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itsa Laviee ;000

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:23 am
by LilLavLav
Ermmm.... Hai thar :D
I've decided to introduce myself to you fine people on this fine Thursday ;0
My name's Lily Lavender, or for short, Lav or Laviee
I love the colours Purple and Green
As you can see by my spelling, I live in Canada right now. On the west coast to be specific. Beautiful place. Lots of rain... :D
I play loads of online games, (used to, I'm taking a break right now) like Maple Story, Mabinogi, Flyff, and like a whole list of others.
Many people think I'm crazy, dramatic, too unique for my own good. \o/
Yeah... I can't really think of anything else to put, so...
I love to meet new people btw~ ;D
I hope to be friends with lots of you!
Ask me any questions you'd like ;0

Re: itsa Laviee ;000

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:28 am
by RikkuGirl
Welcome! :D So a lavender person huh? XD Im growing lavender plants right now! Im so excited, I cant wait to see the flowers they put out *wiggles*

Im a fan of turquoise myself ^_^ But im a HUGE fan of pastels, and purple is one of my favs :)

I would LOVE to get a pastely sam to mimic one of my persona's Diz, ^_^ He is white with pastelly colors all over! XD *wiggles*

Re: itsa Laviee ;000

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:36 am
by LilLavLav
Nice to meet you!~
Colours! -wiggles with-
I love lavenders... they're so pretty. Especially when there's like a whole field of lavenders.
I like all pastel colours too *u*

Re: itsa Laviee ;000

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:40 am
by Orasteele
Welcome to the forum, both of you! I'm Orasteele, long time Samanayr collector and enthusiast! Feel free to call me Steele. ^__^

I wish the two of you luck and hope you get your first sams soon! Once you have 11 posts please check out the Non-owner draw thread under the Events section of the forum. It's how several people have gotten their first ones. ^__^

Personally I'm a mango-pink/yellow kinda person. XD

Re: itsa Laviee ;000

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:46 am
by LilLavLav
Hai thar Steele~ :3
Steele has much Sams then? :0
-runs to site and pounces on the database to see pretty Steele Sams-

-works hard towards first sam-

Ohohohoho mangos... *u*
You made me hungry D:
I love mango ice cream even more than normal mango though...
They are ~AWESOMESAUCE~ <3

Re: itsa Laviee ;000

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:48 am
by Orasteele
Yeah, I'd say I have my fair share of the population. ^__^ Between Britain (my IRL wife) and I we have several songs. All of them are closed songs, but we're really easy going and if you ever wish to breed a pair during breeding season just drop me a PM.

Re: itsa Laviee ;000

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:48 am
by Harroway
Hello and welcome to the boards! :D Both of you! Feel free to ask questions. I love to chat via PM.

Being a painter, I can't decide on a favorite color. Every color looks fantastic in its own special way, so I just can't decide. :(

Re: itsa Laviee ;000

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:54 am
by LilLavLav
Thank you Harroway~ :D
Every colour has their own special traits (:
That's what makes them so loveable~
-huggles colourful pencils-
Don't you guys find it weird how in Canada they call them pencil crayons and in the states they call it colour pencils?
I call them colourful pencils, because that's what they are ;D

Breedings.... that seems so far away D:
I mean, I don't even have a Sam yet ._.

Re: itsa Laviee ;000

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:57 am
by Bright Promise
Purple's my fav color too. And I love your avatar <3 ^-^

Re: itsa Laviee ;000

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:00 pm
by Harroway
There's a non-owner draw for you, Lily, and many of us here own Open Songs that don't require permission when using them for breedings. :D

Re: itsa Laviee ;000

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:03 pm
by silvermoondragon
Welcome :D

I have managed to collect a bunch of lovely samanayrs *points down to signature* over the time I have been stalking, but I still remember the joy of getting my first.

I got my Calling from a breed with one of Orasteele's songs.

Oh, and I also live in Canada, eh?

Re: itsa Laviee ;000

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:09 pm
by LilLavLav
Purpleeee~<3 *u*

-can't wait-
I have to post some more! D8
-grumbles at post count-

Yeay Cananada~ :D
-waves around big Canadian flag-
My first Saammm....*u*
I wonder what it'll look like D8
They're all so purdy....

Re: itsa Laviee ;000

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:09 pm
by Jennalyn
Hallo thar! It's always excellent to see new Sam-owners-to-be on the forum. I don't have a PI account, so I rely on you guys poking your heads in here to get to know you. <3

I'm Jenn, Sam collector extraordinaire and Sushi's helper with the database. It's lovely to see you around. :3

Re: itsa Laviee ;000

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:20 pm
by RikkuGirl
EEeeeeeeeeeeee Im so excited :D I have more than 10 posts! :D I can enter the draw! *wiggles*

I want to RP SO BAD! :D these guys are so cute I can come up with SO Much that they can get into ^_^

I would DIE to get giambe as my first ^_^;; *one of my personas that is also my WOW characters name*

Oooo or arthas.. O.o The lich king... XD

Arthas of the Frozen Ring

:D Is that a good name? Or Giambe of the Unsung Forest

*wiggles* I LOVE the way the names are ^_^ And thanks again for the welcomes all! :D *glomplicks you all*

*wiggles more* ^^

Re: itsa Laviee ;000

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:23 pm
by LilLavLav
Yeeay~ \o/

I don't have a PI account either...
Well I was playing with the free trial... and well you know, trials end.
Ponies D:
Thanks Jennalyn. (:

-wiggles with-
I still need a few more posts D8
I'm a big RP fan :P
They sound good o3o;;
I'm so bad with names D:
It takes me ageessss to think up of something :/

Re: itsa Laviee ;000

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:32 pm
by Harroway
@Rikku - No cosplays are allowed. Sorry. :( And they don't use a "name" in the sense that we know it. "Arthas" or "Christopher" or "Syriune" (my WoW character's name) would not be allowed. Samanayrs are named using words. Light of the Dark Forest, Spectre of Pale Fog or Sun of the Falling World would all be acceptable names. I hope this makes sense? :)

They're all named Something of the Something Something, usually. Some use different prepositions, but they all follow the same basic rule.

Re: itsa Laviee ;000

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:27 pm
by Sushidragon
Welcome to the Samanayr forums! I live in BC too - used to be on the coast, but now I'm more in the interior ;_;

Re: itsa Laviee ;000

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:10 pm
by LilLavLav
I live in the oh so very South-Western part of Canada. You can barely go any further South-West |:<
I love the beach~ o3o;;

Re: itsa Laviee ;000

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:34 am
by RikkuGirl
@Har - ^_^ Thank you for that tidbit of the rules *stores it* Now Ill have to change my thoughts.

Even though its based on my character it looks nothing like her. O.< Is that still bad? Cause like, shes never the same, I change her for each adopty that I get. I would REALLY like to have her name -_- but I guess Ill have to come up with something else.

Hi sushi! :D *hugs* I live in florida *dies of heat* Tis very hot here and the humidity... forget about it. lol But. there is the beach... OOoooo the beach. :D