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We're back! And adventures in donating blood

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:01 pm
by Sushidragon
We were away - and now we're back! I guess I forgot to post that we were going XD I didn't get as much drawing done while we were away as I'd have liked, for a couple of reasons - the heat, and my exciting donation blood story!

I haven't donated blood since before Baby Sushi was born, so while we were in Vancouver I decided to do it again (they have a larger facility, I've been having trouble getting an appointment that works for me up here). I left the napping kidlets with Mr Sushi and bussed to the donation place.

Everything went well, I got my cookies and juice and then got back on the bus. My plan was to go to Coldstone Creamery on the way and get some delicious ice cream, but it didn't work out that way. While on the bus I suddenly started feeling really hot and dizzy, and it felt like my heart was beating too hard.. I went and lay down on the seats at the front of the bus but instead of feeling better I lost all feeling in my hands and feet. I called to the driver for help and realized that I also couldn't talk.

Long story short, my blood pressure had plummeted and I had the misfortune to have this occur on the bus. The driver and some of the passengers stayed with me while we waited for the ambulance to come, and someone got me an orange juice from the Starbucks right outside the stop. By the time the ambulance finally arrived I was much better, they checked me out, said I was fine, and told me to take it easy. Mr Sushi came and picked me up from the Starbucks, and I spent the next couple of days taking it easy.

My next donation date is scheduled in September, hopefully that won't happen again! XD;; Didn't happen the last times I donated either, but that was a few years ago.

Re: We're back! And adventures in donating blood

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 3:22 pm
by Kagari
Oh geez. D: That's certainly... an adventure!

Re: We're back! And adventures in donating blood

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:09 pm
by silvermoondragon
Oh my, I guess it's better that you were taking the bus rather than driving home yourself! Glad to hear you're alright though.

I've never donated blood myself, but I did get some blood drawn one time and I remember feeling like I was about to faint on the way to the car. Luckily my mom was there with me and I managed to make it to the car and sit down before anything happened!

Re: We're back! And adventures in donating blood

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:04 pm
by tierasa
That's really frightening. I'm glad there were some nice people about to help you while you recovered. I've never donated blood. I can't because I'm highly anemic. My blood looks like Kool-Aid. I have passed out once though because of my blood pressure plummeting as you mentioned. Not a fun experience. It's good that you're better.

Re: We're back! And adventures in donating blood

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:43 am
by RikkuGirl
Holy bajeezies! Im so sorry to hear that happened, that must have been very scary. :(

Im glad you are ok and people were nice enough to be by your side. I wish people around here were like that :/

-Hugs- Might have been because of your change in lifestyle and the fact that you were moving around alot. walking and physical movement I wouldnt think would be too good after giving blood. o: Im lazy... >_>; I get out of the car, jump in the blood mobile, jump out into my car, and go home to eat food and take a nap xD

THAT is my blood experience.. however.. I dont donate as much as I probably should. ._.;; I just.. dont like needles much and find it hard to donate when I work the hours I do.

Im so glad you and the family are ok and well, AND HOME! :)


Re: We're back! And adventures in donating blood

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:41 pm
by Echos
Eep - I've had that happen to me twice while donating, luckily both times I was still at the clinic. It's pretty freaky even if it's not super serious. Glad to here you're ok and that everyone was helpful <3

The first time it was because the clinic was running about 2 hours behind schedule and I got stuck there during lunch. It was like 6 hours since I'd last eaten when they finally started the donation. Finished the donation, felt fine, stood up to walk over the snack table and apparently went white as a sheet as my knees gave out. Felt like my skin had turned into a furnace :P

Couple years later I passed out during a donation for a couple seconds. It as surreal. One minute I was listening the Beatles, next I was dreaming about dinosaurs. I actually remember thinking "Why am I thinking about dinosaurs, I'm supposed to be donating blood?" and then I woke up.

I hate the burning feeling you get more than anything. But luckily I seem to have gotten my routine down and it hasn't happened in a couple of donations. I'm O- and CMV- negative so I get called in every 55 days for a donation. Two more donations and I'll have donated 2 gallons!

Re: We're back! And adventures in donating blood

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:09 pm
by Codress
*gasps* glad you are ok. Also agree with the others that atleast you had nice people to help you out also. Not many anymore would do that, sad to say. Well if you need anything let us know!! Help in whatever way. ^_^ *BIGGY HUGGLES*

Re: We're back! And adventures in donating blood

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 6:18 am
by Seren
good for you for donating, and I'm sorry that happened! D: That must have been very frightening.

Honestly, I'm not really supposed to give blood, so I've never had an issue with it! I do get blood drawn for labs alot, which is a drag!

Glad once again that you are okay, and that there were good people around to help you out! *hugs*

Re: We're back! And adventures in donating blood

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:15 pm
by SilverDapples
Least you're a good person for donating Sushi! Though that sounds super scary, my goodness X.X

I'm hoping for your sake that incident doesn't happen again next time you go off to be a good person!