tradition for us to walk up the boardwalk and see what I'd pull out, so much so that the year I didn't have my traditional 20$, my friends all pitched in! My one friend used to like to drag me through after kids who weren't having any luck and see if I couldn't get what they were after for them.

It took me 2-3 for a couple of them because they were heavy and the claw wasn't greats so I had to flip some of them over a couple times, but once I got the first out and saw that they were pretty solidly constructed and I actually really liked them, it was worth it. Was only a 50 cent machine, anyway. Someone had cleared out all the other colors of dragons in the set, so I only ended up with three from that set, but I got 2 of these purple sitting dragons (gave one to my other dragon loving friend) that reminded me of Pete's dragon and a handful of unicorns/pegasi that I ended up handing around to these little girls who had tried at my machine before I got there, but I've always wanted to get the other colors if I could. you happen to know where you got yours? I can't read the brand name on mines' tags (the two that have them) anymore!

Ah, memories... I haven't done that in years! I must be soooo out of practice... *sorry for the ramble, it's late here and I'm sooo in a rambling mood! XD *