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Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 2:01 pm
by Sushidragon

This contest is a design contest, but with an emphasis on writing - create an interesting Samanayr character with an engaging backstory and history! The winner will see their creation come to life so that they can put that interesting backstory to use and RP their Samanayr (RP isn't mandatory, but it'd be nice XD).


- Your character can be any Samanayr species, including Mystery. However, your entry will have to be pretty spectacular to win if it's one of the rarer species XD
- Remember the Samanayr naming rules when coming up with a name for your Sam.
- You're welcome to include reference images for your entry, but the focus for this contest is on writing, so please don't put too much work into your images!
- When it comes to writing, just remember that it's quality over quantity (unless you're being paid by the word) XD

- One entry per person!

Entries will be judged by me and a couple of other secret impartial judges. Entries will be judged based on writing quality, character development, and uniqueness and interest of their history and backstory.

First place
Your Samanayr character brought to life!

Second place

Third place

The bio contest is open until Aug 13, 11pm PDT. To enter, please send a PM to this account with the subject Bio Contest and the following form filled out (just take out the *s):

[*b]Samanayr name:[/*b]
[*b]Physical description, including traits, accessories, etc:[/*b]
[*b]Character history:[/*b]

Although entries are made by PM, please feel free to post your entry in this thread!

Re: Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 2:12 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Can we use a past writing contest style entry, and flesh it out more? Like, say, a 200th Sam contest entry?

Re: Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 2:23 pm
by Sushidragon
Sure :D

Re: Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 8:06 am
by Britain
I hate being first. >_>; But, as we'll be out of town tonight and most of tomorrow, here goes. This is so unlikely that me sprouting wings would happen first, but the story popped into my head and I loved her. XD

Apologies also for the length, it's longer than I expected. O_o;

Samanayr name: Ore
Gender: Mare
Species: Elemental - Metal
Physical description, including traits, accessories, etc:
  • Metallic skin (flowing colors as you please- gold, silver, bronze, copper)
  • Integrated [chest-chamber for heart]
  • Filigree mane
  • Solid eyes [bright blue]
  • Solid hooves
  • Anything else you think looks interesting. XD All of these traits are subject to change, except her integration. I’m terrible at visualizing, so…whatever comes to mind. Spikes maybe? Scales? Delicate, thin wings? Hell, I dunno.
Character history:

The baby was born dead, the mother thought. In the middle of the night, after a labored birth, the little foal had not struggled to assist her mother at all- free of her mother’s body, she lay still and unmoving on the floor of the ancient cave. In the bed of soft leaves the mare had collected, the lifeless form was stark and garish, and the mother lay beside her unfortunate foal and grieved.

Even the darkest night must end. Hours later, the sun rose, pouring a steady stream of warmth and light into the corner of sadness where the mare made her home. Though the mare had not slept, she still blinked at the sun as if waking from a dream; how could it rise, when she still mourned? Still the light increased, and after a time the mourning mother heard a sound.

Could her little filly…be alive?!

Stunned, the mare spun to examine the foal. Indeed, as the sun swept the chill of night away, the delicate baby began to move! Darkness peeled away in layers, revealing the glitter of gold, the sparkle of silver. The day broke, and the baby was revealed to be a precious treasure formed of pure metal, with sleepily blinking eyes of sapphire blue. Against the stone-like colors of her mother, she was glorious.

Oh…but she was terribly weak.

As beautiful as she was, the little filly raised her head with difficulty. The mother laid down on her side so that the baby could suckle and gain strength. What energy she drew from her mother was short-lived, however. Though she managed to stand on a foal’s wobbly legs, she was soon back on the ground. When her mother listened to her heartbeat, she found it to be very weak…barely there at all.

The mare knew then that her baby was going to die, if she did not find help. Though she could seek a healer, she knew that the most direct route to assistance was not to her own kind, but to the Sharians. Determined, she coaxed her precious child into feeding again, then once more back onto her feet. Shoving her head between the little foal’s legs was not graceful, but with some awkward maneuvering she managed to get the tiny burden to settle across her broad, strong shoulders.

Being a creature of the earth, the mare had no wings to fly over the rocky crags that formed her home to reach the Sharians. With her strong sense of the earth, however, she was able to find the quickest path out of the mountainside, and soon came to the people she sought.

They were quick to help her, lifting the filly from her shoulders and giving the pair cool water to drink. They barely had time to ask the mother what was wrong before she lifted her head, tossing her rocky mane, and stamped a single, imperious hoof.

“You must help heyr!” She cried, though her demand was underscored by the sorrow of a desperate mother. “You have helped ouyr kind befoyre! Without youyr assistance, she will gyrow even weakeyr, and she will die!”

A noble cause, they thought…but they had never performed such integration before. Legs, tails, wings…all of these were external modifications. Could it really be done? Perhaps not, on another Samanyr. This little one, however, was an elemental like her gravelly mother; her skin was made of metal, and metal was something that could be worked. It was a very long process. The mother stayed as close as possible, nuzzling her confused foal through the countless hours as the craftsmen worked their wonder upon the fragile filly.

At last, as with many magical things…they succeeded.

Still not entirely certain about this new situation- not to mention the whole new world she had just been born into!- the baby staggered to her feet once more. This time, her weakness was that of any newborn foal. Within a few hours she was walking, sniffing Sharians curiously, getting startled and moving quickly back to hide behind her mother….just like a normal baby.

“I think I will name you Oyre,” her mother informed her, laughing as the filly peeked out from between her legs at whatever had sent her running. “It is time to go home, to the mountains where you will be happy. Do not eat that, it will not taste good.”

And Ore, as any blissfully ignorant little foal, ate it anyway.

Re: Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 9:27 am
by sera
Kyyaaaaa. Britain's is really cool! *__*

Re: Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 9:53 am
by Britain
XD;; Thank you!

Re: Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:20 am
by LvSoulFriend
Dawwwwwwwwwww! So cute!

Re: Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 2:42 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Whew! Just submitted my entry >> Hope Sushi doesn't mind a long one!

I'd post it here, but there might be a part or two that isn't forum friendly >>

Re: Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:00 pm
by Britain
Lol. XD *highfives lv* WOO COMPETITION.

Re: Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:08 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
I just finished typing mine up. I'll post in once I've checked it over and sent it in. :D

Re: Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:13 pm
by LvSoulFriend
*high fives Britain back* I basically did my Misery of the Weeping Clouds, only more fleshed out and detailed XD *coughselevenparagraphscough* I typed a lot XD

Can't wait to read it Blue :D

Re: Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:22 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
Here's mine:
Samanayr name: Oasis of the Burning Desert
Gender: Stallion
Species: Desert
Physical description, including traits, accessories, etc: Leonine Mane, Large Ears, Reduced Foot Tufts, Paws, Slit Pupil Eyes.

If you would be willing, there are two traits that don't exist that I'd like him to have. Those would be Foot Wings and Bobtail. There are examples of both in the picture.

The eye that you can't see in the picture is blue.


Character history:
The heat soaked sand twisted it's way between a desert Samanayr's paws as he ran, leaving shallow paw prints behind, only to be swept away by the burning winds only moments later. Most Samanayrs would think that the desert was no place for life to exist, but for weathered desert-dwellers like this stallion... Well, they knew that you only needed to know where to look. Oasises, the wellsprings of desert life, were scattered throughout the desert, and those that had lived here in the desert as long as he had knew every oasis by heart. Or at least, that was the case with Oasis of the Burning Desert. He had been born and raised here, and knew the ways of the desert well. He had been taught to see the good side of everything and everyone, even places as seemingly dry and dead as the desert. This may lead you to believe him to be a softy, but this isn't true. Or at least, not anymore. Oasis used to be soft, but a brush with death in his past had taught him that being a softy was only an attractive quality to the ladies, not the desert. Back then, he had been young and naive, still learning, still trying to figure out how to survive on his own. The desert could be ruthless, a place where only the strong and enduring survive, and a young and naive child didn't fit that description.

The winds had blown a sand storm his way, and Oasis had not been prepared. It had swallowed him up like a giant monster, ruthlessly thrashing and scraping at him. A tiny rock had been blown strait into his shoulder, followed closely by two more, leaving three almost perfectly symmetrical wounds. The injuries had begun to bleed, and sand was getting into them. He had screamed in pain, but no one had been around to hear. Only minutes later, the storm ended, leaving Oasis of the Burning Desert pathetic and bleeding. It was only by amazing luck that he had found a cave in a cliff face not far away, where he could tend to his wound as best he could with out any kind of herbs or bandages. After being there for about 2 hours, he hobbled weekly from the cave, knowing that not locating an oasis soon would be the death of him. He limped in no real direction, hoping desperately that one was near enough for him to reach before he died. Blood stained the sand as he walked, leaving a bright red trail. It only took about a day for him to collapse from dehidration and exaustion, all hope of surviving til he found an oasis lost. That was when a Sharian, who happened to be traveling through that part of the desert, found him. The Sharian helped him to the nearest oasis, then proceded to use the herbs he had brought on the journey with him to heal the young stallion. Afterwards, Oasis thanked him profusely for him kindness, and the two parted ways. It had been that day that Oasis had learned that the desert most certainly did not follow the saying 'Do unto others only what you want to be done unto you.'

Now, after all he had seen and experienced in his life, Oasis was... Whole wasn't quite the word for it... But... Rounded. His personality had gone from soft and loving, to cold and uncaring, and finally to where he was now. He respected the desert now, where he had once despised it. Now, he veiwed it as his mentor, his teacher. It had broken him down, and re-built him from the ground up. It had taught him that even the most frightening places have a gentler, inhabitable side. Where he had at first only seen the gentle side, he now saw both sides of everything. From then on out, he had decided to live out the entirety of his life in the very place that had made him who he was. The very place that he now called home. Whether he found a female or not didn't matter to him anymore. All he wanted was to be in the desert, to feel the sand between his toes, to feel the baking wind in his face, to sleep through to freezing nights. This, in his eyes, was the entire point of living. Here, and only here, his life was fullfilled.

Re: Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:56 pm
by star0rice
Samanayr name: Melody of the Sweet Song

Gender: Female

Species: Samanayr

Physical description, including traits, accessories, etc: (markings are normally random)
Melody of the Sweet Song (also know as Melody Song) has a gentle nature about her, almost shy. When stared at she tends to wilt and retreat out of sight. Her tan fur would camouflage her in some situations if it wasn't for her orange accents. Her mane has one tan stripe in it among her other orange locks. On her elegant, yet dainty wings, only her primary feathers are orange. Her eyes twinkle tangerine when hit by sunlight. Her eyes tell all if you look deep enough. They show her curiosity yet betray her caution, they emmit an innocence matched by few but written on them read a story of longing and wait. Her feet fade to a fragile orange. Her whole body has features that emmit feelings of elegance and purity.\

Character history: Melody Song spent much of her young child-hood with her "friend" *wink wink*, Blitz of Orange Color (yet to be created). He was her whole life until one day he disappeared mysteriously. Melody Song looked for him to no avail. After losing her beloved friend she spiraled into a depression only brought out of it when she decided it woudl b e her life goal in finding him. Back then she had been outgoing and bright, but since Orange Blitz's dissapearance she has withdrawn from getting to know anyone for long periods of time in fear of losing them as her long lost friend did.

Most of the time she has three parallel lines horizontal of her eyes.

This is the closest one I have to the tan/khaki color of her fur. Almost no one can get it right the first time.)

Re: Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 5:36 pm
by Harroway
*deep breath*

Samanayr name: Delirium of the Pallid Soul

Gender: Mare

Species: Samanayr

Physical description, including traits, accessories, etc: Delirium is a deep, earthy brown with legs that fade into a mossy, rich forest green. She has light blue-colored hooves and mane fading to a medium blue. Over her eyes, back and legs are deep red scars, jagged and messy. Her eyes are blind, completely white. Around her neck is a white crystal necklace, shaped like a diamond and wrapped in gold.

She has upright ears, broken fairy wings that were brown and moss colored (now mangled), and a tufted tail. She also has the trait "Damaged".

Character history: A humble violet Sharian stood beneath a swaying willow, watching. Her head hung low and her heart felt heavy as she kept vigilant watch over a Samanayr she'd come to know. The Sharian found the poor one a husk of her former self, beaten, battered and broken almost beyond recognition. It was this Sharian who took pity upon her and brought her to a healer on that stormy night.

It seemed like forever... the mare was caught within a human's grasp and kept away from the fields and forests she used to know. They imprisoned her indoors, shouting about "herbal remedies" and "fairy magic", things she didn't understand. All she knew was that her wings were the target. They would pin her down and pull, slice and maim her wings for some poultice they would make. There was a searing, white-hot pain.

After the first night, she could no longer fly.

The moon was hiding behind angry clouds and the Sharian was in a hurry to get home. The rolling boom of thunder almost masked the shrill cries of help coming from the trees nearby. Two humans had pinned down a Samanayr and were savagely beating her, cursing her for trying to escape. Feeling terror wash over her, the Sharian drove them away, hoping to save the poor mare who was unfortunate enough to fall into their grasp. Blood soaked the ground around them, staining it. The Sharian thought it was too late, but the rapid rising and falling of the Samanayr's chest proved there was still life there. Quickly, the dragon scooped up the small equine and flew into the night.

The healer had done as much as he could, he told the violet Sharian, but most of the damage was permanent and extensive. "I've never seen... a beating quite this... severe." he said slowly, as if the words were needles in his throat. The violet one did not have the chance to get a good look at the mare, as the clouds and the rain obstructed her view. Underneath the dried and caked blood, the Sharian could see the mare's true colors - a deep, earthy brown, a delicate light blue, and hues like the open sky. This was all tainted by the deep wounds she now carried. She was severely scarred, with wounds crossing her eyes, across her throat, and all down her legs. They were an angry, fierce red that did not dissipate with the healing.

The mare struggled, reliving every moment of her ordeal a thousand times over. She shrieked and whinnied as best as her battered body would allow. Hellish flashes of tormenting eyes, sharp aches and piercing pains danced before her, her eyes widened in sheer terror. The violet Sharian had had enough, and quickly fashioned a necklace made of white crystal. She imbued the crystal with the power to soak memories, and placed it around the delicate neck of the mare. The Samanayr, now one of the Damaged, quieted slowly, the tearful memories of last night, and everything before it, were washed away and stored in the crystal. While it was a painful thing for the Sharian to do, she knew it was best. It was better that the mare be happy and forgetful than fearful and forever haunted.

The mare was now rendered completely blind, and would no doubt have difficulties walking. When they first arrived, the Samanayr's hind legs were bent in unnatural ways are were completely limp, devoid of any feeling as far as the healer could tell. The healer did his best, and righted her legs as best he could. Her tiny frame took many moons to heal to the point where she could walk. She carried herself with a slight limp, and had to be taught to experience the world without sight, the Sharian ever watchful.

The crystal necklace was a double-edged sword. It took away not just a painful past, but all memories before the present. The Sharian never knew the mare's name, and could not bring herself to name the Samanayr without learning who she was. But how could this be done, when the mare's personality was malleable, forever changing with each moment? One day, the mare announced, with unusual certainty, that her name was Pallidsoul~ Delerium. This was the only thing she could retain from moment to moment, as she moved about the world with an air about her not unlike a mind lost in the dark.

She was in love once, she thought. Perhaps an hour ago, perhaps long ago, perhaps never at all. She shook her head, listening intently as the individual hairs of her mane were caressed by the wind. The delicate sound of a bird caught her attention then, the memory of the wind fading away...

Re: Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:41 am
by Jennalyn
Here's my entry. xD I don't think she'll win, but I covet and adore the bitter little darling, and she wanted to get out of my head.


Samanayr name: Bard of the Dissonant Aria
Gender: Mare
Species: Kodyla
Physical description, including traits, accessories, etc: Pristine white with pale sage green tips to her extremities and fluff. Longhair, Extensive Foot Tufts, and Whiskers are her traits.
Character history:

Her sire was an accomplished vocalist by the time he began his Song. Pale cream fur with green and orange tips were an exotic flare. Her dam, a shining white ghost of a mare drawn in by his voice and convinced to stay by his charm, professed herself to be a poet and an artiste. Together they created and performed ballads that praised the beauty of their species, reveled in its brilliance, and wove a spell of entitlement around their second foal from the moment she took her first steps.

She was a Kodyla, most highly prized and blessed of the Samanayr-kin. Of course she would grow up to be beautiful. Of course she would grow up to be talented. Of course she would grow up to be perfect. Her parents were creative and artistic and wonderful, and she would be the same. Unfortunately for her, the world had other plans.

It was difficult to ignore the fights in their hotspring sometimes. When her father got angry at her mother, his volume rose higher and higher until the girl just wanted to bury her head in her fur and scream to drown out the sound. When her mother got angry at her father, she assaulted him with words as cruel and unforgiving as an assassin's blade and it made their daughter want to cry. She learned volume, and she learned arrogance, and she learned cruelty.

Despite all of her efforts, however, she could not learn music. The notes didn't come to her ear easily, and she had to fight for hours to reproduce and hold them to either parent's satisfaction. The sound of her singing at odd hours drew complaints from the other mares in her father's Song, much to her dam's embarrassment and her sire's annoyance. It was discordant. It was unintelligible. It was too loud, or too harsh, or too much. The foal pretended not to care, wearing the shell of confidence that she learned from both her parents but aching on the inside.

She ached to prove them wrong, to show that she really could sing as beautifully as her father, that her words were as articulated and well-chosen as her mother, that she deserved everything they inadvertently promised her with their music. She deserved it, all of it. She was a Kodyla, and their daughter. If that wasn't enough then... well... it should have been enough!

Even with all of the criticism, she continued to sing. She sang her heart out, songs of love she had never known and lands she had never seen and people she had never met. None of it flowed properly. None of the notes could justify the effort she put into them. Everyone told her that she just didn't have it in her, and she should stop before she embarrassed herself in front of someone who didn't belong to their Song.

They were wrong, though, she was quite convinced. They just said those to hurt her, like she had see her mother snap at her father, and they were wrong. She could be cruel too. She could sing of their faults, and their problems, and their unrest. She could make them squirm with the thought of what she might say to others if they kept being mean to her. They may not have wanted to listen, but they would, because her next song might be about them.

Re: Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:57 am
by silvermoondragon
Well, here's my attempt:

Samanayr name: Swoop of Swift Winds
Gender: Stallion
Species: Sa’grisayr
Physical description, including traits, accessories, etc: Has a leonine/feather mane, feathered tail, beak and talons. He is white with bluey black peregrine falcon markings and crystal blue eyes.

Character history:

Swoop stared out through the bushes he had been hiding in, could it be? Had he finally found his true love? Yes, it was definitely her; he could hardly believe his eyes. He had almost been ready to accept his loss, about to move on, but now he had found her.

Back at the cliffs where Swoop had been born, he had been the envy of every sa’grisayr stallion and the desire of the mares that had lived around the shared hotspring. But Swoop had another on his mind. On his flights around the edge of his birth song’s territory, he had noticed another samanayr, completely oblivious to his watching eye. She was not of his kind, she was but an ordinary samanayr, no wings or special traits of any kind, pointed out his parents and the other members of the song, yet he continued to watch her. Every day she would come out to the edge of the territory singing softly to herself, picking flowers and weaving them into her mane and tail to replace the faded and wilted ones from the previous day.

On the eve of his first year, just before he had received his name, Swoop decided to finally meet this mare he dreamed of every night. He got up extra early that day, rushing to arrive at the flower patch before she had arrived. Swoop picked a flower and then lay down to wait. Soon enough, he heard her careful trilling and knew she was on her way. She paused as she broke through the cover at the edge of the valley and saw him, skipping a few notes of her song, then continued on as if he were not there. Just as she reached out to pick a flower, Swoop uncurled his talon revealing the flower to her. "Foyr you." She glanced down at the flower, and quick as a whip, snatched it and wove it into her hair in one fluid motion, an old flower fluttering down to the ground as it was replaced. Then she was off to the next patch of flowers, picking and weaving, flower petals flowing from her like a light snow.

Like a faithful puppy, Swoop followed her around the meadow. Minutes passed before she finally turned and sat, all her flowers replaced, causing a softy sweet smell to waft gently through the air. “What is it you want?” she asked him sharply yet sweetly.
Swoop didn’t know what to say, his tongue stuck awkwardly in his mouth when he replied, “I have been watching you for some time now, I feel dyrawn to youyr pyresence and I wanted to yreveal myself to you.”
She tilted her head and was silent for a moment before she spoke once more, “Your pyresence has not been a secyret, I have known foyr a long time now and I have been waiting for you.”

With that, they talked together some more and met each day in that flowery meadow. Finally, on Swoop’s naming day, he received his name along with the others born that season and was ready to set out on his own. Rather than set out with his fellow kin and form a bachelor song, he returned to the meadow and asked his flowery girl to form a song with him, for he was in love with her and would always love her. She accepted his offer and off they went, in search of territory to call their own. Swoop had eye’s only for her, and would cater to her every whim. When they finally reached the boundary of inhabited lands, a hotspring of their own was finally in reach.

That night, as they were both sleeping, Swoop curled protectively around his one and only mare, was when all the trouble started. A tree branch snapped and woke Swoop. He jumped up and squinted into the trees trying to make out shapes in the darkness. His movement had woken the mare, and they stood together, back to back ready to fight off threat. Just as he had started to relax, it happened. All of a sudden, Swoop felt a sharp pain in his left foot and he crumpled to the ground just as another weight landed on top of him. He heard his mare scream and he found the incentive to raise up and fight off the attacking oquiesas, but by then it was too late, they had been separated and he could no longer see her amongst all the frenzied oquesa thirsting for his blood. His anger and fear heightened his senses and reflexes and he fought tooth and claw to reclaim his love, but by the time he had scared them away, all he could find was some blood and flower petals littering the ground. Swoop was heartbroken. He had found his true love only to have her savagely attacked before they could even begin their life together.

In the years after, Swoop wandered aimlessly, no longer having a goal of any kind. He growled at any samanayr stallions that he met, and completely ignored any mares. His life held no meaning and was so for many years. Time went on, and his heart started to heal. Eventually in his meanderings, he stumbled upon a quiet little hotspring guarded by a fierce and handsome stallion.

Usually he paid little attention to his surroundings, but in this case, the mare that was cuddling up to the spring’s stallion caught his eye. He swooped down to have a closer look, hiding behind a stand of vegetation. He had recognized the build of her body, the colour of her fur, the air of her personality, and above all, the flowers woven carefully and painstakingly into her mane and tail. There was no doubt about it, his girl had survived that horrible night, and she was now cuddling up to some strange stallion after he had pledged his heart to her and believed that she had done the same. “Youyr alive,” he called out breathlessly, a mixture of grief, joy, discovery, loss, and betrayal swirling around his mind as he charged out of the bushes, “Thank you foyr finding heyr, I had thought heyr lost that teyryrible night.”
The look of horror on the mare’s face betrayed her as the two stallions turned to look at her. It was clear that this other stallion had also been pledged the same unending and undying love and loyalty. She had betrayed them both for she had been raised by a sa’krien, her mother having been kidnapped while she was pregnant with her and had died giving birth, so cruelty was all she had ever known.

Just as Swoop had thought his heart had healed, it shattered once again, but this time he didn't think it would ever heal again.

Re: Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:59 am
by AsaraDragon
Name: Nemesis of the Emerald Blade
Gender: Mare
Species: Lamanayr
Physical description: This is my attempt at creating my persona in Samanayr form. Her basic color is white, with green body armor, eyes the same color as her armor, and a golden yellow mane and tail. She would have draconic wings, and, if possible, a green helm with dragon wings on it as well. If not a helm, then head wings, to suggest the presence of a dragon-winged helm. A pendant in the shape of a long sword hangs on a golden chain around her neck.
Reference image: (linked because it's pretty big)

Nemesis had always had to fight for what she wanted, including her life. She had been born in the snowy season, in the middle of a fierce storm. Her mother had sheltered in a cave, and the stress of the elements outside had brought on her labor earlier than expected. She lived through the birth, but the physical exertion was more than her mind could bear. She lost consciousness shortly after her filly was born and began to nurse.

When she awoke, the storm had ended, so she left the cave in search of a hot spring, not even recognizing that the small white bundle of fur next to her was her child, or even alive.

A few hours later, the tiny filly opened her bright green eyes and found herself alone. She cried out for her mother, but all that answered was the sound of a brisk wind blowing outside the entrance to the cave. She sought to venture out, but the chill of the snow on her feet quickly changed her mind and sent her scurrying to the very back of the cave. The stone there was warm, and must have had a hot spring running on the other side of it, and the heat slowly lulled her back to sleep.

The weeks passed, and she grew slowly, barely keeping herself alive with the dead grasses she found blown about the cave and small mouthfuls of snow. Eventually the snows melted, and she emerged into the warm breezes of spring, lean as a whip from her scant diet. She did not wander far from the cave, it was the only home she had ever known, and she was loath to leave it behind. She ate what she needed from the field, and found a spring to drink from, so she did not want for sustenance any longer. Still, the starkness of her babyhood had changed her. It was almost as if the cold of the winter had seeped into her soul.

Spring stretched into summer, and she was seized by a fierce itching all over her body. She writhed on the floor of her cave trying to scratch every part of herself at once. At long last the feeling subsided, and she opened her eyes to find herself adrift in a sea of white fur. Startled, she looked back at herself as well as she could, and found that her body had found a new way to protect itself; hard green plates had grown in where her fur had once been.

Suddenly the cave she had lived in for so long felt more like a prison than a home, and she bolted from the entrance without looking back.

Her life has been nomadic ever since. Distrustful of strangers, she has kept to herself. When faced with danger, her armor protected her, and she learned to use her wings to enhance her sinuous fighting style.

Once in her wanderings, she encountered a Mystic who would not be deterred by her frigid demeanor. He told her quietly that he had dreamed of her, and searched her out. It was he who gifted her with her golden necklace. The pendant, he said, was a symbol her battles, both external and internal, past and present. He offered to help her find some sort of peace, but she scoffed at him and stalked away.

His words have lately started to haunt her. She has begun to wonder if there is another sort of life out in the world. She understands now what he meant about internal battles, as her frozen heart has begun to crack, and a small part of her yearns for someone to take care of her... for a change.

Re: Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:47 pm
by Xenon
Samanayr name: Scythe of the Pale Apocalypse
Gender: Stallion
Species: Samanayr'sa'krien
Physical description, including traits, accessories, etc: His coat is a pale, pale off-white, almost skin-tone, with a light blonde mane and tail. He has upright ears. Beyond this, the only color on him are several patches of yellow and purple stripes on his neck and rear legs. He has the traits of double horns that sweep back, blade-like over his head, and a small pair of horn nubs in front of them. As with all Sa'krien, he has clawed paws rather than hooves, and typical of his breed, his claws and horns are bright red, as are his eyes. He's got a mouth full of chompers, too, all the better to nom on you with. :3 Rather than full wings, he simply has the membrane-less tines. His head-mane is short and tousled, more like hair than a mane.

Leetle doodling of him:

In terms of personality... Well, Scythe is crazy. How crazy? Very, as his backstory should demonstrate. <3

Character history: Scythe loved to watch them play, frolicking on the land and in the sky, oblivious to the way they were being watched.

He loved their colors, bright and vivid, flashing in the light of the sun. He loved their variation - where his paws were clawed, marked in a bloody red that seemed almost to glow against the pale tone of his skin, they had hooves and claws in almost as varied a spectrum of colors as he could see in their coats. Sometimes he entertained the image of himself running along with them, in the midst of a group of doting Mares, as happened in the Songs he observed.

But they'd run from the sight of him, the more polite Mares simply asking him to leave, the more protective Stallions chasing him away. Their frolicking would stop. The vivid light that lit their eyes from the inside would go out, replaced with a fear, a nervousness. They didn't trust him. They didn't see his own beauty, the elegance of his pale coat. They only saw the way he slunk at them, head held low to the ground, horns flashing, the sparkle of vividly pointed teeth in his mouth.

When he left their lands, he'd pace. He'd snarl. The hair on the back of his neck would stand on end, and he'd vow that next time, oh, next time, he would show them.

He'd had a mare of his own, once.

She'd been unclaimed, away from a group, sleeping under a tree. She hadn't noticed when he'd crept forward, his eyes locked on her. She was beautiful. He couldn't remember her name, but he remembered the way she looked. She'd had flashes of rainbow in her hair and tail, bright against the midnight tones of her hide. And her eyes, oh, her eyes. When she'd finally opened them, the color had almost made him gasp. They were the color of the sky, with all the subtle variations in tone that such a color entailed.

So entranced was he with the look of them that he hadn't noticed the fear that reflected back at him.

He'd smiled at her, a smile filled with pointed fangs, raising a taloned paw and running it through her mane. Her trembling was from awe, he convinced himself, the tears born from joy.

He'd finally found her, after all. He'd found her, and he loved her, though he didn't know her name. She'd gone with him as he instructed, hesitant at first. It didn't take long, however, before she was following his every move, her head held low, her posture obedient. She grew accustomed to the curve of his talons, the sweep of his wings as they swept over her, the deadly glint off the tips of his horns.

He'd protected her, kept her close. That was what a stallion was supposed to do, wasn't it? Protect his lady love? She left only when he left, stayed at his side every day. He brought her meals - a haunch from his latest kill, the most delicate of organ meats, things which he would normally consume as quickly as he could. She'd cried then, too, but it was out of gratitude, he was sure. She'd only eat small bites, then smile at him and let him finish what she couldn't eat. Such a small appetite!

One day, she'd left him. He'd found her in the tall grasses, by a small stream, after he'd tracked her footsteps. She was standing in the water when he made himself known, lunging forward, holding her with his talons as delicately as he knew how. He'd pressed his nose against her neck, whispered to her how much he'd missed her, and when she cried, he cried, too, the water splashing around their feet. He couldn't lose her, he needed her. She'd gone home with him that night, and he'd realized exactly how important to him she really was. How close he needed to keep her, how much she needed him to protect her.

And oh, he loved her, he loved her more than ever before.

Even as she'd gone so thin that he could count every one of her ribs, he loved her. That worried him, and he'd nosed her, nibbling at the curve of her neck with his oh-so-sharp teeth, making a worried noise in his throat. She was ever so thin, and he brought her more food, hunting almost every day. She never ate a bite.

Then one morning she was gone. He'd nosed her still sides, called out to her, blinked at the silence that met his ears. She was gone, but she'd left her shell behind. And he knew.

She'd left him, but this time, he couldn't follow her.

So he'd watch the others from his shadows, waiting, hoping. He knew he could never have her back, but perhaps this time he'd find someone more suited to him, someone who would love him as fully as he loved her. This time, he'd find a mare who deserved him. He'd find someone who would never leave him.

All it took was the patience of a hunter.

Re: Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:17 pm
by CosmicDragon
Samanayr name: Geist

Gender: Mare

Species: Elemental (Death)

Physical description, including traits, accessories, etc:
She stares at you from the shadows of the forest with eyes like the bottomless pits containing a flickering red flame, but there is no curiosity in them. No fear, no anger. Nothing. She doesn't bother to hide, her pale white scaled skin standing out vibrantly against the darkness around her, catching what little light there was and throwing it back. She stands, not on four legs, but on two, walking erect on bony talons that minced the ground beneath them. A long, serpentine tail of white, bleached bone curls around her legs, and a curling trio of horns pierces her forehead, one long and pointed in the center, and two smaller, one on each side. Small corpse lights bob around her, eerily beautiful flames that seemed to hang suspended in the air.
(Traits: Hairless, bipedal, talons, draconic tail, three horns (Single horn and horn nubs), snake skin.)

Character history:
She was alone.
She had always been alone, it seemed, though she knew there had been others, once.
A family... A mother, another elemental, whom she had never known. Died giving birth to her weak, pale form. A father, who had fled from her deformed body.
Friends... more than once. One she had lost to a fit of temper in her youth, and her powers... She had no control, not even now. The others, merely gone, in fear or revulsion.
A mate... No, never had there been one so close to her as that.
A scattering of memory. None of it mattered.
She had always been alone.

She travelled. It wasn't something she chose to do, but no stallion would have her in his territory. They feared her, despised her powers. She had seen others, other elementals, but none were like her. They were fawned upon, for their beauty, for their power. But not her. Never her.
But she did not care. She had once, but not now. She had taught herself never to care, not to let in the pain it brought with it, the anger, the loss...
It seemed inevitable, a part of her very existence. It was tied to her emotions, her fear and aggression and hurt, they came with a price.
And so she felt nothing, for it was safer. Easier.

She ate little, slept even less, they seemed mechanical motions, not something she needed but something she had to do. To appear normal. But she could never truly be like others, not even those of her own ilk.
They made sure of that.
The spirits. They whispered to her, those souls who lingered or clung to the surface of the world. Spoke to her, showed her things. Their lives, their families. Their deaths.
When the moon was high in the sky they burned for her, little flames of un-life, without heat. She could hold them in her hands and feel nothing, and yet they burned, and shone like a hearth fire.
This was her life. Always alone, and yet surrounded, encompassed by the ghosts of the past.

Yeah, I can't seem to find any good ones of the corpse lights, so I'm not putting anything here. ;)

Re: Birthday - bio-o-rama

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:58 am
by Origami_Dragon
Hmm...I never did post my entry here, just mailed it in. So...I shall go ahead and share what I submited with everyone too.


Samanayr name: Flames of Endless Change
Gender: Mare
Species: Samanayr

Physical description, including traits, accessories, etc: Rather dragonish looking; draconic tail, draconic wings, ram horns, short black spikes running down her tail. Her body is a briliant scarlet with a darker crimson belly. Her mane is gold, as are her hooves. The horns are black. She has a golden blaze running up her muzzle and a golden celtic knot pattern on her back. Her eyes are bright green. Her wing membranes are gold, with scarlet flames along the edge.

Character history: The stern stallion once more looked down at his soaking wet filly, then raised his head to roll his eyes at her mother who was shifting uneasily behind her. The mare was gentle and quiet, and all her other foals had been a sheer pleasure to raise. But this one... Whatever had gotten into her? She was so...unruly. No matter what he said, no matter what her mother or the other mares said, this little filly was constantly in the hot springs, up a tree, stealling honey from the bees, tangled in brambles, halfway down a rabbit hole, in some sort of trouble. He was fast running out of patience with her. She was disrupting the order of the Song. Shaking his head coldly he silently walked away.

A few days later a Sharian who lived nearby was leaving her home for an evening stroll when she nearly tripped over a muddy, wet, bedraggled, but very happy looking young Samanayr foal. Seemingly unaware of the fact that she had almost been stepped on the foal warbled happily and butted her head against the Sharian's leg. Looking around as she scooped the foal up the Sharian could see no sign of the little one's parents. Gently she scooped the tiny filly up in her hands and turned to reenter her home. Bath time, and then perhaps someone would be able to help her find the filly's home so that she might be returned to her family.

Another month and the Sharian, overwhelmed with trying to keep up with the energetic, curious filly, had pleaded with another of her kind to watch over the seemingly orphaned foal. None of the nearby Samanayrs had claimed her, though the Sharian had her doubts about the coppery red Rust of Ancient Iron and his pale gold mare Shimmer of the Delicate Light. But if they wanted the filly so little as to deny her being was probably for the best not to return her to them.

And so once again the filly found herself turned over to another caretaker. The tall blue male Sharian kept her only a short time before believing what his neighbor had claimed and seeking another who might better be able to handle her high energy level. And so with the next, and the next. Always it seemed that the Sharian overestimated their ability to keep up with the tiny bundle of energy. Never did it seem that the local Songs were looking to adopt such a disruptive filly.

The filly grew to a young mare passed from hand to hand, never anywhere long. Never anywhere for long enough to form a bond, to feel that she belonged. Change and chaos, ever shifting, never stable, that was her life. She didn't mind. It seemed to her that the way most lived, never moving from one spot, following the rutted paths they had traveled yesterday and would travel again tomorrow, was boring. She would rather be on the move, always finding the new, the interesting. The cheerful demeanor of that abandoned foal on the Sharian doorstep never left her. The one regret she had was that there was none who felt they knew her enough to grant her a name.

And then one day it occured to her that if anyone knew her it must be herself. With that she decided that she must christen herself with her own name. The more she thought about the idea the better she liked it. Who else would give her as suitable of a name as she could give herself?

The young mare thought long and hard about her life, trying to decide just what exactly one used for naming. She had spent little enough time around other Samanyars, but she had heard enough of the names at least to know how things were supposed to go. The idea of following a pattern seemed odd to her, but she shrugged and accepted it. There was no reason why not after all. Mind, there was no reason why either, but the way so many of the names flowed did have appeal. And after toying with the idea a bit more she decided that such a pattern would be a suitable tribute to her endlessly changing life. From then on she was known as Flames of Endless Change and well pleased with her choice.

With that she merrily took her leave of the last of her loving but hesitant caretakers and headed off into the world at last. She would hold fond memories of all of them, from her stern father and anxious mother to the often bewildered or over excited Sharian whose hands she had passed through. But she had no regrets for leaving them behind. If there was one thing she had learned in her life it was that nothing lasts forever. Enjoy it while you can, but let it go when the time comes. Don't get too attached, for you never know what tomorrow will bring. Enjoy the moment, remember the past, let tomorrow bring what it will. Trust that everything will work out. Don't worry.

There was an entire world out there to see and Flames could hardly wait.