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Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style) Results post 3!!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 5:07 am
by RikkuGirl
Welcome Sams and all their friends!

Watch your step and gather round, we need your help to heat and hatch!!

Yup, you guessed it... It's Dinosaur Eggs! Since Dino's are/were the birthday theme, I figured we should have a type of "Pick a door" event, DINO STYLE! :D

This event is very simple and has a small twist (You do NOT need to be around at the end to get a prize, just post your form to enter).

Below you will find 5 nests of eggs (Each with 4 eggs, 20 slots total! Ya Ya, I know... Mammals dont have eggs.. Work with me on this one guys ;D lol), each belonging to a proud Sam parent! Though they are very proud, they are also very worried. You see, the weather has been so harsh and turbulent lately that not all of the eggs are able to stay warm or stable! Plus, to top it all off… The parents are hungry and need to leave!

Here is where YOU come in! These parents need YOU to help keep one of their 20 eggs warm!

In comes the twist!!!

These parents live far away from each other. That being said, you can only pick ONE EGG from ONE NEST (If slots are open past the cut off time, additional eggs may be picked up until the eggs that were successfully warmed hatch). Each nest has 1 sam prize, the parent requesting your services (That’s 5 Sams total!). You will also have the pleasure of naming your winning sam! :3

With that said, choose your nest carefully (The names will give you an idea of what to expect for a prize ;3)! Well…what are you waiting for? Those eggs need warming! Please be sure to read the full directions below and post your form ON THIS THREAD.

Hurry... an Egg is counting on you!
The Nests!
Bi-Ped Nest

Mammoth Nest

Compy Nest

Saber Nest

Plesiosaurus Nest
Rules and Reg-u-ma-lations

1. FIRST COME FIRST SERVE! (Yes, downer for those who do not stalk. Sorry!)
2. If you win, you may KEEP 1 Samanayr. If you win 2 (If slots are still open after the cut off time, an additional egg may be grabbed – There is no restrictions on which nest you may pick from the 2nd time around - I will post rules if this happens), you may gift the other to a person of your choice (Who did NOT win one in this event, share the love!).
3. Please DO NOT ALTER YOUR POSTS! The way I have the forms set up, everyone can get what they prefer (or have the best chance to).
4. Be nice and be happy for others! <3
You MUST post the following form in THIS THREAD (Do NOT PM me the form, it will not count!):

Nest Preferences (Please put your FIRST choice in slot 1, and so on to your least preferred nest):
If you get your top choice and win, what name would you make?:(Name part is optional, :3 Just fun!)
Once you have posted your form here, I will adjust the 2nd post to show who claimed what egg to warm.

Eggs will be claimed starting with 1. (Example: Timmyjoe posts first that he wants a flying pig egg as his top pick, then Joeytim posts that he wants a flying pig egg too. Timmyjoe would get flying pig egg #1 and Joeytim would get flying pig egg #2.)

Please allow me to grab the next post. Thank you! :)

OH! And...

the winners will be randomly drawn out of a hat! (Will be putting 1-4 numbered paper in hat and drawing 5 times :D)

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 5:08 am
by RikkuGirl

Starts: NOW
Cut off to pick 1st egg: 10/6/2014 @ 12:00pm PST *Rules will post at this time if slots are left*
Eggs will hatch: 10/10/2014 @ 8:00am PST OR As soon as all slots are taken
Bi-Ped Nest
1. Janalee
2. Echos
3. Seren
4. ElvenArcher

1. Bluestarwolf12
2. Chao
3. Aholland
4. Tasmin/Tasmen

Compy Nest
1. kaats711
2. hardwired
3. Takaeji
4. tbris

1. Delicious
2. Twiztid
3. Tossico
4. Mito

1. Cameron
2. ToxicK711
3. Codress
4. Nighthenge

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 5:08 am
by RikkuGirl
Prizes and results will go here! :D Woooooo!

and we have our winners!!! I had 1 of each of my friends pick out of a hat! 3 seemed to be the lucky number! xD Congrats guys!! Please post in the "TO-DO" Part of the forum to Name your sam! :)

3 Aholland

3 Seren

4 Nighthenge

1 kaats711

3 Tossico

and we have our winners!! Congrats guys! Thank you to all who participated ^.^ that was fun! wooo

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 5:52 am
by Delicious
UserName: Delicious
Nest Preferences (Please put your FIRST choice in slot 1, and so on to your least preferred nest):
1. Saber
2. Mammoth
3. Biped
4. Plesiosaurus
5. Compy
If you get your top choice and win, what name would you make?:
Snarl of the Razor's Edge

.. fancy me being here in time :)

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 6:22 am
by RikkuGirl
:D First one on the list Delicious! ^o^ So glad you could make it! <3 Love the name too! o:

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 6:36 am
by Twiztid
UserName: Twiztid
Nest Preferences (Please put your FIRST choice in slot 1, and so on to your least preferred nest):
1. Saber
2. Mammoth
3. Plesiosaurus
4. Bi-Ped
5. Compy

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 6:43 am
by Bluestarwolf12
UserName: Bluestarwolf12
Nest Preferences:
1. Mammoth
2. Bi-Ped
3. Saber
4. Plesiosaurus
5. Compy
If you get your top choice and win, what name would you make?: Ancestry of the Ancient Behemoth

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 6:49 am
by Kaats711
UserName: kaats711
Nest Preferences (Please put your FIRST choice in slot 1, and so on to your least preferred nest):
1. Compy
2. Biped
3. Mammoth
4. Plesiosaurus
5. Saber
If you get your top choice and win, what name would you make?:
Fight of Forgotten Foe

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 6:58 am
by hardwired
UserName: hardwired
Nest Preferences (Please put your FIRST choice in slot 1, and so on to your least preferred nest):
1. Compy
2. Saber
3. Plesiosaurus
4. Mammoth
5. Biped
If you get your top choice and win, what name would you make?: Fang of the Fire Claw

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:04 am
by Tossico
My first event on the forums! ^-^

UserName: Tossico
Nest Preferences:
1. Saber
2. Mammoth
3. Bi-Ped
4. Plesiosaurus
5. Compy
If you get your top choice and win, what name would you make?: Roar of the Mighty Hunter

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:29 am
by Takaeji
UserName: Takaeji
Nest Preferences:
1. Compy
2. Saber
3. Plesiosaurus
4. Mammoth
5. Bi-Ped

Woohoo! :D

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:03 am
by Cameron
UserName: Cameron
Nest Preferences (Please put your FIRST choice in slot 1, and so on to your least preferred nest):
1. Plesiosaurus
2. Saber
3. Mammoth
4. Bi-Ped
5. Compy

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:20 am
by Chao
UserName: Chao
Nest Preferences (Please put your FIRST choice in slot 1, and so on to your least preferred nest):
1. Mammoth
2. Compy
3. Saber
4. Bi-Ped
5. Plesiosaurus
If you get your top choice and win, what name would you make?: Phant of the Memory Lane

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:31 am
by Mito
UserName: Mito
Nest Preferences:
1. Saber
2. Mammoth
3. Bi-Ped
4. Plesiosaurus
5. Compy
If you get your top choice and win, what name would you make?: Fear of the Fallen Tooth

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:32 am
by Aholland
Nest Preferences (Please put your FIRST choice in slot 1, and so on to your least preferred nest):
1. Saber
2. Mammoth
3. Bi-Ped
4. Plesiosaurus
5. Compy
If you get your top choice and win, what name would you make?: Silence of The Hidden Path

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:33 am
by Tasmen
Nest Preferences (Please put your FIRST choice in slot 1, and so on to your least preferred nest):
1. Mammoth
2. Saber
4.Bi ped
5. Compy
If you get your top choice and win, what name would you make?:(Name part is optional, :3 Just fun!)

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:34 am
by Janalee
UserName: Janalee
Nest Preferences (Please put your FIRST choice in slot 1, and so on to your least preferred nest):
1. Bi-Ped
2. Mammoth
3. Saber
4. Plesiosaurus
5. Compy
If you get your top choice and win, what name would you make?: Rustling of the Dense Underbrush

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:41 am
by RikkuGirl
:D Oh wow! hahaha That was fast!! I'm so glad I posted to PI!! Welcome everyone!!

I have updated up to Janalee! If I have missed someones post or have put you in an incorrect list, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! <3 Thank you ^_^

Saber and Mammoth are both spoken for! o: Those parents must be so happy! They can go eat now ^_^

7 Spots left!!! :D

I guess if all the spots are filled I can have them hatch MUCH sooner! ^_^; I'm so glad this is going so well so fast. xD

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:52 am
by Echos
UserName: Echos
Nest Preferences (Please put your FIRST choice in slot 1, and so on to your least preferred nest):
1. Bi ped Nest
2. Plesiosaur Nest
3. Compy Nest
If you get your top choice and win, what name would you make?:(Name part is optional, :3 Just fun!)

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:11 am
by Toxick711
UserName: ToxicK711
Nest Preferences (Please put your FIRST choice in slot 1, and so on to your least preferred nest):
1. Plesiosaurus
2. Bi ped
3. Compy
If you get your top choice and win, what name would you make?:Thrasher of the Ocean Shelf

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:30 am
by RikkuGirl

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:35 am
by Codress
UserName: codress
Nest Preferences (Please put your FIRST choice in slot 1, and so on to your least preferred nest):

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:38 am
by Codress
Hope i did right lol

weeeeeee.......this is fun ty ty rikku for throwing this event cant wsit too see how it turns out! =3

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:24 am
by RikkuGirl
:D Thanks for playing!!!

Maybe these will be done by tomorrow if not sooner! wooooo hahaha :D that would be neat!

4 more eggs left!!!

Re: Heat and Hatch (Pick-A-Door Style)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:19 am
by Nighthenge
UserName: Nighthenge
Nest Preferences (Please put your FIRST choice in slot 1, and so on to your least preferred nest):
1. Plesiosaurus
2. Saber
3. Mammoth
4. Bi-Ped
5. Compy