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Insanity-paced Frankensam - cancelled

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:09 pm
by Sushidragon
This Saturday we'll be playing a live game of Frankensam (first one in a long time!) :D The actual Frankensam game will take place in this post, and when the features have been determined I'll be drawing the Samanayr live on Ustream! I won't be able to finish it before the end of the naptimes of the Baby Sushis, but you should at least get to see the lineart XD

For those of you who haven't played before, here's how it works - we create this Frankensam together! I'll post the portion of the Samanayr that we're currently working on (for example, gender, color, trait), and then you have to post what you'd like that feature to be. The first response will be the feature that appears on the Samanayr.

An example of how this will be played:

- I post Frankensam needs a color!
- Tervenna is the first to reply, with the color red!
- One of the Samanayr's colors will be red :D

The features you will be determining are (not necessarily in this order):

- Gender
- Species (Samanayr, Northern, Lamanayr, Desert, or Mystic)
- Color
- Color
- Color
- Trait
- Trait
- Pattern
- Personality

Please note - special traits can be common, uncommon, or rare only. You can see all of the traits on this page:

Since Samanayrs don't have set patterns, just describe a general pattern (eg, stripes, paint). Please just use one word for personality (eg happy, sad).

When all of the features have been determined, the resulting Samanayr will be given away randomly to one of the people who chose the features :D


- Each person is able to determine a maximum of one feature.
- Please do not edit your post! If you make a mistake, just post again.

Insanity-paced Frankensam will be starting at April 19, 2pm PST in this thread - see you then!

Re: Insanity-paced Frankensam - cancelled

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 6:54 pm
by Sushidragon
Unfortunately I'm going to have to cancel tomorrow's live Frankensam. #2 has a bad stomach bug and we were up half the night, and sadly I think tonight will be the same o_x It might have to wait until May because Mr Sushi is heading off for two weeks on Tuesday so I won't have a reliable time to stream until he gets back.

Re: Insanity-paced Frankensam - cancelled

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 7:42 am
by hardwired
Awwwwe! I hope baby sushi feels better. Stomach bugs are so icky! And I hope you get some sleep too!

Re: Insanity-paced Frankensam - cancelled

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 8:21 am
by RikkuGirl
If you need help sushi let us know!! We would love to help when you need need!

iI hope you feel better sushi!

Re: Insanity-paced Frankensam - cancelled

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 1:25 pm
by Sushidragon
In the end only #1 was spared, this was a pretty terrible weekend :D;;;; I'm going to have this be a sanity-paced Franken instead and do an evening stream sometime this weekend but I'll figure out the details later in the week. Ahh life!

Re: Insanity-paced Frankensam - cancelled

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:31 am
by RikkuGirl
*Hugs* No worries sushi! Do what you need to. We will always be here waiting to be apart of whatever you plan!! ^_^ Im glad your feeling a bit better <3