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Now you can center, align right, justify, etc!

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:03 pm
by Sushidragon
Okay, this might be exciting only to me, but I added a custom BB code which means that you can center text now XD The tag is just {center}, with [ ] brackets instead of { }.
Whooo, check out my centered text!
While we're on the subject, are there any custom BB codes that you'd like to have added (eg something you can do in HTML but not in BB code)? I can't think of anything, but there might be a tag that you're dying to have that hasn't been added. There's a list of the kinds of things that can be added here:

Edit - more added! As always, replace the { } brackets with [ ] brackets.

{right] - aligns text right

{justify} - justifies text

{s} - strikethrough text

{tab} - inserts a tab, just post the open and close tags right together.

Re: Now you can center text!

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:29 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Spoiler? That would be much fun :D

Re: Now you can center text!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:24 am
by Origami_Dragon
Ooh, yay, centeredness! I've wanted to use that a time or two and never did get why we didn't have it as a standard option... Now I can center images!

Hmm...spoiler is a fun option as long as it doesn't get overused. Hmm...have to think if there's any other options I've seen that aren't here.
But thanks for the centering ability!

Re: Now you can center text!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:46 am
by Orasteele
I'd like to be able to Align Right as well if possible. ^__^;

Re: Now you can center text!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:59 am
by silvermoondragon
Is there any way to add tabs?

Re: Now you can center text!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:55 am
by RikkuGirl
I request my text be upside down please :3 kthanksbye


Re: Now you can center text!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:29 pm
by Sushidragon
Added some more tags :D As always, replace the { } brackets with [ ] brackets.

{right] - aligns text right

{justify} - justifies text

{s} - strikethrough text

{tab} - inserts a tab, just post the open and close tags right together.

Sorry, I couldn't figure out upside-down text XD And I decided to keep the spoiler one out because apparently it can make the board vulnerable to hijacking (not that anyone here would, but you never know if I'll accidentally let a spambot through).

Re: Now you can center, align right, justify, etc!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:28 am
by silvermoondragon
      yay tabs!
These will be so handy in RP's and well, just everything!

Ok, I figured out that tabs also need a {/tab} and there's nothing in between them!

Re: Now you can center, align right, justify, etc!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:59 am
by RikkuGirl
*snaps fingers* DARN! -_- Guess ill just have to take my upside down text somewheres else. *stomps away...*

*Quickly runs back* :3 I forgives you sushi *hugs* XD J.k. lol Woooo So, theres a sekrits huh? *curses TDB*

(TDB=Those Darn Botts) XD